
One Piece: Path To FreeDoom

Tragedy will for many times trample upon what ambition was meant to be. It'll carry on until happiness is no longer in sight. Longing such sensations and emotions that were lost, a being—sometimes intelligent—will seek refuge. Refuge, however, may come in many forms. For the boy called, Ashikaga Ren, this refuge is named revenge. To pin one down. To burn their face with scorching metal. To break their bones. To pierce their hearts with his sword. To obtain happiness back — this is the only objective of his life. To end those who befell him and his house in the most painful way known to mankind — his only support. However, life doesn't work like that, and some things are never achievable for the individual... though, that only applies to the individual. A team might do the job — better yet, a crew. From that point on, he decided to never lose anything again; He decided to regain what was lost. All of that with his new family. ------ [Chapters are long, spanning from 3k to 8k words.] Patreon soon. Not money hungry, just want an incentive. Tags I couldn't put on: Slow Progression, Drama, Revenge, Mature, Main Character Constantly Developing, Expect The Unexpected. I don't recommend this for people who don't like stories to stray too much on the dark. Examples being: constant suffering; a lot of mystery; drama; tragedy; etc. However, if you do decide to continue reading, do know that for every struggler, a happy ending awaits. (Temporary cover art. If the owner wants me to take it down, please contact me through my DC: Santo#7633)

ApexCreator · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 5.1 "Hurtful Tones For Truthful Words"

Debris flew all over the place. Concrete moved like paper and the wall was made to fly away in bits, shockwave expulsing the solid off of the room together with flesh in a clutter of noises.

Ren had barely managed to react as he ran a minor two meters off the area before the explosion hit him in the back. He was swatted toward his room's wall and through it without the privilege of thinking about it. He only realized what was what when he opened his eyes again.

He groaned, rubble falling off him. He was stuck to the wall he had crashed into outside in the hallway—an indent in the concrete, his back feeling as if it had turned boneless and forbidding him from shifting from the pose he was in.

Ren panted and he tried grasping his kimono for some minor solace, arm hurting from the move, but no cloth was there anymore. Only his charred skin. The material had been deleted out of existence through the blast's sheer heat. He could only frown deeply, pain stabbing him everywhere.

If there's another of them coming for me, I'm done for good, he thought, laughing at himself.

Ren's ears were ringing and his head was a mess. Not a single positive had come from that confrontation. Not that he could've avoided the assassin anyway. Still, action was sure to be taken from his clan's side seeing how big the explosion was. All would be alright in a few minutes. Everything was going to be fine soon... or that was what he had deluded himself into thinking.

"Bleugh...!" Ren vomited blood. His legs trembled and he fell out of the hole he was caved on, face hitting the ground first.

"Ugh..." he grumbled. His teeth had probably cracked. Everything was hurting worse than how he imagined Hell would hurt.

He began trembling just from breathing. His vision was also blurring, though it wasn't like it made much of a difference when the ground was the only thing he could see while sprawled over it as if dead. Still, he had hit the dagger on the ground when he fell and it pierced him further below his ribcage. It had twisted weirdly in his insides to fit the position he was in. His back too was so burnt it began hurting just from the swift breeze the wind carried through his room—now hole—toward his newfound resting place. He could smell his own burnt flesh in the air too. But his strength wouldn't allow him to turn his face the other way to avoid the tang now. He could only cough up more blood as a last pitiful struggle in life.

Ren recalled that coughing up blood meant, most of the time, that one's internal organs were injured. And very badly so at that.

So what else could he do but whimper pitifully as he awaited death?

But no, a man he was, and complaining would win him nothing.


Ren breathed barely a sigh. Crazy he would think of the blabbers imprinted onto his mind at this time and hour, while he was sprawled on the ground, nose touching the floor and breathing its stale smell... the cold touching his cheek and allowing him to feel the dampness of the mountain's eternal winter affect his home in real-time.

Thoughts came by slower at last.


Mom could help me for tomorrow...


—it'd take a lot of energy from her...


—we should probably postpone the ceremony...






Was I even ready for it?

"REN... huff!"


He raised his view.

He had only moved his eyes because his head weighed too much for his weak self.

"Young... huff... Master!!!"

Aki's skirt fluttered in the air as she ran, her voice slicing until inside Ren's ears. Her feet and throat were as if sizzles she used to cleave through all impediments; the debris with her feet; air's futile resistance to her voice; and even Ren's self-pitying thoughts too.

"Aki..." He allowed her name out his lips.

Aki kneeled by his side in a hurry, not even kneading her long skirt on the knee like she would usually do to avoid wrinkling it.

"Y-Young Master..." Her hands trembled, avoiding touching him. "Oh d-dear..." She held her mouth. Blood was slipping away from Ren from all sides. His eyes were on her too but they looked so distant.

"Aki... I-I'm..." Ren began weakly.

"Shh... don't talk now," Aki said, managing a sudden calmness. She needed this to act in times of urgency.

Aki got him to sit or else he would faint, and who could know what would happen if so. She saw the dagger and advised, "Do not pull it out." She pointedly stared at Ren while so. "It'll be the same as signing your own death sentence if you do so. I'll be right back." Then she jumped up, biting her lip in self-frustration, and went away. Time was crucial.

Ren could barely follow her figure as she skipped away. Her running was incredibly fast for a maid. That pump of adrenaline when worry settles in maybe.

Ren's pained frown became a smile. Amidst all of this pain, numbness was his new drug. He felt nothing anymore—dare he say he felt as if floating amongst clouds. Painkillers would falter when this potent a killer of pain was doing its job but better

And he kept still as time passed.

If I pull the dagger out... does the dragging stop? he thought, sitting quietly. All around him was eerily silent.

I'm sure... no one would mind... if I just died here.

Ren caressed the handle of the dagger, and slightly, he began pulling it.

It was a gentle move. Bit by bit. Not a single whimper or scream. Pain was no more after all.

But not even mid-way, the wind slapped him. Cursed. Thrashed at him.

It was his name... Ren, Ren... Ren.

He was being called. An angry voice, chiding him. Still, it was a familiar one. It was warning him.

Aki's voice, he realized. It was still echoing in the long corridor.

Wait. Had she...?

Had she called me by my name?

His chest's steadied beat began to pound harder in anger, saying it would kill him if he dared kill himself. Was it Death knocking from the inside saying it wanted the outside? Or were those his heart's thoughts communicating its feelings?

He chuckled, and regretted doing so a moment after as it hurt his insides. He chuckled because he hadn't a need to wait anymore, or a chance to end everything. Once again, you survive away... but for what?

He saw as Aki sprinted back in his direction with the whole complete crowd for the job. Scouts, doctors, warriors, servants—whoever she found at the current moment was bought together by her.

But the one Ren noticed would be his headlight in this dark time was...


In the distance, worry shouted. It was Miyuriaki, her gentle voice now teeming with despair. Her running was clumsy as she wove anxious steps toward her dear son.

Ren wobbled on the ground. "M-Mother... bleugh!" He vomited more blood when he tried to force his body up.

Without saying any more, she reached and placed a hand on Ren's head. The strongest light Ren had ever seen his mother conjure came and it entered his body through its pores.

Bystanders looked at the scene curiously as they arrived—doctors and interns alike did too though their interests were deeper. Just what kind of miracle was the Flower Lady performing?

Science about her powers had been long established. But just look at the carcass she was attempting something on. No one would want to look as a mother struggled through her last teeth to try an impossibility.

As soon as she started, however, eyes metamorphosed into affright itself. She had pulled the dagger off, Ren groaning and grinding his jaw, and parted flesh connected back in seconds. His burnt skin regained its original phototype, and blood stopped gushing and sipping as a pool below him.

She kept going for a whole minute of wondrous thaumaturgy for onlookers.

However, at the same time, her face became paler and paler—cadaverous even. Her cheekbones sunk and small wrinkles appeared on her jovial face.

Reinvigorated to some extent, Ren yelped, "This much is enough, Mother! Please!" He asked, but she gave him not even a bulge.

"I will perform my single job to its end. Don't worry about me, child... ugh..." Blood slipped through the corner of her lips and she grimaced.

"M-Mother!" Ren fumbled, getting to his knee, and thought of pushing her away so she would stop. But her face was too determined for him to go at her with half-hearted resolve.

Finally, Miyuriaki's hand trembled as it stopped emitting the green bright. She then flopped to the side, her face filled with sweat and a lack of vigor a healthy woman like her should emit.

Ren gasped, breath fastening. His mother and sole pillar. Looking as such. Because of him.

His face transmuted into terror.

Miyuriaki saw his worry and whispered some words. She was barely audible so Ren approached his ear to her mouth, and she finished speaking with a frail smile that was as lit up as ever.

Ren's eyes shone and his bottom lip folded how hard he bit them. Immediately he issued orders, his voice so strong it immediately required obedience. "Take my mother to the infirmary, NOW!"

Wonder came first, and then...

Obey the Heir.

Servants and escort warriors kicked off to their boots, sprinting to carry their Lady, though as carefully as they could. Some others were investigating the scene.

Barely within a minute, his mother had come and gone.

Mom, thank you so so much, Ren thought, eyes creased and shut. I won't disappoint you, so please, recover well.

He sighed and looked up.

"Young Master, are you okay? Can you get up?"

Some servants came and offered him a hand in getting up. And why would he not accept their help? He did it gladly and began rising.



"Y-Young Master?!"

It wasn't just any organism that, forget not being bedridden afterward, would even survive the shock of having their body's state change so suddenly and extremely.

"I'm fine, just let me support myself on the wall for a second..." He tapped his eyes, forbidding them any other look at more information that could jumble his senses and worsen his headache. His legs felt like jelly. Hot. Everything was hot. His hand holding his head was the worst.

(Oh, look...)

Ren side-eyed the scene.

(The whole junk has arrived late as per usual... second time now... Be grateful I guided your actions or else you would've been mid-way rotting now.)

Ren expulsed all the little air he had left in his lungs, and finally, inhaled like he had missed air for ages. As confused as he was and his body hurting, his worry about his mother was much greater, so he shook his head and went to his father and legion that had just arrived.


"What happened—" Sakamoto stopped himself when he saw people covertly gasping at Ren. More accurately, the rags he had left as clothing that allowed a full view on his back.

Had it been because of that only, Sakamoto wouldn't have himself be worried about it over the more pressing matters in sight; however, a nasty scar could be seen spreading all across his son's back—this was what they were eyeing.

He proceeded to give Ren his coat.

"Thank you," Ren replied automatically, his mind on something else. Fidgeting for a bit, he finally asked, "Did you see Mother on your way here... was she fine?"

"She'll be well, don't worry. She's strong," Sakamoto curtly spoke. "You, however...?" He raised a brow, analyzing his child's appearance.

Did his hair...? Sakamoto thought as he saw Ren's hair color had turned lighter. His eyes became different also. Not that their color changed too, but they looked a hue more determined and another less fuzzy.

That Oden guy, does he really know something about it? If yes, why would he try to slow down the process like this? Does he not know the sooner the better? Sakamoto thought, clicking his tongue.

"I'm alright now," Ren said, and his eyes tensed up before he continued, "but Father... assassins. They came again." His gaze aggravated his words all the more so.

"I see. I had figured," Sakamoto replied, gaze in thought. Then he decided: "Come to my office later. To report and... it's time I tell and give you something." He would've told now, but now was too crowded and unkept from onlookers. He suspected infiltrations had happened amidst the confusion.

Ren nodded and Sakamoto too, and he then turned to the working crowd who maintained a silent mouth to keep a hearing ear.

"EVERYONE, LISTEN!" Sakamoto roared out and they all stopped. "Forget, fixing or cleaning. I want commonplace servants to leave the manor for the day. It'll be too dangerous a place for the rest of the day. For the guards... you'll immediately circle the mountain. Not a single uncertificated soul leaves our range. As for our best warriors..."

Some other people arrived at the scene as Sakamoto rambled out orders. Speaking nothing, they stood by the side, Ren's wearied appearance earning a snicker out of them, and him noticing their gimmicks.

Hah, even at times like this... Ren shook his head, and instead of getting angry, was disappointed in sharing even if a bit, some blood with them.

"The lax security that allowed two huge attacks to happen toward our offspring as easily as this will earn a mouthful later. Now's not the time..." Sakamoto eyed behind him, calling Hisashi up, and whispered something to him.

Hisashi's eyes widened but he nodded firmly.

"I'll leave the rest to you now." Sakamoto patted his shoulders and excused himself. He had work to do and a wife to tend to.

Hisashi coughed slightly before he began suddenly. "By the command of our Head and Lord, the Patriarch of the Ashikaga Clan and Family, Ashikaga Sakamoto, these orders are to be immediately carried out..."

Hisashi then turned to look at the three people who had just arrived at the scene.

"...Arrest the following people: Takahashi Akihiko, Tsugumo Ena, and Takahashi Naoko for being suspects of underhandedly partaking in acts that would endanger our Clan. Find Takahashi Hara and apprehend her too."

No words were spoken and no questions were asked—the guards only moved according to their orders and caught the three cousins who could only gasp in response.

"W-What is this? Who dares to try and defame ourselves with these kinds of lies?!" Akihiko yelled in a panic, trying to force himself out of the guards' grasp.

"Don't resist or it will be worse. And it's as I said, you three are being suspected of treason," Hisashi answered coldly, only his lips smiling. "Now, please continue," he added to the guards, reassuring them there was no problem or that problem would come their way.

"This is an outrageous lie! Wait until I tell my Auntie, she will definitely do something—"

"Brother, we'll resolve this properly afterward. Don't worry. Treason is the one thing we'd never dare think of doing toward the Clan who's homed us." Naoko's face was grim as he was taken away, locking eyes with Hisashi who scoffed a smile at the jabber.

Since it was a since-long premeditated prosecution, it'll stay a temporary one until after the ceremony, Hisashi thought, his smile long gone from his face. But hopefully, now, the fox goes out of its cave to begin its hunt. Or to get hunted actually...

Hisashi sighed and turned to look at Ren, again smiling. Well, one step at a time, right? These three won't bother the Young Master anymore. I'll make sure of it.

Ren had observed the whole event. And he was doubting its veracity for some reason. Doubting if those horrible cousins of his were really the ones behind such an act.

(You are too much... Your father and co have just done you a big favor don't you see? Why do you still carry empathy within...?)

Ren coughed, trembling now. His body kept changing from hot to freezing and vice-versa. It was not a very comfortable feeling... gave him the chills.

Hugging himself, Ren looked all around the crowd and saw Aki was still active. He was indebted to her so a thank you was the least he could do now. Then their eyes met and her stern working look softened. That was the moment when her knees faltered and she fell amidst the crowd.

"Huh?" Aki looked at her own legs wondering what their problem was.

Ren gasped at the sight and began walking at trudging pace toward her. He thought maybe it was the stress arriving at once.

The whole cluster of people asked Ren about his healthiness, him to rest as he passed through, but he courteously attended to their worries with just a waving hand of dismissal before he kneeled by Aki.

"Young Master, I-... my legs..."

Her eyes spun around too much for some reason. As if afraid of punishment from being too steely before.

Ren smiled at her silliness.

'I'll get you out of here,' he whispered close to her and didn't give her a chance to think as he took her in his arms.

"Wha...!" Aki gasped.

"Excuse me, injured person here," Ren said, walking through the crowd with her in his arms.

People looked startled for a moment before separating for space.

"Y-Young Master... this is..."

"I don't care about rumors if that's what you are going to say." His eyes were pointed ahead.

Aki opened her mouth. Still, nothing came. Only her lips formed a small upward curve she hid almost instantly.

Hisashi looked from afar at the two and huffed in a smile. Seems our to-be Heir has matured a bit.

However, job awaited him and he glanced at the waiting crowd. Seriousness became his second name as he commanded, "Now, all of you are to comply with the orders firstly given by the Patriarch:

Servants will run down the mountain with their certificates in hand to ensure identification goes properly; Guards will communicate as fast as possible through Snow Squirrels so the ones down can circle the mountain's feet, and the rest, the warriors... you will make separate groups for searching different areas. Specifics for place and location will be told through our scoutmen in the Mockroom, so head there. Do not forget time is crucial, so move!"


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