
One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon

He was reincarnated from Earth and lived for 17 years in a medieval world where there is no modern world entertainment and no modern world food, but the good point is that he became the Crown Prince of the Empire, Willian Bluewight, or as he is called on Continent-level, The Ice Prince, when he thought that his destiny had already been determined as the king of a medieval empire, a spatial portal appeared in his room to connect him with his dream world and rewrite his true destiny. Note: The story begins with two worlds, the first is Dola it's OC world of my own creation, all the characters belonging to it are OC and the second is the world of One Piece, the initial plot will be shared between these two worlds until I decide to add more later. Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece nor its characters, they are the property of their author, Oda, but I own Dola and all of its characters. The loading of chapters will depend on the interaction the story receives. ------------------------------------------------------------- For those who ask, the main point of the novel is to build the kingdom and expand the lands.

BlackStar_BH · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Ice Dragon Breath... Go!

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Ice scales covered Willian's body and his size grew to the size of the Monkey King as he began to transform into a dragon shape, dragon wings exploded from his back and with them, a solid dragon tail, the air around Willian became even colder and misty, the monkey king felt the blood in his body turning cold upon looking at Willian. The monster that looks like it came out of nowhere!

Even the emperor didn't give him that kind of pressure, the Monkey King himself was trembling right now, if he had known that surrounding a human earlier would cause him all these troubles, he wouldn't have dared to do so.

As for the surrounding ape and wolf monsters, they felt as if they had drowned in a cold swamp and went into a normal state of berserk since they felt the real threat of death, after all, they were far less intelligent than the Monster Kings. Quickly they condensed and attacked Willian like a tide.

Willian in dragon form looked at the incoming monster tide and felt excited, yes he felt the true excitement of a battle for the first time in his life.

Willian took a deep breath as he remembered the most unique thing about a dragon, Yes, he would always want to try this kind of attack and shout its name out loud!

{Ice Dragon Breath!}


When Willian opened his mouth, a cold white beam came out from his mouth that froze everything in its path, the moment he hit the first ape, the ape turned into an ice sculpture instantly. The normal monkeys in the monkey king flock were a meter to two meters in size and a muscular body that could be considered stronger than the ordinary humans, triple at least, but even so, neither the first monkey nor the monkeys behind it could withstand the attack and were soon smashed into icy shards.

The breath attack continued fiddling in the ranks of the wild tide, whether they were monkeys or wolves everyone who had been hit by icy breath was frozen.

The Monkey King was trembling from the horror of the scene he was seeing right now, a ten-meter-long ice trench was formed and it was filled with icy fragments that once were corpses of flesh and blood.


The body of the dragon flapped his wings and icy shards scattered by the strong winds from the two wings, the dragon looked at the few survivors and the Monkey King from above like a god looking at sinners.

His icy blue body seemed to have increased in size by at least a meter from the first time, but Willian didn't seem to notice it now.

All Willian overwhelmed with excitement at this moment was thinking about the destructive power of the Ice Dragon's breath, apparently, this would be his strongest attack at the moment and his trump card.

Willian felt safe with this card up his sleeve.

Now it's time to end these monsters so that he can enjoy eating meat, he doesn't want to freeze his meat anymore, Willian looked towards his dragon claws which looked like a reaper's scythe and then his eyes flashed at the Monkey King. Once this arrogant ape was eliminated, the rest would scatter and flee away.

The Monkey King wants to run away from this place but the moment he did so, he knew that he would no longer have a place in the monster's paradise.

The Ice Dragon floating above his head didn't give him time to do anything else and quickly attacked, wanting to rip him in half.

They were almost the same size but the moment they collided, the Monkey King was split into two halves of the abdomen and its internal organs and blood splattered onto the cold-expression dragon, its fur that was so proud of earlier and that was really powerful, becoming just soft tofu in front of the dragon claws.


The dragon's fierce roar caused the remaining monkeys and wolves to scatter and escape everywhere, they didn't want to fight this monster anymore!

Willian returned to his human form after the battle was over. It was good that the clothes were not affected by the powers of the Devil Fruit and fused with the body upon transformation, otherwise, he would have been a naked man by now.

By the way, he would buy elegant clothes from this world when he went to civilization because the clothes he wears now are like rags if compared with the modern clothes of this world.

Willian looked at the corpses of the Monkey King, Tiger king, and Wolf King that were still well preserved and edible and started to think about his next step.

And what was his next step? Of course, grill meat!

Willian took two small daggers from his bag and strengthened them with his Icy power until they became even sharper but he tried to suppress the cold force so as not to cause the meat to freeze, all he wanted was sharpness, he didn't want to eat frozen meat right now.

To his surprise, he succeeded in it after a few failed attempts, he knows perfectly well that controlling his cold power in this way is the key to training a Devil Fruit ability, which means that he has already begun to absorb this concept and very quickly, it won't be long before he becomes a strong master in this sea.

With a smile on his face, he smoothly flayed the monkey king's fur with sharp Icy daggers and took a large piece of meat from it, as he did the same with the wolf king and tiger king and found a suitable place to grill and eat before he started lighting a fire in the common traditional ways, he didn't have a lighter after all.

He had come out of the freezing war zone and entered the green part of the forest, where he had chosen an open place and cut the wood for the barbecue, then everything was ready after he succeeded in making a fire.

Willian looked at the three parts of the meat that were being grilled on the fire, it was good that the meat itself was rich in the fatty oils needed to facilitate the grilling process. The only unfortunate thing was that he didn't bring any salt with him.

Some time passed and the smell of barbecue began to envelop the place, yet no monster nearby dared to try to disturb Willian's mealtime, no monster wanted to turn into icy shards after all.


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