
One Piece: Strongest Ice Dragon Slayer

King_Sarthak · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 18: Practice and the injured mole.

" Don't lift your feet too high, fight back now! "

" It's best to squat down and run away at this time? Are you faster than me? "

" There are too many redundant actions! You must be quick to activate your moves! Be concise! "

In the small square, the two figures were fighting fiercely, and there was a dull sound of crashing and breaking in the air from time to time. Ice splashed all over the square and shot out like bullets. A thick layer of ice covered the slate and walls, decorating the place like a snow field.

Loya squatted down according to the reminder, and quickly closed his slightly opened hands to maintain balance, and the cold began to gather.

"Ice Make..."


Kuzan kicked out and opened Loya's hand, preventing him from using his abilities. Then, using the force of the waist and abdomen, taking the foot as the support as the center of the circle, after rotating a circle, he kicked Loya's forehead sideways and kicked him out.

" If the move is broken, you need to respond immediately. Are you waiting to die? "

Kuzan shouted at the dusty wall.

At this time, a huge energy shot straight into the sky, and looking through the smoke, two wings formed by ice crystals loomed.

" Ice Dragon's Wing Strike! "

Before the ice wing arrived, the icy cold wind was already blowing towards the face, and even the dust was frozen in place along the way, full of momentum but quiet like a secluded domain.

Facing this move, Kuzan nodded in approval: " Faced with an enemy whose speed is higher than himself, if you can't hit point-to-point, a wide-area attack is indeed a good choice ... but! "

He opened his right hand, aligning his palm with Bingyi, and grabbed his right wrist with his left hand.

" If it's not strong enough, it doesn't make any sense! "

"Pheasant Beak !! "


A big bird composed entirely of Ice Block was detached from its right hand, and its wings were spread out to a width of tens of meters. The ice bird let out a sharp cry and charged straight towards the ice wing.

Boom ~ !

After the collision, there was a huge explosion, which was heard by most of Marineford . The cold air was overflowing, and the temperature of the entire Marineford dropped a lot. Marine , who was close to the square, breathed out a visible white vapor.

Sengoku , who was sorting documents in the office, shook his hand, and a document slid down the table.

baa ~

The goat at the table thought it was given to him by the owner again, so he opened his mouth and bit it.

Sengoku 's face changed greatly, and he reached out to grab it: " Hey, return it to me! This is not a document that needs to be destroyed!! "

With a cigarette stick in her mouth, Ms. S looked towards the square through the window and complained, " These two guys ... are really unclean. "


On the square at this time, the raging cold wind slowly dissipated. Just now, there was only an Ice Block on the ground , and now there is no Ice Block . Because in the battle of the moves just now, the frozen slate finally couldn't bear the pressure, and when it was hit by the air current, it exploded directly.

Kuzan dodged away and was about to use Observation Haki to observe it. At this moment, a blue figure rushed towards lightning, and there were blue lines on Loya's shoulders and face, and he upgraded with him. appeared exactly the same.

The diamond pattern on the wrist flickered with a rhythmic rhythm, which made Loya's speed increase by another step.

" Huh? That's the unfinished move this kid said? The speed has changed so fast ... But it's meaningless if you can't shave it. "

Kuzan was a little surprised, but immediately recovered his emotions. He opened his big hand and casually took the kick wrapped in frost.

Loya was taken aback: This is unscientific! My speed is three times faster than before! Give some face, okay?

Before Roja could react, Kuzan's left hand turned into an Ice Block , and the front end expanded like a horn, biting fiercely on Roja's waist, and then quickly spread around him.

" I'm going to suffer! "

A second before Ice Block blocked his sight, Loya shrank his eyes and swallowed. The next moment, Kuzan's cold voice entered his ears.

" What's the name of this trick you developed? Oh I remember, Icefall Funeral, right? "



" Apply what you've learned. You said it yourself, but obviously you didn't get the meaning. "

Kuzan picked up his jacket and draped it over his shoulders, speaking to Loa who was breathing in the cold air on the ground.

" And this trick will be better if used by a frozen man like me. You just control it, and you can't catch up with me in terms of details. "

Loya just wants to give himself a big mouth now, what a handsome man if he has nothing to do!

As a Naruto fan, how could he not know about Gaara's sand waterfall funeral, so he imitated this trick and made an ice waterfall funeral. It was used for the first time a few days ago, and he successfully caught Kuzan under the cover of the terrain, making him disgraced.

Retribution now ~

Lying on the ground, Loya touched his ribs, and he broke three more. This is the result of Kuzan's mercy.

" There is someone on duty in the infirmary, we will continue tomorrow. "

Looking at the sky, Kuzan left the square with one hand in his trouser pocket.

After Kuzan left, Loya got up after a long delay, and went to the infirmary step by step with a grin.

" Why am I so stupid ..." Loya rolled the eyes of the dead fish to think about this question, knowing that his opponent was Kuzan, he didn't even consider the possibility of the move being learned by the opponent, and suffered a big loss.


There is an acquaintance in the infirmary, an old acquaintance.

" Mole Vice Admiral ! Are you hurt? "

Loya looked at the man sitting on the hospital bed in surprise. Mole sat half naked, the white bandages around his waist soaked with blood. He had a sullen expression, and when he heard the voice, he looked back and smiled reluctantly.

" Oh, it's Loya. Why did you come to the infirmary? "

Without waiting for Loya to reply, the old doctor answered: " You mean Loya brat, he has to come here every once in a while. You must know that he is fighting against Kuzan Admiral . It 's a strange thing not to get hurt. "

" Yes, that's it. " Loya spread his hands to the mole, then found a chair and sat down, facing the old man and lifted his clothes: " By the way, Dr. Oliver, I should have broken three ribs this time, you see . …"

The old man called Oliver glanced at Loya, stopped at the position of his chest, and then turned his head to continue drugging the mole: " Seeing that you are so energetic, you know that there is no big problem, and your body is recovering. The ability is very strong, I will take the special medicine later and use it internally and externally, and I will be fine in two or three days. "

Do you dare to be serious! We are Dragon Slayer and not Deadpool!

Loya groaned in his heart, but still waited honestly. While waiting, he looked at the mole: " By the way, the mole , Vice Admiral , what did you do? "

Loya knew that Mole was out on a mission a few days ago, but he didn't expect to be injured so badly. This is Vice Admiral , a powerful faction from the Marine headquarters , who can be counted as a master in the vast sea. Who can beat him like this? Looking at the wound, it looked like it was hit by a heavy object.

Does anyone in the sea use a hammer as a weapon? Loya thought so.

Facing Loya's question, Mole sighed: " Originally, I shouldn't have told you about this, but since you are a disciple of Teacher Zephyr and Kuzan Admiral , it's okay to tell you. "

After a pause, Mole held his breath as he waited for Dr. Oliver to cut off the bandages that were stained with blood on the rotten flesh, and then continued: " Marshal Sengoku asked me to investigate Doflamingo a few days ago , and the mission went well. We also found some clues about the flamingos. But we didn't expect ... On the way back, the killer of the dark world attacked us. We were badly damaged, and dozens of Marines died. In the end, the warship was able to escape after I stayed behind. out. "

" Dark World! Doflamingo ! "

Loya recited the two names silently.

Right, almost forgot. The One Piece/King of Pirates world is not only limited to Marine and Pirates, but also the World Government, Revolutionary Army and other forces. The Dark World is also a behemoth, and even one of the four emperors, Bigu Mum, has cooperated with it. .

" Then how did you escape? " Loya asked.

Hearing this, Mole's expression was very exciting. He was angry and sad, and his face changed. It took a long time before he said: " I said ... I was rescued by Doflamingo , do you believe it? "

Loya: "... I believe it! Because it's Doflamingo . "

For nothing else, just because the other party is the famous " Young Master " Dover, that unruly, cruel and unkind guy, it is not surprising that he would do such a cat-and-mouse thing.

Mole looked at Loya steadily, and suddenly showed his face Issho : " Yes, because the other party is Doflamingo . "

The things the Don Quixote family has done can hide most of the people in the world, but they can never hide the world government and Marine . It's just that what the world government needs is balance, or the deeper reason is because it has traded with the other party, so it has always turned a blind eye to Mingge's affairs.

But Marine is different. They have always wanted to seize each other's handle and abolish the Shichibukai system, which is why Mole's experience this time.

This time, Dover obviously wanted to teach Marine a lesson. He still needed the Shichibukai sign for his activities, so he wouldn't tear his face with Marine , so he let go of the mole.

There is only one reason for being so blatant and insane, because he is Shichibukai , a legitimate pirate. Whatever the reason, Marine would be breaking the contract by hitting him first, and he took care of it.