
One Piece: Rise of Gray

When he finally wakes up, he is in the world of One Piece. He is now the only successful subjects for marines after their experiement. He was your typical VR-mmo player. He transmigrated while watching a piece in his VR. Before going blank in his VR capsule, he filled out a form.

i_am_augustus · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


He was nearly useless to him if he didn't find a way to bring Eneru on board, and with Eneru's attitude and God-complex, he didn't know-how.

Eneru's fruit was one of the most powerful devil fruits in the world, and if he didn't get it while it was right in front of him, it was a huge loss.

Gray regarded Eneru to be on his level but thrashed him thanks to Eneru's belief that he couldn't be hit and believed Luffy was an exception because he was made of rubber.

Eneru attacked Gray without realizing his strength, while Gary was aware of Eneru's strength throughout the series. So he thrashed him and even went overboard just in case something went wrong because you never know.

'He overestimates himself while underestimating others that led in his current state or It might have been me.'

Gray could notice others still in kneeling positions and guessed why they were doing so.

"Do you think I'm the reason for their actual stance, Law?"

Law had previously heard the chatter of people in the ruckus and knew why they were kneeling.

"It seems that they regard you as their god or something like that."

Gray's brows twitched a little. It wasn't that he didn't want to be deemed as a god, He was more than happy to be called a god.

"You are lucky to be in a crew of a god."

Law glanced at Gray and spoke some words that he knew from the series.

"Those who carry the name of D are considered God's enemy and I carry that in my name."

Gray in Law's words, he liked people with attitudes like that.

"Hehe, God's natural enemy and God are comrades as of now, then Who will take this god out?"

Law put enel on his shoulder and started following Gray who had started walking towards the direction of the crowd.

"We will see if you are able to gain power befitting of that name first."


Gray looked at the people before him bowing to him and looking at him with puppy eyes that were covering their fear.

"Why are you all even kneeling for?" Gray rubbed one of his eyes showing completely uninterested.

"We are in the presence of God, How could we not kneel and show our devotion." One of the people from the crowd spoke.

Ryu chuckled at his words, and nobody seemed to disagree with the words spoken by the random person.

"Aren't god supposed to look after you and your job to serve him with all your heart and I don't see any of these happening here."

Everyone listened to him, listening as attentively as they could. They observed their previous god on Law's shoulder, who was standing just beside Gray.

"You saved us when the entire island was about to be destroyed and people's lives were in danger."

"You saved us when the entire island was about to be destroyed and people's lives were in danger."

"Yes, you saved us all." Skypiea's whole population at once.

"I see, but you've never served me till now, and I've never been able to take care of you all."

The attendees bent their heads and placed their hands on their chests.

"We pledge our devotion to the all-powerful one who stands before us." everyone present at the same time

Ryu sat on the chair before him and continued with his conversation.

"Then, in the future, I will return to take you all to where I live. You can serve me with all your heart there."

Everyone flinched and looked around, as they had never seen the outside world and had never been outside of Skypiea since birth.

"It's a larger and more beautiful place than here, where all creatures coexist peacefully."

"So, God intends to return us to where we came from." One of Skypiea's elders spoke out.

'Do you think you came down from heaven?'

Gray pretended to know what he was talking about, but he didn't.

"Oh, could you explain this to the people here because they might not be aware of this after all these years?"

The old man rose from his seat and began speaking clearly and loudly.

"There is a legend that we Skypieans came from heaven, where God looked after us and we lived in harmony with numerous creatures."

He also exaggerated his perception of heaven and said that there was a prophecy in which God would appear in a time of trouble and one day returns them to heaven.

Gray had no idea what he had just said, but it worked out for him, so he continued with the story. He had the ideal story to get some men to work for him.

He planned to take control of Shiki's base after defeating him.

"That's accurate! The prophecy's time has come, but only those who believe and wish to go will be taken there. If you choose to stay here, that's fine; I'll respect your decision."

Gray pretended to be a saint who revered and loved others to thoroughly brainwash these people.

"I will come soon, within a month at the least, or a year at the most, and take all who believe in me to heaven."

"We understand your Almighty!"

"These secrets are not to be revealed to outsiders."

Law looked at Gray's natural acting that could win an Oscar. Every time he looked at his absolutely natural expressions, he was amazed.

'If I hadn't known he was a pirate, I may have believed his lies.'

"You can all get up; there is no need for all of these."

"You are mighty!" Everyone stared at him with fully devoted eyes.

Gray ordered the people in the crowd by pointing toward Law.

"One of you take him to a room."

Someone among them stepped forward and led Law to the nearest residence.

"Detach all of his limbs. I'm confident he won't die as a result of your powers. Just a preventative measure to keep him from wreaking havoc if his memory is not erased." Gray spoke into Law's ear before dismissing him.

Law left to perform surgery to create amnesia.

Gray sat on the chair and looked at the white sea before him.

'Straw hats will be here shortly. I don't want to mess with them too much. The only trouble would befall if one gets mixed up with them. '

Everyone was staring at him patiently as he stood there when a kid emerged from the crowd and approached Gray.

She grabbed onto Gray's clothes, drawing Gray's attention. As she grabbed his dress, the people of Skypiea panicked.

One of the ladies fell on her knee, forcing the kid to apologize by falling on her knee.

"Please accept my apologies for her rudeness. She's just a kid who doesn't know how to act."

Gray gave a little frown, but he didn't object if a child approached him. He was not cruel to a child, even though he was not a good guy.

Gray took a deep breath and shouted loudly.

"There's no need for that, Skypiean, and I'm not harsh enough to punish you just because you cheer me and whine like that."

Gray approached the small child and picked her up, leaving the lady speechless.

"What did you want to talk with me?"

She cast a glance at the woman she still recognized as her mother.

"If I ask you, Mother will become upset."

Gray gave the child a friendly smile. He had no idea what she might say to upset him that would anger the women.

"I promise you, she will not be upset with you."

"Umm...Will we be able to eat sweets and other delectable meals and play a lot wherever you take us?"

"Of course, you will be able to play as you choose. I doubt you'll have to worry about the food there."

Her face was lit up with a smile. It made him feel good on the inside.



Gray's stomach made a growling sound, showing that he was hungry. He had eaten in the morning the day before, but going through his dragon form after a long day of traveling had made him hungry, and he began to starve.

The little girl pulled on his shirt and spoke to him.

"Your stomach is grumbling. Do you want something to eat?"

Gray chuckled a little because he felt embarrassed, but he was shameless at the same time.

"I'm hungry after my long journey here and your former gods' battle."

Gray was approached by an older man. From a distance, he appeared smart and trustworthy.

"If you don't mind, we'd like to organize a banquet."

"Of course, hurry quickly, and there may be more guests joining us at the banquet, so make plenty."

"Yes, your almighty!"

'It's difficult to get used to being referred to as the Almighty.'

"Wake me up when the banquet is ready!"

Gray decided to visit the nearby seashore. Gray always wanted to sleep there because it was made of clouds and fluffy.

Gray lay there, utterly calm, gazing at the sky. He immediately closed his eyes and went asleep.

"It's far too relaxing."

Somewhere in the upper yard,

Straw hats gathered in their ship with many injured as the chopper just woke up from all the shock.

"What happened to that electric dude?"

Nami cast a glance towards Zoro, who had just awoken from asleep.

"The last time we saw him, he was fighting a dragon, and the fact that he isn't coming after us means that he is still fighting or has lost."

"It's a dragon, How fortunate are you to see such a creature?"

Sanji smoked his cigar and began blowing it, which helped him feel better.

"At least we got out of that trouble."

Luffy remained with a serious expression on his face, deep in concentration. That was extremely odd.

Chopper saw Luffy's strange expression.

"Luffy, what are you thinking about?"

Luffy folded his hand and looked around the room with a serious expression.

"It's that dragon."

"What about that dragon?"

"It could talk."

His crewmates swollen his face the next thing he knew.

With his swollen face, Luffy raised his head and began speaking.

"Let us go to Cloud Island." It'll be more fun than staying here."

"Do you want to go there to have some fun? Did you forget everything we just went through?"

"I agree; we should go there." Zoro was a Luffy supporter, but he was also an oddball.

"I also agree with Luffy." Robin was the same as both of them in that she was fascinated by the so-called dragon.

"Sanji, you don't want to go there, do you?"

To dodge Nami's question, Sanji pretended to be unconscious.

'I can't choose between Nami and Robin.'

Luffy laughed before telling everyone.

"We've decided to go where the dragon appeared."

Chopper, Nami, and Ussop were the only ones who didn't want to go back, but they didn't have an option. That was how it had always been for them.