
One Piece: Strongest Ice Dragon Slayer

King_Sarthak · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 20: One month later, ready to go!

Days passed, and finally, tomorrow was the time for the actual combat assessment.

This month, Loya has lived a very fulfilling day.

In the morning, after washing up, having breakfast, and then carrying a bucket and mop to clean the toilet, while using the freezing ability to tease the tricky Recruit companions, such as freezing the urine column, and admiring the confused expressions on their faces covering their lower bodies.

At noon, after taking a bath, go to lunch, discuss with Ms. S what kind of food is plentiful and delicious, and decide what to eat for lunch tomorrow. Winning the duel, Ms. S gave him the privilege of deciding on the menu.

In the afternoon, after cleaning the toilet and taking a shower, have dinner, exchange combat skills and philosophy with the gay Instructor, and then be thrown out by the angry Instructor .

It has to be said that none of the Instructors who can work as Instructors in the Marine Headquarters Recruitment Camp is a fake handle, and they are extremely skilled in all kinds of skills.

At night, I was dragged by Kuzan to the small square, feeding each other, and studying the use of freezing ability. And to carry out research on how to increase the human body's ability to resist freezing ... The test product is Loya.

During this month, Loya's little days were very pleasant.


" Tomorrow is the day of the actual combat test, and then you must get the top three to enter the elite camp. "

Kuzan leaned against the wall, the blindfold on his forehead was pulled down to cover his eyes, and he said to Loya, who was studying the freezing ability.

Hearing the words, the latter put away the ice in his hand, paused, and suddenly swung his backhand, shooting a cone of Ice Block towards Kuzan. Kuzan tilted his head slightly, dodged the attack, and was about to say something when he suddenly used Shaved and left the place.

Just less than a second after he left, a violent explosion sounded, and the section of the wall was actually blown apart, leaving a notch with a diameter of one meter in place.

Kuzan appeared behind Loya and raised his hands: " Alas, do you want to be beaten again? Ice Ball ! "

Five icicles shot out from the palms of each hand, hitting Loya's back like lightning.

"Ice Make , Orochi ! "

Loya didn't dodge or evade, he hammered with both hands, and a blue energy suddenly appeared behind him, seeing that the position was just above the attack path issued by Kuzan.

Kuzan didn't understand what Roja was doing for a while, and he didn't even have a physical Ice Block . How could this thin layer of energy block his attack? So he sneered and further accelerated the speed of the icicle.

Anyway, Loya's Constitution is very clear, even if he is really pierced, as long as he doesn't hit the key point, he will be alive the next day, not to mention that the main effect of this move is freezing rather than penetration.

However, the situation soon changed.

Just when Kuzan's icicles came into contact with that layer of blue energy, he found that he had lost control of those icicles!

An inexplicable energy interfered with his ice and snatched these Ice Blocks away. The strange feeling spread backwards along the icicles, and he was about to touch his entity soon, an indescribable feeling. sense of crisis struck.

Seeing this, Kuzan made a decisive decision, disconnected the icicle, and chose to retreat.

Sure enough, the next moment, the icicles he launched just now were like paint, and the blue energy behind Loya was clearly outlined little by little. Biting up and down.

When he missed a hit, Orochi hovered as if he had life, protecting Loya in the middle, Sisi spit out a letter at him, and a pair of blue-white pupils reflected his figure.

Loya turned around slowly at this moment, and the blue ** pattern on his body was like a solid body at the moment, flashing and disappearing with his movements. Loya looked at Kuzan with a smile on his face: " How about Mr. Kuzan, this is an ability I developed specifically to deal with you! "

Loya reached out and stroked Orochi 's scales, explaining: " This is my ultimate trick, teacher! Orochi has no substance, just an energy. Any attack of a morphic Logia , as long as it does not exceed the withstand strength, will hit it. After that, it will be frozen and turned into nourishment for its appearance.

" And for your Ice Block , teacher , I can take control of them even more, and even go a step further and take control of your body. "

"You must know that something like the ice dragon is the master of the power of frost ~"

"A la la, you are really dangerous kid. "

Kuzan pushed up the blindfold, looked at the ice snake around Loya, and then looked at the wall that was blown out.

"Orochi , Frost Bomb, don't you like seeing me like that? You even developed a move to deal with me ..."

" Humans are creatures that require pressure to progress. I have no enemies in the Recruit camp. Of course, I have to set up an imaginary enemy for myself, and Mr. Kuzan, you are naturally the best choice. "

" Oh, it sounds very reasonable. " Kuzan yawned, and then looked at Loya without sadness or joy. Although his expression was still calm and he looked lazy, Loya, who was familiar with him, knew that , Kuzan was angry.

" Um ... have I gone too far? "

Loya thought, so in the next second, Kuzan rescued the answer: he did go too far.

Even a person of Kuzan's character would feel angry at the "considerate" targeting of his apprentice who he taught himself.

So his return gift is an overwhelming freezing attack, also known as: Ice Age!


" Sa, I'll go first. You've also completed that move, and passing the test will not be a problem. When you join the elite camp, Mr. Zephyr should have a reason to teach you Marine Rokushiki . Then, go to bed early, Loya-kun ~"

Putting the coat on his shoulders, Kuzan waved his hands with his back to Loya, and disappeared into the night, leaving only a solid blue ice sculpture in place and a small square that was frozen into a world of ice and snow.

After Kuzan left, a purple figure appeared in the small square.

Zephyr touched his chin and tapped the frozen Loya, Observation Haki sensed the internal situation, and then nodded reassuringly: " Well, still alive ... Should I say it's an ice dragon? Being treated like this every day is intact. "

Thinking of what happened to Loya in the past month, Zephyr couldn't help expressing his sympathy and admiration: " But Kuzan obviously kept his hand, the speed of ability activation is not generally slow, even this speed can't be avoided, look. It seems that strengthening your melee abilities must be on the agenda right away. "

After checking, Zephyr shaves thoughtfully and left, leaving Loya to bask in the moon on the square.


The next day, the sun was shining.

After being frozen all night, Loya, who was relieved only by the warm sun the next day, sneezed fiercely, holding her hands and shivering non-stop.

" I'm going, do you want to be so ruthless! Is this kind of big move in the Ice Age random? It will kill people, okay? "

He glanced at the sun and patted his head in annoyance: " I'm going to suffer, I said it's time to gather for the boat in the morning, what time is it! "

Then jumped into the air, stepped on the Ice Block and rushed to the port.

In the past month, Loya's gains are not only reflected in ability development, but his dragon slayer system has also been greatly improved.

Name: Christopher Loya (world autocorrect)

Energy stage: second and fifth layers

Energy Value: 420/900

Mana : 8000/8000

Mana Recovery Speed: 750/min

Compared with himself a month ago, his magic value has nearly doubled, which allows him to use the ice dragon slayer magic more fully, instead of having to be frugal and careful, most of the time. Attacks use shape magic.

In addition, Loya's Dragon Body increased again by two percentage points, reaching 20% . It was this seemingly insignificant 2% improvement that made Aldo no longer interested in competing with him.

Because this is a critical point, reaching 20% , Loya found that his strength was three times stronger! It took several days to get it under control.

Coupled with the sturdy features of the improved version of the Ice Armor, even if he doesn't know Haki , he can now smash through the steel abruptly.

But correspondingly, Loya also paid a little price. That is, no matter what he eats now, he can no longer increase the energy value, which is consistent with his guess.

And the power of the dragon, which worried Loya the most, luckily did not increase with the energy level. However, in order to develop new moves and frequently use the simplified version when fighting against Kuzan, the dragon's power has risen rapidly, and now it has reached 5% .

The power of Dragon Slayer Magic has indeed increased a lot, but this increase is not what Roja expected.

But there is nothing he can do. After all, there is no one in this world who can teach him the journey of a wizard, and he relies on his own experiments.