
One Piece: Strongest Ice Dragon Slayer

King_Sarthak · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 17: victory! New way to upgrade.

Kuzan naturally saw Loya's action, he recalled that Loya used that move last night, and couldn't help expressing sympathy for Aldo. Although he didn't know the difference between the ice modeling magic and the ice dragon slaying magic, he was sure.

As far as the freezing effect is concerned, Loya is no longer weaker than him.

" Where are you fighting! Boy! "

Aldo laughed at Loya, ready to kick Loya away with one kick. But he pulled hard, but found that Ice Block this time was completely different from just now. With this force, he almost stumbled.

" What! "

Aludo's eyes widened, looking at his frozen feet, Ice Block , who was able to break free just now, is now as hard as steel.

Loya coughed softly, spit out the congestion in his lungs, stepped on the ice blade made by Ice Block , and circled around Arudo with his hands behind his back, making fun of him.

" Yo, big man, come and beat me! I've been itchy lately, and I really need to be beaten! "

" Damn! "

Arrudo's calf turned black, that was because he used Armament Haki to harden his body.

Although his strength was increased after using Haki , Arudo still couldn't move except for the pain in his feet, so he gave up the idea and raised his fist and slammed it down hard.

" Even if it's steel, my fist will smash it! "

" Yeah, but I won't give you that chance! "

Loya smiled and smashed the palm of his hand. An icicle seemed to be alive, circling through his armpit, tying the upper body of Aldo. In order to prevent him from breaking free, Loya kicked it with a hook. Above, it was reinforced with dragon slayer magic.

After doing this, he slid in front of Aludo and spread his hands: " You are stronger than me, your moves are so flexible, you can also use Armament Haki , and you are definitely not your opponent with my rogue punches ... Rely on your brain, you are so stupid, I can't bear it if you don't play with you. "


In the end, Aludo reluctantly conceded defeat. Kuzan's face was as black as Carbon's, but he couldn't say much, so he proudly announced that Loya had won.

After the game, the duo and Aludo left the training ground. The former is to inform their companions that a powerful guy is going to join the elite camp, while the latter is simply beaten and unhappy.

Only that swordsman remained in the training ground, sitting down with his knees crossed and meditating.

Although he was very upset, Kuzan still performed his duties as agreed and explained to Loa.

" The ability of freezing seems to be powerful, but its attack on points is far inferior to other Logia abilities. For example , the lava of Akainu Admiral will be burned if you get too close, but ice is not good. If you want to frost the enemy, you can only touch it directly. It only has a large area coverage. So it is more of a support and field control effect. I also know your ability. The focus is on freezing, which is completely different from Logia 's large area attack, so your next training is to strengthen this. You can develop your own skills, you can't just imitate me and use your powers to make tricks. "

Kuzan said, turning his hand into an ice sculpture and moving his fingers: " And the most important point, your freezing ability is a form of addition, not a frozen human, you can't be immune to ordinary attacks. I suggest you strengthen the one you just used. The defensive power of the ice armor should be focused on the vital position, don't directly form the armor all over the body, it must be very stamina to do so? "

Loya nodded and muttered in his heart: " It does consume a lot of physical strength. The consumption of 500 mana in one minute is enough for me to punch three times. "

" Okay, mainly these two points, now let's discuss your understanding of the application of freezing ability in actual combat. "


It was getting dark, and the soldiers who had been busy all day gradually returned to the dormitory to rest, and the huge Marine headquarters slowly became quiet.

The process of developing fruit ability is not the kind of vigorous miracles, on the contrary, it requires more quiet thinking and exploration. Kuzan brought him here, not really because the space was big enough, but because it was quiet enough.

As for the little thought just now, Kuzan would never admit it.

After several hours of discussions and demonstrations, Loya was stunned, many doubts and ideas were resolved and corrected, and many misunderstandings entered when using the ice modeling magic were also pointed out one by one, and at the same time, ways of improvement were considered. Dragon slaying magic can only rely on the system, which is not Kuzan's ability.

Seeing Loya's contemplative look, Kuzan patted his pants and stood up, looking up at Gecko : " Ah la la, it's so late. Then, I'll go back first, and we'll meet here tomorrow if nothing else happens. "

Loya quickly stood up, bent over and bowed: " Yes, please walk slowly, Mr. Kuzan. "

" Don't call me teacher! "

Kuzan waved his hand impatiently, and slowly walked away with his hands in his pockets.

Watching Kuzan walk away, Loya turned and left.

" Well, Marine Admiral Kuzan , he's really fit to be Marshal Marine . "

At this time, Loya remembered the discussions of netizens about Kuzan when watching anime in the previous life. Because of the subsequent plot, everyone expressed 12 points of confusion towards Kuzan. But so what, Loya believes that Kuzan is definitely a good person.

Even if he was afraid of trouble, he did not perfunctory about what he promised, and taught himself seriously. Looking at people from habit, Loya doesn't believe that Kuzan is really turning black.

After cleaning up his personal hygiene, Loya lay on the bed, smelling the meat and soon fell asleep.

S was kind to him. Knowing that he was hungry soon, she prepared a pot of big meat bones and put it at his door, covered with a lid for insulation and a note.


The next day, Loya got up to freshen up and hurried to the training camp.

Just kidding, Zephyr Admiral personally ordered the punishment to clean the toilet for a month!

Carrying a mop and a bucket, Loya hummed a song while cleaning the toilet.

The Rear Admiral Instructor of the seventh team walked in, heard Loya's singing, and asked in a funny way: " Loya, what's so fun about cleaning the toilet? You wouldn't like this job, right? Ah? Hahaha! "

" Cut, the child is not a fish and knows the joy of a fish ~"

Loya snorted disdainfully and handed the mop to his feet: " Please let me, be careful of slipping! "

Although he didn't understand what Loya's words meant, the Instructor didn't care, remembering that he had been urinated on his pants yesterday and went back to change his clothes, so he hurriedly opened the door of the compartment and hid in.

There is of course a reason why Loya is so happy.

Because just yesterday, he discovered a good way to quickly increase his energy value. Silent Goldfinger opened the panel, and Luo Ya looked at it happily.

Name: Christopher Loya

Energy Stage: Second Order Zero Layer

Energy Value: 120/400

Mana : 3500/3500

Mana Recovery Speed: 300/min

In one day, his energy value increased by a full 100 points!

Marine canteen did not increase the energy value much. Even with Ms. S 's elaborate cooking and the showdown at night, the energy value only increased by 20 points.

Most of the 100 points of energy came from his duel with Aldo, and the rest came from his discussions with Kuzan.

Loya has a guess about this. When the energy stage reaches the second layer, the way to increase is no longer too dependent on energy intake, or that the dragon's body has reached a critical point, and more needs his understanding of himself, that is, Commonly known as practice can improve.

This kind of training can be a run, a duel, or a long talk. Anyway, as long as it is helpful for improving strength, depending on the situation, you will get a high amount of energy.

" When the body of the dragon reaches 20% , I am afraid that eating will not increase the energy value ~"

Loya sighed, although he found a new way to be promoted, he still misses the days when he could be promoted by eating, sleeping, and playing Doudou.
