
One Piece: Rise of Gray

When he finally wakes up, he is in the world of One Piece. He is now the only successful subjects for marines after their experiement. He was your typical VR-mmo player. He transmigrated while watching a piece in his VR. Before going blank in his VR capsule, he filled out a form.

i_am_augustus · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


When Luffy and the others got on the island, they noticed a large crowd gathered and preparing meats and other delicacies for a banquet.


Luffy stretched out his hand to grab a massive chunk of freshly cooked meat. He had been drooling from hunger after fighting Eneru as Gray intervened.


Nami punched Luffy on the head, causing him to stop going any further with stealing their food.

Luffy covered his head with his arms, rubbing it.

"What was that for? I was just looking for some meat."


Nami's brows twitched after listening to Luffy's words for a second. They had already been labeled as evil dwellers for not paying any money, and if Luffy had eaten that chunk of meat, things may have become even worse.

"They regard us as foreigners. If you do that, we will not get along and will be in even greater problems."

Luffy poked his nose, ignorant of Nami's words. He couldn't care less about all of this, He just cared about meat.

She was keeping a tight eye on Luffy, trying to keep his appetite under control as much as possible. She got a hunch that the dragon might have some connections with the residents present here.

Luffy couldn't stop drooling. He couldn't keep it under control any longer.

Luffy grabbed a large chunk of meat from the table and bit into it. That got everyone's attention.

Sanji puffed out some smoke, knowing they were in trouble.

"Things aren't looking good. We might have to fight all of the people that live here."

Everyone formed a circle around them, cornering them.

Luffy was staring at them as they surrounded the crew, but he didn't stop eating.

"Hey, Moosehead, Be prepared to fight if we need to."

Sanji didn't get any response from Zoro.

"Zoro?" The crewmates all stared at each other, knowing what had happened to him.

"How did he get lost when we just had to walk straight and the city was right in front of us?"

Robin took the lead. She excelled at negotiating with people when others were anxious to make their move.

"We have no bad intentions, so don't raise your guard."

Everyone began talking and debating whether they were trustworthy, but they couldn't determine on their own.

Law returned from the operation room, he had done too much work and was looking for some fresh air when he noticed people around a group of pirates.

As Law walked through the crowd, Skypieans began to make a way through the crowds and let him walk through them.

They decided to let him take care of the group. They were totally unqualified for all these things.

Law was unaware of Luffy and the others. He didn't know any of them and had no idea how they got here.

'How did they end up here? Ships don't fly.'

"Who are you, all of you?"

Luffy casually tossed the bone after finishing the meat and answered Law by putting on his straw hat.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy, and I am going to be the king of the pirates."

Skypieans got in a started to panic, pirates were evil in their eyes.

Law cast a glance at Luffy, who introduced himself, and realized he was their captain.

"How did you get here? I don't get how one could get here by ship."

Robin walked out and decided to address him because no one else had the same concept or knowledge.

"Ohh! We followed the upstream current created by an underwater volcano."

'Who takes such a route? It's totally suicide.'

* Nigh*

* Nigh*

A horse sound sounded from the air, and everyone looked up to see a unicorn riding over them, rode by their previous god before Eneru. It didn't look like a unicorn even a little.

He calmly landed on the island where the gathering was taking place, pulling the leather strap wrapped around the unicorn.

"They are not bad people; they earlier assisted in the fight against Eneru."

The inhabitants of Skypiea trusted him, so hearing that made them feel better.

Luffy stretched his arm and sat down on a table, grabbing another piece of meat and beginning to devour it.

"That meat is an offering to God; don't lay your hand on that."

Everyone stared at Law as if he were the boss. Gray was dozing off, so he was in control.

"First, where is the person that was with me previously? You take me there. I need to speak with him."

Everyone just did what he said, and one of them volunteered to lead him. Law didn't care what the others did because they were leaving the island soon enough.

Gray was in a deep sleep on the clouds after he had given him such a severe operation that looked impossible.

"Get up! We have trouble. "

Gray didn't respond as he was deep in a sweet dream.

Law had a brilliant idea pop into his head.



Gray opened his eyes to find himself inside the sea, drowning while he couldn't do anything.


Gray swapped positions and landed on the hazy earth, inhaling deeply.


"What was that for?" "Are you intending on exacting revenge or something?"

"This is called Karma!"


"We've got a problem here. Some pirates have appeared, and I'm at a loss for what to do."

'So they've arrived. I suppose I should go there.'

Gray stood up, stretched his arms, and began to walk towards the city.

"Let's meet up with them. It shouldn't be too bad."

Law did not respond and quietly followed him since he had not asked him about the operation or anything else.

"Who is he? He seems to be lost." Law pointed his finger at a person that was searching for someone.

Gray looked to his side and noticed a person with green hair looking someplace.

'He got lost again!'

"He might be one of them, Call him here."



Zoro unexpectedly switched his position and appeared directly in front of Gray. Zoro became alarmed and drew his sword, but Gray knocked him down before he could draw his weapon, giving him no time to react.

"Calm down!"

"If you want to reunite with your crew, follow us."

Zoro calmed himself and viewed him with suspicion.

"If you don't believe, don't follow me, I don't mind."

Gray began to move without concern for Zoro. It was the best he could do, and he had no intention of interfering with him any further than was absolutely necessary. He was not in the mood for another battle.

Zoro trailed him, while Law kept an eye on him because he was wary of him.

Luffy noticed Zoro approaching with Gray and Law and stretched his arm, pulling Zoro towards him.


Zoro crashed into a wall but still managed to get pulled to safety by Luffy.

"How did you all get lost? I looked everywhere but couldn't find you.

Sanji smoked a cigarette while making close eye contact with Zoro.

"You were the one who got lost, Mosshead."

Gray ignored the noise and reassured everyone that they were safe to be with them.

"The banquet isn't ready yet. We will need more time to prepare."

Gray cast a peek at Luffy.

"You must have a chef. If you are eating, why not lend a hand in cooking?"

"Huh! "We have a cook on board."

Sanji ended his fight with Zoro and approached the cooks who were still cooking meals and began to assist them, taking the lead.

Gray chuckled briefly before grabbing a large portion of meat and sitting down alongside Luffy, eating it at an alarming rate.

"Your cook appears to be impressive. I can tell because of the way he took over as soon as he began cooking."

Luffy chuckled cheerfully, his mouth wide open.

"I know, he is the best cook."

Luffy and Gray both completed their meals quickly and simultaneously. It has now simply become a race to see who can eat the most and the fastest.

Gray took another chunk of meat and began devouring it like there was no tomorrow, while Luffy stretched his hand to grab another chunk of meat.

"I didn't expect there'd be anyone else with such a huge appetite besides Luffy."

Law, too, began to eat meat, though not to the same extent as the others. He was also hungry from the long journey.



Everyone else started enjoying the banquet, as Gray had no objection to that.