
One Piece Pirate? No, I Want To Be Poseidon!

Are you a slave when you first come? Even Marine Admiral Fleet Admiral is here? Damn it! Kneel down and hold your head! Otherwise I will kill the Celestial Dragon—— 'boom!!' 'thump--' Warring States Period, Akainu's eyes are splitting: Old bird!! How dare you publish it in the newspaper—— Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom: Hahahaha, what a masterpiece! How dare you kill the Celestial Dragons? Damn it, the World Government cannot tolerate provocation! Destroy the Fish-Man Island and exterminate the Fish-Man race—— Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru in the water prison emitted a deafening silence:... —————— We are the people of the sea, born phantom beasts, elves in dreams!! What human race, giant race, and Lunaria race! In this sea, we, the sea race, are the only overlords—— Straighten your back and stand up! Let us be our own sun, no need to rely on anyone else's light—— Now encourage childbirth! As long as we have a population of 5 billion, the world will listen to our voice! As your king, I should take the lead—— For the sake of world peace, all races are integrated, the human race, the fur race, the giant race, the long-legged race, the small human race, the long-hand race, the ghost race. Do you know what marriage is? ———— You pirate trash, you are clamoring to become ONE PIECE every day, don't say no, even if you do become one, you are just a mere thief king, why should you be rampant in front of me, Poseidon? Cut off all the hands and feet and cut them into piglets, then hook the pipa bones with sea tower stone chains and hang them in the sea! Let me see who will come to save you! Multiple heroines

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 6 Silent And Speechless

Looking at the legs and bloody limbs of the Celestial Dragon on the deck, even Sengoku Akainu couldn't help but sweat.

They don't care about the death of the Celestial Dragons, they even wish they could just die.

But you must not die in front of them!!

You have to stay away—

Now a leg falls in front of them, which means that Saint Roswader's leg being chopped off is directly related to them!!

"Back off! Back off!!"

Warring States panicked and shouted, his throat was hoarse and heartbreaking!

The highest level of combat power in the sea, the status and power of Marine Fleet Admiral, has never been so angry and powerless!!

there has never been!!


Seeing that the warships of Sengoku and others were no longer approaching and gradually distanced themselves, Adolf was slightly relieved.

This distance is not too far. Sengoku Akainu Moonwalk can approach it in three to five seconds. According to the anime's combat power, it may even be possible to cover this distance with a single trick, but at least there is a private space that can be operated, and it is still getting farther. .

After all, the Warring States Period and the others don't want to see any parts of the Tianlong people thrown over. If you want to throw them into the sea, they will pretend that they don't know...

You'll get a big headache if you throw it in his face!

"Success, big brother, you succeeded!"

"It's so handsome, brother, we can escape!"

"Quick, let the warship speed up and take the opportunity to escape!"

Everyone shouted excitedly and quickly increased the speed of the warship.

"Don't waste your efforts, they will keep up if we speed up, so it's impossible to escape out of sight."

Adolf said, asking them to calm down, but he felt even more desperate.

Even if you open such a long distance, you can't escape...

How on earth can one escape??

"Sure enough, you should go, it's worth it if we can cut this Tianlong into pieces and die!" the purple-clothed dancer advised.

"Yes, for the man who killed the Celestial Dragon, we can be considered famous throughout the world, hahahaha!"

Everyone laughed in joy.

Shalulia Palace's expression changed drastically. She was so weak that she knelt on the ground and begged, "Don't kill me. I can order Marine to let you go. I won't pursue your crimes!"

"Do you think I will believe it?" Adolf said coldly, what kind of fool would believe such nonsense.

What's even more outrageous is that there really are such things in ONE PIECE, and there are quite a few of them!

A cruel and ruthless trash who kills people, suddenly realizes his conscience and becomes a partner, and suddenly turns into a hero of justice? A partner who becomes one with each other?

But unfortunately, he doesn't believe it...!

"There is still a chance to escape. You should immediately go to the ship to find a completely enclosed wine barrel, or use wood to create a closed space. You enter, and I will pull you away from the sea!!"

Adolf directly told the solution.

"This..." Everyone looked at Adolf hesitantly.

"What's wrong?" Adolf asked.

"Brother, why don't you take the three of them from the bottom of the sea? Women are lighter and can fit into larger wine barrels." Derrick scratched the back of his head.

Several others smiled awkwardly.

Adolf also understood what they meant.

He was originally just an ordinary fish from Fish-Man Island. His strength was slightly stronger than that of ordinary humans, especially his tail strength, and he could swim very fast. Even the small Poseidons could not swim as fast as them.

But having to drag three 7-8 meter tall men, two 34-meter tall men, and three young ladies was really difficult.

To put it bluntly, anyone who has some strength will not be captured by slave traders.

But that was originally...


Holding the Marine iron sword in his hand, with the hilt in one hand and the blade in the other, he broke it with force!!

"It actually broke!" Several people were stunned!

'It's not a hallucination!'

Adolf looked at his palm, then clenched his fist and punched the mast of the warship!


Break it into pieces with one punch, break and collapse!

This is the mast of a large Marine warship. It can withstand the wind and rain of the New World. To put it bluntly, it is comparable to steel!

And his fist only caused slight pain, but no scars?

'I've been feeling a constant surge of strength from my body since just now. I thought it was an adrenaline and mental explosion, but I didn't expect it to be true!'

Close your eyes and feel the changes in your body.

The muscles are beating, much weaker than when they were extremely tense before. It seems that the torrent gushing from the collapse of the dam has turned into a small channel, and it is still shrinking...

Conqueror's reason? No...

Conqueror's cannot increase physical strength, and when Doflamingo was hung on the wall, Conqueror's did not let him break free.

Is it some kind of special physique?

"Quickly, do as Brother Adolf says!!"

"Those who want to live, take action!"

8 people immediately rushed into the cabin, looking for anything that could be used.

"Get some bullets and I'll stop his bleeding. Don't let this Tianlong man die so easily!"

Adolf stopped a dancing girl.


"Wait a minute, there should be hemostatic medicine on the warship, we can use gauze to bandage it!" Shalulia Palace said quickly.

However, Adolf strangled Saint Rozwald's leg with a rope, strangled all the blood vessels, then sprinkled gunpowder on it and lit it on fire!


Saint Roswader screamed, managed to stop the bleeding, and fainted.

Hemostatic medicine? What are you thinking about? He has no time to make it so complicated!

'Bulu bulu bulu...'

"Warring States, what happened?" Five Elders asked!

"Where is the person who delivered the fruit?" Warring States asked directly as he looked at the legs on the deck.

"Fruit? How can the world government surrender to a slave!"

"We have sent out the Knights of God. Keep an eye on them and then hand them over to the Knights of God. Now you should get on the boat and rush over!"

Warring States Silence:...

Just hang up the phone!

Marie Joa was built on the red earth continent, in the middle.

But how wide is the Red Earth Continent?

That is the supercontinent that surrounds the world and divides the sea!

Think about how wide the Grand Line is? Seven routes side by side, that is, seven huge islands, separated by a large ocean!

Now it is indeed very fast to take a boat from Mariejoia to the edge of the Red Earth Continent.

But he really had to wait for the Knights of God to arrive. He wasn't sure how many limbs the Celestial Dragons had left...

"Boss has already made it!"

As a person who sails on the sea, just like he must know how to swim, he must also be able to do some carpentry. At least he can make a raft.

Moreover, it is strong and the binding is strong.

"What are you talking about?" Adolf looked at the big bucket in their hands.

"Brother Adolf, the dancing girl is petite, so just use a big wine barrel. We are too big, so we can only use a barrel to cover our heads."

"Like this, then use a rope to tie our waists, and we can swim together in the direction."

Derrick put the wine barrel on his head and demonstrated.

The connection between the neck and the barrel is normally impossible to seal, but these guys just use muscles to block the wood and use neck muscles instead of rubber to insulate?

It's so outrageous!

Well, compared to Luffy and the others, the equipment they went into the sea with is not that outrageous...

'Bulu bulu bulu...'

"Where are the Knights of God?" Sengoku asked in a low voice.

The phone bug frowned, obviously dissatisfied.

"Warring States! You don't need to intervene in the Tianlong people's affairs. Isn't it good for you to follow them?"

"The Knights of God are on their way by boat. No matter how fast it is, it will take half a day. Just be careful and report your location!!"

"No matter what kind of torture those two idiots are subjected to, you just need to delay the time until the Knights of God arrive and the farce will be over!"

The phone bug's face kept changing, and his tone of voice also changed accordingly. It was obviously the words spoken by different people.

However, Warring States became more and more silent as he listened, looking at the phone bug in his hand, and then looking up at the warships sinking into the sea in front of him...

"Fleet Admiral! They dug a big hole under the warship and escaped from the bottom of the ship!"

"No Tianlong people were found, they were probably taken away!"

"Report, it is written on the deck: If he dares to take revenge on Fish-Man Island, he will publicly execute two Tianlong people!!"

A sailor swam into the ship to review the report.

"What? How dare he? He is so brave!!"

"A stinky fish threatens the world government and will not be tolerated!!"

"Damn! Search! Search the entire first half of the Grand Route!"

"Trash!! You actually let a slave run away!! And you also disappeared with two Celestial Dragons!"

The Five Elders were furious, and the entire room was suddenly enveloped in suffocating oppression and terror.

The Celestial Dragons can die, but they can only die in the hands of fellow Celestial Dragons, and they cannot publicize it!

If the Celestial Dragons were really publicly executed, what kind of blow would it have to the authority of the Celestial Dragons?

Are the Draconians still a World Noble?

They will fall to dust from the highest!!!




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