
One piece : Reincarnated in the moon

I will try to upload 2 chapter a day .

Ajbin_Mahat_7292 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

28. Prime Whitebeard returns.

Who is this mysterious man, and how could he have such a good thing in his hand?

Sengoku could only shake his head and say, "I hope it's not true."

However, this is just the Fleet Admiral deceiving themselves.

He is very clear that the other party's origin is probably not simple, he has the ability to predict the future, and he has unpredictable means to broadcast live broadcasts all over the world at the same time.

If it was something that such a man took out, it would most likely be real.

Because if the other party made such a big scene and took out this thing in front of everyone in the world, and it turned out to be fake?

Isn't this slapping yourself in the face?

However, Sengoku still held a trace of fantasy in his heart.

The thoughts of everyone in the navy are similar to those of Sengoku. This is not a good thing for the navy!

In the new world, Bigmom, Kaido, Doflamingo and others looked at the life potion held in Whitebeard's hand, and the greed and desire in their eyes overflowed.

To talk about what people at their level desire most is to live longer.

Moreover, after recovering their prime bodies and having more time, they will be able to do as much time as they want, and there will be more opportunities waiting for them.

At this moment, Whitebeard couldn't believe it. What he was holding in his hand turned out to be a magical potion that could prolong life by fifty years? !

"What you said is true?" Whitebeard's already old and somewhat unwavering heart suddenly thumped at this moment, and the long-lost excitement trembled in his heart.

He is already seventy-two, and he has long realized that his time with his sons is running out.

The more this is the case, the more he cherishes the present time, and he also understands that the future of the Whitebeard Pirates will not be what it is without him.

That's why he intentionally recruited talented young people like Ace to join the Whitebeard Pirates, hoping that Marco, Ace, Jozu, Vista... these young people can support the Whitebeard Pirates after his death.

But after all, he still couldn't stop worrying about them, especially after seeing the situation of the war, he was even more worried about the future of his sons.

He can still support them when he is alive, but what will happen after he dies?

He can't imagine, but this is life, so he can only trust his sons as much as possible, which may be the reason why he in the video was willing to sacrifice himself in exchange for his sons to escape.

The future belongs to young people.

But now, there seems to be another future in his hands, which makes him excited.

Luke's voice came from the screen.

"Of course it's true. The things I took out is genuine, and it isn't anything extraordinary."

Speaking of which, Luke took out a bottle of potion that was darker than the one in the Whitebeard's hand.

"The bottle in your hand is fifty years old. It's your reward for answering this question. The bottle in my hand can prolong your life by a hundred years."

Another hundred years? !

As soon as Luke said this, the eyes from all over the world were looking at the potion in Luke's, but the potion disappeared from Luke's hand in the next second.

"By the way, let me remind you that this bottle of potion can only be used by one person, and only the person who takes the first sip can get the effect, so don't think about mixing it with water and drinking it.

Now that the reward has been given to you, I can't control who you want to use it on, you can decide for yourself.

However, I still recommend that you drink it now. Now it is being broadcast live all over the world. Many people know that you have the life potion in your hands.

Although this thing is not worth mentioning to me, it is priceless to them, and it may bring disaster to your Whitebeard Pirates.

Even within your Whitebeard Pirates, there may be chaos due to this. "

Hearing Luke's words, Whitebeard immediately understood what he meant. In the face of life, even the names of his four emperors can't stop him. After all, there are still three like him, not to mention the world government and the The behemoth of the Navy is here.

As for what Luke said about his family being against him, Whitebeard is not worried, he will not doubt his son.

It's just that external threats must be considered.

At the same time, many big figures around the world cried out in exasperation. They originally thought that if Whitebeard didn't use it immediately, they would send someone over, to steal or grab the life potion.

At this time, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates spoke up, persuading Whitebeard to drink the medicine.

"Dad, drink the medicine now."

"Dad, drink the medicine!

"As long as you are healthy, we have nothing else to ask for!"



Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates were very excited to persuade Whitebeard to drink the medicine. Almost everyone hoped that Whitebeard could regain his health and lead them to continue to dominate the sea.

Except for Marshall D. Teach, when everyonewas persuading Whitebeard to drink the medicine they didn't notice that Teach, who has been showing people a smile, was full of greed and desire at this time.

He spent decades on the Whitebeard ship, waiting for his favorite fruit to appear, but it has yet to appear.

And he is 38 years old, and most of his life has passed.

If he can drink this bottle of life potion, then his life is equivalent to just beginning, and he still has more time to wait for what he wants to appear.

However, reason told him that he couldn't get the potion. Teach could only look at the life potion with regret and pity, and then he returned to his smiling face and persuaded Whitebeard to drink the medicine like the others.

After hearing the advice of his sons, Whitebeard drank the life potion without any hesitation.

Although it is said that the mysterious man's origin is mysterious, from the conversation just now, the other party can still be trusted to a certain extent, at least the things he revealed are basically true.

That being the case, he still decided to trust Luke once, he really wanted fifty years of life.

Everyone watched the scene of Whitebeard drinking down.

Some are curious, some regret, some are angry, some are worried...

However, no matter what mood they were in, after Whitebeard drank the life potion in the live broadcast, the scar on his exposed chest miraculously disappeared slowly.

Not only that, but the surrounding area of ​​Whitebeard's face has also faded, and the skin has become firmer, and the most obvious thing is that Whitebeard's gray beard and hair have turned pale gold because of his age.

He regained his youthful hair color.

For a while, people thought that this guy shouldn't be called Whitebeard,he should be called Goldbeard.

No matter what he is called, one thing that is certain is that this life potion really works.

Whitebeard's body is back to his prime, and he's healthier and stronger!

He, Whitebeard, has returned in prosperity!

Whitebeard closed his eyes, clenched his fists and opened his hands, and a sudden and powerful aura suddenly radiated from him.

This is a feeling of power... Whitebeard can clearly feel that the deep wounds on his body have completely disappeared, and he feels that he is stronger than himself in his strongest period.

At this moment, even if the Fleet Admiral really started a war against him, he would not be afraid!

The momentum on Whitebeard's body can be felt through the live broadcasts . The strongest man in the world, he has completely returned.

That life potion is really true... Even if they had already guessed the result, when they saw Whitebeard's appearance, the result was still a little hard for them to accept.

At the same time, Bigmom, Kaido, Doflamingo and others saw the changes in Whitebeard, and their greed for the life potion became stronger.

However, the one in Whitebeard's hand has already been used, and now only the mysterious man has this thing.

But they don't have any valuable information about the mysterious man at all.

The only thing they know is that this person broadcasts live, and as long as he answers the question correctly, he will be rewarded.

And this reward includes the life potion that Whitebeard just obtained.

Not only that, but they also saw the life potion that Luke was holding in his hand with double the effect, a hundred years...

There must be more good things in this mysterious person's hands...

Luoke saw what happened to the Whitebeard Pirates, including the change in Blackbeard's expression.

"Okay, now that the matter is over, this is the end of the live broadcast of the quiz. See you when you have a chance in the future."

"Wait, when can we answer the question again? We still have a lot of things to know!" Ace asked quickly.

"Who knows?" Luke smiled. He stood up and made a move to leave the stage, "Then, for the audience of this quiz live broadcast, see you next time, and look forward to your next viewing."

As soon as Luke's fell, the insubstantial screen in the air of the Moby Dick closed into a black crack, and then disappeared into nothingness in an instant.

All that was left were the members of the Whitebeard Pirates who were staring at each other .

For ordinary people...….

They watched a special live broadcast and saw a world-class war of the future.

Not only that, but they also know a lot of secrets that they don't know.

For example, the son of Roger is still alive.

Dragon, the leader of the revolutionary army, is the son of the navy hero Garp.

At the same time, the atmosphere in the navy headquarters was somewhat solemn.

As soon as the live broadcast ended, Fleet Admiral Sengoku called the Admiral of the headquarters for a meeting.

The live broadcast is a mixed bag for the Navy.

The good thing is that through this live broadcast, the navy showed the power of the navy to the world without a single soldier. Pirates who want to go out to sea or have already gone out to sea will be deterred.

To a certain extent, this also maintains the stability and reputation of the sea.

The bad part is that many bad aspects of the navy have been picked up, such as the wrongful killing of innocent women and children on Baterila Island, the navy hero has two pirate grandsons and a revolutionary army leader son and so on.

What's more serious is that the navy provoked a fourth emperor out of thin air.

Although the navy and the four emperors were originally enemies, they maintained a delicate balance and would not easily attack each other. However, they did not know how the angered Whitebeard would react in the back.

This is a question that needs to be faced with caution.

It is also a top priority.

Especially the four emperors red hair, this guy has a close relationship with Ace of the Whitebeard Pirates, as Roger and Whitebeard have an unusual relationship.

If Whitebeard goes to war with the navy, it cannot be ruled out that the other side will not seek allies.

Moreover, the connections of the Whitebeard Pirates are not simple. He and the current Four Emperors Bigmom and Four Emperor Kaido belonged to the same pirate group, the Rocks Pirates. It can be said that each of the Four Emperors is related to Whitebeard.

If the four emperors colluded to fight the navy, then the world would really be in danger.

But fortunately, Whitebeard seems to have a bad relationship with Kaido and bigmom. They used to fight frequently because of their territory.

But that's not a reason to relax either.

Sengoku can predict that once Whitebeard really decides to go to war with the navy, the scale of this war will definitely be larger than the war on in the video, and the battle situation will be even more tragic!

It's just that the side that will lose this time is not necessarily Whitebeard's side.

Originally, Sengoku also wanted to arrange for Garp's other grandson, Luffy. First, he would be caught and locked up so that Magellan would closely monitor him and solve a problem first.