
One Piece: Oh Why the Grandline

Damit wrote fanfic, bad bad bad figures. Why you do that. Mind saying one thing but figures did another. Nothing special just been on a typing kick. Video games have become dull and other than ONE PUNCHMAN nothing worth watching. I have no creative ownership or rights to One Piece or any other copywritten thing that might pop up in my random tale of tales. It's just purely something I did to kill the mundane boredom of life.

arodjr · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Oh Why I had to wait on him!

Ace was now 18 years old and a spitting image of his father when he was young. Aces hot pink hair and the lack of scars was the only thing that separated them in looks. He was also taller and had a bit more muscle then his father did back then. Needless to say, his Mamas could not help but comment on his good looks.

After two years of rejection on training for Haki Luffy finally agreed. He would not be handling the training but instead, Rayleigh would. The old man had made it to the base not even a month ago and was ready to get to teach a new generation of pirates. After Aces question his Mamas he had learned that Luffy had requested the old man help years ago but Rayleigh just now finally decided to show up. He had not aged a day since he trained Luffy all those years ago. Haki was the cause. High enough training in it gave the user an increase in their lifespan. All Aces mama still look in their late twenties to early thirties.

As for who would be going for training. It was of course at the top, Ace, then Nasopp, Rukia, Maki, Mie, Kimi, and Kie. The firstborn of the new generation and the only kids that shown an interest in exploring. Again the training would take a whole two years. Something Ace was upset about since it delays his own grand adventure.

Currently, everybody had gathered to have lunch and Ace was sitting next to his dad and Rayleigh with the rest of the crew and family gather around a large table. Rayleigh could see the impatience in Aces body. As for the other kid, they all were too busy with the task at hand. Each was working hard to protect their meals.

"Haha two years will fly by boy with the amount of training and fighting your lots going to do," Rayleigh said as he took a bit out a turkey leg.

"Mhm yeah mhmm you nhmm to whmm two yhmm anyways for the shmm to be reahmm" add Luffy with his mouth full of meat.

"Super me is designing you something special but with the girls help the designs will be done in a week. Then another week to build it. So, your wrong Luffy. Two weeks not years my man." said Franky as he did his pose. Kiwi and Mozu flanking him and mirroring how he stood. Ace thanked the heavens that the girls were supernormal compared to their overzealous parents.

"I'mhmm just.... gulp trying to keep Ace'kun motivated Franky. Son, you want that piece there?" Luffy defended himself before asking Ace his question with animated meat sticks popping from his eyes.

"All yours pops," Ace said as he handed the last piece of meat to his dad. Ace really did not feel like fighting over the food. Plus the animated eyes thing always weird him out.

Rayleigh just watched the two interact with a fond smile on his face. Luffy was his pride after all. Rayleigh was also glad to see how level headed his new student was. He was not sure if the boy in front of him could actually awaken it. Luffy already told him that Ace had it but it was hard to see in the boy's demeanor.

"I guess I'll be taking the kids into the mainland then," Rayleigh said as he rubbed his chin.

"Yeah, we got the area already all stocked up. Mihawk Sensi send over some mandrills for the kids to train with and Yassop stocked it with the wild game over the past five years we wait on you," said Zoro bluntly as he took a swig from his oversized mug.

"I've gone ahead and added some extra surprise for them too. Because only unknown trials can we become brave warriors of the sea" ussop said with a grin. Ace could not help but shiver at the excited looks both his uncles had on their smug faces.

"Marmo make it sound like he helped with the kids training grounds when all he did was sleep wail everybody else was working," grunted Sanji as he brought out more food. Pudding, Violet who was pregnant and Rukia helped.

Slamming his cup down Zoro stood to face him. "You want to go at it Curly Q. Last time I checked you did not want to help as you stood in a corner crying about losing your daughters purity because of it." Zoro added.

"That's it you brain dead lazy swordsman you want me to kick you out of this world," Sanji yelled back as veins started popping.

Before both men could carry on with their topical squabbles an aura of death was over both men snapping them out of their routine. The cause was a little girl who had a white sword attached to her back.

"Papa, Sensai, your both breaking your promise." said the sweet voice of the girl. She had a shinigami face floating behind her and nobody was really sure it was real. She was Rukia half-sister and Violet and Sanji first born. She was a born sword genus and Zoro could not believe she was his friend's daughter. Her name was Scarlett Ann Vinsmoke. everybody just called her Anne.

Anne was another problem Ace did not know how to handle. She was just too young to go out to sea with him. She was adamant about doing so. He had argued with her about how a 8-year-old kid had no business on the open sea. her response was to challenge him to a duel. A fight Ace lost terribly at.

To prove her point Anne went on to beat up the rest of the older generation of kids that would leave with him. She then happily announced that she was way strong than them. That they now had no choice but to take her with, for their protection of course. The adults choose to say out of the kid's dispute. Mostly because that sprite she could summon at will. It could destroy other people's haki regardless of how strong the person was.

"Oniisan, Sensai and my Father both agreed to let me join the Haki training. So I'll definitely be able to keep an eye on Niichan and keep them safe from the things Father mumbled about before." Anne said to Ace as the ghost quickly disappear. It always did around him.

Rayleigh was shocked "What in the nine hells was that." he quietly asks Luffy.

"The demon child's Death God" Luffy whispered back in a serious tone. He then quickly disappeared without a trace.

In Anne toddler years Luffy had become her favorite toy. When the crew had to face the ghost that followed her or give up the super stretchy captain they chose that ladder. Luffy had since grown a phobia. Yes, the mighty king of the pirate was afraid of a little girl. To be fair so was Franky, Chopper, and Carrot.

Ace thought it the whole phobia thing was hilariously funny because Anne was one of the sweetest kids Ace knew. Even if sometimes she went a little overboard with her antics. She was much easier to deal with the other girls. He just worried about how the outside world would react to a 15-year-old sword saint. Ace fingued that by the time she turn fifteen she would be one. Im and those five elders were still running thing and Ace was not sure how they would react.

Ace had a long debate in his head about taking any of the others kids out with him or if he should just sneak out saving them the trouble he knew awaited outside. Being who they were was the only reason the world government needed to execute the whole lot.

In the end, Robin was the voice of reason. She said that no matter what, a group united is always more powerful than the strongest of individuals. Just looking back on her own life show how true that was. Out of all the people that surround Ace in his life Robin was his closest one.

With the choice made Ace was now set and he was also excited about what his ship would be like. He has told the twins that for their first ship they should have something simple and practical. That it should be fast and pack a punch if they needed it. Their main targets would be the corrupt people on the sea. Ace felt that by doing that in a small way would help his father and grandfather in their efforts to improve the world. He was not delusional to think he could bring justice to the whole world but he would not turn a blind eye to it either. Be it Marian, pirate, bandit or rebel if they cross his path and had done wrong Ace would show them the folly of their ways, be it by first, sword, or gun.