
One Piece Pirate? No, I Want To Be Poseidon!

Are you a slave when you first come? Even Marine Admiral Fleet Admiral is here? Damn it! Kneel down and hold your head! Otherwise I will kill the Celestial Dragon—— 'boom!!' 'thump--' Warring States Period, Akainu's eyes are splitting: Old bird!! How dare you publish it in the newspaper—— Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom: Hahahaha, what a masterpiece! How dare you kill the Celestial Dragons? Damn it, the World Government cannot tolerate provocation! Destroy the Fish-Man Island and exterminate the Fish-Man race—— Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru in the water prison emitted a deafening silence:... —————— We are the people of the sea, born phantom beasts, elves in dreams!! What human race, giant race, and Lunaria race! In this sea, we, the sea race, are the only overlords—— Straighten your back and stand up! Let us be our own sun, no need to rely on anyone else's light—— Now encourage childbirth! As long as we have a population of 5 billion, the world will listen to our voice! As your king, I should take the lead—— For the sake of world peace, all races are integrated, the human race, the fur race, the giant race, the long-legged race, the small human race, the long-hand race, the ghost race. Do you know what marriage is? ———— You pirate trash, you are clamoring to become ONE PIECE every day, don't say no, even if you do become one, you are just a mere thief king, why should you be rampant in front of me, Poseidon? Cut off all the hands and feet and cut them into piglets, then hook the pipa bones with sea tower stone chains and hang them in the sea! Let me see who will come to save you! Multiple heroines

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 5 Cut Off The Legs Of The Celestial Dragon

The Celestial Dragons cannot be humiliated. Even if the Celestial Dragons are stripped of their identity, they cannot be killed by others!

This is disrespectful to the Celestial Dragons and a serious provocation to the authority of the world government.

It can be said that anything related to the Celestial Dragons will become troublesome!

"Huh?? What just happened?" Derrick shook his head to wake up, as if in a moment.

Looking around, many Marines collapsed on the ground, including the slaves he rescued with him.

"Unexpectedly...!" Before his mind could reconnect, he looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief and was dumbfounded!

Marine Sengoku Fleet Admiral, Admiral Akainu, and the surrounding Marines actually knelt down to the mermaid!!

What just happened? Is that guy the Dragon King?

"Wake up!" Adolf glanced at the surprise. He had originally planned to give up on these eight people.

In this case, it is impossible to escape with the fainted person.

What's more, he is a mermaid and can escape as soon as he enters the sea, so these people become a drag.

"Big...brother!" Derrick worshiped respectfully.

"Don't move!" Inexplicably noticing Sengoku Akainu's movements, Adolf stopped and subconsciously turned his head!

His eyes were fixed on Sengoku Akainu, and even in this highly tense atmosphere, he had faint visions, but he didn't think much about it!

Sengoku Akainu's legs that he originally stood on knelt down again, and whispered, "Is that seeing and hearing Haki?"

"If he had been able to see and hear the domineering power, there would be no way he would have been captured as a slave!"

"In other words, in this case, he awakened to the color of seeing and hearing!"

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Adolf, feeling a huge wave in his heart.

A sudden awakening without any training in seeing, hearing, and color is very rare and belongs to genius alone.

The highly concentrated spirit and extremely depressive environment became the opportunity for his awakening.

And just now, Conqueror's Haki was even awakened!!

Ni Ma, are they kneeling here an opportunity for each other to awaken to their feelings?

"Wake them up!" Adolf himself had not noticed this yet and did not even dare to think about it!

Derrick acted quickly: "Wake up, wake up quickly! We are free! We are leaving!"

While shouting and mouthing, pirates don't know how to be gentle.

I was forced to wake up and my face was swollen!

Wake up one person and let the others wake up together, or even force the sailors to get water and pour it on violently, and then wake them all up forcibly in just a few minutes!

No one would blame him for being rude at this time.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Warring States shouted!

"Of course I'm waiting on the warship. I'll leave after I get the Devil Fruit. Are you still waiting here to die?" Adolf grabbed the Celestial Dragon and headed towards the shore.

Warring States knelt on the ground and gritted his teeth, but in the end he didn't stop and followed closely behind!

Adolf still has two Celestial Dragons in his hands, which means he can still kill another demonstrator!

This is because there is only one last Heavenly Dragon left in hand, but it does not rule out the crazy idea that it is worthwhile to bury all the Heavenly Dragons with him!

But they can't do it. One of them has already died. Another death can't be explained by carelessness or carelessness!

It's just a matter of attitude, I don't take Tianlong people into my heart at all!

He is like this as the Fleet Admiral. Is Marine still worthy of the trust of the world government? Does it mean that the world government can no longer command them and wants to establish its own business?

The nature is so bad! I'm afraid it will be taken down by the Knights of God immediately!

"Set the boat! Go to sea!" Adolf said directly.

The five captain's boys quickly took action and took control of the rudder to set sail!

"Follow them!" Sengoku Akainu also boarded the warship and led a group of fleets to follow closely!

"Adolf! Don't you want the Devil Fruit?" Sengoku shouted!

"Yes, but I also have to consider my future!"

"If I get the Devil Fruit, I will naturally let the Celestial Dragons go. If anyone dares to get close, don't blame me for being rude!"

Adolf shouted from the stern deck.

Devil Fruit? Of course he wants it. There are 20 Devil Fruits, 10 of which are the best fruits. Any one of them can be the starting point for his rise.

Haven't you seen the time-travelers traveling with you? There are 13 Devil Fruit users out of 10, not to mention 10 of the best fruits can be picked up!!

But how could he really be waiting desperately for this now? I'm afraid he's not waiting for death!!

"The fleet is semi-encircled and follow them, don't let them out of sight!" Warring States ordered.

The Marine fleet followed closely behind it, fifty meters away. It was too close. For a strong man like Akainu Sengoku, Moonwalk was not even needed. It was just a matter of kicking!

"It's useless to talk about it!" Adolf said.

"Boss, they are all the same warships. We can't get rid of them." Derrick was anxious.

"With Sengoku Akainu here, we can't escape at all!!"

"Brother, run away. You are a mermaid. As long as you jump into the sea, there will be nothing they can do!"

"We would all have died at the hands of the Celestial Dragons. It's no big deal. It's worth it to have Celestial Dragons bury us with us!"

Everyone was anxious, and after finding out that they couldn't escape, they persuaded Adolf to just run away. Although it was a pity for them, they died with no regrets. At least one Celestial Dragon was buried with them.

"Go away, you are a good person and should not die here."

"Actually, you should have left alone just now and left us alone."

"Give us the Celestial Dragons and we'll delay! You jump into the sea where Marine can't see you. They won't notice!"

The three purple-clothed dancers said, their eyes full of gratitude.

"Shut up! We still have a chance!"

"Hang it up!"

Adolf shouted and interrupted!

Derrick obeyed the order and grabbed the clothes on the back of Saint Roswald and lifted them up!

Adolf picked up a sword from the deck of the warship.

"Wait a minute, what do you want to do!" Zeng Guo's pupils shrank and he suddenly became panicked.



"Legs, my legs——!!"

Saint Roswader screamed heartbreakingly.

Blood surged like a column, his right leg was cut off abruptly, and large amounts of blood stained the deck red!

Derrick's heartbeat accelerated, and he was stunned for a moment. He looked at Saint Roswader struggling in his hands in disbelief!

He could not forget, he could never forget the humiliation and torture of being whipped by the Celestial Dragons and being ridden by the Celestial Dragons!

It is simply the darkest moment of life!

But this kind of Tianlong was actually picked up in his hand, and one of his legs was chopped off by Adolf!!

The same is true for other people. They did not see the moment when the Holy Spear of Charros killed him, but they saw the painful scream of Saint Roswald, which directly awakened their souls.

"You, you, you... you actually cut off one of my father's legs!" Hearing the harsh screams, even Shalulia Palace woke up.

"What's one leg? Haven't you seen that one person is missing?" Adolf grinned fiercely.

"Saint Charles? Is it you!" Shalulia Palace couldn't believe it!

"That's right, it's me, and I still used your gun!"

"If you still think you are superior to others and I don't dare to kill the Tianlong people, you can be used next to tell Warring States whether I dare to die together!"

Shalulia Palace's body was trembling, and she no longer had any of the noble posture of World Noble.

The death of Tianlong Ren and having one of her legs chopped off completely crushed her pride in her heart!

Adolf grabbed the severed leg, threw it towards Sengoku and the others, and landed on their boat!

"Damn it! You actually-" Zeng Guo was furious, veins popped up on his temples, and the flames of anger burned in his heart.

Akainu also has a ferocious and twisted face, which makes people feel chilled and frightened!

He actually cut off the legs of the Celestial Dragons and threw them to them!!

This is not only humiliating, but also a bigger trouble than explosives!

"Warring States! Don't turn a deaf ear to my words!!"

"Do you want them both dead??"

"Say it again·Back off————"




I wish you all a happy new year and may you hit the Universiade as soon as possible.