
One Piece: Struggle of the Weak

(Disclaimer: I don't own any aspect of One Piece) (The credit for the title cover goes to HxHEnthusiast, thank you!) Rowan, a man at the age of 25, abruptly died and reincarnated into the world of One Piece. Problem is... ...the fact that that's it. No cheat. No system. No special power whatsoever. Even worse, the only thing he knows about One Piece is the appearance of the protagonist. 'But hey, at least I'm in this peaceful village. If I stay low-key, I'll be fine.' Rowan thought to himself as he enjoyed the nice weather of Cocoyasi village. 'And there's literally a marine base in our village. What can go wrong?' Answer: everything. How will Rowan struggle for his survival? Read to find out more! ________________ I've begun to post this story under the username 'BravoBuds' in fanfiction.net. It's gonna take some time to finish the upload, ugh.

BravoBuds · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs

Chapter 16

Don Krieg was dumbfounded.

Throughout his whole pirate career, even the strongest marine he ever faced lost against the sheer quantity of his weapons.

However, Rowan's ability to deflect attacks was unheard of. He was the direct counter for Don Krieg, as Krieg previously saw how Rowan dealt with his guns and missiles.

Still, Rowan did not dare to rush to Krieg's proximity; he does not know what else Krieg is hiding, and carelessness will lead to his instant death.

Slowly, Krieg lifted up one of the golden shields he was holding onto and pointed it towards Rowan.

"Ahh! It's the deadly gas poison!!" The Krieg pirates recognized what Krieg was about to do, even in the middle of the battle. Hurriedly retreating, they placed masks on their faces, including Gin and Pearl.

Although bleeding, Krieg grinned as he placed a mask on his face as well. "Let's see if you can handle this one too, boy."

"Deadly poison gas bomb... MH5!!" One bomb flew out of Krieg's shield, towards Rowan.

'Poison... no!' Looking around, Krieg pirates had masks on. If this gas spreads throughout the whole ship, only the rebellion would suffer the damage, and they will be at a severe disadvantage.

Rowan inhaled a deep breath.

*Huuuuu* A huge amount of air was being sucked in by him. Rowan was using his bounce force internally, on every inner surface of his mouth, all the way to the lungs. This allowed him to compress the air to the utmost degree; he was currently holding much more air within him than usual!

*Psssh* The bomb exploded in mid-air, right above Rowan, and the gas started to seep out from the capsule. The Krieg pirates laughed as they saw the rebel pirate panicking. However in the next moment, something unbelievable happened!

'Aeroblast!' Rowan thought of a pokemon move as he expelled the air within him at once, towards the gas above him. With a terrifying sound, the huge vortex of air gushed out of him, and completely extinguished poison gas into oblivion!

"H-how?!!!" Seeing this, Krieg couldn't help but scream in horror. His crew members were terrified, for no one has been able to dispel Don Krieg's MH5 in such a manner.

"Captain!!" Rambo and the others stared in awe as they witnessed Rowan's incredible strength.

"Is that it?" Rowan gave Don Krieg a taunting smirk. "Seems like 17 million Beli isn't as much as I expected." Don Krieg simply growled at hearing that, but a cold sweat was going down his face.

Not giving Don Krieg any more time to think, Rowan flew towards Don Krieg from his spot. Already used to Rowan's antics, Don Krieg held out his battle spear, before thrusting towards Rowan's fist.

However, Rowan's fist changed its course at the last second, by using a bounce force on his own arm. It went from a straight punch to a hook!

*BOOM* Rowan's fist struck the side of the extended battle spear, before shattering it apart!

Don Krieg grimaced at this, before quickly pulling out a pistol from his pocket out of desperation.

As Don Krieg shot the bullets to Rowan in point-blank range, the bullets bounced off from his skin without inflicting any injury.

Rowan immediately rushed towards Don Krieg, whose size was towering over him.

Rowan cocked his fist back, ready to slam it into Don Krieg. Hurriedly, Krieg threw a smoke bomb beneath his feet and caused Rowan's visual prowess to be obstructed for a moment.

Watching as smoke blurred the vision in front of him, Rowan jumped out in time to see Krieg's swords flying to where he was standing, before embedding onto the ground. Right after, Rowan bounced on mid-air to rush back towards Krieg. As the smoke cleared, Rowan saw a hole on the spot instead of Krieg. Krieg was underneath the ship.

'He's trying to lure me down there! In an area with limited space, he believes that I won't be able to dodge his attacks.' Rowan quickly accessed the situation. 'Other weapons, I can handle it. However, that battle spear is a problem; bouncing away such a heavy object is not possible with my control at the current moment. It is not blunt like how it used to be when I faced Mad Treasure, so I cannot meet the strike face to face. Should I go in, or...'

"Alright. If you are going to hide in the hole like a rat, stay there like a cowering baby you are." In sudden realization, Rowan smirked, before rushing towards the fight between Gin and Pearl against four captains, who were barely holding off.

At a blinding speed, Rowan landed in front of Gin and Pearl. When the latter two realized Rowan's presence, it was too late. Rowan placed each of his hands on their backs.

"Shock blast!!" With a booming sound, Gin and Pearl vomited a gallon of blood before falling unconscious. They suffered tremendous internal damage, as the direct contact with Rowan's hand caused the bounce force to blast through their body.


Meanwhile, Don Krieg was wondering why Rowan wasn't showing up. His plan was just as Rowan predicted, to lure him into a secluded area where Rowan is unable to dodge. However, Don Krieg had no choice but to abandon his plan, as even after he waited some more, Rowan did not appear. He started to get nervous, as the clashing noise above ceased.

Don Krieg threw another smoke bomb above the hole, and while the white smoke covered the area, he jumped up back to the deck. When the smoke cleared, he was shocked!

Don Krieg saw all of his men, even the executives, lying down, dead or unconscious!

"Oh here it comes, the self-proclaimed pirate king!" Rowan snickered as he watched Don Krieg with his jaw agape. "Let me give you a better title for you: bark king! All bark, and no bite!"

The rebellious pirates surrounded Don Krieg, who became frightened. Quickly, he knelt down, with his hands raised up. "I-I surrender. Please, spare my life..."

"Deja vu..." Rambo muttered.

"DON KRIEG HAS BEEN DEFEATED!!! IF YOU WANT TO LIVE, DROP YOUR WEAPON AND SURRENDER!!" Rowan shouted to all the ships where fights were still going on. At Rowan's words, the other pirates turned around, and saw Don Krieg, kneeling towards Rowan.

Don Krieg defeated!!

The rebellion cheered as the remaining Krieg fleet lowered their weapons in disbelief.