
One Piece: Reincarnating into "Black Leg" Sanji

An apprentice chef who likes to watch anime died in a cliche way, and meets God who decided to grant him a few wishes. Our little chef decided to be born in the One Piece world as Sanji with a few cheats. Read the story of MC as he live in the world of One Piece, cooking happily with his comrades. ------------------------- It is a WISH-FULFILMENT story. so don't get your hopes up ( I just made this fan-fic to pass time so, - DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP! ) Notes: The story will be following Luffy and the Strawhats. UPDATES WILL BE EXTREMELY INCONSISTENT!!! EXPECT MONTHLY UPDATES OR EVEN YEARLY!!!! One Piece world only, no world travelling. While the Main Character will be strong, he will not be OP for quite a while. It's not going to be a rushed story. I'm going to take time and go through things slowly. The system will be a perk system I WILL BE SHAMELESS ENOUGH TO EDIT MY MISTAKES! MOST IMPORTANT NOTE: I don't know how too cook complicated food, I only know how to cook simple fried foods like eggs, bacon or instant noodles, so please bear the lack of information/descriptions that I will use but I will try my best to describe food using Google. P.S. - I am a new author and English is my second language so if there are any Grammatical/Spelling mistakes, please bear with me. The update of the chapters will be really inconsistent. Sometimes, I will update regularly, sometimes don't, so don't expect much. ------------------------- DISCLAIMER: I don't own any character other than my MC. I also don't own any anime/tv show/movie/novel/fanfic references. If I reference people, please don't be offended and contact me if there's a problem because this is a fanfict (Fiction). I just own this fanfic. My inspirations comes from the Handsome and Beautiful authors of novels and fanfics. The cover pic is also not mine. The link to the cover pic is below https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/565412928216915172/

The_Lazy_Daoist · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

God's Tongue, Peaceful Times, Prelude to Torture

Morning, at the Baratie.

『Buying "God's Tongue" - 500 PP. 500 PP has been removed.』

『You have 0 PP left.』

『Congratulations for successfully buying "God's Tongue".』


(Sanji P.O.V)

A warm feeling enveloped my whole body, then the warm feeling started heading towards my tongue.

After a few seconds, the feeling went away and as I swallow my saliva, I immediately noticed the difference, it taste... it taste... it taste like sh*!

'F*ck! I forgot to brush my teeth last night... hehe.' I thought ashamed.

'But I can still taste yesterday morning's dish and I can identify the ingredients just by tasting my saliva... I can even identify the specific amount of ingredients that was needed to cook just by tasting.' I thought excitedly.

' With the God Tongue! I shall conquer the world! But first, let me check if I can improve my dishes with this perk.' I thought while heading to the kitchen to try my ability.

--- 40 mins later ---


(Zeff P.O.V)

'Sigh, how can I pick up pretty ladies now with this pegged leg... was is really worth it to save that brat?

Who am I kidding, of course it is... while the brat is annoying, I guess I grew fond of him coz it really feels nice to have a kid to take care of...

Hmm? This smell... This smells good! It can't be Sanji right?! I mean those two morons can't cook like this.' I thought as I made way to the kitchen.

'As I arrived at the kitchen, I saw the brat burping then patting his big bloated belly, the scene was extremely cute even though I call Sanji a brat, he really inherited his parent's best genes, but if this goes on he'll be teased by people for being a pretty boy. No! I need to train him so he can at least be a muscular pretty boy... Sigh, it reminds me of me back in the days...' I thought while reminiscing.

"Sanji, why did you eat so much? I told you to cook appropriately!' I said.

"I was practising my cooking because I got a dream, where a mysterious old man was teaching how to cook, so I got enlightened! And I immediately went to practice to see if I learned anything. It took a couple of tries but I succeeded!' Sanji said while staring straight to my eyes.

'A mysterious old man? In his dreams?' I thought with a frown.

"Oh, and this old man said that I'm a one in a million cooking prodigy so, he gifted me with an ability called 'God's Tongue'. He said that it can help me with cooking by detecting even the tiniest imperfections in any dish with only a single taste." Sanji said still staring straight to my eyes.

"Old man? What does he look like?" I asked with a frown while being suspicious.

"I don't know his appearance because whenever I look, I can see his face clearly but if I look away, I forget immediately. Oh, and he said if I'm worthy he'll gift me something else." Sanji replied.

'I can't remember any news of any old men appearing into dreams and I can't even remember any myths or legends of it. Wait this is abnormal, and if this is abnormal then this means it is related to those weird devil fruits. Was it an old man with a devil fruit? No... there can't be a devil fruit capable of giving other abilities, even if there is... why would he pick Sanji? It can't be just because he's a prodigy... sigh, I can't understand. Nevermind as long as he don't harm Sanji.' I thought while stroking my mustache.

" Sanji, you better be careful with the old man, you never know, he might have a motive of doing this." I said with a stern and serious expression.

"Yes sir!" Sanji replied with a salute

"Good, good, you're finally listening to me." I said happily.

"So, can you cook me something? I'll be the judge whether you've improved or not." I said.

"Okay okay..." Sanji said while waving his hand like a gesture.

"Brat! cook properly!" I said angrily for his gesture.

--- 40 mins later ---


(Sanji P.O.V)

"Here you go old man!" I said while placing the food in front of him.

"Hmm, it looks good, smells good, but what about the taste?" He said while picking up the spoon to get the food towards his mouth.

"Hmm! Hmmm? Hmmmmmm." He mumbles while chewing.

I ignore the geezer's multiple change of expressions and thought what I said to him earlier...

' As much as I like the old man, I decided to keep the system from him, coz it might complicate our relationship if he ask about how I got the system and found out that I'm not the original Sanji. So I decided to mystify the situation, I said there's a mysterious old man coz I remembered back on earth, there was a comedy movie where an old man teaches martial arts to an ordinary dude through dreams. Thank God he believed it...' I thought

" You're right, the changes was minimal, but it effected the entire dish. Good job Sanji!' He said while smiling warmly and sincerely.

"Thanks old man." I said with the same happy warm smile.

"Haha! Don't be happy yet brat! From today onwards, I'm going to train you like there's no tomorrow!" He said while he changed his warm smile to a devil-like grin.

"You're on old man!" I replied while feeling chills in my spine.


(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I had assessments to do so, it sucks! 🤣🥱😴

The next chapter will be a time-skip to the time where canon starts.

I don't really know why I decided for Sanji to keep the system and his past a secret to Zeff,

It just feels really weird for anyone in One Piece to know his past and system.


Thanks for reading my handsome and beautiful readers and I appreciated the comments, reviews, and power stones! Please continue to support me!!! ❤❤❤

(Word count: 1034 words)

Good Night! 😁😉🥱)

Sorry for the short chapter, I had assessments to do so, it sucks!

The next chapter will be a time-skip to the time where canon starts.

I don't really know why I decided for Sanji to keep the system and his past a secret to Zeff,

It just feels really weird for anyone in One Piece to know his past and system.

Depending on the day, short chapter on week-days and long chapter on weekends.

Thanks for reading my handsome and beautiful readers and I appreciated the comments, reviews, and power stones! Please continue to support me!!!

(Word count: 1034 words)

Good Night!)


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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