
One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon

He was reincarnated from Earth and lived for 17 years in a medieval world where there is no modern world entertainment and no modern world food, but the good point is that he became the Crown Prince of the Empire, Willian Bluewight, or as he is called on Continent-level, The Ice Prince, when he thought that his destiny had already been determined as the king of a medieval empire, a spatial portal appeared in his room to connect him with his dream world and rewrite his true destiny. Note: The story begins with two worlds, the first is Dola it's OC world of my own creation, all the characters belonging to it are OC and the second is the world of One Piece, the initial plot will be shared between these two worlds until I decide to add more later. Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece nor its characters, they are the property of their author, Oda, but I own Dola and all of its characters. The loading of chapters will depend on the interaction the story receives. ------------------------------------------------------------- For those who ask, the main point of the novel is to build the kingdom and expand the lands.

BlackStar_BH · Anime & Comics
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The Predicament?

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That was all Willian's mind at the moment, cold and tattered corpses scattered around him everywhere were the corpses of monkeys and wolves, he had been fighting these monsters for an hour until now but they didn't seem like they wanted to back off at all, they seemed to want to tear him into pieces.

Just looking at their red eyes was enough to tell how angry they were at the moment.

Booom! Crush!

Willian was in a fierce clash with two huge Kings-level beasts, the first was the Monkey King who led his group of monkeys towards him and the second was the Wolf King who seemed to be unable to wait for his turn to enter the battlefield with his flock of wolves.

The problem wasn't here, the real problem was that he was surrounded by many monsters who looked like against their archenemy now.

"Well, it's also good to get into this kind of predicament so that a fool will know the value of life."

Willian was not nervous or afraid of the situation at all, because until now he had not used his full strength which could only be displayed if he transformed into a dragon, in his current state he had already invented some attacks from his ice mastery. A lot of ice arrows could be seen shooting from time to time from Willian's hands and the monsters around him were torn apart, this attack was called 'Ice Arrow' and couldn't be less intuitive.

He also used his small version of the 'Ice Age', which, although weak compared to the original version of Aokiji, however, it still freezes the 20 meters surrounding area, making the area where monsters and Willian fight like an ice oasis in the middle of a green forest.

The cold atmosphere and slippery ice caused the monsters to go into a frenzy, this human who had assaulted the sanctity of their sacred home was just a pain in the butt.

This island, which monsters used as their sacred home, has remained pure from human footsteps for thousands of years, and no human has dared to approach it so much that it is usually referred to as a monster's paradise and not any monsters but even monster kings are here, and it is said that there is a monster emperor here a terrifying monster rules over this island but no one has ever seen him before, because whoever dared to enter this island couldn't get past the middle region at all.

Just like the situation Willian found himself in now.

The fight continued to accelerate as Willian had learned a lot of skills needed to fight with the ability of the fruit, this fight was really appetizing for him. The taste of the meat of these monsters would be more delicious as he enjoyed fighting them more.

Willian made an ice spear because he had already given up the spear he had brought with him earlier and also gave up his bow and shield, but he put them in a safe place on the southern shore of the island. Willian attempted to pierce the monkey king's heart with the ice spear, but he always hit the hard skin for the monster.

The Monkey King looked at Willian sarcastically as he hit his hands across his chest like a typical monkey in celebration of the strength of his armored skin.

Black streaks appeared on Willian's forehead, it seemed that this damned ape had already succeeded in provoking him. Willian turned his target towards the Wolf King who was trying to take a chance to bite his leg while he was focusing on the monkey king, and he threw the ice spear like a missile towards his target.

The ice spear pierced the air like an arrow and entered the wolf king's mouth which was already open. In the split second, before the wolf king felt his mouth turned cold before he felt so much pain and everything turned black, he died and didn't even know how he died.

The Monkey King who saw this felt the situation was incomprehensible, how could a Wolf King be so weak and die with a spear attack that failed to pierce his tough skin.

No! What if he is just so strong!

These were the Monkey King's thoughts at the moment, he felt like he was so powerful that he could rival the Monster Emperor and win, even the surrounding apes stopped agitating and looked toward their king with starry eyes.

As for the wolves who were so disappointed in their king that he died like a clown and turned their hatred towards the culprit, Willian who felt the urge to laugh at the monkeys' actions could hear the sound of gnashing the teeth of the wolves wanting to cut him into pieces.

Willian felt like this island was really a great place to train right now, monsters here could be compared to monsters in the grandline!

The air started to get colder than before and the apes and wolves felt as if they had seen human eyes shining with cold blue light or maybe it was just their imagination.

Keek! Keek! Keek!

The remaining apes started shivering from the bitter cold that attacked their senses and the wolves were not spared the same fate.


The monsters in the area froze due to the sudden roar of the dragon, the monkey king nearby of Willian felt as if his head had been crushed by a sledgehammer.


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