
One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother

This is the story of a man from earth who dies and reborn in One Piece World as Eustass Kid twin brother. Follow the story of the two brothers as they sail the Grand Line and make a name for themselves. =-=-=-=-=-=-= The mc and Kid will be co-captains of the 'Eustass Pirates' (instead of Kid Pirates). Notes: -No system. -No cheats. -No harem. I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Emperor of the Sea, Big Mom

Sorry for the slow updates, I've been a little tired these past few days. I'll get back to fast updates very soon.


"I'm here to take everything of value to you including your life!!" Kai declared with a sinister grin, perched atop his cloud dragon. Some of the crew members joined him, while the others soared on Kid's colossal metallic phoenix.

"Wow, she's massive! Is she a giant?" Bonney exclaimed from behind Kai, peeking down at Big Mom in astonishment.

"She looks shorter than your average giant though, but I heard she's a freak when it comes to physical strength. Be careful while you deal with her, Kai" Killer warned.

Kid squinted as he looked down at the Big Mom Pirates. Not all of Big Mom's children were present, only the top ones and the toughest officers.

"I can sense some strong individuals down there. As expected, fighting an Emperor of the Sea is not gonna be that easy, but..." Kid grinned wickedly while clenching his fists "...I ain't backing down until I sink you into the bottom of the ocean, Big Mom!!"

"You little shits!!!" Big Mom's anger boiled over, her veins pulsing as she yelled at the two brothers, her face twisted into a menacing glare. "You dare to ruin my party? You'll regret this! All of you!" Turning to her children, she barked orders "Bring me their heads!!!"

"Yes, Mama!!!"

Simultaneously, attendees at the Tea Party began leaving in a mix of panic, disappointment, and anger, though not everyone felt the same way.

"Kuwahahahaha!! What a pleasant coincidence, to think that an incident like this would unfold in front of my eyes...this is gonna be interesting, the Eustass Pirates versus Big Mom Pirates, the New Generation versus the Old Generation...no matter what the outcome of this, it sure gonna be a banger, Kuwahahahaha!!" Our of all people present at the Tea Part, Morgans was the most excited about this twist.

"Tsk, those brats again. Why did they have to ruin this event? this was my chance to improve my connection with Big Mom" Umit frowned at the scene.

"I'm sure you're the only one enjoying this, Morgans"

"Of course, I'm always looking for exciting news to cover!" Morgans responded with enthusiasm as he took out a Den Den Mushi camera and started taking out pictures before Smoothie interrupted.

"For your safety, we'll have to ask you to evacuate the castle as well" Smoothie approached the Underworld Emperors with a serious face.

"Don't spoil the excitement. The true fun is about to begin"


"Wyper, see that portrait over there?" Kai asked, Wyper followed his gaze with his rifle in hand as he scanned the area, spotting Mother Caramel's portrait on the table where Big Mom sat.


"Shoot it"

Without asking questions Wyper aimed his firearm, finger poised on the trigger, prepared to shoot.

Katakuri drew his formidable trident, Mogura, and advanced towards the Eustass Pirates with a stern gaze. His face went pale as he glimpsed into the future "How dare you... I won't allow that while I'm around"

Katakuri foresaw Wyper shooting Mother Caramel's portrait, leading to Big Mom's rampage.

*Gun-shot*...Clang! With a quick move, Katakuri positioned himself in front of Mother Caramel's portrait, swiftly deflecting Wyper's bullet and safeguarding it "That was close…"

"Those bastards, are they trying to make Mama go on rampage?!" Cracker exclaimed.

Katakuri quickly took the portrait and tossed it to Brûlée "Move it somewhere safe!"

"Yes, brother Katakuri!" Brûlée used her Mirror-Mirror Fruit power to move through the mirror world to somewhere else and transported Mother Caramel's portrait safely.

Kai observed, eyeing Katakuri's furious expression. Big Mom's anger only intensified when she caught wind of Kai's scheme.

"How dare you try to destroy Mother Caramel's portrait?!!!" Big Mom screamed loudly while shooting waves of Conqueror's Haki, powerful enough that she sent nearby objects flying and completely incapacitate everyone around her, causing them to either faint or cover their ears in pain.

"That monster!" Kid gazed at her in surprise.

"AGHH!!--It's so loud!" Bonney covered her ears as she was a little shaken by that. 

Once Big Mom regained her composure, she resolved not to let the attackers leave the island, even if it meant confronting them herself "Huff…Huff…get ready…"

"Let's go Napoleon!!" Big Mom removed her oversized pink bicorne hat, which seemed to have a life of its own, and responded.

"Yes, Mama!!" Napoleon responded as he transformed into a giant blade with insane-looking eyes and a wicked sharp-toothed grin on the sharp edge.

"Kai, Kid!!...I will kill you in the most painful way possible, you and your crew are gonna regret attacking me!" Big Mom grasped Napoleon with two hands and raised it upwards while extending its blade, making it a longsword before she swung it with such force that she created an enormous shockwave that destroys everything in its path.



VWOOOSH!! Big Mom projected the shockwave at Kai and the colossal cloud dragon he and his crew were riding on.

"Watch out!!--" Killer warned, but the speed and range of this attack was such that even Kai couldn't react in time to dodge it and had to block it by creating a large cloud wall, leaving the chance for the rest to move away.

KA-BOOOOM!! The shockwave pierced through the massive dragon, shattering it and sending everyone tumbling down to the castle below.

"KAI!! EVERYONE!!" Kid glanced at their direction in worry.

"Worry about yourself…" Daifuku started rubbing his belly rapidly, prompting a massive Genie to emerge from his belt buckle "Go Genie!" 

[3rd Son of Big Mom and Minister of Beans – Charlotte Daifuku, Dead or Alive 300,000,000]

"Geniiie!" The muscular blue skinned genie said while flying around Daifuku. He has a pink long beard and hair.

"HAAA!!...Maji Giren!" The genie pulled out a halberd out of nowhere before he flew towards Kid and slashed the gigantic phoenix he was standing on, cutting it into pieces and causing everyone to fall down as well.

"The hell is that?!" Kid's surprise turned into action as he swiftly utilized his electromagnetic power to soar towards the genie. With a powerful punch, he sent the genie hurtling towards the castle with incredible force.

"Genie!!!" Daifuku was taken aback by what he saw, but Kid paid him no mind and swiftly pursued Big Mom.

"Stop him, he's going after Mama!!" Daifuku warned everyone as Gin rushed towards him at high speed and swung his pair of Tonfa at his head, trying to bash his skull. However, Daifuku was attentive, and he quickly coated his arms with Haki and blocked the attack "You…"

Daifuku recognized Gin and shot him a hostile grin "…Gin the 'Man Demon'"

"I can't let the boss waste time with you, you will not get in his way while I'm here" Gin asserted confidently as he withdrew his weapon, putting some distance between them.

 "Tsk, don't get full of yourselves Eustass Pirates, you're no match to us"

Gin grinned in response before he spun his weapons rapidly and got into a fighting stance "We'll see about that"


"Everyone's okay?!" Kai quickly checked on everyone before shifting his focus towards Big Mom. With remarkable speed, he dashed toward her. Yet, two figures suddenly ambushed him from both sides, bringing his attack to an abrupt halt.

Katakuri closed on Kai from the right, and while holding his trident Mogura, he tightly twisted his mochi arm and then untwisted it while thrusting the trident forward, creating a very powerful drilling stab.

"Mochi Thrust!!" 

At the same time Oven closed on him from the left, he heated up his forearms using his Heat-Heat Fruit and threw a punch of tremendous power.

"Heat Beating!!"

"Annoying fuckers, I'm here for Big Mom, I don't have time to deal with you…" Kai was pretty annoyed, but he swiftly reacted by aiming his left palm forward and releasing a powerful burst of winds that propelled him backwards at once, avoiding their attacks before he leaped back into the air. 

While mid-air Kai proceeded to create dozens of extremely fast and powerful spears made of dense clouds and struck them downwards.

"White Rain!"

VWOOOSH!! BAM! BAM! BAM! Katakuri used his Future Vision to change the shape of his mochi body and dodged the attacks easily while Oven simply crossed his arms in front of him and blocked any attack that came at his direction.

Katakuri appeared serious yet remarkably composed. He took a few steps froward before he moved his right arm back, inflating his mochi forearm until the pressure caused it to explode, propelling his Haki-embedded fist Kai from a distance. The speed of the fist was so high that it caught on fire due to friction.

"Burning Muchi!"

Kai was ready to block it before a lightning bolt struck in front of him and Killer emerged from it, the sickles in his Punishers glinting under the night sky as he swung them forward halting Katakuri's Haki-embedded, getting pushed back a few feet as a result.

"Killer" Kai smiled after seeing that. Krieg also moved to his side; his eyes locked on Oven.

"Kai, you go ahead. You shouldn't leave Big Mom waiting, I'll take care of this guy" Killer stood with confidence as he gazed at Katakuri.

"What nonsense? It's impossible for you to defeat brother Katakuri, he's the undefeatable man who's back never touched the ground" Oven spoke highly of his brother, displaying deep respect for him.

"I don't like the way he speaks, I'll break his jaw and cut off his tongue when I'm through with him" Krieg declared, grinning wickedly "I'll show you what the mighty Don Krieg is capable of, Kuhahaha!"

"All those who defied Mama shall be burned to death!"

"I'll be counting on you. Don't lose" Kai said to the two as he used Soru and Geppo to fly to the center of the hall where Big Mom is.

"I won't let you!" Katakuri attempted to strike Kai again.

<Lightning Body>

By transforming his own body into electricity and turning himself into a lightning bolt, Killer increased his speed and attacking power many times. Not only that but using Soru he managed to further increase his speed. 

Clang! Killer suddenly emerged above Katakuri and swiftly swung his weapons downward, catching Katakuri off guard with his remarkable speed.

'He's fast!' was Katakuri's first thought as he raised his trident and blocked Killer's attack.

Meanwhile, the rest of the crew started engaging with the Big Mom Pirates.


SWOOOSH!! In a split-second Kai arrived in front of Big Mom, landing beside Kid.

"For a second there, I thought you'd given up fighting Big Mom" Kid commented on the late arrival of his brother.

"Not even in your dreams. You wouldn't even stand a chance against her on your own" Kai smirked, purposefully teasing him.

"Huh?! Don't get full of yourself, I'm enough to take her down. Stand back and see how it's done!" 

Big Mom stood, frowning, as she watched the two "You little shits…" her frown suddenly turned into a grin as she broke into laughter "Mamamamahahaha!! I will teach a lesson in respect, Zeus!! Prometheus!!"

"Yes, Mama!!" x2.

The two Homies swiftly moved to Big Mom's side. Zeus, a large and light-colored cloud and Prometheus, a mass of compressed flames with several sunrays surrounding him, giving him the appearance of an abstract drawing of the sun. 

"Let's show these brats what it means to be an Emperor of the Sea" 

"We've come a long way. From beating up thugs in the street as kids to fighting Emperors" Kid remarked, recalling some memories when they were kids.

"Yet we still have a long way ahead of us, I won't stop until I find the One Piece" Kai replied.

"One Piece? Mamamama!" Big Mom laughed amusingly at the red-haired pirate's words "You little kids can't even dream of competing for it…You were speaking so arrogantly before, I'll start of by taking your head, Kai!!" Big Mom said as she raised Napoleon upwards and swung it down at him. 

*Thunder*-*Thunder*--!! With a menacing look, Kai proceeded to infuse his sword with Conqueror's Haki, making its blade radiate with red lightning that surged in all direction before he raised it to block Big Mom's sword.

Clang! Big Mom's eyes widened in shock as she saw that.

"Conqueror's Haki?!"

"Hoi, Hoi! you're kidding me, right?!…that little shit has it too just like Mama and brother Katakuri!" Cracker remarked in amazement. 

"Ngh--I can't believe it…Are you infusing yourself with Conqueror's Haki?!" Big Mom, mouth agape in shock, intensified her attack on Kai. Seizing the moment, Kid struck her while she was distracted.

He proceeded attract a large quantity of metal pieces from the city and shaped it in the form of a gigantic, metallic phoenix again.

"Here I go again, Punk Phoenix!!" While standing on top of its head, Kid made the phoenix fly high up in the air before he descended towards Big Mom, using the momentum to kick her with the metallic leg of the phoenix, with its four sharp talons doing slashing damage.

"Piercing Claws!!"

"What?--BAAM!!--UGHH!!" The force of Kid's attack sent Big Mom hurtling backwards, giving Kai the chance to directly hit her.

FWOOSH! With incredible speed, Kai approached her and swung his fiery sword diagonally, slashing her across the chest and stomach.


"Celestial Cleave!!"


SPLASH!! Green-colored flames erupted from Kai's sword as he managed to slash her chest, making the flames engulf her entire body as red lighting of the Conqueror's Haki radiated where she was struck.



"--I can't believe it; did he hurt the invincible Mama?!"

"*COUGH*-*COUGH*…Damn you shitty brat!" Big Mom coughed some blood as she glared at Kai. She quickly grabbed Prometheus and threw him at Kai, which created a large, fiery explosion upon impact.

"Heavenly Fire!!"

BOOOOM!! The flames were powerful enough to hurt even Kai's Logia body since he has a weakness to fire and the aftershock of the explosion sent him flying back.

'Damn it!...Conqueror's Haki alone won't be enough to win against her, I have to damage from the inside greatly. I have to learn Internal Destruction in this fight, otherwise my chances of winning would be low' Kai thought in his mind as he quickly flew back to Big Mom "There are too many people here and we can't go all out, Kid, let's move her somewhere else!"

"I know you don't have to tell me that!" Kid made his phoenix fly towards Big Mom again, but this time he attempted to strike her with both legs. 

"Who do you take me for brat?!" Big Mom swiftly swung Napoleon sideways, shattering the phoenix into pieces before she grabbed Kid with her hand and smashed him into the ground, then she rolled her fist back and punch him down.

"Huh?" However just as her fist was about to hit him, Kid swiftly manipulated some metal scraps, wrapping them around her arm like a shackle, before swiftly propelling it back at high speed.


"NWAA!!" Big Mom was sent flying back towards the edge of her castle at high speed, before Kai further pushed her back by summoning a giant cloud fist and propelling it towards her.



"You little fools!! That's not even gonna tickle--" Big Mom stopped mid-sentence as she suddenly realized what they were up to "Zeus! Prometheus! Come and carry me!!" 

Zeus immediately flew towards Big Mom, but before he could reach her Kid quickly formed a simple metal box around him and imprisoned inside "AHHH! Where am I?! It's all dark!"

"Mama I'm coming for you!" On the other hand, Kai intercepted Prometheus and swiftly sliced him into pieces with his sword ablaze in green flames "AAAAH!! It hurts!" 

"It will take you a little bit to reform back" Kai remarked, then swiftly headed towards the edge of the castle where Big Mom was sent off. Without hesitation, he leaped off, with Kid following suit.

"DAMN IT! GYAAAAH!!" Big Mom plummeted from the castle's summit, hurtling towards Sweet City until she smashed into a massive building.


FWOOSH!! Kai and Kid swiftly landed near her.

"Huff…Huff…how do you like that old hag?" Kid taunted.

"Now I can go all out without worrying about the others" Kai said, his sword resting on his shoulder.

"How dare you hurt Mama!!" Napoleon shouted at them in anger. Soon after Prometheus and Zeus has come down to join Big Mom again.

*CRASH*-!! Big Mom proceeded to kick off the rubbles and got on her feet again. She shook her head, glancing around, her anger rising at the sight of the two red-haired brothers "Kai…Kid…You're done for, no words can describe how much angry I am right now"

Kai stepped forwards, pointing the tip of his sword at her direction "Let's get this shit started, Big Mom!"