
One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother

This is the story of a man from earth who dies and reborn in One Piece World as Eustass Kid twin brother. Follow the story of the two brothers as they sail the Grand Line and make a name for themselves. =-=-=-=-=-=-= The mc and Kid will be co-captains of the 'Eustass Pirates' (instead of Kid Pirates). Notes: -No system. -No cheats. -No harem. I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

I Will Become The King Of Pirates!

(Sorry for not posting the past few days, I had to take some time to come up with ideas, I'll be posting regularly from now on)


After they decided to take down one the town's gangs, the group began to gather intelligence on the various gangs in the area over the next few days. They quickly discovered that one gang in particular, known as the Black Skulls, had a stranglehold on a part of the town's criminal activities.

The Black Skulls were notorious for their brutality and their strict code of loyalty. They were led by a man named William.

Undeterred, Kid and his group formulated a plan to take down the Black Skulls. They knew that they would need to act quickly and decisively if they were going to succeed.

Drawing upon his past life and experience with gang operations, Kai expertly crafted a plan to take them down.

Their first step was to establish a base of operations. They found an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town and set about fortifying it.

Next, they began to recruit new members for their gang. They targeted the disaffected youth of the town, those who were sick of living under the thumb of the Black Skulls. They promised them protection and a share of the spoils, and before long they had a small but dedicated band of followers.

Finally, they began to target the Black Skulls themselves. They started by taking out some of their smaller operations, such as their drug trafficking and gambling dens. They did it quickly and quietly, leaving no trace of their involvement.

The Black Skulls soon began to take notice of the upstart gang that was encroaching on their territory. William himself paid them a visit, demanding to know who they were and what they wanted.

The group was ready for him. They met him head on, with Kai and Kid stepping forward to challenge him to a fight.

The three clashed in a brutal fight, with Kai and Kid holding their own against the more powerful William. Meanwhile, Killer and the others took on the rest of the Black Skulls, using their skills and teamwork to overpower them.

In the end, the Black Skulls were defeated, and Kai and Kid with the rest of the gang emerged victorious. They had proven themselves to be a force to be reckoned with, and had established themselves as a new power in town, even though they were just a bunch of kids.

As they stood amidst the ruins of the Black Skulls' headquarters, they looked at each other with a sense of pride and accomplishment. They had come a long way from the scrappy street kids they had once been.

They managed to rule that part of the town, with Kai, Kid, Killer, Heat and Wire as the bosses of the gang, and that continued over the course of the next few years, growing in their numbers and influence.

However, after the gang grew so much, a strict hierarchy system was needed and there was the major problem, a disagreement among the five members about who should be the boss. In particular, Kid and Kai were at odds, each unwilling to accept the other as their superior.

Ultimately, they failed to agree on who should be the leader, and as a result, each of them opted to form their own gang, splitting the current one. This decision has cemented their rivalry, and from then on, the five of them will be fierce competitors.

Their gangs would ultimately grow to be rulers of the island's four towns.

Six Years Later…

(Kai's POV),

It's been years since Kid and I started our own gang, and over time we've grown stronger and more imposing. At sixteen, we've both bulked up and grown taller, but our rivalry has never waned. We still find ourselves facing off in street fights, but after the dust settles, we're back to hanging out like nothing happened, and it's the same thing with Killer, Heat and Wire.

"Hey, Kiddo! Stop being stubborn and join me. Together we can easily wipe out the gangs of the towns and take over," I called out to Kid, standing with my gang members behind me.

Kid was followed by his own group of followers, but he didn't seem phased. "That should be my line, little bro!" he retorted, meeting my gaze in the middle of the busy street.

"Hoi, this is bad... Those are the Eustass Twins. I've heard they're bad news" someone from the crowd whispered, their eyes darting nervously between us.

"We should probably leave before we get dragged into their gang fight" another added, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment at Kid refusing my offer again.

"I guess I'm going to have to knock some sense into you," I said, flexing my fingers and cracking my knuckles menacingly.

Kid's eyes gleamed with excitement as he closed the distance between us, a wicked grin plastered across his face. "Hahaha! Don't get too cocky bro, we're not children anymore" he declared as he launched himself forward, his right fist arcing towards me in a blur of motion.

I smirked and deftly dodged his punch, quickly retaliating with a left hook to his gut. Kid grunted in pain, but his grin didn't falter. He came at me again, his movements fast and fluid, but I was ready for him. We traded blows, each one harder than the last, until our fight turned into an all-out brawl.

We were both skilled fighters, and it was clear that this was going to be a long and grueling battle. The people around us watched in awe as we unleashed our pent-up frustration and aggression.

I could feel my muscles burning with effort, but I refused to back down. Kid was just as determined, and our fight continued well into the night. It was like we were two wild animals, locked in a battle for dominance.

As our fight raged on, I could see Kid starting to tire. His movements became sluggish, and his punches lacked their usual force. That was my chance. With a fierce roar, I summoned all my strength and was about to deliver a crushing blow to his jaw before a familiar voice interrupted our fight.

"Stop it!!..."

"D-Doruyanaika!" Kid exclaimed in surprise. Over the past few years, the five of us had grown close to Doruyanaika, who had been Kid and Killer's childhood crush. Despite this, she was furious when she learned that our gang had split up and we had become rivals, scolding us every time we fought against each other.

Doruyanaika's voice was laced with anger as she slowly approached us. "You two are fighting again?!" she exclaimed, clearly exasperated. "You're brothers, for crying out loud! You should have stopped this nonsense a long time ago." And with that, she gave us both a solid thump on the head, one after the other, as if to drive her point home.

The two of us stood there, panting and battered, our bodies covered in bruises and cuts. It was a brutal fight, but in the end, we were still brothers. We looked at each other, both of us too stubborn to admit defeat, but there was a newfound respect between us.

"Next time, I won't hold back," Kid said, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"I wouldn't expect you to," I replied, grinning back at him.

"Next time?...Don't tell me you're still planning to fight again?!" Doruyanaika became even angrier when she heard that.

Kid and I exchanged a knowing look, both of us secretly relishing the idea of another brawl. But we knew better than to provoke Doruyanaika any further.

"Of course not, Doru-chan," I said, trying to placate her. "We're done for now. Right, Kid?"

Kid nodded, still grinning. "Yeah, we're done. For now."

Doruyanaika huffed in frustration but eventually gave in. "Fine. But you two better not be fighting again anytime soon."

We all let out a collective sigh of relief, knowing that we had narrowly avoided another scolding from her.

Doruyanaika wasted no time in taking charge of the situation. "Come on, you two," she said, taking each of us by the arm. "Let's get those injuries looked at before they get any worse." With surprising strength, she began to drag us along with her, and we were left with no choice but to follow. Despite our protests, she was determined to take care of us, and we couldn't help but be grateful for her concern.

"Alright guys, you can head back to our hideout," I said to my gang members, giving them a nod. Kid did the same to his followers. "We'll catch up with you later"

As we walked towards Doruyanaika's house, I couldn't help but think about our future. Kid and I were getting stronger with each passing day, and our gangs were growing. But where would we go from here? Would we always be just street thugs, fighting for control of the town?

"Hey, Kai" Kid interrupted my thoughts. "You ever think about leaving this place?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, curious.

"I mean, what's next for us? We can't just stay here forever. We're destined for something bigger" Kid said, his eyes filled with determination.

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you're right. We should set our sights higher than just being mere gangsters"

Doruyanaika, who had been walking in front of us, turned around with a worried look "You two are thinking about something crazy again, aren't you?…Don't overdo it, I don't want to see you get hurt"

A few minutes later, we arrived at her house, and she led us inside, pulling out a first aid kit. She tended to our wounds, scolding us all the while for being so reckless. But as she worked, I couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence in our lives. She was the voice of reason that Kid desperately needed.

After she finished patching us up, we bid her farewell and left her house. Kid and I walked in silence for a while, lost in our own thoughts.

"We need to start thinking about our next move" I said, breaking the silence. "We can't stay here forever, like you said"

From the moment I first opened my eyes in this world, I knew deep down that there was so much more to this life than simply existing. I wanted to experience everything this world had to offer, to feel the thrill of danger, the rush of adrenaline, and the joy of discovery. And so, I made a decision...I would become a pirate, for it was only on the high seas that I could truly live the life of adventure I craved.

Kid's expression turned fierce and determined as he nodded. "I've been doing a lot of thinking lately," he said. "And I've decided that I want to become a pirate. I want to find the One Piece and become the King of Pirates. I want to sail the Grand Line and leave my mark on the world." His voice was filled with conviction as he spoke, his eyes burning with an intense desire to achieve his dream.

"Unfortunately for you…I also want to find the One Piece…I'll surpass the Yonko and become the Pirate King!"


Question: What weapon would you like to see Kai use to fight? I personally prefer a sword.