
One Piece: Struggle Against Destiny

Johnathan's journey begins when he is caught in an unnatural storm and wakes up on a remote island. After several days, he finds himself unwittingly drawn into an unprecedented conflict between forces far beyond his control. After several hurdles, he sees a slim chance of survival, but his dreams are shattered when he fails at the final, seemingly insurmountable obstacle. But now a twist of fate has given him a rare opportunity: a second chance to confront the powers that be, the very powers that chewed him up and spit him out. As he deals with the aftermath of this unforeseen chance, Johnathan finds himself thrust back into the fray, following the very forces that once took everything from him. With the world rapidly changing around him, he must navigate treacherous waters, facing not only external challenges but also the inner demon that threatens to consume him. Will Johnathan rise to the occasion and seize the chance to rewrite his own fate and forge a new path for himself? Or will he once again be trapped by the relentless pull of his original destiny, condemned to fade into obscurity as the world moves on without him? In this tumultuous journey of redemption and resilience, only time will tell whether Johnathan emerges victorious or succumbs to the inexorable march of time.

geckomoria · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 12: Unexpected Encounters

Chapter 12: Unexpected Encounters

The streets were in chaos as John hurried through the crumbling remains of the once-thriving marketplace. Smoke billowed ominously overhead, obscuring the sky with its thick, acrid haze. Amid the cacophony of explosions in the distance and the wail of sirens, a faint sound caught John's attention - a cry for help, desperate and haunting in its intensity. With a sense of urgency driving him forward, John plunged deeper into the heart of the turmoil, his resolve tested by doubt and uncertainty. Little did he know that this journey would lead him to unexpected encounters that would challenge his faith and reshape his destiny.

As John ran towards the sound, his heart pounded in his chest. "What if it's nothing?" Doubt clawed at him. Ignoring it, he plunged forward, navigating the chaos of the marketplace. Dodging debris, he scanned the area, his senses alert for any sign of the person calling for help.

Doubts gnawed at the edges of his mind, slowing him down.

But eventually he couldn't ignore the persistent tug on his conscience.

Even when he was moving forward, doubts would still appear in his thoughts.


"Should I really get involved? It's probably just my mind playing tricks on me," the sceptical voice in his head argued, trying to quell his growing determination.

But John brushed the doubt aside, refusing to let it hinder his progress. He pressed on.


But he couldn't help but feel that he was meant to intervene and that what he was doing was going to make a big difference.


With each step, the questions swirled in his mind, driving him forward regardless of his uncertainty.


Then, amid the chaos of the street, he could finally make out the distinct sound—a child's cry. It sent a shiver down his spine. "A little girl crying? That can't be right. There shouldn't be a child here, not at this hour, not in this place." The realisation unsettled him and challenged the very fabric of his understanding.


Despite the implausibility, the cries persisted, growing louder and more desperate with each passing moment. "How is this possible? Am I losing my mind?" Doubt crept in, casting a shadow over his resolve.


Still, the sound tugged at his heartstrings, forcing him to act. No matter how unlikely it seems, someone needs help.


He couldn't turn away, not without making sure, for if he was wrong, he would never forgive himself. With renewed determination, John pressed forward, his mind racing with questions and uncertainty but driven by an inexplicable sense of purpose, almost as if he were possessed.


As he approached a burning storefront, John's heart sank at the sight of the scene before him.

The once bustling shop looked fine from the outside, but when he looked through the 'glass window' he saw only ash and smoke; the flames had consumed everything in their path.

Ash and debris filled the air, swirling chaotically. Blackened beams littered the floor, their charred ends glowing orange in the darkness.

The heat from the shop radiated with oppressive intensity, pressing in on him from all sides as he surveyed the devastation, almost as if daring him to come closer.


With determination etched into his face, John didn't hesitate. He crashed through the door, the wood splintering under the force of his strength.

Ignoring the blistering heat and choking smoke, he plunged into the heart of the inferno, driven by a fierce resolve to tackle the problem head on.


Thick smoke filled the air and immediately assaulted John's senses. Every breath felt like swallowing fire, the acrid fumes burning his lungs and clouding his vision.

Deprived of oxygen, he staggered, overcome by dizziness and nausea. With every breath he struggled to take, the suffocating fumes pressed down on him, forcing him to the ground in a desperate struggle for air.

He had greatly overestimated his abilities.


In his haze, a small, golden speck drifted down from the rafters, landing gently on him amidst the chaos. With each laboured breath, an unexpected surge of energy coursed through his body, revitalising him. Pushing himself upright, he staggered forward, fueled by his newfound strength despite the suffocating environment surrounding him.


As he moved through the shop, the dying embers behind him came to life once more, fuelled by the influx of oxygen. An eerie glow followed in his wake, casting ominous shadows amidst the charred remains of the shop.

Unaware of the consequences, John pressed on, his willpower driving him forward.

He navigated the charred rubble, desperately searching for the source of the crying child amidst the haunting glow of the rekindled flames.


He followed the elusive sound until he reached a large counter, where a tragic scene awaited him. The shopkeeper lay lifeless, a victim of the unfolding disaster.

Unexpectedly, there was a serene smile on her face, just like all the times he visited before, as if she had been expecting his arrival.

On closer inspection, John noticed the signs of an intense struggle. The clerk had fought bravely, refusing to abandon her post. She had sacrificed herself to protect the hidden compartment from discovery, paying the ultimate price for her courage.


Lamenting the cruelty of the world once again, he ventured behind the counter and discovered a small trap door beneath the woman's feet.


He would never have noticed it were it not for the sad cries emanating from within.


He knocked on the floor to announce his presence within the crumbling structure.


The crying stopped abruptly, probably because the girl remembered that she was supposed to remain silent until she was given the signal that it was safe.


Hearing the ominous groans from the weakened beams above him, their strained protests added to the tension of the moment.


With the situation growing more dire by the second and the threat of collapse looming overhead, John resorted to a classic tactic born of necessity.


He didn't want to use it, but time was of the essence, and he had little choice.


"Hello, sweetheart," John called, his voice strained with forced gentleness. "If you open the hatch and come out, I have some sweets for you." Despite his attempt at reassurance, the words left a sour taste in his mouth, making him feel uncomfortably manipulative and making him want to take a shower.

But the urgency of the situation outweighed his discomfort.



Feeling the heat approaching from behind, John glanced back, finally realising that his actions had rekindled the fire on the ground floor. With a growing sense of urgency, he couldn't help but ask again, his tone even more urgent now, spurred on by the imminent danger closing in around them.

"Little one, you must hurry," John urged urgently, his voice tinged with desperation. "I fear the store is going to collapse, and time is running out."

Still receiving no response, his desperation grew, and his hand was poised to knock once more. However, he was suddenly stopped in his tracks by a small voice asking, "Are you Mr. Jonathan?"


Taken aback by the question, John wondered how this girl could possibly know him.


Between sobs and sniffling, she pleaded, "'Snick,' can you take me home? 'Snick,' I miss my mommy," her voice cracking with emotion before succumbing to another round of tears.


John's mind raced as he suddenly realised who she was—Rei's kid. But why was she here? There was no time to think about it The fire was spreading rapidly, and their priority was getting out safely.


"Yes, it's me, Pumpkin," John replied quietly, using the nickname Rei often called her daughter. "Can you open the latch so we can go? But before I take you out, can you promise to keep your eyes closed? Can you?" His voice, though soft and reassuring, couldn't quite hide the underlying dread he felt at the ominous creaking that surrounded them.


"Okay, but promise to take me to my mommy." The girl's voice sounded a little happier already.


"Sure, Pinky, I promise," John replied warmly, hiding his nerves. "Now please open the hatch so we can go."


With a small click, the lock sprang open, revealing the little girl with her eyes closed tightly, unaware of the chaos around her.


Without wasting another moment, John scooped her into his arms and dashed through an already scorched side door, narrowly escaping as part of the roof collapsed behind them with a deafening crash.


With his one free hand, he hastily wiped away the layer of ash and sweat that had accumulated on his forehead during their harrowing escape. The little girl trembled in John's arms, her quiet tears mingling with the dirt on her cheeks.


"You did very well, sweetheart. Now let's get you home," he said softly, trying to calm her as he offered her a slightly charred piece of candy as a small comfort.


But, as fate would have it, trouble always seemed to come in pairs. The collapse of the building had not gone unnoticed, and the commotion had attracted the attention of some local gang members, who now approached with menacing intent.


"Guys, I found two more!" A hulking man yelled, his voice echoing through the alley. "Let's kill the guy and catch the kid since kids always sell for more, so we'll be closer to the boss's quota." He rubbed his meaty fingers together with a sinister grin as two additional thugs came around the corner.


"Yeah, the boss will be pleased; maybe we'll even get a bonus," one of the thugs chimed in, a malicious glint in his eyes as he cracked his knuckles menacingly. "Let's get them!" Their voices dripped with cruelty as they closed in, their intentions clear.


"No way, not slavers. How much worse can my luck get?" John thought, and a wave of frustration ran through him as he started sprinting again. "I can't lead them to Rei, so let's try to lose them and head for a crowded place. More survivors should scare off these parasites."


John was disgusted by these people who prayed for the weak while cowering before the strong. To him, slave traders and slave owners were a special kind of despicable; their actions were an affront to everything a modern person should believe in.


The idea of owning another human being was something he could never comprehend, and he never wanted to. "Let's try to lose them in the back alleys," he decided grimly, his jaw set with determination as he plotted their escape route.


John ran for several minutes, putting distance between himself and the thugs. But as he neared his destination, the realisation dawned that he had a difficult decision to make.


Setting the little girl down gently, John asked, "Do you know the way home from here?"


She nodded listlessly. "But you promised to take me to my mommy!" Her eyes welled with tears, and she seemed to be on the verge of crying again, her trust shaken by the sudden change in plans.


"I know, but if we go there now, all the bad people will follow us and put your mommy in danger. You don't want that to happen, do you?" John gently coaxed the child, his voice soft and reassuring.


She shook her head firmly before looking down. "But I'm scared," she whispered, her voice barely audible.


"I'm scared too, but we can't let fear stop us from being brave when we need to be," John reassured her gently.


"The best thing for you to do now is to go home. Tell your mom to gather all the other children and head northeast, the long way to the docks. The Marines will be there soon. Can you do that?" His voice was barely above a whisper as he gave her instructions.



In the distance, John heard the man shout, "I think they went this way," the sound coming closer with each passing second.


"Go now, there's no time," John urged the child, giving her a gentle nudge in the direction he had indicated. Then, with quick thinking, he picked up a random piece of trash and wrapped it in his coat, creating a makeshift decoy to divert the attention of their pursuers.


He took a couple of deep breaths before kicking a couple of garbage cans, making as much noise as possible to get the thugs' attention.


Upon hearing the thugs shout, "Over there!" and catching a glimpse of them rounding the corner, John knew he had successfully attracted their attention, his plan unfolding with precision as he hoped.


John sprinted away to avoid capture, the shouts of the thugs echoing behind him, their footsteps quickly closing in. With each passing moment, the weight of the situation pressed down on him, urging him to run faster and try to escape at all costs.

Just when he thought he had outrun his pursuers, he stumbled upon a shocking discovery. Ahead, blocking his path, stood a figure partially shrouded in darkness, her silhouette ominous against the backdrop of the burning city.


John froze, his heart pounding in his chest, as he realised that his escape route had been cut off by an unexpected person, and worse, for the first time since he came to this world, it was someone he recognised.


Revised chapter 12

probably gone by 13 tomorrow, but I may have to slow down in the near future as work picks up with the good weather.

Leave a comment and some thoughts on what you think of the story so far and what you are looking for in a fanfiction, grity, dark realism or like the original, a crazy and sometimes very strange adventure.

Or both, who am I to judge?

geckomoriacreators' thoughts