
One Piece: Strongest Ice Dragon Slayer

King_Sarthak · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 21 The late Loya and the embarrassed mole

Right in front of the naval headquarters, a large port.

Seven large warships are neatly displayed here. This year's recruit battalion has a total of seven teams, one for each team, just to load all the recruits and their entourage.

Teams of recruits stood on the deck in military postures, facing the scorching sun. Their clothes were soaked with sweat and then dried by the sea breeze, leaving an ugly circle of salt stains.

" Loya is so slow! "

" Yeah, look, the instructor's face is dark! "

" Shh, keep your voice down, Admiral Zephyr is watching us over there! "

" Yes yes, we have to maintain our image! "

Not to mention the impatience of the recruits, the rest of the admirals are impatient. Although you Loya is indeed talented, what is the trouble with releasing so many pigeons? Is this the rhythm of preparing to clean the toilet for a year?

On the warship of the seventh team, the major-general instructor came to Zephyr, gave a salute and asked in a low voice, " Teacher Zephyr, why don't you go ahead with the other warships, we can just wait here. "

The actual combat assessment of recruits in the Navy Headquarters is a compulsory assessment for all members. After all, the Navy is not a nursing home. How will soldiers who do not see blood fight against pirates in the future. So this time, a full seven warships were used, one of which was accompanied by at least one major general of the headquarters, and even the former general Zephyr.

The current situation is that several lieutenant generals and major generals, a former general Zephyr, hundreds of recruits and naval officers are staying at the port, waiting for a recruit ~

It's no wonder that the major general's instructor would say this, that is, he was a little embarrassed to let Zephyr continue to wait, after all, he was his own soldier.

Hearing his words, Zefa lit a cigar and frowned with a headache: " Let the other warships set off first, but it's not very good to wait here. We will set off in ten minutes, if he dares not to come. , come back and see how I deal with him! "

After finishing speaking, Zephyr sighed in his heart, complaining why he didn't take action last night, so that he is now basking in the sun on the deck, and it's not easy to get angry.

After all, he watched the whole time when Loya was frozen.

Since Zephyr, who is the chief instructor, said so, the major general instructor naturally wouldn't say much, just turned around and left with a salute. After notifying the other warships through the phone, in the midst of the honking of the harbour, he turned around and shouted at the recruits who were discussing behind him: " Everyone please be quiet! You are the navy, you are soldiers! Strictly observe discipline and show the appearance of soldiers. Got it! "

I can't take care of Loya and I can't take care of you guys!

The recruits on the deck kept their voices neatly and shouted loudly after standing at attention: " Understood! "

" Didn't eat? Loud! "

" Understood!!! "

Watching the major general and the instructor rectify his discipline on the side, Mole held the hilt at his waist and came to Zephyr's side: " Mr. Zephyr, what the hell did Loya do last night? Is he afraid? "

Mole's injuries haven't healed and he's not ready for a high-intensity fight, so as soon as Sengoku brought it up, he agreed to take part in the mission, move his muscles, and ... deal with a little trouble.

Hearing Mole's words, Zephyr sighed and said to the disciple beside him who he valued a lot: " A person who can kill the Scissor Pirates with a blank face, do you think he will be afraid of the actual combat test? "

After a pause, Zefa held his forehead and said: " Last night, Loya and Kuzan had a test. He was frozen into a popsicle by Kuzan's ice age. I thought it would take a long time to break free. Tonight ~~~ Hey! "

" Uh ..." Mole didn't know how to continue. Since Zefa said the words " I thought " , he must have been there at the time.

So what is this? Shoot yourself in the foot?

The speechless Mole had to take out a box of cigars from his jacket, took out one, and asked, " Teacher, do you want one? I bought it by the way last time I was on a mission. It's a special product of the Golden City. "

Zephyr: "..."

At this moment, a figure gradually approached from the air, and soon came to the top of the deck. Then came a 720 -degree turn in the sky to connect to the side windmill, and landed gracefully in a half-kneeling posture.

Loya stood up and patted his clothes, opened his mouth wide, revealing eight shiny doors Kiba : " Yo! Good morning everyone! I... "

Before he finished speaking, Luo Ya immediately collapsed on the deck with a buttocks on his face, with an expression on his face that I was already a salted fish, he opened his eyes hard, and stretched his hand tremblingly towards the mole: " Mole ... Lord Rat, tell me ... you brought seasickness pills. "

" Why don't I bring that with me!!! "

Molepoint Kiba growled.

" I ... I'm dying ... WOW! ~~"

" Hey, don't vomit on me! "


The people have arrived, and after the major general officer asked for instructions, he ordered the ship to sail.


The warship left the port and moved forward at full speed, on the one hand to catch up with the warship in front, and on the other hand because there was a half-dead guy on the ship who was spitting up, and it was full of sour water.

It was really a coincidence, because it was an actual combat assessment, the ship doctors accompanying this warship were all experts in trauma, and they were directly numb when it came to seasickness.

And, who knew there would be naval seasickness! Are you fed up with seasickness medicine?

In the end, Zephyr couldn't stand it anymore. The dignified recruits of the headquarters, the main combat power of the navy in the future, and even Loya, who was designated as a member of the elite battalion by him, was seasick!

He wouldn't have believed it if Sengoku hadn't reminded him.

The angry Zephyr pushed the ship doctor and the recruit who supported Loya away, and slammed it with a fist.


The world suddenly became clean, and the surrounding recruits swallowed and looked at the big bag on Loya's head and the relieved expression on his face.

Hey, you were knocked out, don't show such a happy expression!

Throwing Loya back to the cabin, the warship soon recovered calm. The recruits were either anxiously looking around, or nervously wiping their weapons, trying to appease their inner unease.

After all, they are still a group of recruits, unlike Loya who has seen blood. Even if they knew that their destination was a small island specially used by the navy for assessment, there were no vicious pirates on it, only groups of beasts, but the tension and anxiety still lingered in their hearts.

The elite assessment is very serious, but not very top secret, just like the college entrance examination before Loya's time-travel. Although the exam questions are kept secret from the recruits, the subjects are exposed.

In this regard, Zephyr was very helpless. The recruits in the past have more or less blood, but this year's recruits are good. Even if they know the exam subjects, they have performed so poorly, and there is basically no eye-catching.

The only Loya who is decent in all aspects is not a descendant of the orthodox navy, nor was he recruited by conscription, but was picked up from the island by the good luck of the mole.

So he could see that the problem of the naval power fault is still very serious.

Seeing Zephyr's headache, Mole naturally knew what his teacher was worried about, he dawdled forward and took out a cigar: " Don't worry teacher, there will always be a solution, besides this time there is another Loya? The elite ones are good too, things aren't so pessimistic. Come on, smoke a cigar, this time it's the top of the Chambord. "

Zephyr squinted at him: " what the hell did you guys think? "

" Uh ..." The so-called acquaintance Mo Ruofu ... wrong, the acquaintance Mo Ruoshi.

Mole's unusual behavior today has long caught Zephyr's attention. After all, Lieutenant General Mole is a well-known type of old-fashioned and steady type. Today, he does use cigars to bribe himself again and again. What do you think? Neither is normal.

After being silent for a long time, facing Zephyr's impatient expression, Mole scratched the back of his head embarrassedly: " That ... teacher, it's about Loya, he asked me to ask you to tell Marshal Sengoku , and arrange for him later. The task of stationing the headquarters, do not let him go to sea. "

After speaking, Mole hurriedly waved his hand: " Of course, the decision of this matter is in your hands, teacher. If it doesn't work, it's nothing, hahaha ~"

Zefa looked at him strangely, wondering in his heart: " This kid, why are you suddenly talking about this? "

Mole laughed awkwardly, and found that Zephyr didn't speak, he put down his hand sullenly, and nodded solemnly: " Okay Teacher Zephyr, I understand, I'll go and reject him. "

Mole was embarrassed to death, thinking bitterly in his heart: " Stinky boy! How dare you threaten me to do such a thing, go back to Laozi and you will never end. "

To talk about why Loya did this, it was because one day he heard Kuzan mention the arrangement for the members of this elite battalion. Because their strength is generally not as good as before, they will basically be sent to the four major sea areas to experience.

This is Marine Fodor! Great route!

Even if the Navy has a black-tech warship, it will take at least ten days to go to the four major sea areas!

Staying on the ship for more than ten days, and even going to sea to perform tasks frequently after arriving, isn't that killing it?

That's why Loya made Mole cheeky to ask Zefa.

As for the reason why the mole would agree, does it count as an injured mole spending all day in the office peeking at exciting magazines?