
Brotherhood and Impact

After a while since they met the boys have come to form an unbreakable friendship, a brotherhood among the four, are supported in difficult times, are required when they feel they can give more and can do better and are also pressed to the extreme when they have A challenge between them with the help of what Jove learned with his grandfather tried to teach it to his friends but he did not really succeed each one adapted as he could the techniques that they liked but they did not really learn Rokushiki, something that disappointed Jove but at that the three responded as if it did not matter since that was the art of the marine and they would be pirates, with that Jove shook his head and simply gave a smile. In addition to that before Sabo's departure they performed a somewhat strange ritual, which really moved Jove, that day began like any other except that before leaving the forest to train Ace and Luffy decide to steal a bottle of sake without telling Jove and that this would be upset if it is something stolen in addition to the bottle also took four eights to drink, on arrival Jove was talking nonsense with Sabo and realizing that Ace and Luffy came this approach to them.

-Sabo: "Did you find things?

-Ace: "Of course I wanted to do it alone but Luffy insisted on accompanying me"

-Luffy: "everything went perfect hahaha"

-Sabo: "Perfect guys hahaha now who is going to explain that to the" Jove who did not know what these guys were talking about when they were curious and approached stealthily, with the help of their fruit was practically imperceptible for Sabo and Ace only his brother Luffy could to find him because of his nose, but when Jove got serious he could eliminate even his smell when he got close to them without them noticing. Jove listened

-Ace: "Luffy and I get the things it's your turn to tell you"

-Sabo: "To me but if I stayed with him so that you would have time to get that, Luffy is his older brother he should tell you"

-Luffy: "But me, me, me, I can not tell you what Ace does"

At that moment a voice was heard and the children felt a chill

-Jove: "What do not you want to tell me, older brother?"

Everyone was surprised and at the same time looking for what to say without the owner of the voice getting angry.

-Luffy: "Well Ace wants to tell you something very important"

-Ace: "What !?" He said turning his head towards Luffy who turned his head away when he saw Ace

-Sabo: "If Ace has a secret to tell you Jove is interesting"

-Ace: "How !?" This time it was Sabo who surprised him and turned his head away when crossing glances with Ace

-Jove: "And that's what you want to tell me" when he heard that phrase from that voice Ace knew that his future brothers had played it, he sighed and looked Jove in the eye and said

-Ace: "We stole a bottle of sake and some eighty to perform the ritual of brotherhood, we do not train to be pirates and if we need something we take it, we want to be brothers for life that you tell me Jove" after saying this Ace sighed and He looked at Jove in the eyes, it was incredible the pressure exerted by a child much smaller and smaller than him but in turn his gaze did not produce fear only respect and desire to follow this person, Ace and the others many times thought that if their dreams were not different, maybe they would follow Jove wherever he went. After hearing what Ace Jove said, he just smiled

-Jove: "Guys, I know you want to be pirates and if it is true that you are going to steal but I know you will not do wrong in this world with that, you are my family so of course we will be brothers for life and now I inform you, you did not steal that bottle we will only pay it later than you think, remember the family is always supported and is always united "to this phrase they just sighed and laughed to realize that it was true they are family and despite their dreams and their actions always they will support each other and they will always be united, after laughing and embracing each other they began the ritual each one poured their blood into the sake then everyone drank a little each one, to later break the eight. With this done the four saw each other, until they saw that Luffy was trying to wipe his tongue and everyone began to laugh, this was the beginning of the story of the people who in the future would head the entire world each with different paths, one that sought to eliminate the shadow of his father, the other sought the independence of his family, another that sought freedom more than anything and finally the one that sought justice for absolutely everyone in the world, very different dreams but all incredibly difficult achieve. Time after the time came when Sabo went to sea alone, Jove tried to tell him that he was still very young but Sabo was desperate to go out and be someone by himself and that was when the tragedy happened, Sabo was caught in front of the ship a nobleman who was being protected by the marine, he carried weapons and the nobleman saw this tiny ship in front of him shouting at the marines

-Noble: "Destroy that ship that hinders my destiny"

- ?: "Sr we are observing that he is only a child"

-Noble: "A boy, jum let me see" the noble observes the boat and just when he is seeing that the young man was placing on his boat a pirate flag, seeing this the noble furious cry

-Noble: "FIRE !!!!! Eliminate that damn pirate "on hearing this the Marine could not do anything but regret turning to the other side and ask to shoot the small ship, all the artillery of the nobleman's ship was shot to disappear that small ship, Sabo only saw one burst of light before falling into the sea, this was seen by the brothers this left them in shock they did not know what to do and the three responded differently.

Ace went crazy trying to go save Sabo but was stopped by Dadan and the other bandits who had to stop him violently because the boy was an earthquake defeated bandits and I kept trying to escape from Dadan. Luffy was paralyzed, he began to cry without stopping to do anything, only he was paralyzed. But the most affected of all was Jove, who saw how there were marines on the boat, his rage was so great that his body expelled thirst for blood, he could not control it until Ace stopped and watched his younger brother, Luffy stopped Crying also and watching his younger brother, the bandits were scared they could not believe that he is thirsty came from such a small child, Dadán ran to try to faint Jove but his club only transferred, at that moment Jove scream with all lungs what It caused that many people fainted and after that it disappeared towards the forest, Ace after seeing that some bandits fainted I try to go to the town to try to do something for Sabo but was stopped by Dadan, Luffy that had come out of the Shock with tears that they started to come out of their eyes again try to do the same as Ace but Dadán also caught him and knocked him out with this of the three beasts two were already calm but by the mind of Dadán crossed the memory of Jove's blood thirst and preferred to leave it in the forest after all, although the youngest is always the most sensible, so he decided to take these children home while in turn mourned the death of the other . What they did not know is that by works of destiny nearby was a mysterious figure, a figure with a green cape could rescue the young man almost unharmed, in his face there was surprise, there was disbelief, and his face was because he had observed everything that happened on the coast of the island, this figure started talking to himself

- ?: "I knew you would be amazing but this is out of my assumptions, this guy is a real surprise haha ​​now let's see what they will decide, let's see what will happen to Roger's son and my two sons, let's see what will happen with the will of the D "and with that said this mysterious figure that was none other than Monkey D. Dragon as it appeared again disappeared only that now took Sabo with him.