
One Piece: Reincarnating into "Black Leg" Sanji

An apprentice chef who likes to watch anime died in a cliche way, and meets God who decided to grant him a few wishes. Our little chef decided to be born in the One Piece world as Sanji with a few cheats. Read the story of MC as he live in the world of One Piece, cooking happily with his comrades. ------------------------- It is a WISH-FULFILMENT story. so don't get your hopes up ( I just made this fan-fic to pass time so, - DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP! ) Notes: The story will be following Luffy and the Strawhats. UPDATES WILL BE EXTREMELY INCONSISTENT!!! EXPECT MONTHLY UPDATES OR EVEN YEARLY!!!! One Piece world only, no world travelling. While the Main Character will be strong, he will not be OP for quite a while. It's not going to be a rushed story. I'm going to take time and go through things slowly. The system will be a perk system I WILL BE SHAMELESS ENOUGH TO EDIT MY MISTAKES! MOST IMPORTANT NOTE: I don't know how too cook complicated food, I only know how to cook simple fried foods like eggs, bacon or instant noodles, so please bear the lack of information/descriptions that I will use but I will try my best to describe food using Google. P.S. - I am a new author and English is my second language so if there are any Grammatical/Spelling mistakes, please bear with me. The update of the chapters will be really inconsistent. Sometimes, I will update regularly, sometimes don't, so don't expect much. ------------------------- DISCLAIMER: I don't own any character other than my MC. I also don't own any anime/tv show/movie/novel/fanfic references. If I reference people, please don't be offended and contact me if there's a problem because this is a fanfict (Fiction). I just own this fanfic. My inspirations comes from the Handsome and Beautiful authors of novels and fanfics. The cover pic is also not mine. The link to the cover pic is below https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/565412928216915172/

The_Lazy_Daoist · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

System, Training Arc, Reward

Later that afternoon, it is now night time.

(Sanji P.O.V)

'Annoying old fart... hehe, I'll surpass him soon enough! Now, onto my 'Dream Room'! ' I thought as I lay down to my bed in a comfortable position.

--- 5-10 minutes later ---

Inside a blank white room, you can see a weird scene where a boy is in a dazed while talking by himself...

'For the past 2 months, I had only used the Training Room to improve my stamina by using advanced training equipment like a SUPER-LARGE treadmill that has width the size of a large house. The SUPER-LARGE treadmill automatically change its incline/decline setting, direction setting and the speed setting, the thing is, the change doesn't give any warnings...

Imagine running in a straight line then suddenly the direction setting changed and you tripped yourself sideways for not paying attention...

Or imagine that you're so tired, the speed is fast and the incline/decline setting is normal but then suddenly, the incline/decline setting changed and the treadmill changed the incline to hard-mode where you will fall if you don't run to the top. The speed setting suddenly changed into slow, then you have no choice to run faster or else you might fall.

I have experienced a lot of situations like that for the past 2 months, why do I do this you ask? Well it all started when I first got here.'



(Sanji P.O.V)

'Hmm, this is really interesting... I can feel everything here even though my real body is outside the three rooms... wait, I can't always call them rooms, hmm... I'll just call this the Dream Room since I'm technically asleep.'

Looking around, I saw a blank white room where there is nothing inside... I had an idea and called out...


『Ding! Congratulations on successfully activating the System.』

A blue screen in the shape of a square appeared before me.


Host: Vinsmoke Sanji

Title: N/A

Job: Chef

Crew: N/A

Perk Points: N/A


'Haha, finally my very own system! And God customised it to be basic! Nice, coz back in earth, I really hated it when the stats were too long... Hmm? I got zero Perk Points? Ohh I forgot, there's a round about way to ask the system for points.'

"System can I open the Starter Pack?" I asked.

"Affirmative" the system replied with a mechanical voice.

『Ding! Congratulations for finding and completing the hidden quest "Ask about the starter pack"』

『Opening Starter Pack...』

『Ding! Congratulations, You've been given 50 Perk Points and 50,000 Belly, the Belly will be inside your inventory.』

'50.000 Belly? Hmm I saw in the One Piece Fandom that one cabbage is equal to 150 Belly and the lowest quality sword equals to 50,000 Belly... it's not really a lot... what a stingy system. Hmm let me check if 50 Perk Points is a lot or not, if not I can only curse my luck..'

"System, can you go to the Perk store for me? Oh, and can you arrange it so, it just shows perks under the limit of 1000 Perk Points? " I asked the system, feeling hopeful.

"Affirmative" the system replied mechanically.

The status screen changed and in a blink of an eye, it changed into a list where I can see the names, functions, and price for each perk. I browsed through the perks and focused on the few worthy perks.

『 Ambidextrous - 100 PP

: The ability to use both the right and left hand equally well.』

『 Animal's Friend - 500 PP

: Animals love you. Dangerous animals won't attack you unless provoked/attacked.』

『 Voice of All Things - 800 PP

: Gain the ability to hear The Voice of All Things, it usually refers to the words conveyed by inanimate objects and animals that do not speak the human language. Although these words are usually either inaudible or unintelligible to humans.』

『 Omnilingual - 450 PP

The innate ability to speak intuitively communicate in any language, including animals.』

『 God's Tongue - 500 PP

God's Tongue is a unique skill that grants the wielder a superhuman level of taste beyond that of even the most seasoned food and ingredient experts. With it, one can detect even the tiniest imperfections in any dish with only a single taste. Can also be used outside cooking.』

『God's Nose - 500 PP

God's Nose is a unique skill that grants the wielder a superhuman level of smell that can detect any minute changes in a dish just by the changing aroma coming from the pot, thus can cook without having to look into the pot. The sense of smell is so sharp, that it can pick out and name all spices on a plate from a distance blindfolded and can name their position on the plate in relation to each other. Can also be used outside cooking.』

'Those are some OP perks... first of all, I'm going to save and buy that God's Tongue... I've always wondered how it feels like when I watched the anime... but f*ck! I remembered that I only have 50 PP at the moment. Wait how does the system give missi-'

『Ding! New Mission Available!』

『Train, Train, Train!』

『Mission Info: As you've recently possessed a young boy's body, you are not familiar with the body's movements. Young man, go and train to familiarise yourself with the body! 』

『Mission Requirements: Go use the SUPER-LARGE treadmill in the Training Room, train properly for 2 months and don't slack off!』

『Rewards: 450 PP and 10,000 Belly』

'So this is how... Well the system isn't wrong, I do need to familiarise with this body as it feels awkward doing movements of someone not my age. Ha! exactly 450 PP, I guess this is what they call plot armour... yosh!!! I guess this is my first training arc... even though it's short. ~Teehee~.'

(Flash-Back-kun END)


(Sanji P.O.V)

'I should finish the missions after today's training.' I thought while going downstairs to go in the Training Room and train.


--- 3 days later (In the Dream Room) ---

'Yosh, It's time to wake up.' I thought

Waking up really feels better than before, I guess I need to thank God for accepting my request to feel refreshed every time I wake up...' I thought as I woke up.

『Ding! Mission: "Train Train Train" Complete!』

『Ding! Mission Reward: 450 PP and 10,000 Belly has been awarded to you.』

'Finally! 2 months of hard work will finally pays off.' I thought, then I asked the system to buy the God's Tongue.

『Buying "God's Tongue" - 500 PP. 500 PP has been removed.』

『You have 0 PP left.』


(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I had assessments to do so, it sucks! 🤣🥱😴

(The Perks are inspired by various abilities from different works.)

Thanks for reading my handsome and beautiful readers and I appreciated the comments, reviews, and power stones! Please continue to support me!!! ❤❤❤

(Word count: 1152 words)

Good Night! 😁😉🥱)

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I had assessments to do so, it sucks!

(The Perks are inspired by various abilities from different works.)

Thanks for reading my handsome and beautiful readers and I appreciated the comments, reviews, and power stones! Please continue to support me!!!

(Word count: 1152 words)

Good Night!)


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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