
One Piece: Reincarnating into "Black Leg" Sanji

An apprentice chef who likes to watch anime died in a cliche way, and meets God who decided to grant him a few wishes. Our little chef decided to be born in the One Piece world as Sanji with a few cheats. Read the story of MC as he live in the world of One Piece, cooking happily with his comrades. ------------------------- It is a WISH-FULFILMENT story. so don't get your hopes up ( I just made this fan-fic to pass time so, - DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP! ) Notes: The story will be following Luffy and the Strawhats. UPDATES WILL BE EXTREMELY INCONSISTENT!!! EXPECT MONTHLY UPDATES OR EVEN YEARLY!!!! One Piece world only, no world travelling. While the Main Character will be strong, he will not be OP for quite a while. It's not going to be a rushed story. I'm going to take time and go through things slowly. The system will be a perk system I WILL BE SHAMELESS ENOUGH TO EDIT MY MISTAKES! MOST IMPORTANT NOTE: I don't know how too cook complicated food, I only know how to cook simple fried foods like eggs, bacon or instant noodles, so please bear the lack of information/descriptions that I will use but I will try my best to describe food using Google. P.S. - I am a new author and English is my second language so if there are any Grammatical/Spelling mistakes, please bear with me. The update of the chapters will be really inconsistent. Sometimes, I will update regularly, sometimes don't, so don't expect much. ------------------------- DISCLAIMER: I don't own any character other than my MC. I also don't own any anime/tv show/movie/novel/fanfic references. If I reference people, please don't be offended and contact me if there's a problem because this is a fanfict (Fiction). I just own this fanfic. My inspirations comes from the Handsome and Beautiful authors of novels and fanfics. The cover pic is also not mine. The link to the cover pic is below https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/565412928216915172/

The_Lazy_Daoist · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Don't smoke kids!, Gooey broken eggs, Act cool

(Sanji P.O.V)

'Other than the leg techniques, I have also asked the system to search for a Haki training book in the library, So, I read the book and trained according to the training methods in the book,

I mainly trained the leg techniques in the past 27 years so, I wasn't able to train Observation Haki as much and I don't even know if I have Conqueror's Haki, But I did train in Armament Haki.

Even though I'm not at Garp level Haki or Luffy level where he can use it to coat and hardening his body , I can at most use it to enhance my physical body, I can't coat my body yet, but you can still see a faint black glimmer every time I use it. But with my Dream Room, not immediately but, I will master it soon enough.

My Devil Leg Style, coupled with my weak-ass Armament Haki, I can beat all CP9 members, I can even beat them all in the same time even with they're teamwork and they're vast skills. How do I know that I can beat them you ask?

Well, the Danger Room helped me mimic the powers of their peak selves, then the system copied their appearance almost like an avatar so, they are not summoned from the real world. I can't conjure a copy of them yet as I haven't met any of them yet.

I even asked the system to mimic Doflamingo so I can fight him, the result was, I'm on par with him, I can evade his strings with the 'Devil Leg Style' but I can't kick him either as he has Observation Haki, coupled with his already impressive speed and strength, Doflamingo possesses a monstrous amount of durability, pain-tolerance, and stamina. So, with every kick of mine, he just endured, even when half of his ribs we're broken, he continued to fight like he's not injured. Even though I used the modified Hashokken, he's level of Armanent haki, exceeds mine.

While I do have a massive amount of stamina to fight a long battle, every time the fight was going to end, it's either he runs or I run.

Oh, speaking of the system, turns out the 'Train Train Train' mission was practically part of the 'Starter Pack' because of the massive rewards.

I've only found out when I got a basic mission the next month, where I have to cook some good food for the old man but the rewards for the mission was 5 PP. And the system assigns missions randomly, so it can be like tomorrow, months, or even years.

Fortunately, I got enough points to buy the perks that I've always wanted to buy.'

"System can you show me my perk page?" I asked the system.

"Affirmative" the system replied with its mechanical voice.

『 Sanji's Perks 』


• Ambidextrous

• Animal's Friend

• Omnilingual

• God's Tongue

• God's Nose


' I got what I wanted with only 69 perk points left... I could've bought the Voice of All Things perk first, but I don't really have an urgent need for it. But I will buy it as soon as I have a lot of PP, because I've always wondered if I can use it to hear the knife talk...' I thought silently while smoking.

'Yes, I smoke, because the old man always smoke. I got curious and tried smoking which I have not done in my previous life.

Anyway, I only smoke once in a while... so I'm not addicted.'

(Don't smoke kids!)

--- 2 days later ---

(Sanji P.O.V)




'As I was about to serve the soup to the customer, I heard wood breaking and smashing in the old man's room. I guess Luffy arrived with his unreliable ways of using his Gomu Gomu no Mi to make an appearance...

I resume walking and soon reached the customers who ordered the soup... looking at the customers who ordered, all of a sudden, I quickly realised that the douche with pink hair and the beautiful blonde lady beside him are two of the small-ass side characters in this arc.

Anyway, after pouring wine in their wineglass, the pink-hair guy grabbed the glass and sip it elegantly and I quickly heard murmurs about how refined and elegant this 'Fullbody' is.

While sipping, he was closing he's eyes and spouting 'professional knowledge' about the wine, acting all smug. When he opened his eyes, he found out that, like all women who saw me, the beautiful blonde lady was staring at me with a blush and heart shaped eyes.

"What are you still doing here you damn waiter, scram!" Fullbody shouted angrily.

"Can you shut up? Shouting and spewing crap early in the morning... and by the way, I'm the Assistant Head Chef, Sanji" I told him while I was preparing to turn around and leave.

Fullbody stood up from his seat and smashed the table with his hands, breaking the table and the plates with soup on it. He said with an angry-prideful-provoking tone "Did you just tell me, a marine lieutenant, to shut up? Come here, I dare you to tell me again to shut up!"

I see the beautiful blonde lady trying to convince Fullbody to let it go...

But I wasn't paying attention to them...

Seeing that he broke the table and plate with soup on it, I suddenly remembered the time me and the old man got stranded on the rock without food to eat... even though I didn't personally experience it, back then, the trauma was so severe that the nightmares I got didn't let me access the Danger Room.

Even though I'm not angry, it's still annoying for me to see that food is wasted, it's like an annoying itch nagging inside my heart that can't be scratch. So, the only remedy to relieve the itch?

'True Origins Crushing Kick 0.5%' power' I thought, then…







I kicked Fullbody so fast that, the customers wasn't able to understand what happened,

to them, they just saw me standing quietly, then Fullbody's body flew and slam at the wall with the wall having cracks on it.

Looking at Fullbody closely, the customers can see that Fullbody's test*cles are smashed with gooey red and white liquid dripping in the floor.


Men and women alike screamed while trying their best not to vomit.

Sigh, I should've decreased the power by 0.2%...

I walked towards Fullbody and saw that he was unconscious, I kick a nerve in his body according to one of Chen's technique from 'Naruto'.

Fullbody woke up feeling indescribable pain, he looked at his mangled and smashed gooed test*cles and screamed so loud that wineglasses are vibrating and starting to break.

As soon as he finished screaming laudly, the door opened and three figures emerge,

A slim young woman of average height with orange hair and brown eyes. Most people consider her to be very attractive or even beautiful

She wears a pink shirt with the letters "W" and a lowercase "B" in the center in a circle in white. The shirt has white liners and two lines along the sleeves. She also wears a yellow mini-skirt, and brown high-heeled boots.

The second person is a cropped green haired muscular man of average height with lightly tanned skin. He carries three swords along with him, bundled up with a green haramaki over his right hip, which would allow him to easily draw them with his left hand.

He wears black trousers tucked inside black boots, a plain white shirt with three undone buttons at the collar and a green haramaki.

The third person is a slim tan-skinned teenager with medium-length black woolly hair, prominent lips, and a long nose

He wears an olive-green plaid bandanna, a blue and white striped armband on his left arm, brown overalls with a white sash and no shirt underneath. He also carries with him a yellow satchel.

I was a bit surprised and stared at them dazedly before getting awakened by the voice of the green-haired man.

"Is this a fight or something?" The green-haired man said

Looking at the three, I chuckled internally for finally seeing them...

I look away from them then I proceeded to act cool in front of them.

My devil fruit reacted, then the world adjusted the light to shine on my face and then, the world angled my face so my blonde hair shadows half of my face to create a serious but bad-ass atmosphere.

With my hands on my pocket, I stepped on Fullbody's face and said with a bad-ass tone" Messing with a cook of the sea, is a good way to get yourself killed... Remember that well."


ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ


(A/N: Sorry short and late chapter, I had assessments to do so, it sucks! 🤣🥱😴

The "Devil Leg Style" won the votes! Thank you beautiful and handsome people for voting!!!😈😁

(This chapter was edited) - Thank you for "All-seeing" for spoting my mistake of his fighting level and thank you "Ryofu" for making a good suggestion!

I was kinda hoping for the "Lusty Argonian Style" to win... but oh well ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

Thank you everyone for pointing out my mistakes and giving suggestions/feedbacks!😁

Thank you "BloodCleaver" for pointing out the loophole about the nightmare and giving a suggestion! 😄🙏🙏🙏

Please bear the terrible grammar/spelling errors.

I apologise if I can't bring out the intended words/sentence/idioms/phrase or any language rules that improves the reader's comprehensions of the story.

Thanks for reading my handsome and beautiful readers and I appreciated the comments, reviews, and power stones! Please continue to support me!!! ❤❤❤

(Word count: 1612 words)

Good Night! 😁😉🥱)


Sorry short and late chapter, I had assessments to do so, it sucks!

The "Devil Leg Style" won the votes! Thank you beautiful and handsome people for voting!!!

I was kinda hoping for the "Lusty Argonian Style" to win... but oh well    ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

Thank you everyone for pointing out my mistakes and giving suggestions/feedbacks!

Thank you "BloodCleaver" for pointing out the loophole about the nightmare and giving a suggestion!

Please bear the terrible grammar/spelling errors.

I apologise if I can't bring out the intended words/sentence/idioms/phrase or any language rules that improves the reader's comprehensions of the story.

Thanks for reading my handsome and beautiful readers and I appreciated the comments, reviews, and power stones! Please continue to support me!!!

(Word count: 1612 words)

Good Night! )


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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