
One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother

This is the story of a man from earth who dies and reborn in One Piece World as Eustass Kid twin brother. Follow the story of the two brothers as they sail the Grand Line and make a name for themselves. =-=-=-=-=-=-= The mc and Kid will be co-captains of the 'Eustass Pirates' (instead of Kid Pirates). Notes: -No system. -No cheats. -No harem. I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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Ruining a Party

[A Few Days Later…Totto Land, Whole Cake Island]

Whole Cake Island is Big Mom Pirates' base of operations and the central island in Big Mom's 35 island archipelago known as Totto Land. It's a large island that resemblance a gathering of frosted cakes due to the enormous cake buildings constructed here with Sweet City as its capital.

Atop the largest central building, the Whole Cake Chateau, there are massive poles shaped like candles, making it look like a birthday cake. The Whole Cake Chateau is a three-layered massive castle of Big Mom, and it's the largest cake building found in Sweet City.

Sweet City is situated northwestern to Whole Cake Chateau, roughly in the center of the island. Its structures and buildings are made of edible substances, such as candy or biscuits with some of the buildings being living. The city is also seemingly surrounded by living hills, and a pathway links the Whole Cake Chateau to Lake Aprico.

Lake Aprico is a large lake right behind Whole Cake Chateau, which runs into the ocean. Right at the entrance to its port are two Tartes, and only Big Mom's associate crews and guests are granted access to the port.

Currently, a multitude of ships are anchored there, with some belonging to the Big Mom Pirates and others to guests invited to Big Mom's tea party.

The city and the entire island buzzed with thousands of soldiers and Homies, Big Mom's obedient army crafted from her Soru Soru no Mi Devil Fruit. These chess piece-shaped soldiers, along with some of Big Mom's children, were tasked with ensuring security throughout the event and were ready to handle any unforeseen circumstances.

"--It's starting!"

"--It's starting!"

"It's time for Mama's Tea Party!" The trees, the flowers, the hills and even the buildings of this island were singing in harmony as carriages pulled by pigs arrived at Whole Cake Chateau.

The carriages transported the guests from the port to the castle for the tea party, including notable figures from the underworld. Among them were five influential Emperors, 'Big News' Morgans, 'Major Undertaker' Drug Peclo, 'The Concealer' Giberson, 'Deep Ocean Current' Umit and 'God of Fortune' Lu Feld.

"My my, I'm so glad to have been invited to this" Giberson said

"Kuwahahaha! I can't wait to see what's in store at this Tea Party. Hopefully, I'll leave with some exciting news at least!" Morgans exclaimed eagerly. He has the form of a very tall human albatross hybrid with small eyes and a large beak. His body is covered in white feathers, and he has a large tail and wings that resemble human arms.

"This is Big Mom's party; I suggest that you leave your nasty behavior for another day if you don't wanna get in trouble" Umit said to him.

The five Underworld Emperors strolled confidently towards the castle entrance. Waiting to greet them at the gates were Charlotte Perospero, Capone 'Gang' Bege, and Charlotte Galette.

"Now Now Welcome! Emperors of the Underworld!" Perospero greeted them, arms wide and a friendly smile on his face "Mama has been eagerly waiting for your arrival-perorin"

"Perospero!" This wasn't the Underworld Emperors' first Tea Party, so they were already familiar with some of Big Mom's children.

[Eldest son of Big Mom and the Minister of Candy – Charlotte Perospero, Dead or Alive ℬ 700,000,000 – ]

"Brother Perospero, it might be late for them to go through the castle" Galette stood beside him, briefly adjusting her shoulder-length red hair.

[18th daughter of Big Mom and the Minister of Butter – Charlotte Galette, Dead or Alive ℬ 189,000,000 – ]

"You're right Galette, shall we send them on their way?..." Perospero twirled his candy cane and crafted a huge candy stairway leading to the top of Whole Cake Chateau "...With the candy escalator!"

The guests gazed in awe as the structure took form in mere seconds "This is wonderful!"

"No matter how many times I see it, this candy work is art!" Morgans remarked.

"Thank you, Mama hate late comers you know" Perospero licked the top of his candy can "Let us hurry. You all are the last guests-perorin!"

The guests stepped into the stairway, only to find it moving upward on its own, resembling an escalator.

"Wow! The stairs move on their own!"

"How wonderful!"

Perospero turned to Bege, who stood nearby with some of his men, and spoke to him "Keep an open eye around the place Bege, we don't want any troubles occurring in this day. Mama hate being interrupted during times like this, do you understand-perorin?"

"Rest assured, we've got this" Bege responded confidently, puffing on a thick cigar 'Who in their right mind would cause trouble with all the monsters present here today?' He pondered, arms folded across his chest.

"We have already deployed hundreds of soldiers and Homies to patrol the city. They'll report every smallest thing" Galette stated.

Perospero glanced at the top of the castle "Good, the party begin at 10 o'clock...we have around 5 minutes left"

[Whole Cake Chateau's Top Floor]

The guests began filling the open, spacious hall where the party was being held. Big Mom's children were all there, welcoming them with smiles.

"Welcome! Come inside!" Charlotte Smoothie greeted them at the door, handing out juice extracted from various animals and objects with her unique Wring-Wring Fruit Devil Fruit ability.

"This juice has a really unique flavor, unlike anything I've tasted before. It's incredibly delicious!"

"It's amazing!"


"It's almost time!" exclaimed a guest eagerly as Big Mom finally arrived.

"Oh! It's Big Mom!"

Big Mom entered the room, her face beaming with excitement as she greeted her guests "Everyone, thank you for coming from near and far!"

"Look to your right and then to your left! Everything you see is a sweet treat, eat and drink to your heart's content!" Big Mom then took a seat at the head of the biggest table, surrounded by her children "Be sure to enjoy everything that happens here today!" 



[Meanwhile…On the Victoria Victoria],

Right now, the Victoria Punk wasn't moving towards its destination by sea, but instead the ship was floating mid-air atop a foundation of white clouds made by Kai's Devil Fruit. Thanks to that, the crew was able to bypass all the security measures and avoid the eyes of the Big Mom Pirates easily.

Aboard is the Eustass Pirates' Eight Olympian Captains and their Chiefs, Crocodile, Daz Bonez, Desire, Galdino and Alvida along with a couple hundred henchmen. They were slowly approaching Whole Cake Island, its unique theme and the large cake constructs left everyone in awe at the first sight of it.

"That's Whole Cake Island, Big Mom's operation base" Wyper gazed in amazement. He never imagined he'd visit a place like this, especially coming from Sky Island, even in such circumstances "The blue sea never ceases to amaze me"

"But she has a weird taste, looking in at it from here. Only a child would wanna have an island made out of cake as their home…" Saga remarked, standing near Bonney who looked very excited.

Bonney's eyes widened into heart shapes and her tongue slipped out, dripping with saliva, as she caught sight of that scene "Wow!! It's a whole island made out of cake!! It looks so delicious!!"

"Hahaha! You're totally right about that" Krieg chuckled, seeing Bonney's reaction.

"Focus Bonney, we're up against an Emperor's crew. Dropping our guards will have deadly consequences" Killer's firm words spurred the pink-haired girl into a more serious demeanor.

"Everyone's ready?!" Kid questioned.

"I'm always ready, let's just hope everything goes as planned. From my experience, that won't always be the case" Crocodile narrowed his eyes, casting a glance towards the island as the wind tousled his hair and coat.

"I should've stayed with Buggy if I knew about this" Galdino stood nervously behind Crocodile, flanked by Alvida and Daz Bonez, cold sweat dripping down his face.

Alvida sighed in resignation "Well, there's nothing we can do about that now"

"Enough you two, we need everyone in full power so don't mess it up" Daz said, his tone serious.

"Hang on tight! I'll increase our speed!" Kai made the clouds carrying the Victoria Punk to exclude powerful bursts of winds, propelling the ship forward at greater speed.

"The fighting starts as soon as we land!" Kai stood atop the ship's figurehead beside Kid, quickly informing everyone as the vessel approached the island. In just a few minutes, the ship cast its silhouette against the night sky's moon as it entered the island.

At Sweet City, the soldiers were doing their usual routine patrol when they noticed something strange.


"What is it?" One of the soldiers asked.

"Am I imagining things, or is something flying our direction?"

"Something is flying here? Who would dare to attack this place--" When the soldier looked skyward, his face shifted suddenly to a shocked expression.

"...?!!!...you're not imagining things!"

"--Hurry up!! Someone should go inform Perospero-sama!! An identified object is flying above the island!!"

"Yes sir!!"



Bege glanced at his subordinate with a puzzled expression "What is it Vito?"

"Look up there! Something's flying above the island-rero!!"

"Hmm? Flying? What nonsense are you speaking--" Bege stood frozen as his eyes locked onto the sight before him. Cold sweat trickled down his forehead as his cigar fell from his mouth in shock "That's--...a pirate ship?!!"


"I don't believe my eyes, is that a pirate ship flying up there?!" Galette looked up in bewilderment as she spotted two figures standing on it "You're kidding, that's 'Red Demon' Kai and 'Captain' Kid!!!..."

Galette then turned to Perospero's direction who looked equally shocked "Eustass Pirates, those bastards! how did they make it here without getting spotted?!...what are they trying to do?!" He clenched his fists tightly from anger as he issued orders "Get everyone ready to fight, we won't let them ruin Mama's party!!"

On the Victoria Punk,

"Kahahahaha!! We came here Big Mom's head!!" Kai exclaimed with a battle grin, his hand resting on his sheathed sword's hilt before he glanced down at the city below them "I can see quite a lot of soldiers down there"

"Hahahaha! I'll clean up the place..." With a grin, Kid leaped off the ship, crackling with magnetic energy while descending towards Sweet City. His entire body engulfed in red-colored flowing aura as he infused himself with Advanced Armament Haki while also emitting a Hasshoken shockwave from his right knuckles.

"If you get in the way, you'll end up in a world of darkness!!...Eat this!!" Kid declared as he delivered a massively powerful shockwave punch that surrounded an large radius, devastating anything in its range.


"Oblivion Impact!!!"


KA-BOOOOM!!! Kid ended up destroying a big portion of the city as a result while taking out hundreds of Big Mom's soldiers and even innocent civilians as well. Kid managed to further amplify his attack radius by channeling electromagnetic energy to it as well.



Thud!...*Crackles*-*Crackles* Kid landed at the edge of the ruined city, clenching his fist tightly in front him while shooting a menacing look towards the soldiers that managed to survive the previous attack, sending shivers down their spines.

"If you got guts then bring it on, I'll use you as a warmup!" Kid declared.

"Those bastards!! Mama's gonna be furious once she finds out about this!!" Perospero looked ahead in horror.

"Crap, there is no way Mama and the others haven't noticed or heard that!" Galette remarked.

"H-He caused that much destruction with just a single attack-rero?!!" Veto exclaimed wide-eyed and open-mouthed.

'These monsters, how much did they develop in the past year and a half?' Bege was utterly shocked as he took in the scene before him 'More importantly is the reason they're attacking…are they really here for Big Mom's head?'

Kai carefully controlled his clouds to make the Victoria Punk descend to the ground before everyone jumped off the ship, Kai landed beside Kid.

"Nice work"

"Hahaha! We shouldn't keep Big Mom waiting!"

"Kill them all!! Don't let them get close to the castle!!" Perospero issued commands, prompting hundreds of soldiers, Homies, and Bege's men to launch their assault. Galette, too, instructed one of her subordinates to fetch her weapon before joining the fray alongside them.

"We're completely surrounded" Crocodile noted, looking very calm about the situation.

"Half of us can fly, but whatever" Kai watched as the enemies drew near, a grin spreading across his face. Without hesitation, he jumped into the air, his left arm morphing into a massive cloud arm resembling that of a giant's. With swift and forceful strikes, he rained down blows upon the enemies with his cloud palm.



"Tsk, take this!" Galette approached Kai and the group before she used a mounted Gatling gun to fire a large amount of Haki imbued bullets at them, prompting everyone to dodge rapidly.

"You're Big Mom's brat, aren't you?!" Kai landed on the ground again before he ran towards her with a savage grin stretching across his face.

"Don't underestimate me" Galette looked at him in hostility as she utilized her Butter-Butter Fruit to shoot a few globs of butter towards him, telekinetically controlling them in order to wrap them around him and immobilize him.

FWOOOSH!! Kai swiftly vanished from his spot, closing in on her with high speed, effortlessly evading her strikes and catching her off guard.

"What?! He's so fast!"

With a swift motion, Kai proceeded to unsheathe his sword, holding it in his right hand and imbued it with Conqueror's Haki making thin streams of black lighting with red hue to radiate from it and then swung his sword horizontally, creating a powerful Haki imbued slash which appears as a burst of dark lightning-like energy that struck Galette in the torso. 


"Divine Doom!!"


SPLASH!! As the slash hit her, it caused her to throw a mouthful of blood as her eyes rolled back and she was sent flying back a great distance before she crashed into the castle wall and fell to the ground unconscious.




"Galette…" Perospero looked at her direction in horror "…she was defeated with a single strike?!!"

"As expected from a pirate worth 2 Billion…she wasn't a push over, for her to go down this easily only shows how strong he is, Red Demon" Bege commented while getting prepared to fight "We're from the same generation yet there is such a big gap between us"

"Looks like I have to step in myself and deal with you-perorin!" Perospero looked furious as he dashed towards Kai, using his Devil Fruit ability to create a candy axe which he used to attack him.

Perospero proceeded to swing his candy axe at Kai's head, aiming to decapitate him with a clean strike. However, Kai was keen and using his Observation Haki he managed to predict his move.

"You don't really think it's gonna be that easy, are you?"

Clang! With a swift motion Kai stopped Perospero's weapon with his sword before he kicked him in the stomach while emitting a Hasshoken shockwave from his feet, generating concentric lines of vibration and sending Perospero flying back a great distance.

"Ugh--" Luckily for Perospero, he swiftly fashioned a chest plate out of candy that reduced the impact of the attack and damage.

"Huff...Huff...unforgivable!!" Perospero shot a glare at Kai as he attempted to attack him again, but a wall of sand blocked his way this time.

"You're Big Mom's eldest son, Charlotte Perospero...Sorry to say this to you, but I won't let you get in the way" Crocodile confidently blocked his path as he approached.

"Tsk, one after the other. Don't think you're gonna walk out of here alive after what you just pulled off" Perospero said, breaking into a smirk "I'm assuming that you're all here after Mama...If you think you have a chance against her then you must be either delusional or dumb, I've witnessed hundreds of people like you getting crushed by Mama's might over the years, you're no different!!"

"You think I'll be scared of that old hag?!" Kid exclaimed.

"This is the era of change, you can't halt the tide of the New Generation. Big Mom's reign in the New World ends tonight and I'll be the one claiming her spot" Kai declared with a menacing look on his face.

The two brothers emitted a crimson aura while unleashing powerful bursts of Conqueror's Haki, knocking out every weak willed individual in the vicinity.

Perospero's eyes widened in disbelieve "Impossible!!...Conqueror's Haki?!!"

"So what if hundreds of people attempted before us and failed? I'll show them how it's done" Kai said before Crocodile spoke to him.

"You guys go ahead, I'll take care of this guy" He took a couple of drags from his cigar, then sand began trickling out of his body as he maintained eye contact with Perospero.

"You will all pay for this"

"Thanks, we will go directly for Big Mom" Kai said to him. Daz, Galdino, Alvida and Desire stayed with him to hold off Bege and his men.

"The party is at the top of the castle" Killer stated.

"Then we will fly over there!" Kid said.

Kai proceeded to summon clouds from his hands and then from them he produced a large, whirling, serpentine dragon made of dense clouds before he hopped on top of its head.

<White Dragon>

Beside him, Kid proceeded attract a large quantity of metal pieces from the city and shaped it in the form of a gigantic, metallic phoenix.

"Punk Phoenix!!"

"Everyone, hope on! We're crashing into a party!"


Meanwhile, at the Tea Party,

Big Mom Pirates and the guests alike were immediately alerted after hearing the loud explosions and feeling the shockwave vibrating through the castle.

"What was that just now?! Who dares to ruin my party?!" Big Mom rose from her seat with frown, fists clenched tightly, and teeth gritted, her anger quickly flaring up.

"This is Big Mom Pirates base of operation, who dares to cause a disturbance?!" Cracker questioned, getting more serious.

"Someone call brother Perospero or Galette, we'll get an explanation from them" Smoothie suggested, reaching for her massive sword.

Katakuri looked extremely calm in this situation until he used his Future Sight, his eyes glowed red and he foresaw what's gonna happen 5 seconds into the future.

"It's them...what are they doing here?" Katakuri said in suprise.

"What did you see, brother Katakuri?!" Oven asked.

[Forth son of Big Mom and Minister of Browned Food – Charlotte Oven, Dead or Alive ℬ 300,000,000 – ]

"--look over there!"

In a majestic entrance a gigantic dragon and a phoenix suddenly appeared on the sky above Whole Cake Chateau, stunning all who witnessed the sight.

"Yo Big Mom!!" Kai spoke to her while standing atop his cloud dragon.

"You are--...'Red Demon' Kai!! You little punk, what is your purpose?!!" Big Mom asked him.


"To take everything of value to you, including your life"