
One piece : Reincarnated in the moon

I will try to upload 2 chapter a day .

Ajbin_Mahat_7292 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

29. New abilities.

Now is not the time to catch Luffy, because now he has Whitebeard, and behind Luffy there is still a the revolutionary army.

When the time comes, don't fight against Whitebeard's first, but fight with the Revolutionary Army first. The key is that the Navy and Whitebeard are still on the verge of breaking out.

It is not good to set up too many enemies at the same time, it is best to defeat them one by one.

Garp has no objection to this either. Just as he did in the video, he is a navy. Now that the navy is in crisis, he cannot leave his post without authorization. Moreover, being a pirate is also Luffy's own decision, and he must be responsible for his own decision.

Even if the ending is death.

If that day does come, all he can do is watch him finish his last journey.

The Fleet Admiral is dispatching troops, and the World Government is on the side.

Holy Land , Hall of Power, the five elder's also watched the live broadcast.

What this live broadcast showed can't help but surprise these old people who are standing at the pinnacle of world power.

A means of being able to broadcast live around the world.

The ability to predict the future.

And the most important thing is the source of the other party's terrifying news.

Because they noticed that a lot of information is actually known to few people, and no one knows at all except themselves.

Especially the last meeting and words of Garp and Roger, which only Garp knows.

However, this mysterious man not only knew but also recorded it, which happened twenty years ago.

Who the **** is this person, and why have they been lurking in this world for so long, and they have no news about him at all?

Could it be that this person really has the ability to freely travel through the past and the future?

Thinking of this, the Five Elders felt a shudder again. It's been a long time since these big men have felt this kind of emotion.

However, this guess was quickly denied by themselves.

Because they don't think and don't want to believe that there are such terrifying people in this world, and they also don't allow such cowboys to exist.

So after the live broadcast, the Five Elders immediately arranged for CPs all over the world to investigate the whereabouts of this mysterious man.

But it's hard for CPs, because they don't even have the slightest clue about the mysterious person.

A room, a table, a person with no face, who can find this?

At this moment, people all over the world are wondering who this mysterious person is? They are also looking for the mysterious person .

What everyone didn't know was that the mysterious man they were looking for was on the bright moon in their sky at this time.

Luke took the life potion and Advance Haki potion directly after the live broadcast.

After taking it, he not only felt that he had grown taller, but also had a huge improvement in all aspects of his whole body, and he seemed to have endless energy.

After experimenting with the Armament and Conquerors Haki, Luke had to use the telescope that the system gave him to remotely observe the opposite planet and find the next time to ask questions.

However, during this period, after the unblocking progressed, he also learned more about some things.

He was not sealed on the moon for no reason, probably after crossing into this world, in the , he was regarded as an invader by the will of this world, so he was obliterated and sealed.

This is also why Luke woke up and found that he was in a state of soul, but fortunately, a system tried desperately to save his body, and he activated the system again after returning to his body.

As long as the world is affected in the process of answering the question, the system can steal power from this world.

The progress of lifting the seal and the abilities and things Luke obtained belong to this part of the power.

After realizing this, Luke thought about it. Since he wants to influence the original work, obviously the best target is Luffy, the protagonist of the One Piece anime.

If there is any change in him, it will inevitably cause subversive changes in the original work.

That's a big impact.

The system indicated that this was indeed a good idea.

But one thing needs to be noted, that is, the will of the world is in a sleeping state in most cases, unless it encounters an external invasion, such as a traverser like Luke, or the protagonist of this world is killed inexplicably, which directly interferes with the world. Things like that the world will wake up.

Moreover, Luke's direct intervention to interfere with the world also has the risk of causing the world's will to wake up.

What will happen after waking up can be understood without the system telling.

Therefore, it is best for Luke to influence the world as much as possible and steal the power of this world by answering questions without causing the world to wake up.

And as the system steals more power, it will make Luke more like a person in this world, the less likely it will cause the world's will to care, and the stronger it will become. In the end, it can even dominate the world. .

And after the unblocking progress exceeded 5%, the system obtained new permissions and was able to create his projection in the live broadcast space, with no entity.

Similar to holographic projection.

And the system prompts that with the progress of the unsealing, the will of the world can even be temporarily blocked in the future to let him come out of the seal.

But even so, Luke can finally leave here and take a look outside.

Since the end of the live broadcast, the Whitebeard Pirates have not been found, and soon after, the Moby Dick suddenly appeared in a branch of the Navy in the New World without being noticed.

And with one fell swoop, the entire branch was sunk, making this branch completely disappear at sea.

And he left a message to the navy who still survived in this branch:

"This is a warning!

If the navy dares to take action against my family, the next time will be the navy headquarters."

As soon as this happened, the world was shocked.

This also allows people from all over the world to truly appreciate the true strength of the Four Emperors Whitebeard in addition to the war in the video.

Just as those who learned the news were anxiously waiting for the follow-up to develop into a war between the Navy and Whitebeard, the new world seemed to have calmed down.

The Navy Headquarters, Sengoku, he was a little bit devastated by the sudden attack by Whitebeard.

Although he had long expected that Whitebeard would act like that.

However, for the navy, the size of the navy is too large, and its branches are basically all over the world.

Even the New World has several places.

The advantage of having many branches is that they can stretch their tentacles very long, making it easier to control the world.

But the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, when the enemy wants to attack you, you can't take care of it all at once.

The so-called ignoring one's head is just like that.

When the news of the destruction of the branch in the new world came, Sengoku was relieved.

Because it seems that Whitebeard does not intend to officially start a war with the navy, but Whitebeard can't do nothing. If he doesn't do anything, it will make the Whitebeard Pirates weak.

In the video, the navy has bullied the Whitebeard Pirates, and Whitebeard hasn't reacted when he sees this, which will only make the world laugh.

However, Whitebeard is also sober, and he knows that it is not a rational choice for him to go to war with the navy.

Even if he returns to his youth, it still doesn't mean that he can knead the behemoth of the navy at will.

Otherwise, he would have wiped out the navy when he was young.

Unless he is crazy and fights with the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy to die together.

But such an ending is not good for the Whitebeard Pirates or the Navy.

After they died, they took advantage of the hungry wolves who were waiting for the two of them to perish together.

Even more than Whitebeard, they want them to go to war. In fact, these guys are hiding in the shadows. They can't wait for Whitebeard to fight the navy.

Then they can pick it up cheaply. Whether it is the corpse of the Navy or the corpse of the Whitebeard Pirates, they are very plump.

So even after seeing the scene where Ace was killed and the vitality of the Whitebeard Pirates was severely damaged in the video, Whitebeard calmed down.

He personally led the Whitebeard Pirates to destroy the branch of the Navy in the New World that was close to his sphere of influence, to show that his Whitebeard Pirates were not easy to bully.

This is my bottom line, if you have to fight, then I will fight!

As a wise general, Sengoku immediately understood Whitebeard's thoughts when he saw this, so he immediately gave up this branch and only rescued the wounded and moved them.