
One Piece: Struggle Against Destiny

Johnathan's journey begins when he is caught in an unnatural storm and wakes up on a remote island. After several days, he finds himself unwittingly drawn into an unprecedented conflict between forces far beyond his control. After several hurdles, he sees a slim chance of survival, but his dreams are shattered when he fails at the final, seemingly insurmountable obstacle. But now a twist of fate has given him a rare opportunity: a second chance to confront the powers that be, the very powers that chewed him up and spit him out. As he deals with the aftermath of this unforeseen chance, Johnathan finds himself thrust back into the fray, following the very forces that once took everything from him. With the world rapidly changing around him, he must navigate treacherous waters, facing not only external challenges but also the inner demon that threatens to consume him. Will Johnathan rise to the occasion and seize the chance to rewrite his own fate and forge a new path for himself? Or will he once again be trapped by the relentless pull of his original destiny, condemned to fade into obscurity as the world moves on without him? In this tumultuous journey of redemption and resilience, only time will tell whether Johnathan emerges victorious or succumbs to the inexorable march of time.

geckomoria · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 13: Dusk Falls

Chapter 13: Dusk Falls


Roaming the shadowy streets, Bell-Meré's eyes suddenly fell upon a familiar figure, the very person they had been relentlessly pursuing. However, there was something different about him. His once vibrant appearance now showed signs of weariness; his hair was greying, and wrinkles creased his eyes. Even his physique seemed different from the last time she had seen him in the mayor's office.


Was this supposed mastermind responsible for all of this madness?


She might have thought he was on the verge of death if his eyes hadn't been so full of life. Their intensity was so powerful that it momentarily scared her.


This noticeable change caused her to hold back and observe a bit more before confronting him.


Then In a daring display of bravery, John darted into a burning building, emerging moments later with a terrified child cradled in his arms.


Confusion clouded Bell-Meré's mind as she watched the unlikely duo flee from the encroaching flames, only to immediately have to flee from a group of bloodthirsty slavers.


She couldn't understand why John would risk his life for a child in the midst of such turmoil. When he himself seemed ready to die at any moment, especially after coming out of the building, he looked even worse.


Bell-Meré's curiosity and caution drove her to follow them, her steps silent on the cobblestone streets as she closely watched John's actions. From the shadows, her keen eyes missed nothing.


However, her pursuit was abruptly interrupted as she found herself once again having lost sight of John.


The only sounds in the night were the ominous footsteps and curses of the slavers in hot pursuit, their voices echoing through the darkened streets as they closed in on their prey.


Undeterred, Bell-Meré resolved to push forward; she was certain John couldn't have ventured too far. Quietly slipping past the group of pirates, she followed the path she believed John would have taken.


Her perseverance was rewarded as she heard a nearby trash can topple over, creating a deafening noise cutting through the night sky.


She went over to investigate and immediately spotted John still holding what appeared to be the girl.


With determination, Bell-Meré blocked John's path, her sword drawn and her voice echoing in the darkness. 


"Release the girl," she demanded, her eyes flashing with intensity as she was intent on confronting John once and for all, despite her confusion about his motives, her voice carrying a steely determination.



Taken completely by surprise by their sudden arrival, John scrambled for an answer. 

But before he could collect his thoughts, the slavers quickly closed in from behind, also drawn by the sound. Their weapons glinted ominously in the moonlight.

With a weary sigh, Bell-Meré lowered her blade, her tired body preparing for another battle on this cursed night.


Thanks to the element of surprise and the thugs' lacklustre combat abilities, she swiftly incapacitated one of them, leaving only two adversaries to contend with.

The night reverberated with the clash of steel as Bell-Meré engaged in combat.

She darted towards the second imposing figure, wary of the third pirate, who sought an opening to intervene, thus placing Bell-Meré at a disadvantage.


Just as her opponent prepared to strike, a sudden blow from a sack of garbage diverted his attention.


Thanks to the opening, Bell-Meré acted lightning-fastly, incapacitating the second goon.


Taking out the second goon didn't give her the expected sense of relief; instead, she looked over at John, puzzled by his sudden act of assistance, which gave the last goon a golden opportunity.


"Watch out!" John yelled, trying to warn her about the last thug, causing even more confusion as she looked over in shock, wondering why he was helping her, giving the man an even better opportunity to strike.


The fat man laughed as he lunged forward and took full advantage of the moment, stabbing Bell-Mere in the shoulder and pinning her to the ground.


Standing over her, the man took sadistic pleasure in what was about to happen, ignoring all other distractions around him.


"I normally take my time with women, and you're quite pretty. Such a shame," he lamented. "Too bad, I don't have more time. You see, if I don't reach the quota, the boss will kill me, and your too dangerous to take back alone." His monologue did not stop him from lifting up his cutlass, readying it to deliver the final blow. 


"So please don't blame me," he added sarcastically with a smile on his face.


Seeing the cutlas coming down, Bell-Mere saw her life flash before her; time seemed to slow down, each passing moment etching itself into her memory with excruciating detail. She could feel the rush of air as the cutlass sliced through the space between them, its glinting edge promising a swift end.


But then, like a bolt from the blue, John arrived beside her, and his sudden appearance shocked her.


With a roar, John, having picked up Bell-Mere's blade, lunged towards the last tug, his movements fueled by a raw instinct.


Their bodies collided with a bone-crunching crash that sent the pirate staggering backward, falling to the ground under the sheer force of John's blow. As they struggled, their battle became a chaotic symphony of grunts and curses that echoed through the night like a discordant melody of violence.


In the midst of the fray, Bell-Mere could see John's face contorted, seemingly taking strange pleasure in this brutal conflict, every muscle straining against the weight of his opponent. Despite his valiant efforts, however, he proved no match for the overwhelming force of the attack. With a sickening realisation, John found himself impaled on the enemy's blade, the pain coursing through his body like a searing flame but his enemy wasent beter of as he was also run true by John a life for a life!



The world seemed to stand still as time hung in the air, the gravity of the situation sinking in with crushing finality. 


In that fleeting moment, Bell-Mere was paralyzed by a mixture of shock and disbelief, her senses overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of the scene unfolding before her.


When John stopped struggling, Bell-Mere's heart clenched with a sense of helplessness. The sight of his bloodied form brought a strange sense of loss to her. 


Of all the possibilities that could have occurred during their first encounter, this was one she had never considered.


The thug, driven by rage, cursed vehemently as he struggled slowly and weakly, trying to push John off of him. Despite his best efforts, he found himself unable to move John, who seemed firmly planted in his position on the blade. The sheer weight of John seemed to defy the thug's attempts to dislodge him, adding to the sense of frustration and panic in the chaotic scene.


His weak flailing was in vain; he remained firmly trapped, unable to dislodge John or retrieve his cutlass.


Bell Mere, having just witnessed the gruesome scene, attempted to muster her strength and rise to her feet. Despite the grim circumstances, a glimmer of hope flickered within her. Perhaps there was still time to save John.


Even when the slaver stopped his pointless struggles, he began weakly reaching out to Bell-Mere, begging, "Please help. I don't want to die…" His words slowly faded, leaving a haunting terror etched forever on his face.


She sat there, stunned, still unable to believe the turn of events, until John's slight movement jolted her out of her stupor.

She then noticed a strange pull coming from him, as if trying to take something from her but failing; an oppressive feeling emanated from within her chest, stopping moments later. Despite her desire to flee, she found herself unable to even move.

After failing, the pulling stopped. Then, without warning, it materialised again, this time stronger and more relentles, visibly pulling in even air, its intensity increasing together with John Movement pulling, and she noticed something coming out of the incapacitated thugs moments later.


One weak scream was followed by another, and then silence enveloped the scene. Bell Mere closed her eyes, bracing herself for what she believed would be her inevitable fate. Seconds stretched into eternity, but still, nothing happened.


Opening her eyes again, Bell Mere witnessed the impossible sight of John's lifeless body freeing itself from the clutches of the cutlass and collapsing to the ground. Then, in a bewildering twist, he gasped for air and rose to his feet, as if oblivious to the fact that he had been mortally wounded moments before. His hair took on a grayer hue, and an unsettling emptiness pervaded his expression, sending shivers down her spine. The dead fish eyes that met hers seemed to pierce her very soul.


As Bell Mere stumbled back in horror, she witnessed John's eyes suddenly flicker with a bright golden light.

Momentarily disoriented and unsure of his surroundings, he scanned the area, his gaze falling on the collapsed figure of Bell Mere. Pausing briefly, he wrestled with an inner dilemma before deciding to remain silent and quickly flee the scene.


Bruised and battered, Bell Mere struggled with a deep sense of disillusionment as she pondered the harrowing events that had unfolded. The sheer terror of witnessing such unexplained phenomena left an indelible mark on her psyche, casting a shadow of fear that seemed destined to linger forever.


Her confidence in her own abilities plummeted to an all-time low as she began to doubt the reliability of her own sanity. In the aftermath of the chaos, John's unexpected act of kindness, first in assisting her and then in saving her life,.


With her one good arm, she wrapped herself in a tight embrace, tears streaming down her face. Today had turned into an absolute nightmare.


Just laying there, she did not know how much time had passed; it was probably not long since she still felt like hell had spit her out.


The long-forgotten den den mushi suddenly sprang to life, its shrill ring echoing through the tense atmosphere, demanding attention with its urgent call.


"Status report now!" it demanded, its tone brimming with undeniable authority.


Considering her options, she told the man everything, divulging even the direction in which John had headed.


With a hint of hesitation, she addressed the man, "Sir, I believe there's been a mistake in our intelligence. John, the target, is not as insignificant as we thought. He appears to be incredibly dangerous but seems completely unaware of it."


Her warning went unheeded, as Akainu had already hung up upon hearing the approximate location of the target.


Glancing at the slumbering snail, she hoped that everything would go well now that the reinforcements had arrived unexpectedly. 


But before she could think about it, the sound of several footsteps approached her, causing her to reach for her weapon, ready to use it if necessary. 


Her tension eased when she heard someone ask, "Hey, are you OK?" Relief washed over her as she saw a woman and a group of children come over, washing away the tension just before she lost consciousness.


As he fled, John's mind raced, trying to make sense of what had just happened. The image of Bell's face, contorted in a mixture of fear and disgust, lingered in his mind, leaving an indelible mark. He briefly considered delving deeper into the reasons for her reaction, but ultimately decided against it; there were more pressing matters that demanded his attention.


"Almost there," John whispered.


The Landfall

Amidst the raging storm, the Marines finally made landfall after an arduous journey, their resolve unwavering despite the weather.

The first wave of Marines surged forward, quickly demolishing any fortifications that dared impede their progress.

Though the pirates fought back fiercely, they were clearly outmatched by the disciplined force of the Marines.

It was no surprise; only the weakest and least skilled pirates were left behind, while their more formidable counterparts, including the captains, had ventured deeper into the city in search of greater spoils.

The remaining weaklings proved no match for the Marines' superior weaponry, training, and coordinated assault. With swift efficiency, the pirates were driven back, forced to retreat deeper into the city's labyrinthine streets to regroup with their scattered crews.

As the last of the stragglers fled the harbour, the Marines wasted no time in restoring order, quickly clearing away the debris of the skirmish and establishing their outpost in the bay adjacent to their battleships.

The Marines worked tirelessly, scouring the area for survivors and bringing them back to the outpost for medical care and shelter.

With each citizen rescued, the outpost buzzed with new life, a bastion of hope rising from the ashes of chaos.

The outpost will stand as a steadfast beacon of hope, a symbol of resilience amid the chaos, and its presence will be a testament to the Marines' unwavering dedication.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of fortifications being erected, Vice Admiral Jonathan took it upon himself to address the troops' questions about their landing site, spinning a tale of strategic manoeuvres and multi-pronged ambushes designed to outmanoeuvre the pirates.

Listening to his protégé's speech, Akainu couldn't help but feel disgusted. Doubts about the true nature of the operation still lingered in his mind, casting a shadow over his thoughts. 

His mind churned with suspicion and frustration, consumed by nagging doubts swirling like a whirlwind.

The forced delay on his departure only served to deepen his sense of indignation, each passing moment fueling his growing conviction that this mission was nothing more than a game of politics for the higher-ups, one that would bring ruin to the kingdom while innocent citizens suffered in its wake.

Akainu's disgust swelled with every thought.

He decided to uncover the truth, no matter the cost. If even a fraction of his suspicions were true, then this operation was nothing but a sham, a betrayal of everything he had ever fought for.

For years, he had been a steadfast soldier, obediently following orders without question. But now, faced with the spectre of deception, he found himself at a crossroads, torn between loyalty and the pursuit of his justice.

Time passed, and the Marines's preparations were almost entirely done.

Soon, they would all march on the capital. Well, almost everyone. 

Looking up at the sky, he observed that the storm was now even more ferocious than before. As the rain poured down and the wind howled, Akainu couldn't shake off the feeling of dread.

It was as if the world was warning him about some impending disaster. Despite the storm's intensity, there was an eerie calmness within him.

Shortly after the preparations were completed, most marines followed the vice admiral, heading west in order to eliminate all remaining pirates, forming a large group that marched to the capital city.

A small party, including Akainu, moved northeast towards the billowing plume of black smoke in the distance. Akainu paused for a moment to draw from his cigar, exhaling a cloud of smoke before tossing the spent stub away.

When heading inland, he decided to contact the scouts.

Silently activating his communication device, he attempted to reach several of the scouts, pinning his hopes on their timely discovery of the elusive target.

To his dismay, every attempt to contact the scouts was met with silence, the static of the communication device offering no comfort.

After what seemed like an eternity of unanswered calls, a voice finally crackled to life at the other end of the line.

"Status report now!" He demanded.

A weak but clear voice answered the call, with a hint of hesitation present, as if struggling with the weight of recent events.

She finally broke the silence.

"Belle Mere, reporting in," she announced before giving her complete report.

Chapter 13 lets go

If you do read this, thank you, but really leave a comment about your impressions so far.

I fixed almost all the jumps from past to present and made everything linear, except for one point where it went back once to go forward again.

geckomoriacreators' thoughts