
One Piece: Reborn as Civilian

The story: A young child, devoid of memories and thrust into the unfamiliar World of One Piece, Stands alone in the desolate unknown. Clad in the remnants of a tormented past, he carries the weight of his suffering. Yet, in this foreign world, where freedom becomes his elusive quarry, he embarks on a transcendent odyssey, determined to conquer every obstacle that dares impede his path. Brace yourself for a harrowing journey through a world steeped in the relentless echoes of bloodshed and unyielding danger. ________________________ pls leave a review ________________________ I don't own anything except that some character that I made.

ahiro · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 10: Two Celestial Dragons

A procession of knights dressed in armor arrived, clearing a path through the crowd. They didn't prevent onlookers from watching, but rather created space for the approaching Celestial Dragon.

While most residents of the island may be unfamiliar with the true nature of these self-proclaimed rulers, the island's king understood the importance of not disturbing the Celestial Dragons, allowing them to pass without interference.

Isaac, feeling unnoticed amidst the commotion, turned his attention away from the crowd and surveyed his surroundings.

Finding himself unobserved, he leaped onto a nearby building and settled comfortably, directing his gaze towards the sea. He was eager to catch a glimpse of this renowned Celestial Dragon.

'I'm wondering if he will be accompanied by one of the characters I know, most of the Admirals must still be just deputies now, that's interesting' Isaac wanted to see what kind of characters would come, he wants to see strong people.

Most of the inhabitants of this island are just weak, even the Knights of this Kingdom do not pose any threat to him, of course, if it is a man-to-Man fight, he will win, but if he meets a lot of enemies, he will lose.


On the distant horizon, a fleet of large ships gradually emerged, sailing in a precise V-shaped formation. At the heart of this formation, a grand ship caught Isaac's attention.

As the ships drew closer to the island, Isaac could discern the flags fluttering atop them. All the vessels bore the emblem of the Navy, except for the ones positioned in the center, proudly displaying the symbol of the World Government.

'There are quite a few escorts for that ship. Seems a bit excessive, doesn't it?' Isaac mused to himself.

The Celestial Dragon Ship finally docked, and several figures representing the World Government disembarked. After briefly surveying their surroundings, the anticipated main characters finally made their appearance, capturing the attention of everyone present.

A man and a young boy made their entrance, adorned in the traditional attire of the Celestial Dragons. Their uniforms resembled those worn by astronauts and exuded an air of dignity and refinement, a departure from the typical arrogance associated with their kind.

The young boy, who appeared to be around Isaac's age, possessed a strikingly handsome countenance. With his bright blue eyes and contrasting black and white hair, he stood out in a unique and intriguing way.

In contrast, the adult Celestial Dragon had a more ordinary appearance, with a regular face and dark brown hair. Though his eyes were blue, they lacked the captivating brilliance of the young boy's gaze.

As navy ships docked, one powerful figure after another emerged. Among them was an individual dressed in a white robe adorned with the navy emblem, carrying a sizable sword at his side relative to his own stature.

'This is quite troublesome. It appears that I don't stand a chance against these individuals. The person over there seems to be a Vice Admiral, but who are these mysterious figures? Could they be part of the CP ?'

Two figures concealed by black robes stood behind the Celestial Dragons. One of them stood at an imposing height of 4 meters, while the other had a more average stature.

Isaac's intuition warned him that these two individuals were extremely dangerous. Despite his four years of training and experience in this world, he felt the same sense of dread he had encountered when facing the monster during his first week.

'I'm still far too weak. These individuals may not even be the strongest in this world, yet they exude an overwhelming sense of danger.

If I were to categorize them based on my own assessment, I would place them at the intermediate Vice Admiral level, while that Vice Admiral with the sword would be at the early level. As for myself, I believe I am currently at the intermediate Hunter level.'

Isaac recently abandoned his previous classification system based on levels, realizing its inaccuracy and complexity. He now adopted a different approach to categorizing strength. Furthermore, the training methods he had learned in his world were proving ineffective in this new environment.


As the two Celestial Dragons and their entourage made their way towards the castle, they disappeared from view, leaving everyone in a state of awe. The strength and demeanor displayed by these individuals commanded reverence from those around them.

Isaac, too, found himself in a state of confusion. He had watched the anime and seen various Celestial Dragons, inn the anime, Some of them lacked the same aura, and instead, he felt a sense of disgust emanating from them. but the reality before him was different .

"This experience has truly expanded my understanding. I must not rely solely on the knowledge I gained from the anime. This is the real world I'm in, and it is vast. I need to remember that the Yonko, Admirals, and even the hidden ruler of this world. I must remain vigilant in this world."


After returning to the village and delivering the medicine to Julia, Isaac made his way back to the mountains to resume his training. The encounter with those powerful individuals had ignited a desire within him to become even stronger.

Ten thousand sword strikes, ten thousand push-ups, ten thousand kicks. Isaac pushed himself to his limits, pouring all his energy into his training.

As he finished his intense regimen, exhaustion washed over him, leaving him unable to move. He lay among the trees, gazing up at the star-filled sky. It was a breathtaking sight, one that brought him a sense of tranquility and introspection.

"I believe it's almost time for me to depart from this place. I have learned all that I can here," Isaac murmured, a tinge of sadness in his voice. Memories of Julia, Old Man Theo, and Rica flooded his mind.

"Nothing should hold me back. My destiny lies beyond this small village, and I cannot confine myself to such a limited existence." With a determined resolve, he decided that he would leave in a year's time, but not before ensuring that he left behind some money to secure their well-being.

He wanted to express his gratitude for the years he had spent with them. Julia, with her beauty and warmth, especially held a special place in his heart. Although he intended to leave permanently, he also left open the possibility of returning to visit them someday.


The next day, as Isaac returned from his usual exercises in the mountains, he noticed a peculiar sight unfolding in the village.

"What's this person doing here?" Isaac wondered, his curiosity piqued as he observed someone standing in the center of the village. It was the young celestial dragon he had seen the day before, accompanied by a group of individuals, including the two figures in black robes.

"Please continue with your daily activities and pay us no mind," one of the government officials clad in uniform announced, dispersing the gathering crowd.

Uninterested in the presence of these individuals, Isaac made his way back home. He wished for the celestial dragons and their entourage to leave as soon as possible, as their presence often brought trouble.


"I'm back, Isaac. I need you to go to Grandpa Theo's and fetch some things," Julia said, a glimmer of radiance returning to her face as her treatment progressed well. The doctor had informed them that she only had a few months left until a full recovery.

"Alright," Isaac responded. Although he didn't particularly want to return to the village center, he didn't want to refuse Julia's requests. He feared that if he did, she might attempt to fulfill them herself. Besides, he believed it was safer for him to handle these tasks at the moment.


As they conversed, a deafening explosion echoed through the air. Isaac hurriedly left the house to investigate the source of the commotion. His heart sank as he witnessed thick plumes of smoke billowing violently from the village.

"Don't tell me..."


Another explosion resounded, confirming his worst suspicions.

Isaac swiftly entered the house and grasped Julia's hand, urging her urgently, "Hurry, we need to leave this place."

Julia, surprised and concerned, responded with a trembling voice, "What's happening? Is something wrong?" She had heard the explosions but hadn't anticipated such a strong reaction from Isaac.


"Let's go, there's no time to waste," Isaac insisted. The increasing frequency of explosions heightened his anxiety, and his acute hearing picked up the sounds of screams and cries. He realized that a brutal massacre was unfolding before them.

"But what about the grandparents?" Julia stubbornly asked, her worry evident in her voice. However, Isaac's response was swift and unexpected. He delivered a blow to Julia's neck, rendering her unconscious.

"I'm sorry, Julia, but right now, saving you is my priority," Isaac muttered, a mix of anger and desperation in his voice. He knew he lacked the strength to single-handedly stop the destruction of the village.

Carrying Julia on his back, Isaac sprinted towards the safety of the forest. But his escape was met with another obstacle. Several members of the government stood waiting for him, their presence signaling trouble. Isaac realized that he was outnumbered, and none of his adversaries were weak.


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