
One Piece: Man of Steel(Paused)

A kryptonian accidentally arrives in the One Piece world. What changes will he bring to the world?

ConDOriano · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Growing affections

Ohara, West Blue:

Ohara is an island in the Grand Line and is known for its vast knowledge and the Ohara Archaeological Society, which is made up of archaeologists from around the world. The island is covered in lush greenery and surrounded by clear blue waters. At the centre of the island stands the Tree of Knowledge, a massive tree that serves as a library and research center for the archaeologists on the island. The society is dedicated to secretly studying the ancient Poneglyphs, which are stone tablets with inscriptions in an ancient language that hold the key to uncovering the world's hidden history.

Nico Robin was a young girl who lived in Ohara. Her mother, an archaeologist named Nico Olvia, left her on the island when she was only two years old to search for the True History. Robin was left in the care of her uncle and his wife, Roji. Roji was unkind to Robin, treating her like a slave and making it clear that she was not wanted. She was left out of family outings and was forced to do all the household chores.

As she grew older, Robin became more aware of the hostility towards her on the island. The other children bullied her and called her a monster because of her unusual powers, which allowed her to sprout multiple limbs from her body. They would throw things at her while calling her ugly and creepy. If she fought back, Aunt Roji would severely scold her for being violent. Gradually Robin learned to keep to herself and continued to immerse herself in her studies, but she could not help feeling lonely and isolated.

Robin was an intelligent and curious child who loved to read, especially about history and archaeology. Despite her difficult home life, Robin found solace in the Tree of Knowledge and the archaeologists who took care of her. She spent much of her time reading and learning from the scholars who worked there. She was fascinated by the ancient Poneglyphs and dreamed of one day deciphering their secrets. Her love for history and her desire to learn more about the world led her to excel in her studies, and at the age of eight, she was officially inducted as a scholar.

However, her excitement was short-lived as she soon discovered that the other scholars did not take kindly to her curiosity. Professor Clover, a friend of her mother, scolded her for spying on them and warned her that she would be banned from the library if she continued. Studying about the Void Century was a punishable crime by the World Government and Professor Clover didn't want young Nico Robin to meddle in dangerous activity. Despite this setback, Robin remained determined to learn all she could about the Poneglyphs and the world's hidden history. She never lost her passion for learning and her desire to uncover the world's hidden secrets.

But unknown to the residents of Ohara, World Government has set its eyes on them. The secret spy department of the government has sent its undercover agents to investigate the Archeologists. They were cold-blooded and highly trained spies responsible for gathering information, assassination and hunting down those who pose a threat to the rule and safety of the Celestial Dragons.


Meanwhile, with Rouge gone to reunite with Ace, Nova was now free to explore the world to his heart's content. He has heard about lots of incredible things to see and experience in this world from the Pirate King Gol D. Roger himself and he wants to see them with his own eyes. The mammoth elephant 'Zou' carrying a city on its back, fish-men islands located somewhere underwater and even a golden city located somewhere in the sky, stories like these make him feel wanderlust. Also, the various types of incredible food and people out there were what draws his interest.

His days were spent improving himself on the sky island, researching and learning more about science and technology and learning about various skills needed to traverse the seas. He also learned basic medical skills, with further knowledge and using his x-ray vision which can see through the internal structure of the body he can definitely become a decent doctor. Also knowing medical skills helped him incapacitate and neutralize the evil marines and pirates swiftly, he also got a lot of practice as the world didn't lack any cruel men both on land and seas. It also helped Nova save up some money by collecting the bounties and the loot present on their ships. One major problem Nova faced was saving money in one place as the world lacked a banking system.


Foosha Village, Goa Kingdom.

Curly Dadan, the tough and gruff bandit leader, was having a particularly bad day. She had just lost a fight with a rival gang, and to make matters worse, she had been tasked with taking care of the youngest member of her bandit family - the infant Portgas D. Ace.

Ace, on the other hand, was having the time of his life. He was a happy and curious baby, fascinated by everything around him. He giggled and cooed as he crawled around the hideout, getting into everything he could reach.

But as Dadan stormed into the room, still fuming from her earlier defeat, she was in no mood for baby games. "Ace, you little brat!" she bellowed. "Stop getting into everything and sit still for once!"

Ace, not understanding the gravity of the situation, just smiled and reached up to grab Dadan's hair. She scowled and tried to shake him off, but Ace just giggled and held on tighter. All the bandits also started cheering Ace making loud noises.

As Dadan tried to wriggle free, she lost her balance and stumbled backwards, landing on the ground with a thud. Ace, still holding onto her hair, went flying through the air and landed on top of her, giggling all the while.

She was furious, but even she couldn't help but crack a smile at the absurdity of the situation. As she picked herself up and brushed herself off, she glared at Ace and the other bandits, "What are you bastards doing!!! Go do your task!!"

"You're lucky you're so darn cute, you little troublemaker," she grumbled, before scooping him up and holding him close. Despite her tough exterior, it was clear that Dadan had a soft spot for the little baby in her arms. As Ace smiled up at her, all was forgiven - at least until the next time he got into trouble. She started reminiscing about what happened a few months back.

Curly Dadan was surprised when Monkey D. Garp, the legendary Marine vice admiral, showed up at her bandit hideout one day. She was even more surprised when he handed her a baby boy and said, "Take care of him for me."

Dadan looked down at the baby in her arms, unsure of what to make of the situation. She had never been particularly fond of children, and the thought of being responsible for one was daunting. But as she looked at the infant's innocent face, she felt a strange tug at her heartstrings.

"Who is he?" she asked Garp, her voice softer than usual.

Garp hesitated for a moment before replying, "His name is Ace. He's the son of a friend of mine, and he needs a place to stay for a while."

Dadan nodded, still unsure of what to do. But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months, she found herself growing attached to the little boy. He was a happy and curious baby, always smiling and reaching out to explore his surroundings.

As she watched him grow and thrive under her care, she began to feel a sense of pride and protectiveness. She may have been a bandit, but she was also a mother, in her own way. She would do anything to keep Ace safe and happy.


A/N: Thank you guys for all the power stones.

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