
One Piece: Man of Steel(Paused)

A kryptonian accidentally arrives in the One Piece world. What changes will he bring to the world?

ConDOriano · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Good and Evil


Jaguar D. Saul lay on the sandy beach, his body battered and broken from the shipwreck that had brought him to this place. The sun beat down upon him relentlessly, and the heat of the sand beneath him made him feel as though he was being cooked alive.

He tried to move, to get up and search for help, but his body refused to obey him. Pain wracked every inch of his being, and he knew that he was lucky to be alive at all.

As he lay there, his mind drifted back to the events that had led him to this place. He had been sailing the seas as a member of the Marines, chasing down pirates and criminals, when he had received word of a dangerous group of scholars who were rumoured to be researching ancient weapons.

Saul had been dispatched to put an end to their activities, but when he met the only survivor of the ship, Nico Olvia, he was shocked to discover that the scholars were not criminals at all. They were simply researchers, seeking to uncover the secrets of the world and unravel the mysteries of the ancient texts they had discovered.

Despite his orders, Saul had found himself drawn to the scholars and their quest for knowledge. He started questioning the motives of the World Government and why they were adamant in hunting down the scholars. One day he was summoned by Fleet Admiral Sengoku to a secret meeting where he was ordered to prepare for a buster call where five Vice-Admirals with 20 warships used their full firepower to wipe out an island, he was shocked to hear this and immediately questioned Sengoku for proof of crimes committed by the scholars. He wanted to confirm what he was ordered to do was just and that he would not be committing an evil act. But to his disappointment, he was harshly reprimanded for questioning the orders of his superior. That night he had spent hours talking to Olvia who was captured in the marine prison.

She had told him about the true nature of the ancient texts and the danger they posed to the World Government. Saul realized that he had been wrong to blindly follow orders and decided to help Olvia escape from the clutches of the Marines. What he learned shocked him to his core, he felt deep respect for the archeologists of Ohara, despite so many obstacle they did not give up and pursued the True History that the Government was trying so hard to hide. Together, they made a daring escape from the prison and fled to the island of Ohara, where the scholars continued their research in secret.

Their goal was clear, reach Ohara as soon as possible and warn the scholars of their impending Buster Call. If they fail all the residents of Ohara will be brutally persecuted by the firepower of 20 marine ships.On their way, Saul parted with Olvia to distract the marines and give Olivia a chance to escape but unfortunately for him, he was shipwrecked on this island when his ship was suddenly caught in a storm.

As he lay on the beach, feeling his strength slipping away, Saul wondered if he had made the right choice. Had he been wrong to protect the scholars, to try and learn from them and understand their perspective? As his thoughts turned to darkness, he felt a presence looming over him. He tried to look up, to see who it was, but his vision was hazy and his body weak.

The holy land of Marijois

The Gorosei sat stoically around a large, circular table made of polished wood. They were the highest governing body of the World Government, and their decisions affected the entire world. Today, their attention was focused on one specific island: Ohara.

Sengoku, the Marine admiral, stood at attention, his arms folded behind his back. He had just delivered a report on the potential danger that Ohara posed to the World Government.

Spandine, the head of Cipher Pol 9, stood nervously to one side, his hands clasped together. He had brought the report to the Gorosei, hoping to curry favour with them and advance his own position.

"I understand your concerns, Admiral Sengoku," one of the Gorosei spoke, his voice deep and commanding. "But do you truly believe that this island poses such a great threat?"

Sengoku cleared his throat. "Yes, your Excellencies. Ohara is home to a number of scholars and archaeologists and our investigation has confirmed they are indeed researching the forbidden knowledge of the ponyglyphs. They possess knowledge that could potentially undermine the very foundations of the World Government."

Spandime nodded vigorously, eager to chime in. "Yes, and furthermore, we have reason to believe that they have progressed a lot in their research. Even with marines hunting their expedition ships, Nico Olivia has managed to escape with the help of the deserter Jaguar D. Saul. If we give them time to prepare, they may go into hiding and erase all the evidence."

The Gorosei exchanged glances, and there was a palpable tension in the air. Finally, one of them spoke up.

"Very well, we must make an example out of them. We will take action to ensure that this knowledge does not fall into the wrong hands. Admiral Sengoku, you will lead the Buster Call on Ohara. Cipher Pol 9 will assist you in any way possible."

Spandam's eyes widened with delight. This was his chance to prove himself to the Gorosei and rise through the ranks of Cipher Pol.

"As you wish, your Excellencies," Sengoku said, bowing his head. "We will make sure that Ohara is wiped off the face of the earth in four days."

The Gorosei nodded in agreement, and the meeting was adjourned. Spandime could hardly contain his excitement as he left the chamber, eager to begin planning for the attack. Sengoku, on the other hand, felt a heavy weight settle in his chest. He knew that what they were about to do was necessary, but it would also be one of the most devastating acts of destruction in the history of the world.

Meanwhile in Weatheria:

*Ringg* *Ringg*

Nova looked at his watch, it was the same device that he made for his mother with the help of Jor-El and Heredas. It was a sophisticated communication device but is a lot more compact than the bulky den den mushi and runs on solar energy. He picked up the call and the familiar beautiful face of his mother Rouge appeared on the screen.

"Nova, can you hear me? Oh my goodness, this is incredible!" exclaimed Rouge in amazement.

Nova smiled, knowing exactly what his mother was talking about. "Yes, Mom. That's the watch I made for you. Do you like it?"

"Like it? I love it! It's amazing! I just pressed a button and you appeared right in front of me!" Rouge exclaimed.

Nova chuckled. "Yes, Mom. It's a long range communicator. It uses a special technology that allows you to see and talk to the person you're calling as if they're right in front of you."

Rouge was still amazed. "This is so much better than the old den den mushi. And it's so small and convenient to carry around. I can't believe you made this, Nova. You really are a genius!"

Nova blushed at his mother's praise. "Thanks, Mom. I'm glad you like it. Just be careful not to accidentally press any other buttons. I still need to make a few adjustments to it."

Rouge laughed. "Don't worry, Nova. I'll be careful. But I have to admit, I'm really excited to try out all the other features."

"Yes mom! I will work on it. Did you find little Ace?? Where are you now?"

Rouge sighed in response, "I arrived in Goa Kingdom, Vice Admiral Garp was supposedly born here and frequently visits this island. I have investigated all over the town in the last few days and found some clues leading to a nearby village, but I have to act discreetly to avoid attention from the marines."

"Mom!! You should probably try to contact Garp-san. There must be someone who knows how to contact with him in that village!"

Rouge thought for a moment before responding, "You're right, Nova. I'll see if I can find anyone who knows how to reach Vice Admiral Garp. In the meantime, I'll keep searching for Ace and keeping a low profile."

Nova nodded, relieved that his mother had a plan. "Just be careful, Mom. And let me know if you need any help from me."

"Of course, my lovely Nova. I'll keep you updated. And thank you again for this amazing watch. It's already proving to be incredibly useful." Rouge said cheerfully before ending the call.

Nova smiled to himself, proud of his invention and happy that he could talk to Rouge anytime.


A/N: Thanks for all the power stones and story reviews.🥺

Notice: I will not update till 4th April due to my University Exams but I will release 2 Chapters on 5th April.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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