
One Piece: Strongest Ice Dragon Slayer

King_Sarthak · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 13: Kuzan's test, the two talked at night.

" Oh! Win! "

" Yeah! Loya wins! "

Recruits smiled and hugged excitedly. Although Loya has only been here for a day, he has already won respect through his performance during the day. This honor belongs to the entire Recruit group at this moment.

" Unexpectedly, Zoan fruit can still be used like this. "

" Yeah, Loya is so smart that she uses this method to quickly consume food. "

On the way back to the dormitory, Recruit in groups of three or five joked with Loya while sparring.

He wasn't disgusted with this kind of closeness. It was a joke for a nerd clerk to say what he was doing.

" See you tomorrow, then, Loya. "

" Well, see you tomorrow. "

In the dormitory building, I sent Recruit back to the town. Loya signed a letter at the doorman and went upstairs.

Pushing the Gate of Opening , Loya looked at the dormitory room where he didn't know how long he could stay. This is a very simple Recruit dormitory, with only one bed and one chair in the room. The walls are covered with mottled traces of the passage of time, very simple, but very clean.

" Ah ~ Sure enough, it's Recruit treatment, well, but at least it's not bad that many people live in one room. "

Touching the switch on the wall, Loya turned on the light.


Suddenly, a whistling sounded in his ear, and a biting chill hit his neck. Luo Ya, who had no time to turn around, squatted down quickly, opened his left hand and quickly formed a long sword of ice, and stabbed it in reverse.

This counterattack was so fast, so fast, but just at the moment when Loya felt a little relieved, he was kicked in the stomach, the ice sword in his hand was released, and his body flew out, hitting the wall with a thud. .

Before he could confirm the extent of his injury, Loya, who was still attached to the wall, clenched his fist violently with his right hand and hit the palm of his left hand. Because the murderous intent was coming straight at him, he had goosebumps all over his body.

" The Coffin of Ice! "

Click! Click!

As if opening the gate, endless cold air gushes out from the palm of the hand, quickly forming a large square Ice Block , in the future people will freeze in it, and the icy killing intent will also disappear.

" Whoo ~"

Seeing this, Loya finally relaxed, staggered under his feet, and took in the cool air to cover his ribs.

" Damn! This TM is Marine headquarters? Killers are here to kill! "

He looked up at the Ice Block in front of him, his eyes suddenly widened, and there was nothing inside the Ice Block !

" Are you looking for me? "

The low baritone sounded, and Loya turned his head sharply, then froze for a moment.

"KuzanAdmiral... how come you are here? "

The person who came was wearing a white suit, with a green blindfold on his forehead, and an explosive hairstyle. He was one of the three current Marine Admirals , Kuzan !

Seeing Kuzan , Loya's nervousness finally let go. In any case, this Admiral who believes in lazy justice will not kill himself if there is no necessary reason.

And what have you done? Don't do anything!

Seeing Loya's relaxed look, Kuzan couldn't help but be a little curious: " Hey, boy, are you so relaxed? If I attack you immediately, I will die. "

Hearing this, Loya rolled his eyes, sat on the ground and lowered his head and pulled off his shirt to check the injury: " You are Marine Admiral , even if you don't attack me, I will die ... Anyway, it's all dead, why don't you relax. "

" You brat ..." Kuzan was choked for a while, and he didn't know what to say for a while, but this kind of lazy and effortless appearance was quite to his taste.

He took out a can of medicine from his pocket, and Kuzan threw it to Loya.

" Take it, I saved my strength just now. With your Constitution , I should have only suffered a slight injury. "


Loya took the jar and shook it with a smile: " Thank you! "

After Loya finished taking the medicine, Kuzan leaned on the back of the chair and looked at him condescendingly: " Hey, aren't you curious why I attacked you? "

" I was originally curious, but thinking that Admiral before Zephyr came to the Recruit camp this morning , I was not curious. " Loya took out the bandage and wrapped it around himself, sitting cross-legged on the ground.

" Oh? Tell me what you think. "

" First of all, the former Admiral of Zephyr was an Instructor of the elite battalion , and our Instructor should be notified about the actual combat training , but he came. You must know that many people in the Recruit battalion have never seen him before, isn't it abnormal? As for the reason, it must be because of my joining. "

After a pause, seeing Kuzan's expressionless face, Loya continued to explain: " Then, the ability used by my ice dragon form is also frozen, which is exactly the same as Kuzan Admiral 's frozen fruit. "

" So I understood when you appeared, Zephyr Admiral was optimistic about me and wanted to pull me into the elite camp ... and you, came to test me. After all, there is only one month left for the actual combat assessment. To start, you need to know what level of my actual combat strength is. "

" Hey ~ What a wonderful inference. " Kuzan clapped lazily: " But you missed one thing, I'm not just here to test you, you have to follow me to learn and develop fruit abilities, after all, it's about freezing I am most familiar with this aspect. "

Hearing this, Loya looked at Kuzan in shock.

" With your character, you would accept such a troublesome task! "

"... Boy, you know what you're saying is rude! "

Having said that, Kuzan has no interest in continuing to chat. Since Loya is very clear in his heart, then there will be some time to contact him in the future.

" Then, that's it. From tomorrow onwards, you will wait for me in the cafeteria after training in the evening. If I am not available, you will be notified in advance. "

" Yes, I'm going to trouble Mr. Kuzan! "

Kuzan, who pulled the Gate of Opening , turned his head: " Don't call me teacher, your teacher is only Zephyr , and I'm only responsible for helping you develop your fruit ability. "

" Okay Mr. Kuzan, Mr. Kuzan, walk slowly! "

Kuzan frowned with a cross on his forehead and flicked his fingers.

"Ice Time ! "

Then he closed the door and left, leaving Loya, who was frozen into an ice sculpture, stiff in place.


Going downstairs, a strong figure appeared in the corner.

Kuzan was stunned for a moment, and walked over with his hands in his pockets.

" Alas, Mr. Zephyr , I'll send you the report tomorrow, so why don't you go to bed now? "

Zephyr crossed his arms and glanced at the dormitory behind him: " If a guy threw Ice Block on your roof in the middle of the night, would you be able to sleep? "

" Well ~ it's not because you didn't stop him from having a boring duel with Ms. S , or he wouldn't have to use the fruit ability to speed up digestion. "

Kuzan was a little regretful after saying that, but Zephyr was looking at him with an unhappy expression.

The two were silent for a while, and Kuzan coughed and broke the silence: " Since you are here, let me tell you about the test results. "

" Teacher, your guess is correct. Although this kid has a good reaction speed and constitution , he is completely inexperienced in dealing with it and has no rules. He is more like a beast fighting by instinct. "

" Hmph, frivolous footsteps and dull eyes, you can see this at a glance. " Zephyr snorted, indicating that he knew this: " So, what is the fruit's ability? "

Hearing this, Kuzan became serious and nodded seriously: " It's very strong! That cold air can no longer be explained clearly, but there are other special powers in it. I suspect that it is the power of dragons. If I hadn't used a shave to dodge a frozen move, I'm afraid it would have taken a lot of effort to break free. However, his use is as rough as a fight, and even the speed of the release can't hide the fact. "

" Is that so ..." Zephyr lowered his head and meditated. After a while, he said to Kuzan, " For fruit, you should have more snacks. I will discuss with Sengoku about reducing your tasks when you go out. I have a feeling that this sea is very It's going to be a mess, and until then, the more high-end Marines the better. "

" Ah la la, that's great. Should I say thank you, Mr. Zephyr . "
