
One Piece: Strongest Ice Dragon Slayer

King_Sarthak · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 14: Punishment and Countermeasures

After a night of sleep, the injury from last night was almost healed.

Loya jumped up from the bed, pushed open the window, and stretched out in front of the red sun.

" Ah ... another good day. "

" Hey! Upstairs, do you know that there are people living downstairs, and the water has been leaking all night! "

At this moment, Roja heard the sound, followed the sound and looked down. Sure enough, he saw a guy in a Recruit T -shirt shouting to himself while brushing his teeth.

Loya turned his head, and there was only half of the Ice Block left in the ice coffin . Because of the injury, he slept too fast last night and didn't clean up the Ice Block . The ice coffin slowly melted, and the whole room was covered in water stains.

" It's hard work. The Ice Block created by this life-saving lore ability melted overnight. "

" Sorry, sorry, I'll clean up the water right now. " Loya said apologetically to the other party while thinking, then came to Ice Block and faced the window to estimate the distance.

" Yo Xi, this is the angle. Shoot hard! "


huh ~~~

The Ice Block , about one cubic meter, rushed out of the window, drew an arc in the air, and fell into the artificial lake facing the dormitory with a thud, smashing water splashes more than three meters high.

On the path beside the lake, Recruit , who was eating breakfast while walking, was splashed by the sudden splash of water, and the food in his hands also filled the lake.

" Asshole! "

" Who did it! "

" Come out, uncle promises not to kill you! "


" No, it caused trouble. "

Listening to the indignant denunciations from the masses by the lake, Loya shrank his head, quietly closed the window, and closed the curtains.


Greeting the familiar Recruit all the way, Loya came to the Recruit camp.

Standing in the queue, Rear AdmiralInstructor appeared with a black face.

" Last night, there was a hailstorm in Marineford , around the Recruit camp, smashing several houses! It injured more than ten patrolling soldiers! It even knocked out Marshal Sengoku 's goat! You say, who did it! "

The Recruits of the seventh team were stunned for a moment, and then shouted neatly with schadenfreude: " Report the Instructor ! Loya did it! "

" Very good, Loya! "

" Yes! "

" Dequeue! "

Standing outside the queue, Loya was also confused.

" I'm going, I still understand why I smashed Marshal Sengoku 's goat into a stun? "

He had forgotten that last night, in order to pretend, his second ice dragon's roar was launched diagonally, and that direction was exactly the position of the main body of Marineford Fortress.

Rear AdmiralInstructor walked up to Loya with a dark face and said, " Did you do it! "

" Er ... Instructor , do you believe me when I said this was a misunderstanding? " Loya clenched her face and explained embarrassingly.


The result of Loya's punishment came down very quickly. After consideration by Recruit Battalion Chief Instructor Zephyr, after he had just arrived in Marineford , Marshal Sengoku would not pursue it, so he was given a lighter punishment.

You will be punished for cleaning the toilet for one month, and the safety regulations will be copied 1,000 times within today.

Anyway , the intensity of Recruit 's training has not had much effect on Loya. Find him something to do and don't let him be idle and cause trouble. Otherwise, according to this trend, there will be headaches in the future. The Rear Admiral Instructor also understood this, and didn't want him to participate in the training, so he just kicked him away to clean the toilet.

Wearing an apron and holding a mop, Loya leaned against the toilet and sighed helplessly.

"I said it was a misunderstanding ~"

The Rear Admiral officer who came to the toilet saw this scene and shouted with a dark face: " Don't try to be lazy! Go and clean the toilet! "

Recruit next to him snickered and murmured. Before entering the toilet, he covered his feet with mud on purpose. After entering, he squeezed his throat pretentiously.

" Oops, sorry Loya, I forgot you just cleaned this place. "

" Yeah, I'm sorry, I'll be done right away ~"

Looking at these apparently intentional guys, Loya didn't speak, just quietly tapped the floor with his toes to dissipate the cold air, and the wet ground immediately condensed, forming a thin layer of ice.

next second ~

" Ouch! "

" Hey, don't pee on me! "

" Ah, sorry Instructor ! I didn't mean to! "

Hearing the lively noise in the toilet, Loya proudly lifted the mop and went to the toilet on the next floor.

" Can I use this to develop a trick that makes people slip? I remember that Gray had such a trick in 300 trolls. Is it called the ice carpet or the frozen earth? "


Copying the safety regulations a thousand times was the easiest for Roja. He first found dozens of pens, and fixed rows of notebooks side by side. Then use the ice modeling magic to create a device similar to a sieve machine, and place each pen on it according to the interval of the book. And he grabbed the pen at the front and put it on the shelf, so writing one word was equivalent to writing dozens of words.

Swish, scrupulously wrote, and the safety regulations of a few hundred words were completed in two hours.

Loya ran to bring the book full of safety regulations to the Instructor . Rear Admiral Instructor turned over the book and said in disbelief: " What! You finished it so quickly? "

Think back to when you were fined for copying the safety regulations, and fighting until dawn ... You are here to slap your face!

" Humph, of course, who called me a genius! "

Instructor was skeptical, he didn't know what method Loya used to finish the transcription so quickly.

" Well, according to the agreement, you can rest after cleaning the toilet today. "

" Yes, thanks Instructor . "

After Loya left, the Instructor took the safety regulations written by Loya to Zephyr .

Zephyr held the book that Loya copied, and was also extremely surprised: " So fast? How long did it take him? "

Instructor said helplessly: " 1 hour 47 minutes to be exact . I'm sure he cheated, but I can't find a clue. "

Zephyr nodded, flipping through the book. Suddenly, he picked up a copy he had read before, flipped it over, and then slammed his fist on the table, his face darkened: " Loya! This sneaky bastard! "

Instructor didn't know what happened, and quickly asked: " Um... ZephyrAdmiral , what happened? "

Taking a deep breath and calming down, Zephyr pointed to the two notebooks and said, " Look carefully, here and here, there is a typo in these two positions. After editing, even the line curvature is the same! "

Rear AdmiralInstructor is not a fool either. After Zephyr 's reminder, he immediately understood and said through gritted teeth: " This bastard dares to cheat! I'll go find him! "

He also knows Loya's ability to freeze, as long as it is used well, it is not a problem to copy dozens of books at the same time.

" No need. " Zephyr stopped him and put the notebooks next to him: " You didn't find the problem immediately, presumably now that he has destroyed all the evidence, I'm afraid there won't be any water stains in that room. Down. You go to him and there is no reason to punish him without evidence. "

Speaking of this, Zephyr pulled out a smile: " This bastard is really, really interesting. "


Loya, who was in a happy mood, chewed on his cock and waved goodbye to his Recruit partner.

As soon as he walked out the door, he saw the figure of Kuzan Admiral .

He nibbled the meat clean one by one, threw the bones in the trash can, and trotted over quickly.

" Mr. Kuzan, here I am. "

Leaning against the wall, Kuzan, who was sleeping with a blindfold covering his eyes, heard the sound, pushed up the blindfold, and glanced at Loya sleepily.

" Oh, you're here. Let's go then ~"

" Okay Mr. Kuzan, where are we going, Mr. Kuzan? "

" Don't call me teacher! Ice Time ! "
