
One Piece: Reborn as Civilian

The story: A young child, devoid of memories and thrust into the unfamiliar World of One Piece, Stands alone in the desolate unknown. Clad in the remnants of a tormented past, he carries the weight of his suffering. Yet, in this foreign world, where freedom becomes his elusive quarry, he embarks on a transcendent odyssey, determined to conquer every obstacle that dares impede his path. Brace yourself for a harrowing journey through a world steeped in the relentless echoes of bloodshed and unyielding danger. ________________________ pls leave a review ________________________ I don't own anything except that some character that I made.

ahiro · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 11: A Massacre

"Boy, what brings you here?" one of the government men asked, a mocking expression on his face.

Isaac didn't respond and instead focused on surveying his surroundings, searching for any opportunity to escape. Julia's house was located a bit away from the village center, giving him some confidence in his ability to flee.

The forest was just a few meters away from him, but a group of formidable individuals stood between him and his escape route.

Isaac turned his gaze towards Julia's sleeping face, his desire to protect her strong, but he had very limited options.

"Boy, I asked you a question earlier. Why are you just standing there like an idiot?" the government man challenged again, clearly becoming angry. He had started with a polite tone, but the response he received was a mere shrug.

"I'm sorry, sir, please forgive me. I was frightened by the sound of explosions, and it made me terrified," Isaac spoke, intentionally portraying himself as a scared and naive child.

He understood that they wouldn't easily let him go, but he hoped to exploit their lowered guard.

"Oh, really? Boy, tell me who is the lovely lady on your back," one of the men inquired with a greedy expression.

Julia may not be stunningly beautiful, but her appearance was appealing enough to attract the attention of such individuals.

"She's my mother. She was hit on the head by shrapnel, causing her to lose consciousness," Isaac fabricated a story, trying to evoke sympathy.

"Poor child. Let me assist you in carrying her," the man positioned in the middle, blocking Isaac's path, stepped forward and extended his hand, his expression dripping with sarcasm.

"Oh, thank you, Uncle," Isaac responded, intentionally pretending to stumble slightly, creating the impression that he couldn't handle carrying Julia on his own.

As Isaac approached the man, a wide smile spread across the man's face.

"What a lovely girl. This will provide us some entertainment until Young Master finishes demolishing this wretched place," the government member thought to himself.

As the government member reached out to grab Julia, he was taken aback when a small foot forcefully struck his groin. The sudden blow left him stunned, momentarily unable to react.

Before the surrounding individuals could comprehend what had happened, Isaac swiftly sprinted forward, delivering a powerful kick to another person obstructing his path.

Though the impact didn't hinder the person significantly, it created enough space for Isaac to maneuver.

Running at full speed, Isaac felt a surge of exhilaration. He knew that if he could reach the forest, his escape would be assured.

After four years of roaming these mountains, he had ingrained the layout in his mind, from the shortcuts to the locations of various monsters.

Each step closer to the thick foliage filled Isaac's heart with a sense of joy and hope.

As Isaac turned around, he was astounded to find that one of the men had vanished, leaving only a small hole where he had stood.

Without any warning, a powerful kick struck Isaac's right side, momentarily causing him to lose consciousness as he was sent soaring through the air.

The impact of the blow propelled Isaac several meters away, and he tried to adjust his fall to protect himself and Julia from further harm.

When he regained his footing, his face was covered in a sheen of cold sweat. The assailant had employed "soru," one of the six arts of Rokushiki, to deliver such a forceful attack.

"Isaac, what's happening? Who are these men?" Julia, awakening from the shock of the fall, was disoriented and bewildered by the situation unfolding around her.

The last thing she remembered was her conversation with Isaac, but now she found herself surrounded by unfamiliar men.



The consecutive sounds of explosions emanating from the village caused Julia to turn her gaze, only to be confronted by the terrifying spectacle of the village consumed by raging flames.

"Isaac what's going on, tell me." Confusion seemed to get the better of her.

Julia's plea for answers went unheard by Isaac as he stood, his body trembling with cold sweat. His mind was consumed by a whirlwind of doubts and uncertainties. The attack he had suffered had resulted in broken ribs, intensifying his sense of vulnerability.

' This man is incredibly dangerous. His use of soru makes him too fast for me to handle. However, if I can reach the forest, I might be able to elude him, ' Isaac thought to himself, strategizing his next move.

'He's quite cunning for a mere boy. If the Young Master were here, he wouldn't have cared, but unfortunately, there's no need for this one to stay alive any longer,' the assailant mused, his intentions veiled in malice.

"I apologize, boy, but you stand no chance against us. Surrender and accept your death, and perhaps your crimes will be forgiven," one of the government men taunted, a smug smile adorning his face.

"What are you talking about, you senile old man? You attacked us in our own village, painting us as criminals. Is something wrong with your head?" Isaac's voice reverberated with anger and frustration.

He couldn't contain his fury towards these individuals who sought to kill him and Julia. But more than anything, it was his own helplessness that enraged him. He realized that he was weak, unable to protect those he loved.

The same sense of powerlessness he had experienced in his previous life was haunting him once again.

Before he could continue his outburst, a slapping sound echoed through the air, leaving Isaac stunned. Julia had delivered a resounding slap across his face, her voice laced with urgency.

"Isaac, calm down and focus," she implored.

Isaac stood in shock, his hand instinctively cradling his stinging cheek. He was taken aback by Julia's actions, momentarily snapped out of his anger.

"Don't be afraid. Fear will only distract you from our goal. Let's run and get away from here. Don't let them provoke you," Julia urged, gripping Isaac's hand tightly as they fled from the government members.

She had initially been confused, but now she understood the danger they were in and the murderous intent of these men.

"Julia," Isaac managed to utter, his mind still reeling from the shock. He realized that he had lost focus in the midst of his anger. If it hadn't been for Julia's slap that snapped him back to reality, he might have been caught off guard by any subsequent attack.

"Where do you think you're running, you worthless scum?" a voice bellowed from behind them. It was the man whose groin Isaac had struck earlier. His face was flushed with anger, fueled by the pain and damage caused by the powerful blow.

"Fuck you." The cabinet member approached them and attacked with his finger.

Isaac swiftly recognized the shigan technique being used against him. Reacting quickly, he countered with a powerful kick from below, deflecting the cabinet member's hand away from him.

Following up with a strong punch to the chest, he managed to create enough distance to buy them some time. Julia caught a glimpse of Isaac's skillful moves, silently acknowledging his training efforts.

She had once observed him in the mountains, aware of his dedication. Despite her knowledge, she didn't intervene, allowing him the freedom to pursue his own path.

As Isaac glanced ahead, he spotted the same man who had previously employed soru, standing there, seemingly waiting for them. It appeared as though they were toying with him, prolonging his suffering. Isaac couldn't help but feel that if this person truly wanted to kill him, he would have had no chance of survival.

As they sprinted, their direction abruptly shifted, but due to Isaac's momentary distraction, he failed to notice someone aiming a gun at them.


The deafening gunshot reverberated through the air, capturing Isaac's attention. To his surprise, he discovered that the weapon had been aimed at him, but he had miraculously managed to dodge the bullet.

"It can't be." Isaac swiftly turned his gaze to Julia, only to witness her stumbling in her steps. A large, bloody stain appeared on her shoulder, but she persisted, refusing to halt their escape. However, another bullet found its mark, striking her in the chest and causing her to collapse onto the ground.

In reality, this attack had a purpose. The assailant deliberately aimed to make Isaac witness the death of his loved one before taking his own life.

"Run... a... way," Julia's voice trembled and her eyes began to close slowly. Isaac realized that she had passed away, but he didn't display any visible signs of disturbance or anger.

It wasn't that he didn't feel anything; rather, he couldn't afford to be distracted. Any momentary lapse in focus could cost him his life.

"Damn it, why is this happening to me?" Isaac sprinted with all his might into the depths of the woods. He had wanted to protect Julia, but his own weakness prevented him from doing so.

With a powerful kick, Isaac was sent flying, coughing up blood as he succumbed to the soru technique once again. However, when he regained his footing, he made a bold decision.

Instead of running towards the safety of the forest, he changed his course and headed back towards the village. He realized that staying here offered him no chance of survival.

As the government members witnessed Isaac's unexpected move, they were taken aback. However, they swiftly pursued him, determined to eliminate him.

Isaac arrived amidst the blazing buildings, where he could see individuals wielding bazooka-like weapons. Among them, he caught a glimpse of the Celestial Dragon.

His cold gaze chilled Isaac to the bone as he witnessed the villagers being mercilessly slaughtered one by one. The fear and urgency drove Isaac to keep running, but his escape was abruptly halted when he was forcefully kicked by the same person, sending him crashing into a nearby building's wall.

As Isaac struggled to regain his composure after being thrown into the building's wall, he caught the attention of one of the guys wielding a bazooka. The man aimed the weapon directly at Isaac, preparing to deliver a final blow.

"Guys, I believe our task here is complete. Let's return and secure the perimeter of the village," the man announced confidently. Is

aac's demise seemed inevitable to them.

The man pulled the trigger, unleashing a projectile towards Isaac, while several debris fell from the crumbling building he was pinned against.


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