
One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother

This is the story of a man from earth who dies and reborn in One Piece World as Eustass Kid twin brother. Follow the story of the two brothers as they sail the Grand Line and make a name for themselves. =-=-=-=-=-=-= The mc and Kid will be co-captains of the 'Eustass Pirates' (instead of Kid Pirates). Notes: -No system. -No cheats. -No harem. I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs


I decided that the mc will be using a war hammer as a main weapon and a flintlock pistol as a secondary one. For now he'll use a normal war hammer, but in the future he'll use a golden war hammer imbued with dials (Like lightning, fire, impact dial…etc)---(Here is a picture of it)

I'm thinking of calling it, HammerFall or Hammer of Dawn. If you have a better name leave it in the comments.


A few days later…

It was a typical day, with nothing out of the ordinary. I was relaxing with my fellow gang members in our concealed sanctuary, playing cards and pool as we normally would. Suddenly, we were interrupted by the abrupt sound of a door being flung open, catching us off guard.

The door burst open as a nervous and sweaty gang member stumbled in, panting heavily. "Boss, we've got a problem," he blurted out anxiously.

I calmly inquired, "What's the matter? Why are you shouting?"

"D-Doruyanaika…" He hesitated for a moment, his voice quivering as he spoke "…She was found crucified!"

My heart stopped at the word "Crucified?!!" I couldn't believe what I had just heard, and for a moment, I was frozen in place as a flood of thoughts raced through my mind 'How could this happen?' I thought to myself 'I had men watching her around the clock to prevent anything like this' Despite my shock, I quickly regained my composure, hastily grabbing my coat and rising to my feet. "Take me there now!" I commanded, my urgency palpable.

My heart sank with a pang of regret. 'Fuck! How could I let my guard down? Please don't be dead!' I raced to the location where the incident took place, but my apprehension grew with every step. The sight that met my eyes was gruesome…a trail of lifeless bodies strewn along the street.

As I observed their clothing, it became clear that these were members of The Morningstar gang. They were the most powerful and influential group on the entire island, with both the resources and manpower to maintain their position. The combined efforts of all the other gangs on the island might still not be enough to overcome their might. The Morningstar had essentially become the de facto rulers of the island, and their reputation was such that even we made sure to avoid provoking them without good reason, at least for now.

As I looked around, my eyes landed on Kid who was sitting in the middle of the street with his head down and his knees bent, clutching someone tightly in his arms.

*Footstep*-*Footstep* I slowly approached him while my heart was pumping heavily, I knew something was wrong "Hey Kiddo, are you okay?" I asked him in worry while resting my hand on his shoulder before I noticed his injuries. His head was all covered in blood while his body was full of cuts and bruise, while he was holding Doruyanaika on his arms.

"Don't tell me…" Kid was just silent while holding her tightly.

When I saw that I quickly lifted his face to get a closer look, but I was shocked to see tears dripping from his eyes, it was the first time I see Kid like that.

My heart sank at the sight of Kid's tears. I knew then that something terrible had happened, something that went beyond just the physical wounds on his body. I didn't want to believe it, but deep down, I knew that Doruyanaika was gone.

"Kid…" I began, but I couldn't find the words to say. How do you comfort someone who has just lost someone they care about deeply?

"She…she's gone…" Kid choked out, his voice barely above a whisper.

I could see the pain etched on his face and the tears streaming down his cheeks. It was a sight that I never thought I would see from the tough and fearless person that he always been. My heart ached for him and for the loss he was experiencing.

I knelt down next to Kid and placed a hand on his back, feeling the tremors wracking his body. "Kid...I'm so sorry" I said, my voice heavy with emotion.

He turned to look at me, his eyes bloodshot and filled with pain. "It's all my fault" he choked out. "I should have been there to protect her. I should have been more careful."

But as I looked around at the devastation and felt the weight of Kid's grief, I knew that things would never be the same. The Morningstar had crossed a line, and it was clear that our gangs will need to take action if we want to survive and take our revenge. But for now, all that mattered was being there for Kid, and doing everything in our power to honor Doruyanaika's memory.

'damn it! if only I put more men to watch her…If only I didn't let my guard down, this won't have happened' Frustration and regret flooded my mind as I cursed myself for not assigning more guards to watch over her. If only I had been more vigilant, this tragedy could have been prevented. Was it fate that had led to her untimely death despite my best efforts, or was it simply my own carelessness? As I dwelled on the what-ifs, the reality of the situation hit me hard…Doruyanaika was gone, and there was no changing that now.

"I will annihilate them," I proclaimed, as the veins in my forehead and arms visibly bulged with anger "I'll wipe out the Morningstar from the existence!"

Kid's voice trembled slightly as he rose to his feet, still cradling Doruyanaika in his arms. "Hoi Kai," he said, his eyes locking onto mine, "do you remember when we used to take on gangs and thugs together when we were just kids?"

A smile spread across my face as I heard those words. "How could I forget?" I said, "Let's reunite the gang, including Killer, Heat, and Wire. Together, we'll obliterate the Morningstar and eradicate them from existence."

Following that tragic incident, we made sure to arrange a proper funeral for Doruyanaika. Upon hearing the news, Killer reacted in the same manner as Kid, as he had held a deep affection for her for years. In fact, she had become one of his closest friends in recent years, making her brutal death all the more devastating for him.

The occurrence of this event has stirred up some painful memories from my past, when I had lost my dear mother and brother.

'I refuse to let such an event occur again. In a world where the strong prosper and the weak perish, I am determined to become stronger. I will stop at nothing to achieve my dreams and goals, and I will become no matter what'

I watched as Kid approached the open casket, his steps heavy and slow. He gently laid Doruyanaika down in her final resting place, his movements careful and deliberate. It was hard to watch, seeing him say goodbye to someone he had loved so deeply. My heart ached for him.

And then, as the ceremony came to a close and the last of the mourners began to file out of the cemetery, Kid turned to me, his face contorted with a mixture of sadness and pain. "Please, Kai" he whispered, his voice breaking "Please don't die. I can't lose you too"

I placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to convey my support and love for him in that simple gesture "I won't die idiot, did you forget what I told you before?..." I said softly "I will become the King of Pirates, and can't do that if I'm dead"


A few days later…

I stood in the basement of my hideout, where we kept our arsenal of weapons and gear hidden from prying eyes. My gaze fell upon my trusty war hammer, a massive weapon with a short handle and a round, wide head. It had become my weapon of choice in recent years, perfectly suited to my fighting style. However, I only reserved it for the most serious of situations. I knew I couldn't use it in my fights with Kid and the others, as much as I wanted to pummel them into submission. "I can't bring myself to use it against my dear brother" I thought to myself. But now, facing a new threat, it was time to unleash the full force of my hammer and bash some heads in.

*Footsteps*-* Footsteps* As I emerged from the basement, I was greeted by the sight of Kid, Killer, and the rest of the gang, all eagerly awaiting my return.

Kid's voice was laced with curiosity as he asked, "What kept you, Kai?" However, as his gaze shifted towards the weapon in my hand, his lips curved into a faint smile. "It's been a while since I saw you wield that" he remarked, his eyes glinting with recognition.

Killer's voice cut through the tension in the room as he spoke, his eyes scanning over Kai's determined expression. "It looks like you're not playing around this time, Kai," he remarked, flexing his punishers as the blades glinted menacingly in the light. Killer's appearance had undergone a dramatic transformation as well, his once-tamed hair now flowing wildly down to his thighs, and a black shirt with white polka-dots clinging to his lean-muscular frame. The open collar revealed his chest, and he wore blue riding chaps over his pants, adding to his intimidating presence.

"Shall we proceed?" Wire inquired, his left hand tightly gripping a trident with a dark red hue. As we stood there, I couldn't help but notice how much taller he had become compared to the rest of us. Towering at a meter above Kid and myself, Wire's imposing figure was emphasized by the way he dressed, a dark brown headdress draped like a cloak, a wire shirt, black shorts, and black fishnet stockings.

Heat's face lit up with excitement as he spoke, his arms crossed over his chest. "It feels like it's been ages since we last fought together!" his blue hair got longer since last time we saw him, but he still looks normal, whatever happened to him in the original timeline that led him to acquire those scars across his body and changed his face didn't happen, as butterfly effect started having effect 'If I have to guess it has to do with his ability to breath fire from his mouth…Though that's a pretty cool ability but it's not worth the risk and having to look like that for the rest of your live'.

Other than that, Heat is wearing a dark blue corset laced with red string, red pants with an armored pad over his right leg, and long brown boots.

"Let's go!" I said taking the lead with Kid by my side, as the rest of the group trailed behind us.

With calculated steps, we advanced towards the Morningstar's territory, encountering and overpowering a handful of their men on the way. Our actions left no room for compromise, as we used force to coerce them into leading us to their hideout.

A few minutes later, we finally arrived at a massive building located on the outskirts of the town.

(Third Person POV),

One of the guards stationed at the entrance of the building exclaimed, "Do you see that? Someone's approaching"

"Looks like they have a death wish," remarked one with a smug expression, watching the approaching figures. But as they drew closer, the smugness melted away into shock. "Wait...that can't be right. Are those bastards actually ganging up on us?!"

"The notorious gang bosses, Eustass Kai, Eustass Kid aka 'The Red Devils', Killer, Heat, and Wire, all have a reputation for their ruthlessness and tenacity. if they are teaming up then this might get ugly"

*Footsteps*-*Footsteps* Kai's gaze swept over them with piercing intensity as he rested his hammer casually on his shoulder. "Where is Killbane?" he asked in a calm yet commanding voice. Killbane is the boss of the Morningstar.

"You fuckers, you think you're going to get away with this?!" said one of them while stepping forward, they were at least twenty people on the outside only, and dozens maybe even hundreds more inside. As for Kai, there was at least fifty of them.

*SWOSH*-*BANG* Upon hearing those words Kai quickly dashed at him. In a blur of motion, he brought down the full force of his hammer on the top of his opponent's head, the sickening sound of impact echoing through the air. Blood gushed out from the wound as the enemy crumpled to the ground, completely unconscious.

"Wrong answer my friend" Kai said with a cold and menacing tone as he gazed at his unconscious body. His fellow gang members immediately tensed up, their eyes filled with suspicion and hostility. Before long, they brought out their weapons, pointing them at Kai.

With a menacing glare, one of the attackers aimed a metal pipe at Kai and threatened, "You're as good as dead." Then, without hesitation, the group tried to surround him.

With a fierce snarl, Kid leaped forward, his body tense with anger as he charged towards his enemies. "I'll send you all straight to hell!" he roared, the fury in his voice palpable. Before any of his foes could react, Kid's fist connected with one of their faces, sending him staggering back with a sickening crunch.

Kai gripped his hammer tightly before he spoke "I guess I need to smash your heads to pieces if I want to see that fucker!"