
One Piece: Strongest Ice Dragon Slayer

King_Sarthak · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 12: Zoan 's fruitful victory

The night was getting darker and darker, and the stars gradually filled the sky. The sea breeze was very cold, and the patrol Marine shrank his neck and tightened his shirt, and then continued to carry his gun and patrol seriously.

The soldiers on duty at the lighthouse were smoking cigarettes and looked in the direction of the Recruit battalion.

" Huh? Is the cafeteria still serving meals so late? "


" Damn stinky bastard! "

S propped her knees, gasping for breath, and in front of her, a pot of boiled and bubbling broth was fragrant. After a short rest, she picked up the vegetables on the cutting board and cut them again, because Loya on the opposite table had already eaten the last plate.

Loya supported his bulging belly with one hand, and grabbed the edge of the plate with the other hand, and swallowed the food into his stomach with a few clicks.

" Aha! You ..."

After taking the last bite, she found that Ms. S 's dish was still in the pot, and Loya, who was about to deliver his victory speech, suddenly closed his mouth. Because a pot of fried shrimp fried rice with sauce was placed in front of him, the golden rice grains shone with an attractive luster.

" Little devil, want to beat me? It's still early! "

S snorted disdainfully and continued to add vegetables to the pot.

" Wait, kid, you're going to lose after this pot of soup is boiled. "

Yes, I'm going to lose ~

Loya stared at the shrimp in the bowl seriously. Although the system can quickly convert the food he eats into energy, the speed is limited. Unless you can upgrade now, the food in your stomach needs at least three hours to digest.

" Do you really want to admit defeat? "

Loya shook his head, driving the thought out of his mind. As a dragon slayer wizard, how can you admit defeat in terms of appetite! And he has a system to assist digestion, losing to a weak old woman in the Constitution is too embarrassing!

While nibbling on the shrimp, Loya digested the food with all his strength.

Suddenly, he had an idea.

" By the way, I'm the Dragon Slayer! Why do you have to fight recklessly? "

Loya took a bite of rice with a spoon and stuffed it into his mouth, stood up and walked out, saying vaguely: " Let me go, borrow it, I'll go out for a while. "

" You kid, do you want to spit out the food? " Ms. S sneered when she saw his action.

" To spit, to spit. But not to spit food. If you don't believe me, come with me. "

" Che, I'm not stupid. It won't take long for the dishes to be ready, and then you will lose! Hey, you guys, go out and have a look, don't let that kid play tricks. "

S said that she was smart enough not to waste time, while letting the rest of the chefs stare at Loya.

" Isn't it? Loya is going to lose? "

" I don't know, let's go and have a look. "

Recruits rushed out of the cafeteria and went outside with the chefs. I saw Loya bulging his mouth, observing something everywhere in the open space.

" Is he looking for a place to spit out the food? If you waste food like that, Ms. S will definitely go crazy! "

Recruits were all guessing like this. But Loya didn't care, he looked around and chose an open space to stand. There are no buildings around here, and the closest thing is the grass three meters away.

After choosing the position, he raised his head and put his fists to his mouth.

"The ice dragon's ... roar! "


A huge ice tornado rose into the sky and flew straight into the sky while everyone was stunned. Strong cold air was blowing on him, as if he was in the East Island.

Loya did vomit, but not food, but magic.

In the world of Fairy Tail, the use of magic requires not only magic power, but also physical strength. The roar of the ice dragon consumes terrifying physical strength. And one of the biggest features of dragon slayers is their resilience, which can be quickly replenished when they are exhausted. Just like the original comic book, no matter how badly he was beaten by the enemy, Natsu could always recover quickly and fight back.

If we don't fight with you, we will grind you to death!

The way Loya is thinking now is this, by using the roar of the ice dragon to look at the consumption of physical strength, and with the disappearance of physical strength, the food in the stomach will be immediately decomposed with the help of the system and replenished into the body.


There was a crisp cracking sound from the sky, and everyone looked up, only to see the ice tornado burst open, and countless ice crystals shone bright against the moonlight.

" This is ... fireworks? "

Everyone blinked in confusion, staring blankly at the scene in the sky.

After Loya spit out the first ice dragon's roar, he gasped for breath and touched his stomach. Sure enough, the food in his stomach began to digest quickly, and he felt warm all over his body.

He turned around and saw a group of people froze in place, with nothing blocking their heads, and shouted in surprise: " Hey, don't look! Ice Block will fall down later! Aren't you going to hide? "

" Ah ... eh!!!! "

The rest of the people were stunned for a moment, and then looked at the sky. The tiny ice crystals in their sight were getting bigger and bigger, and they were already the size of their heads!

" Run! Here comes the hail! "

wow ~

The crowd crowded and ran back to the cafeteria. Sure enough, hail began to fall from the sky. The smallest Ice Block was about the size of a fist, and the largest was about the size of a table. It fell on the ground and shattered into two halves, and a concave appeared directly on the ground. pit.

Loya said that the ice formed by dragon slayer magic is not much weaker than the ice saber that Kuzan condensed against the enemy.

" Where's Loya? Why didn't that guy come in! "

In the noisy crowd, Ms. S looked around, did not find Loya, and asked with a pot and spoon.

" There, he's still out there! "

The sharp-eyed Recruit pointed out the window, Loya not only did not enter the room, but did not even mean to dodge.

" Damn it! Hurry up and save people! "

Although the two are in a duel, it does not mean that they can watch each other die. Ms. S roared and was about to rush out, and several sturdy cooks immediately stopped her.

" Look, Loya is going to vomit again! "

S heard the words and looked, indeed, the blue magic circle appeared on Loya's mouth again.

Boom ~

Another ice tornado flew out and went straight to the sky. This gun Loya calculated the direction, not only destroyed most of the Ice Block before , but also opened a path between him and the cafeteria.

After doing this, Loya stood up and smiled smugly. He half-raised his hand, holding it vacantly, the ice condensed from the blue ** gathered in the palm of his hand, and slowly grew into a crystal ice umbrella.

Holding the umbrella like that, Loya slowly walked towards the cafeteria along the passage opened by the roar of the ice dragon. On both sides of him are the Ice Blocks falling down with a whistling sound , smashing on the ground, and the clouds above his head are light and windy, with only a little bit of ice debris, like raindrops falling on the umbrella as lightly.

At this time, Loya is like an emperor walking in ice and snow, no frost dares to offend, and all surrender to the left and right.

" That guy, is it really still Recruit ? "

recruits in the Recruit Camp were silent. With this strength and power, there are not even a few in the elite camp, right?

Do not! It should be said that there are no elite camps, right?

Loya walked back to the cafeteria, threw the umbrella back, and let it be smashed by Ice Block , which fell from the sky.

" Then, Ms. S , let 's go on! "

" No need ~" Ms. S waved her hand: " You must have consumed a lot of physical strength by using the fruit ability just now, and now the food in your stomach has almost been digested ... Cut, Zoan fruit ability? "

Looking at Loya's shriveled belly, Ms. S also had an answer in her heart.

" Then, thanks for the hospitality! "

Loya put her hands together, smiled and lowered her head.
