
One Piece: Path To FreeDoom

Author: ApexCreator
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 151K Views
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What is One Piece: Path To FreeDoom

Read ‘One Piece: Path To FreeDoom’ Online for Free, written by the author ApexCreator, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering ROMANCE Fanfiction, MYSTERY Fan Fiction, DARK Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: Tragedy will for many times trample upon what ambition was meant to be. It'll carry on until happiness is no longer in s...


Tragedy will for many times trample upon what ambition was meant to be. It'll carry on until happiness is no longer in sight. Longing such sensations and emotions that were lost, a being—sometimes intelligent—will seek refuge. Refuge, however, may come in many forms. For the boy called, Ashikaga Ren, this refuge is named revenge. To pin one down. To burn their face with scorching metal. To break their bones. To pierce their hearts with his sword. To obtain happiness back — this is the only objective of his life. To end those who befell him and his house in the most painful way known to mankind — his only support. However, life doesn't work like that, and some things are never achievable for the individual... though, that only applies to the individual. A team might do the job — better yet, a crew. From that point on, he decided to never lose anything again; He decided to regain what was lost. All of that with his new family. ------ [Chapters are long, spanning from 3k to 8k words.] Patreon soon. Not money hungry, just want an incentive. Tags I couldn't put on: Slow Progression, Drama, Revenge, Mature, Main Character Constantly Developing, Expect The Unexpected. I don't recommend this for people who don't like stories to stray too much on the dark. Examples being: constant suffering; a lot of mystery; drama; tragedy; etc. However, if you do decide to continue reading, do know that for every struggler, a happy ending awaits. (Temporary cover art. If the owner wants me to take it down, please contact me through my DC: Santo#7633)

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Please excuse the poor writing of the first arc (was young, still am, and improving still). Getting back on this after a long while. Please give this a read! Synopsis gives you all the info needed. Good read.


Re-Writing this cuz because last one go deleted but just gonaa say it's amazing.


absolutely wonderful, I don't know how this gem doesn't have more readers


Great Story.................... .... ....




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