
One Piece: Reincarnator Adventure

A Guy got hit by a truck and got reincarnated into the world of One Piece With the Abillity of Satoru Gojo. With a little bit of twist. Inspired by MTL fanfic : Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning Also the Title name is Work in Progress

DGita · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

The Baby


The first chapter finally done, With mostly information, dont expect anything crazy for the next 2 or 3 chapters.

I am hoping for atleast 5 chapters, before the mc go to the sea.

As always expect weird sentences or words, since English is not my mother language.

Chapter 1

"The Baby"

You know, maybe I overdramatized my predicament a bit

After all, there I was, a newborn baby in a basket, floating in the middle of the ocean, for who knows how long i've been here before i wake up in this body, staring up at the endless expanse of sky with nothing but waves for a company, and i was like 2 or 3 months old?, I cant even remembers when i was born

But i have to say, despite finding my self in this basket in the middle of the ocean, I find myself being at ease. Sure i can feel waves rocking my basket, but i still felt a sense of comfort and security. Despite being in the world where Giant sea creatures roam the sea, Pirates and Marine battle each other for Dominion. Yet, somehow, I feel oddly at ease

If i were to take a guess, it probably have something to do with gift that i got from the orb of light thing

You see, before i was sent here, when i was given a preview on what to expect from this world. It also shows me a bit of information, a pieces of memories of someone, to be precise, someone who is a fictional character from a fictional series

It was almost like i was him, like it was my own memories. It gave me an idea on what the memories is about

Before i died, i've read many fanfiction stories about reincarnation. specifically, Template System

Which is basicly, if someone has a Template System, they can well... get a template from various Character, be it fictional or not. But mostly fictional character

lets say, If Someone has the template of Hashirama Senju, then they will get the ability, appearance, and some of the personality of said template. Basicly they become said template, Usually they start at Zero Percent of the Template. Meaning they need to increase their template by either Training, or with an actual combat

Atleast that How i think the Template System works...

Anyway, one way to check if i have the Template System is to Check my appearance, based on the memories, even as a baby, my appearance should be obvious. He has a distinct look afterall

Unfortunately, i cant really check what my appearance looks like, from my limited observation, i dont see a mirror or any reflective object

There is however, a sealed envelope, and a small box ornately decorated, with intricate engravings adorning its surface, It is marked with various symbols and intricate designs.

The box looks familiar but i cant remember where i've seen it

As for the envelope, it likely contains a letter meant for whoever discovers me, giving them an explanation for my peculiar circumstances

At least, that's what I've seen from countless movies and series about a baby being placed on someone else's door step. or in my case, being placed in the middle of the god damn sea

Anyway, I'm getting side tracked. I can't see what i looks like, since there is no mirror, and looking into the water reflection is a no go, i barely able to move my head let alone climbing my baby basket

Even if i could, i probably just gonna fall straight into the ocean, and i cant really swim. cause incase you've forgotten, i am after all, just a baby

There's another way to figure out who my template is, by checking my Status screen. If I have a system, it should display my template's name

But, uh, how do I summon it?

Lets see. System?...








Ugh, Hello?...








Nothing. Its either the system is on a coffee break or I'm just talking to thin air. Classic

But wait a minute... What if I dont even have a system? I mean, sure, the orb of light showed me those memories, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm equipped with a fancy status screen and all that jazz

So, why show me the memories and not give me a system?

Seems like a bit of a tease, doesnt it? Or maybe there is some deeper purpose to it all that I just can't see yet

Well, whatever the case may be, I guess I'll just have to make do without it. After all, who needs a system when you've got good old-fashioned intuition and a healthy dose of luck, Right? Right???...

And then it hits me like a truck, a cruel reminder of how I ended up in this mess in the first place.

I am a baby, In the middle of the Ocean...

'Oh, shit'

Fortunately as luck would have it, my plight didn't last long

*PoV Change*

*Swoosh* *Swoosh*

As I strolled along the beach, the gentle lull of the waves masked the turmoil churning within him. On the surface, i maintained my usual calm demeanor, but my features betraying none of the inner turmoil that plagued my heart

my mind drifted to my recently departed wife and infant daughter, a pang of sorrow gripping my heart

The loss was still fresh. I couldn't help but replay the memories of happier times, Her laughter and joy now mere echoes in the vast expanse of my mind

But amidst the grief, a nagging doubt lingered, a doubt that had plagued me for years

I recalled my wife words, spoken with unwavering conviction

"Kuina will be a strong swordswoman" she declared

She claims that our daughter, Kuina, would grow into a formidable swordswoman. Yet, deep down, I couldn't bring himself to believe it

In a world where tradition dictated that female swordsmen would always be outmatched by their male counterparts, I struggled to reconcile my wife faith with my own deeply ingrained beliefs

It wasn't that I doubted Kuina potential, it was simply that I couldn't bear to entertain the possibility of her facing the harsh realities of a world that often favored strength over skill

While I acknowledged the existence of powerful women like one of the Four Emperors, Charlotte Linlin, I argued that her situation was different, as she was born with powerful physical strength

As I walked, the weight of my doubts pressed heavily upon me. Had I failed my daughter before she even had the chance to prove herself?

The thought gnawed at me, a seed of uncertainty planted deep within my soul

Suddenly, as I walked along the shoreline lost in my thoughts, a strange sensation prickled at the edges of my consciousness

There was something in the ocean, something powerful yet subdued, a presence lurking in the waves

Instinctively, I tapped into my observation haki, allowing my senses to reach out and perceive the unseen

And there, I see something unexpected,a crib of sorts, bobbing amidst the currents, its presence is like a mystery

Without hesitation, I plunged into the water, propelled by a sense of curiosity and duty. And Whatever lay within that crib intrigued me

As I drew closer, the crib came into focus, revealing a sight that filled me with wonder and intrigue.Then I took a peek

There, lay a tiny figure a baby, alone in the vast expanse of the ocean

With a sense of purpose, I reached out, my hands closing around the crib's edges as I pulled it toward the beach

As I dragged the crib onto the beach, the wet cloth clinging to my skin, I finally got a clear look at the baby within

A thin snow-white hair framed his head, but it was the baby's eyes that captured my attention

A pair of vibrant blue orbs that seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly intensity

"Interesting," I murmured to myself, my curiosity piqued by the sight before me

"What secrets lay behind those mesmerizing eyes?" I cant help but Wonder out loud

As if in response, the baby gurgled and cooed, his tiny hands reaching out towards me in an innocent gesture

Then, in a fleeting moment, it seemed as though a spark of recognition flickered in the baby eyes, as if he had realized something

Beside the baby lay an envelope and a small, intricately decorated box. Sensing that the envelope might hold greater significance, I carefully picked it up and unfolded it

Inside, a single sheet of paper awaited me, bearing just one word


It seemed to be the baby's name, though there was no family name accompanying it

The name struck a chord of familiarity, reminiscent of those from Wano Country

I couldn't help but wonder what was going through the baby's mind at that moment

*PoV Change*

While I was pondering about my situation, a sudden sound of splashing broke through my Thought

Before I knew it, the crib I was in was being dragged from the water onto the beach by the man who had rescued me

Did someone really find me just floating in the middle of the ocean? I wondered, a sense of bewilderment washing over me

But then, a more rational thought crept in. Wait a minute... Maybe I'm not actually in the middle of the ocean. Perhaps I've been near a beach instead

Once we arrived at the beach, or atleast i think it is a beach. Blinking away the glare of sunshine from my eyes, I took in the sight of my rescuer.

A towering figure with a long ponytail of black hair tied back neatly. Circular-framed glasses perched on his nose, accentuating eyes that held both kindness and strength. He was clad in his customary attire, a gray yukata, adorned with a beige haori bearing the emblem of two crossed swords on the left breast

It was none other than Shimotsuki Koushirou himself. Yes, the very same Shimotsuki who would later go on to teach the formidable swordsman Roronoa Zoro and the father of Kuina, The very same girl who got killed after accidently fell down a staircase

But there is one thing that got my attention, it is the reflection in Koushirou glasses

My own features staring back at me. And in that moment, A sense of recognition washed over me, a memory stirring deep within my subconscious, confirming what I had suspected all along

With a mixture of disbelief and amusement, I am indeed Satoru Gojo

One of the strongest modern era Sorcerer, if not The Strongest, As he would like to say. Wielder of Both The Rikugan (Six eyes) and Limitless

And despite it all, there was a strange sense of reassurance in finally acknowledging my true identity.

And as I lay here, surrounded by the gentle lull of the waves and the warmth of Koushirou presence, I couldn't help but wonder what adventures lay ahead in this unfamiliar world of One Piece

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DGitacreators' thoughts