
One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother

This is the story of a man from earth who dies and reborn in One Piece World as Eustass Kid twin brother. Follow the story of the two brothers as they sail the Grand Line and make a name for themselves. =-=-=-=-=-=-= The mc and Kid will be co-captains of the 'Eustass Pirates' (instead of Kid Pirates). Notes: -No system. -No cheats. -No harem. I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

Rocky Port Incident

[4500 words] This is by far the longest chapter I have written, I hope you enjoy it.


"Hoi, Eustass-ya! This is just a temporary alliance until each of us achieve his objective, do you understand? If you try to screw me over I'll take you down myself" Law stated as he strolled out of the bar alongside Kai and Kid.

"Same goes for you...you get what you came here for and we get what we came here for, it's a win-win" Kai responded with a serious tone as the three captains and their crews gathered in the heart of Rocky Port.

"Are we attacking right now?" Killer asked.

Kai nodded "Call Crocodile and tell him to get the fleet attacking the port...meanwhile, we'll create some chaos in this place and provide a smooth landing for them"

Wyper who was standing beside Killer with a cigarette between his teeth addressed his captain "…*Puff*…shall we get this party started then?" he asked, resting his rifle on his shoulder with a grin, before he proceeded to aim the weapon ahead and waited for the signal to fire.

"Kuhahaha! I still wanna test my new ability even more! Just say the word boss, and we'll start wreaking havoc!" Krieg chimed in, cracking his knuckles eagerly.

"I'll bash everyone's head and clear the path" Gin declared calmly, taking out his pair of tonfa and spinning them before assuming a fighting stance.

Saga stepped forward, hand on his sword with a serious look "It will take some time before Crocodile and the others arrive, during that time we'll have to deal with everyone in this island on our own"

"Then let's not delay this any further, the more chaos in this port the better it is for us when everyone else arrive" Heat said, drawing both of his swords "Should've left some zombie in the Victoria Punk as well, oh well it's too late to say that now"

"Haha! A lot of pirates mean a lots of weapons for me, this is the perfect battlefield for a magnet man!" Kid exclaimed with a savage grin. His body crackled with magnetic energy as every piece of metal whether carried by the pirates or inside the buildings flew towards him.

"--What's happening?!" The pirates looked at the scene in surprise as they couldn't hold into their weapons.

"--Our weapons are flying away!!" As all eyes darted to where the weapons were headed, the one responsible was immediately evident to everyone.

"It's Kid!!"

"Not only him, but the Eustass Pirates and the Heart Pirates as well! These bastards are launching an attack!"

Kid proceeded to shape two giant makeshift metal arms out of the scraps and then slammed them down at the pirates in front of him.

"Take this!" 

BAAAM!! Several pirates got smashed down by that.

"Inform Wang Zhi about this!!"

"--You morons! This is Pirate Island you'll be outnumbered no matter how many people you bring with you so don't expect to leave this place alive after this!!" A pirate captain shouted, and soon, hundreds more pirates swarmed into Rocky Port, launching an attack.

"As expected..." Law remarked before he stretched his left arm forward while aiming his palm down and created a spherical space around himself and his targets.


"--Crap!! We're inside his sphere!!"


SWOOOSH!! Law proceeded to swap his location with a small rock near a pirate.

<Mes >

After that Law struck him in the chest with his bare hand in a grasping motion, causing his heart to expel out of his body, encased in a glass-like cube. 

"Aghhh!! What did you do?!" The attack left a cube-shaped hole on the pirate's body where the heart was "T-There is a hole in my chest...and my heart is gone"!! The pirate's eyes widened in horror as he glanced at himself before turning towards Law. To his shock, Law was holding his heart in his hand, casually toying with it, a smirk playing on his face.

Law chuckled before swiftly returning to his crew. He tossed the heart to Penguin, who caught it without a hitch. "Penguin, Shachi, grab a crate and stash these hearts!"

"Right away!!"

"Shambles." Law then proceeded to take the hearts of a few dozen more unfortunate pirates.

"--My heart is gone!!"

"--Mine as well!!"

"Huff...Huff...I feel weak all of a sudden..."

"Law you bastard! You're gonna pay for this!!"

While holding a heart in his hand, Law proceeded to grip it firmly, causing a sharp cry of agony from one of the pirates as he clutched his chest.

"AUUGGHHH!!! S-Stop it!!"

"If you guys wanna take back your hearts you better start fighting" Law said to them.

"You want us to betray Wang Zhi?! Don't be unreasonable--AUGGHH!!"


"You choose between your loyalty or your life"


"Damn it, we have no choice..."

"Screw everyone, I ain't losing my life for nobody!"

The pirates who got their hearts taken quickly turned on their previous allies and started fighting them instead creating even more chaos on the port.

"Shit! Don't let Law take your hearts or you'll end up like these guys" Someone exclaimed.

"He's not the only one you'll need to worry about..." Kai said, scrapping his sword on the ground and generating intense green flames that shrouded the blade.

<Seven Star Arc Waves>

He then swiped Shiciseiken erratically at great speed, successively producing multiple cutting, flame waves that sliced through the pirates in front of him with ease while engulfing their bodies with fire afterwards and burning them alive.


"--What's with these green flames?!"

"DIE!!" A couple of pirates attempted to strike Kai from behind, but he swiftly spun around himself while releasing a fire infused, crescent shape sword slash that decapitated them on the spot.

<Seven Star Crescent Slash>

SPLASH!! Blood splashed everywhere as the headless bodies fell to the ground motionless.

"He's too strong…everyone! attack him at once!" A pirates shouted, and he along with a large number of pirates charged at Kai from all sides.

Kai calmly gripped his sword with a menacing look on his face.

"Your head is mine!"

"If I take you down, I will get a good reward from Wang Zhi!"

"…" Kai stood still, then scowled and fixed an intense glare on the approaching pirates.

VROOOOM!!...*Thunder*--**Thunder*--!! Crimson waves mixed with thick black lightning with red hue were shot in all directions, incapacitating countless enemies around the city, leaving them unconscious and foaming at the mouth.

Thud! Thud! One by one, pirates fell to the ground, unable to withstand Kai's Conqueror's Haki, leaving only those with strong wills in stunned disbelief.

"M-My knees are trembling…damn it!"

"Unbelievable, did he just use the Conqueror's Haki?!"

"Eustass-ya…" Even Law was left in shock by that.

"These losers couldn't stand the will of a true king" Kid said, shooting a proud glance at his brother. Competitive instincts flared as he watched his brother's impressive feat and didn't want him hogging all the attention. "I won't let you steal the spotlight!"

Yet, despite Kai taking down numerous pirates, they were quickly replaced by an even larger force in a short amount of time.

Meanwhile, Mary Read, one of the 'Four Pillars' of Wang Zhi Pirates was leading a large number of men and going after the Victoria Punk and the Polar Tang.

"Who would have thought that one of those brats had Conqueror's Haki" Mary remarked as she frowned at the direction of Kai and the others.

"Mary-san! Shouldn't we go after the captains' responsible for the attack first?!" one of her subordinates asked.

"Mesagi and the others will handle them. Our job is to cut off their escape route. I don't know their exact plan, but once they fail, they won't sail away in their ships and they will be stuck here.…wrecking their ships is sure gonna demoralize them as well, after all a pirate's ship is his pride" she smirked as she spoke.

"We've already informed the boss about what's happening! Seize the Heart Pirates and the Eustass Pirates ships!!" Mary gave orders and her men split into two groups each went for different target. She herself targeted the Victoria Punk first since it was the closest one to her "Kill everyone on board! Take anything valuable inside and then burn down the ships!"



"We've got company!" Wire informed Bonney and Kureha who were observing the ongoing battle from the ship's deck.

"I'm not strong enough to compete with these energetic youngsters, you deal with them while I make sure to take care of the ones who slip through and try to get on board" Kureha grinned as she held a bottle of sake, taking a sip.

"Don't worry aunty, I'll protect you from these snot nosed pirates!" Bonney smiled while raising a thumbs up at Kureha.

Wire was the first one to leave the ship and face off the attackers.

"--There are some people on board!"

"Kill all of them!!" Mary yelled out orders while observing from the rear.

Wire proceeded to pull out his weapon, a dark red trident and thrusted it forward, successfully stabbing a pirate in the chest.

"Where do you think you're going?..." Wire asked while calmly staring at them before he aimed his left palm forward and compressed the air around it into a large cube and then shrunk it rapidly until it fit his hand, then he launched it at the pirates like a bomb. Once it reached them, the air inside the cube decompressed at once and caused a massive, cube-shaped explosion.

"Kyubu Shock!!"

KA-BOOOOM!! The explosions knocked many pirates back and caused casualties and serious injuries among them.

"Tsk, so their Devil Fruit hunting rumors were true after all" Mary narrowed her eyes seeing that, she recognized the enemy's strength and stepped in herself.

In a swift move, she pulled out the long iron pipe from her back and imbued it with Armament Haki and attempted to strike Wire in the face horizontally.

"I won't let you lay a hand on my friend nor the Victoria Punk!!" Bonney jumped off the ship and descended towards Mary and her men. She swiftly lunged at the female pirate, performing a somersault and then kicking her metal pipe with her Haki coated leg.

Clang! They both attempted to push each other, but their confrontation concluded with both of them leaping away.

"She's pretty powerful, she seems to the one leading these guys…Wire, I'll deal with her, you focus on the rest of pirates!"

"Got it!"

"Another Worst Generation member, 'Big Eater' Jewelry Bonney. Some rumors says that you're quite brutal and don't even spare children and elderly" Mary said while tightening the grip on her weapon.

Bonney responded by giving her the middle finger "Screw you! You're not getting one step closer to the ship!"

[A Few Minutes Earlier…Inside the Skull Building]

Afro Samurai barged into Wang Zhi's room with a stern and serious face "Boss, someone's here to see you"

Wang Zhi turned his attention to his subordinate before asking him "Who is it?"


"Yoo Wang Zhi! It's been a long time…how many years--no decades since the last time we've met?" A very tall man with a grin questioned, he's around 3 meters tall with a muscular body, a brown hair, a clean shaved face and a sharp jaw. His most distinct features are the black wide brim hat he's wearing on top of his head and the black sunglasses, he also sports a long open black coat on top of a white long-sleeved shirt, gray fit pants and black shoes.

He carries with him a large silver axe and a flintlock pistol strapped on his belt.

[Former member of the Rocks Pirates and Captain of the Silver Axe Pirates – 'Silver Axe' William, Dead or Alive ℬ 1,712,000,000 – ]

(Picture of Silver Axe)

"Silver Axe?" Wang Zhi was taken aback by his former crewmate's appearance. He proceeded to grab his large sword and rose from his seat, approaching him with a frown "The hell are you doing here? and don't try to fuck with me or I'll slice you in half!"

"Sahahaha! You're as short tempered as you used to be!" Silver Axe exclaimed in amusement.

"I don't have time for your bullshit!"

FWOOOSH! Wang Zhi swiftly raised his weapon and pointed it at Silver Axe neck while giving him a hostile look.

"I can have every pirate on this island right now hunt you down"

"Like these weaklings could do anything…" Silver Axe responded before he walked past him and sat on a sofa, grabbing a drink from the table "…Relax, I'm not here to fight you or anything. Just trying to do some business, you sell weapons right? I want to buy some…a lot actually"

When Mesagi saw that he quickly grabbed his naginata and pointed it at Silver Axe "This is our territory, you think you can barge in and do whatever you like? Even someone with your reputation and strength can't be allowed to disrespect the boss like this!"

"Man, none of your subordinates have any manners…"

"Stand down Mesagi" Wang Zhi turned around and went to sit back on his sofa before gazing at Silver Axe, intrigued by what he has to say. The two have a long history that stretches back to more than four decades ago when they were part of the legendary Rocks Pirates "What type of weapons are you exactly looking for and how much do you need?"

"Well, I need a lot because I'm building an army, I'm thinking of making a move on one of the Four Emperors"

Wang Zhi raised an eyebrow at that statement "Oh yeah? I though you're only interested in women and booze? Isn't it too late for someone like you start thinking about shit like that?"

"Sahahaha! Hoi c'mon, it's not nice to piss on someone's goals!…" Silver Axe said, pausing mid-sentence to take a sip from his drink before continuing "…don't you think life is unfair? almost everyone from the old Rocks crew got their fair share of fame and fortune, Whitebeard, Shiki, Kaido, Big Mom. The former two became legends and the latter ones are now ruling the New World as Emperors of the Sea, while we are just infamous pirates…"

"Don't put me in the same category as you Silver Axe, while you were playing around, I was building an empire here"

"Haha, don't lie to yourself…I should've done this earlier, but there is no use in say this now" Silver Axe then broke into a smile, facing Wang Zhi "Thinking about it, you and I kinda hate each other, I understand that, but I'm sure if the two of us work together we can bring down one of these damn Emperors and take over their territories"

"Is something wrong with your head? Is this what you came here for? if so then you're just wasting your time"

"You're no fun, but this is not what I came here for it was a thought that came into my mind, and I blurted out. Think about it while I'm still here, the offer is open until I leave"

As the two discussed Silver Axe's weapon deal, a person barged into the room once more, this time a regular subordinate. He glanced at Wang Zhi in panic before speaking urgently.

"Huff…Huff…Boss! We've got a big problem!" everyone's attention was picked by the sudden statement. The person took a second to catch his breath before speaking "The Eustass brothers and Law!!...the bastards are launching an attack on Rocky Port!!"

"What?!!" Wang Zhi's eyes widened in disbelief, his forehead and arm veins bulging as he gritted his teeth in anger. Before he knew it, he snapped the table in front of him in half "Damn punks! Mesagi, Afro I want you to bring me the heads of the ones responsible for this, do you understand?!!"

"As you which" Afro Samurai calmly responded.

Mesagi laughed maniacally thinking about the worst way possible to kill them "Hahaha!! I'll make sure to crush their skulls and twist their limbs for you!"

"As long as you get it done, I don't care how. Have everyone in this damn island after them as well and call Mary and tell her to burn down their ships, I won't allow these brats to escape under any circumstance…Failure is not allowed" Wang Zhi exclaimed and the two left out to carry his orders.

"Looks like you have a situation right here, I'll give you hand if you sell me those weapons 50% their original price" Silver Axe said to him.

Wang Zhi proceeded to get up from his seat again, looking pissed before he flashed an annoyed look at Silver Axe "Stay out of this, I'm more than enough to deal with these rookies…"

[Present Time…Back at Rocky Port]

Ten ships could be seen approaching the port, most of them had Crocodile's Jolly Roger printed on the sails. The other ones are the Ice Breaker of Whitey Bay and a few of her allies that she convinced to join this battle, Andre, Kinga, Islewan and Epoida who were all previous members of the Whitebeard Pirates and became subordinate crews later on.

Crocodile was standing at the front of his ship with calm expression while Daz Bonez was behind him "Daz, get everyone ready to land. We'll send out the zombies first"

"On it"

"The fighting will start as soon as we get our feet on Pirate Island" Crocodile stated.

Soon after, all the ships crashed into the port and thousands of pirates landed and joined the battle at Rocky Port.

"Why is Crocodile here as well?!!" Wang Zhi's men looked in complete shock.

"Not him alone, that's Whitey Bay and with her are all pirate captains that used to work for Whitebeard!!"

"So, this is a planned attack after all!"

"Support Kai and the other!" Whitey Bay ordered her crew as she joined the fight as well.

The air was filled with the sound of clashing steel and the cries of the wounded from both sides.

"He's finally here, Crocodile" Kid said with a grin, casting a glance their way.

"Our chances will increase with them at our side, I can't believe you managed to get all of them on your side…I guess you're not all brawl like your brother, Eustass-ya" Law said while resting his sword Kikoku on his shoulder.

"The hell did you say?! you want me to beat your ass Trafalgar?!" Kid shouted at Law enraged by his words.

"Now is not the time, Kid. Let's go find Wang Zhi" Kai said as the three followed by their crews headed towards the skull face.

Suddenly a loud voice could be heard across the island. It was Wang Zhi who used the large Den Den Mushi speaker in his room to speak to everyone.

<Hoi, you damn rookies!!>

"That voice is coming from the center of the island!" Killer remarked.

"The skull face, that's where Wang Zhi resides!" Kai stated while looking at it.

"Wang Zhi!! Get your ass down here and fight us or are you afraid to get beaten by someone third your age?!" Kid exclaimed loudly.

<Don't be stupid, 'Captain' Kid!! You can't reach the king so easily!!>

"Huh?! Does he think these weaklings are gonna stop us?! Your pawns are not even strong enough for warming up!" Kid said while punching his way through the pirates.

<Everyone listens up!! Whoever brings me the heads of people responsible this attack will get twice bounties on their in cash!!>

"Hey, did you hear that?"

"He said twice the bounties on their heads, if I'm not wrong Kai and Kid have a prize of 600 million berries each"

"That mean we will get 1 billion and 200 million berries if we can capture one of them!"

"Hahaha! If we take them down, we'll be rich!!" The pirates' moral soared after Wang Zhi's bold declaration, spurring everyone to target them with renewed determination and motivation.

"That bastard, he knows how to motivate his men" Law commented while clashing blades with the enemy.

As Kai battled onward, a figure swooped down from above, aiming a punch his way. With swift reflexes, Kai evaded the attack just in time.

KA-BOOOOM!! The person was Mesagi, the First Mate of the Wang Zhi Pirates and one of the 'Four Pillars'. Mesagi's fist ended up hitting the ground, shattering it.

"Mesagi! Stop causing too much damage to the city or Wang Zhi will get pissed at us!" Grey exclaimed while landing beside him with his rifle clutched in his right hand.

"Hahaha! Don't spoil the fun Grey, it's not every day we'll get a situation like this" Mesagi responded while laughing maniacally.

Afro Samurai slowly walked to their side with a cigarette in his mouth "This is as far as you go rookies…" He said grabbing his sword's hilt with a calm face "…Nothing personal, it's just Wang Zhi's orders"

"Who are these fuckers?" Kid asked.

"The 'Four Pillars' Wang Zhi's top commanders, they're all exceptionally strong" Law stated.

"I've got no time to play around with you. Strong or not, I'll cut through anyone standing my way!" Kai declared ready to fight them before Killer stepped forward.

"You shouldn't waste your energy here, save it for Wang Zhi. You go ahead first I'll take care of this" Killer said to his captains while standing in front of Mesagi. He quickly got into a fighting stance with his Punishers spinning rapidly and ready.

"Alright, don't you dare to lose!" Kai warned sternly as he headed out with Kid and Law.

"Don't worry partner!"

"You think you can hold the three of us alone?" Grey asked Killer as he proceeded to aim his rifle at him.


"He's not alone…" Wyper answered while aiming his rifle at Grey.

"You're a swordsman, right?" Saga asked Afro while approaching him.

"And what if I say yes?"

"Then I Saga will challenge you to a duel to the death!" Saga declared while unsheathing his katana and pointing it at his opponent.

Afro calmly sized him up, then drew his sword in response "And I Afro Samurai, accept your challenge!"


"Are you sure they'll be alright?" Law asked Kai.

"Don't underestimate my crew, they will be more than fine"

Meanwhile, Krieg, Gin and Heat stayed back at Rocky Port to support Crocodile and the others who just landed on the island a few minutes ago.

On their way to Wang Zhi, Kid gathered a large number of metals mainly the weapons and the metal scrapes he attracted from other pirates and buildings around the city while, Law, trailed by his crew, amassed a substantial collection of pirates' hearts, storing them in a crate and forcing their owners to join his side.

<Mes >

*Pop* Law took the heart of yet another pirate before throwing it into the crate that Penguin and Shachi were carrying.

"With this, we've got 100 hearts" Law said. His plan is to exchange the hearts with the World Government for a seat among the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

After battling countless pirates, the three captains reached a spacious circular area a few blocks from the skull face. In the center stood Wang Zhi, hands resting on his imposing sword firmly lodged in the ground.

He calmly gazed at the approaching captains before addressing them "You're overestimating yourselves, you're not good enough to defeat me and take my position as boss of Hachinosu…" Wang Zhi said before Silver Axe emerged behind him and walked to his side "…you better start thinking of a plan to escape, rookies. Because you have angered me so much like no one ever did before"

"Don't underestimate the growth of these youngsters Wang Zhi, you might find yourself at a bad spot and regretting it later on" Silver Axe said to him.

"I thought I told you to stay out of this, Silver Axe"

"I'm just interested to see how strong they really are…the rookies that everyone has been talking about"

Kai, Kid, and Law stood a few meters from Wang Zhi and Silver Axe. Suddenly, sand began to shift beside them, and Crocodile emerged.

"Took you long enough" Kai said to him.

Crocodile proceeded to take out a large cigar, put it at his mouth and then lighted up, taking a few puffs before speaking "…*Puff*…Had a little trouble along the way"

"Hey, you guys…we're in trouble" Law said, eyeing Silver Axe, who stood next to Wang Zhi.

Kid squinted, recognizing the figure "Ah, I saw him, that guy…"

"Silver Axe" Law stated.

Kai looked very surprised at that; He was not expecting someone as famous and powerful as Silver Axe to make an appearance today of all days 'What is this guy doing here? I'm pretty sure in the original timeline there was no mention of him being part of the Rocky Port Incident…is it because the incident happened earlier in this timeline? Or is it the butterfly effect?'

"Now more of them are here. They're all the Worst Generation, aren't they?" Silver Axe remarked.

"Doesn't matter they're all gonna end up sliced up and diced to pieces by my sword" Wang Zhi declared as he lifted his sword up and aimed it at them.

'Now we have to face two former members of the Rocks Pirates at the same time' Kai thought before breaking into laughter "Kahahahaha! This turned out to be more interesting than I initially thought!...Very well, I will end both of your careers right here in this island!"

"Why don't you guys stand back and watch how it's done?!" Kid said while grinning excitedly.


"Don't tell me what to do, Eustass-ya"


A brief hush fell, shattered by a gust of wind as Kai gripped his sword tighter and charged towards Wang Zhi and Silver Axe.

FWOOOSH!! With a menacing look in his face Kai imbued his sword with Armament Haki, making it metallic black. On top of that he infused its blade with a thick layer of lightning.

While holding Shichiseiken in his right hand it radiated with lightning streams before Kai swung it horizontally, creating a powerful Haki imbued slash attack that travelled to Wang Zhi and Silver Axe at high speed.


"Holy Doom!!"


Wang Zhi quickly stepped forwards and swung his massive sword back at the slash.

Lightning! Lightning! KA-BOOOM!! The attack was powerful enough to generate a massive radiant sphere of lightning that exploded on impact sending waves of lightning surging out from every direction.

"Not bad…not bad at all…" Wang Zhi remarked, as the dust settled the two figures walked out unscathed "But that's still not enough, you should try harder next time"

"Not even a scratch huh, I guess it's not gonna be that easy to take you down" Kai said.


Kid quickly launched himself towards the two after seeing that, his whole body crackled with magnetic energy as all the metals he gathered flew behind him.

"I've gathered all these things! Take them, you washed up old farts!"