
One Piece: Reincarnating into "Black Leg" Sanji

An apprentice chef who likes to watch anime died in a cliche way, and meets God who decided to grant him a few wishes. Our little chef decided to be born in the One Piece world as Sanji with a few cheats. Read the story of MC as he live in the world of One Piece, cooking happily with his comrades. ------------------------- It is a WISH-FULFILMENT story. so don't get your hopes up ( I just made this fan-fic to pass time so, - DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP! ) Notes: The story will be following Luffy and the Strawhats. UPDATES WILL BE EXTREMELY INCONSISTENT!!! EXPECT MONTHLY UPDATES OR EVEN YEARLY!!!! One Piece world only, no world travelling. While the Main Character will be strong, he will not be OP for quite a while. It's not going to be a rushed story. I'm going to take time and go through things slowly. The system will be a perk system I WILL BE SHAMELESS ENOUGH TO EDIT MY MISTAKES! MOST IMPORTANT NOTE: I don't know how too cook complicated food, I only know how to cook simple fried foods like eggs, bacon or instant noodles, so please bear the lack of information/descriptions that I will use but I will try my best to describe food using Google. P.S. - I am a new author and English is my second language so if there are any Grammatical/Spelling mistakes, please bear with me. The update of the chapters will be really inconsistent. Sometimes, I will update regularly, sometimes don't, so don't expect much. ------------------------- DISCLAIMER: I don't own any character other than my MC. I also don't own any anime/tv show/movie/novel/fanfic references. If I reference people, please don't be offended and contact me if there's a problem because this is a fanfict (Fiction). I just own this fanfic. My inspirations comes from the Handsome and Beautiful authors of novels and fanfics. The cover pic is also not mine. The link to the cover pic is below https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/565412928216915172/

The_Lazy_Daoist · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Another Cool Moment, Patty the Great, Big Juicy Melons

(Sanji P.O.V)

While I was stepping on Fullbody's face, a youth with a straw-hat and the old man suddenly fell down from the ceiling.

The cooks and waiters immediately surrounded the old man to see what happened.

"Owner, what happened to you?!" said one of the waiters

"It's this damn brat's fault!" Zeff said in an angry tone.

"You broke it yourself, old man!" replied the youth with a straw-hat in a similar angry tone.

The youth has black shaggy hair, round black eyes, and a slim muscular build. He wears short, blue trousers with cuffs, sandals, and a sleeveless red vest. The youth also has a scar with two stitches underneath his left eye. And of course, a straw-hat with a red line on the middle.

Zeff not wanting to argue with the idiotic brat, looked at me and the disgusting scene where he can see a dishevelled Fullbody with white-red goo on his pants.

With a look of disgust, Zeff shouted to Sanji " Oi Sanji! Were you fighting in our restaurant again?!"

"Shut it old man, and it's he's fault anyway! He was messing with our restaurant!" I replied angrily.

"Who do you think you're talking to, telling me to shut up!" He angrily said while kicking my handsome face with his pegged leg.

Even when he was kicking me in the face, it looked cool, partly because I didn't fall down nor move, his leg hit my face but all it did was just to trigger my devil fruit. The wind blew towards me when he kicked, and my gorgeous hair flowed in my back. Then the top button of my white, frilled dress shirt, magically unbuttoned, revealing the outline of my hard dense muscular chest.

You can see ladies staring at it with hearts on their eyes.

Zeff, having used to the weird 'cool' moments, shifted his attention to Fullbody and angrily shouted while kicking him " And you! Get the hell out of my restaurant!"

After getting kicked, Fullbody was lamenting on how the cooks on this ship is like a pirate gang. While lamenting, he was about to go out the restaurant when a man with a marine uniform with blood dripping on his forehead stopped him.

"Lieu-Lieutenant Fullbody! We've got a problem!" the man said while panting.

"The Pirate Krieg's man has escaped!" the man exclaimed

"Nani?! (What) that is ridiculous! We got him while he was starving to death! How the hell did he escape?!" said Fullbody.

The customers, hearing about the Don Krieg Pirates, exclaimed with fear, and Luffy's interest got piqued by the strong pirate.


The man in the marine uniform got shot in the back.


While the man fell down, the customers was able to see the culprit.

A relatively lanky, average-sized man with short, scruffy hair and slight stubble. His eyes are surrounded by dark rings, possibly stemming from the terror and exhaustion. He wore an open gray-white jacket lined with twin red sea-serpent designs, a green undershirt, gray trousers, a gray headband with blue stripes, and two round earrings on each ear.

The customers ran away frantically to avoid him, unfortunately for them, they're in the middle of the sea.

Aside from the canon fodders, there was multiple different reaction from the strong ones.

Patty's reaction was sarcasm saying " Another customer has arrived..."

Zeff's reaction was gritting his teeth while saying " He'd better not cause any trouble to my restaurant."

Luffy's reaction was curious, he said " a pirate eh?"

My reaction was... just lighting up a cigarette to smoke it while watching the scene interestedly.

With smoke floating out of the gun barrel, the man put his other hand on his pocket and walk towards a table.

After he sat down, he put one of his leg on the table and while looking at Patty, he said "What ever it is. Bring me some food".

With a weird big chesire-like smile, Patty said 'politely " Welcome to the restaurant, you smelly bastard."

While getting dumbfounded, he took a double look at Patty, realising he's serious, he said while fuming inside " I'll only say this once, bring me some food right now."

While scratching his head, Patty replied with an awkward laugh " I'm sorry Sir, but we'll be expecting you to pay a meal here. Do you have any money?"

Finally can't take it anymore, the man points a gun in Patty's forehead and said " Will a bullet suffice?"

Changing into a furious gorilla-like face, Patty who can't take being polite any more, shouted with saliva flying " So I take it that you don't have any money!"

After shouting it into the man's face, Patty put his weird shaped muscular arms together and hammered the f*ck out of the man's head, while breaking the table at the same time.

The audience/customers exclaimed with awe,

Zeff cursing at Patty for breaking the table,

Luffy impressed with Patty's strength said, " Wow he's strong".

I just watch with interest while smoking.

With Patty's arm crossed, he says " If you can't pay up, you can't eat!"

After saying that 'cool line' the crowd got awed and cheered for him, one of the pirate-like lady even flashed her big juicy melons to him and said, "Way to go, Mr. Cook!"

Patty, after staring at the big juicy melons on the table that the lady took out, shifted his attention on the man on the ground when the man's stomach grumbled.

"Oh, your stomach is growling there, you filthy pirate..." Patty said.

"Ha! I just farted, hurry up and get me something to eat.." the man on the ground weakly said while grabbing his stomach.

Hearing that, Patty widened his eyes and got furious. He shouted to the man on the ground " You're no customer, so get the f*ck out of here!!!!"




Luffy and Zeff looked over at the sound where there are footsteps noises.

Only to see me walking towards the kitchen...


ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)����


(A/N: I'm Back!!! 🤣🥱😴

For the next 2 weeks, I will try to provide a chapter everyday coz it's my vacation. Take it as a mini-compensation for the short hiatus.

Sanji is wearing his clothes that he wore on the Whole cake island Arc, but feel free to suggest what better clothing he can wear on the future chapters.

( If there was any good clothing that you ladies and gentlemen suggest that was any good, then I'll just choose what I think is the best one. But if I don't like any on those... welp, I'll just stick to the clothes he wore on the Whole cake island Arc. - Sorry in advance ahahaha)

I'm at amateur at writing and I haven't even wrote a proper fighting scene yet, so please bare with it in the future.

The next chapter, I think will be cringe or not... I don't know. So it's just a warning to those who don't have resistance to the Dao of Cringiness.

[F.Y.I : I think I did well in the exams... or not. Probably not.

~teehee. Anyway! How was your week?!]

Thanks for reading my handsome and beautiful readers and I appreciated the comments, reviews, and power stones! Please continue to support me!!! ❤❤❤

(Word count: 1209 words)

Good Night! 😁😉🥱)


I'm Back!!!

For the next 2 weeks, I will try to provide a chapter everyday coz it's my vacation. Take it as a mini-compensation for the short hiatus.

Sanji is wearing his clothes that he wore on the Whole cake island Arc, but feel free to suggest what better clothing he can wear on the future chapters.

( If there was any good clothing that you ladies and gentlemen suggest that was any good, then I'll just choose what I think is the best one. But if I don't like any on those... welp, I'll just stick to the clothes he wore on the Whole cake island Arc. - Sorry in advance ahahaha)

I'm at amateur at writing and I haven't even wrote a proper fighting scene yet, so please bare with it in the future.

The next chapter, I think will be cringe or not... I don't know. So it's just a warning to those who don't have resistance to the Dao of Cringiness.

[F.Y.I : I think I did well in the exams... or not. Probably not. 

~teehee. Anyway! How was your week?!]

Thanks for reading my handsome and beautiful readers and I appreciated the comments, reviews, and power stones! Please continue to support me!!!

(Word count: 1209 words)

Good Night!)


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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