
One Piece: Struggle of the Weak

(Disclaimer: I don't own any aspect of One Piece) (The credit for the title cover goes to HxHEnthusiast, thank you!) Rowan, a man at the age of 25, abruptly died and reincarnated into the world of One Piece. Problem is... ...the fact that that's it. No cheat. No system. No special power whatsoever. Even worse, the only thing he knows about One Piece is the appearance of the protagonist. 'But hey, at least I'm in this peaceful village. If I stay low-key, I'll be fine.' Rowan thought to himself as he enjoyed the nice weather of Cocoyasi village. 'And there's literally a marine base in our village. What can go wrong?' Answer: everything. How will Rowan struggle for his survival? Read to find out more! ________________ I've begun to post this story under the username 'BravoBuds' in fanfiction.net. It's gonna take some time to finish the upload, ugh.

BravoBuds · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs

Chapter 15

During the night, the pirates began to pack up the supplies, in order to prepare their departure on the day after. Under Krieg's command, the lawless and regal pirates moved in an orderly manner, which fastened the process by several folds.

"Captain," Rowan said in a commanding tone, making the captain of Kneel pirates, Rambo (which Rowan finally learnt, because he had to keep up an act), flinch.

"Yes Rowan, go ahead!" Hiding his nervousness, Rambo said in a confident tone.

"Why did you begin piracy in the first place?" Rowan asked in seriousness.

"Well, it was more like we were forced to become one." Rambo chuckled. "We used to live in a junkyard called Gray Terminal. Poor and hopeless. Ridiculed by the riches and nobles."

"Gold Roger gave us hope. A dream that we can follow. We built our own boat, by gathering junks from here and there, with a belief that even we can achieve something in the end." He looked up at the stars as if reminiscing those times. "Although we ended up like this after 19 years of piracy, haha. Wonder what happened."

Rowan was silent for some moments. Then he asked.

"What if you can be much more than just this?"

"Ha, how is that possible, even? We have given up such dreams long time ago."

"Surely, this is not the pirate life you have been expected, is it? Raiding and stealing from other townspeople, the very same kind that you used to be."

Rambo's eyes flickered after hearing this.

Observing Rambo's face intently, Rowan continued. "I too lost my parents by the pirates. Only after coming out to the sea did I learn who the pirates really are. Ones that steal and kill? They are just filthy criminals. The real pirates harbour something much more worthwhile. Something worthy of betting their lives on."

Rambo became nervous at Rowan's blatant words. He dropped his head and quickly looked around, only to find no one but his own crew mates, who seemed to be getting emotional. "What are you trying to say?"

"I am sure, that most of us here, in Krieg's fleet, are the same. Who, other than the heartless men like Don Krieg and his henchmen, would willingly plan this kind of evil scheme?" Rowan muttered.

'It's now or never. Either I do it, or I don't.' Rowan took a resolute gaze as he stared at Rambo and his crewmates firmly.

"I have never told you, but I am currently a wanted man with 10 million Beli on my head, Youchiha Bob." Hearing this, the Kneel pirates dropped their jaws.

"What if I tell you that I can defeat Krieg? If we can coax other pirates onto our side, to make sure that no one interrupts a duel between Krieg and I. I win, then the plan stopped. The fleet may dissemble... or not, for the better, if we play wisely." As Rowan finished his words, he saw Rambo in front of him, trembling.

"To think... that after 19 years, that I would finally come across to a person like you..." Rambo clenched his fist. "We, the Kneel pirates, will serve you as our captain from now on!"

The other crew members, who has been Rambo for the past 19 years, all nodded with tears. The hope re-sparked within them, as they looked at Rowan, who seemed more determined than ever.

"Alright. Gather, everyone. We have to plan everything smoothly..."


One night has passed by, and the day to set sail has arrived.

At Krieg's signal, all ships began to sail at once, creating a majestic view. The hoards of ships, with Krieg's at the front-most, surfed through the sea with ease.

Don Krieg was standing on the deck with his arms crossed. He had an evil smile on his face, dreaming of the fame and power that will be on his hand, throughout his journey.

Suddenly, a quick footstep was heard. Turning around, Don Krieg saw Gin walking towards him.

"Captain, one of our fleet member discovered this slip from cabin. He said to relay it to you as quickly as possible." Gin handed a slip of paper to Krieg.

"Hm?" Krieg took the slip and opened it.

[Commodore Berry, as soon as you receive this message, call all marine forces to join at 58th marine branch! We are in urgent danger, Don Krieg tricked us all! He will invade the base while our key forces are out!]

As soon as Krieg finished reading, he ripped the paper in fury.

"A spy?!! How did a marine invade our rank?!!" Krieg seethed in anger.

Krieg knew that the marines only received the news about his recruitment only today; he had a spy planted in each branch that he suspected to partake in the battle. However, the recruitment ended yesterday. This meant one thing: the marines somehow figured out beforehand, and sent spy in advance, to prevent his scheme!

"Halt all the ships!!" Krieg ordered with a booming voice. Although the pirates were confused, they listened to his order.

"So it has started, it seems..." Rambo, in his own crew's ship at the most back, whispered. He knocked at the door of the cabin.

In response, the door creaked open, before Rowan stepped out.

"Are all preparations done?" Rowan asked.

"Yes, captain! I've managed to turn 15 pirate crews on our side. We will hold others off while you fight Krieg." Rambo answered. "It's all up to you now."

"Alright, let the show begin."

The ships in the front halted, due to Krieg's command. However, the ships belonging to latter half continued to advance forward, and directly crashed into the ships of the front half!

"What's going on?!" One of the pirate member screamed in confusion as their allies suddenly attacked them.

"I didn't join Krieg fleet to raid a village! Where is an honour in that!" One rebel shouted as he jumped onto the neighbouring ship, while carrying his sword.

"Are you guys going insane?!" Meeting the sword of a rebel with his own, a pirate loyal to Krieg screamed.

Watching the sudden betrayal, Krieg became outraged.

"HOW CAN THIS BE!!! Does the name Don Krieg hold no fear?!" Gin seethed in anger as he watched the fights break.

In midst of chaos, 4 ships directly advanced to Krieg's majestic Dreadnaught Sabre. Among them, a small ship, belonging to Rambo and his Kneel pirates, was in the front-most position.

*BOOM* 4 ships all collided to Dreadnaught Sabre at once, and the pirates poured out from each ship, beginning the clash with Krieg pirates.

Krieg watched as the scene in front of him unfold. Shaking in rage he never felt before, Krieg shouted, "WIPE THEM OUT!!! LEAVE NO ONE ALIVE!!!"

Obeying his order, Gin and Pearl, who were standing right next to Krieg, rushed to the crowds. However, he was forced to lift up his mace to block a blade.

"You shall pass no longer!!" Rambo, although his legs were shaking, lifted his blade against Gin.

"Move, trash!!" Gin growled before rushed towards Rambo. "Don Krieg's dream is not something you guys can trample upon!"

Gin's speed was frightening, that Rambo, at his current strength, did not have a time to react. However, before the mace smashed him, another sword blocked his strike.

"Rowly the death sonata, joining the battle!" Another person, with an appearance of blond hair and suit, intercepted. "Music slash!"

An arc of sword slash was sent flying towards Gin, which was easily blocked by Pearl, who stepped up to the front. Right after, he was forced to block two gunshots towards him.

""Let us help you also!"" Two more people jumped and landed next to Rambo, with guns on their hands. The captains of 4 ships all gathered in one place, to face off against Gin!

Meanwhile, Rowan kicked off from the deck and landed in front of Don Krieg.

"Heh, Don Krieg. How does it feel like, to see your plan crumble into nothing in an instant?" Rowan smirked maliciously, while cracking his knuckles.

"You... who are you?!" Krieg clenched his teeth, while his hands gripped so hard that a piece of metal pole that he was holding onto, gained a dent. "No matter. I will ensure that you have the most painful death."

Seeing that Rowan had no armour or weapon on him, Krieg snorted. Suddenly, the shoulder-plates of his armour combined together, and Krieg pulled a handle within, causing a blade to spike out from it. A huge, strange looking spear was formed!

"Spread my name far and wide, Krieg. Youchiha Bob shall be the reaper of your life!" Rowan cringed, but nonetheless shouted out.

"That 10 million Beli brat... you think you can defeat me, the great pirate admiral with bounty of 17 million?!" Don Krieg charged at Rowan... at slowest speed Rowan has ever seen.

Pulling his arms back, Don Krieg slammed his battle spear towards Rowan. Rowan quickly dodged it by jumping up from the deck. Subsequently, Rowan propelled himself towards Don Krieg by bouncing off of the air!

In response, Don Krieg's spear separated and he held them out as shields. Those shields then shifted and revealed handful of gun barrels that appeared in an instant. While Rowan was still speeding towards Don Krieg, a barrage of guns and missiles were fired.

However, to Don Krieg's horror, the weapons, which shot towards Rowan at an incredible speed, did not explode, however, were 'bounced' off of Rowan the moment they touched his body, and flew in every direction.


Various parts of Dreadnaught Sabre got damaged due to the explosions.

'After facing Mad Treasure, I have been thinking of ways to bypass the armours and other heavy defences, ones like you have!' Rowan thought as he cocked his hand back.

"3 hit nail punch!!" At high speed, Rowan's fist crashed onto Krieg's armour-clad body.


3 loud and sharp noises were heard, and at next moment, everyone witnessed a bleeding Krieg flying!

*BOOM* A dust rose as Krieg crashed into the cabin. As the dust cleared, Krieg was seen to be walking out with the middle of his armour broken, and oozing out a blood.

"Youchiha... Bob!!" Krieg roared.

"It has just started, Krieg! Entertain me!!" Rowan shouted back, with his legs crouched for another propulsion.