
One Piece : Luffy is Exposed

In the year 1520 of the lunar calendar, Luffy embarked on his journey to the sea! Roger had long been executed, and order ruled the seas, with the Navy resting comfortably in their headquarters. But then, a sudden live broadcast sent shockwaves throughout the world! Top Ten Remarkable Battles Revealed! Top 10: Gecko Moria vs. Nightmare Luffy! Top 8: Fierce encounter with the leopard-form Lucci, fighting for Nakama! ... Top 6: A dignified opponent, New World's Doflamingo! ... Top 3: The Paramount War's epic clash! ... With this revelation, everyone witnessed Luffy's remarkable growth and increasing strength. Even the Navy began to realize the looming danger! From their initial disdain and contempt, their sentiments gradually shifted to fear and admiration. Could this be the future Yonko? No, it's the future... king!!! ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/PirateKing24

PirateKing24 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 87 : Everyone Shocked!

[Jabra and Kaku were still chattering noisily, and Zoro couldn't stand it on the side.]

["Hey, you two, have you caused enough trouble?"]

[As soon as these words were spoken, they instantly caught the attention of the two who were arguing, and both turned to look at Zoro.]

[Kaku, in particular, had been taunted by Zoro earlier, and now he was being ridiculed by Jabra.]

[At this moment, the anger in his heart had reached its peak!]

"You, you pirate who plays acrobatics with three swords, underestimate my power of the Devil Fruit!"

"Giraffe-Giraffe Fruit: Human-Beast Form!"

As soon as Kaku's words fell, his entire form changed again...

At this moment, even Zoro couldn't help but be surprised!

"This is..."

You see, in addition to being able to transform into a beast-like form, the Zoan-type Devil Fruits also allow for a human-beast transformation!

Under this form, not only the appearance changes, but even the strength...

But soon, Zoro realized he was in for another surprise in this battle!

With Kaku at full power, he transformed into a human-beast form, but...

Apart from his already elongated neck, which grew even longer, and his iconic square nose appearing, along with an extra set of abs, there was no change at all!

On the contrary, it became even more bizarre to watch...

"I can't believe it... It's absurd..."

Immediately, Zoro had a terrified expression, much like when he first saw Kaku's transformation.

Even Jabra, who was watching Kaku's human-beast form, was stunned. This appearance was truly extraordinary!

In the uncharted seas...

"I can't believe it!"


Zoro was being Zoro.

When he saw Kaku's appearance, he resembled his future self.

It was all because in his eyes, Kaku's nose had become longer, forming his signature square nose, and the human-beast form with the extra set of abs...

He simply couldn't believe it!

It completely shattered his own perception...

At this time, Luffy and the crew set sail on the Merry, with their next destination being...

The Water 7, where Franky is located!

As for why they bypassed the closer sea restaurant and Thriller Bark Island...

It was because Luffy and the others realized that Franky needed their help urgently.

The beginning of the Water 7 arc signified the exposure of CP9's presence in Water 7.

They would surely end their undercover operation early and capture Franky as soon as possible.

If they sought each member one by one, by the time they reached Franky, he would have been captured.

So they had to go to Water 7 first to rescue Franky...

[Looking at Kaku's appearance, Zoro couldn't help but smile.]

[But when he remembered that Robin was still in such a dangerous situation, he immediately suppressed his smile forcefully.]

Jabra, on the other hand, burst into laughter, rolling on the ground. It was as if he might keel over at any moment...

Taunted by both Zoro and Jabra, Kaku was furious.

"Don't underestimate the giraffe!"

I saw him roar, and then he started performing a tremendous slalom in place.

I must say that although Kaku's giraffe form looked comical, it posed a considerable threat, especially when he got serious...

His slender limbs and elongated neck swept around for several meters, like a massive electric fan!

With the continuous rotation, a terrifying small tornado formed in place!

It was feared that anyone caught in it would be struck dozens or even hundreds of times in an instant!

But that wasn't the most significant threat...

As Kaku spun faster and faster, a blue light appeared at his feet.

At that moment, Zoro sensed the imminent danger, and without hesitation, he threw Usopp to safety.

It was at this moment...

Kaku, who was spinning, unleashed his "Rankyaku" kick!

During the rotation, the "Rankyaku" kick formed a circle, cutting almost 360 degrees without leaving a gap.


In an instant, this devastating vacuum slash destroyed everything in its vicinity!

Even the entire Tower of Justice was cleaved in two!

The destructive force of this attack was so immense that the vacuum slash continued to ripple outwards, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake, and it took a long time for the debris to settle...

This scene in the image also left many viewers in shock.

Was this the true strength of CP9?

The power of this attack... it was incredibly terrifying! It sliced through the building like it was nothing!


They deserved to be a secret government organization, and their strength was undeniably formidable. 

After watching numerous live broadcasts, everyone knew that the Straw Hat Pirates, especially Luffy, were powerful. Zoro was undoubtedly the crew's second strongest member.

With someone as reliable as him, even if the enemy is dangerous, it can make people feel at ease.

However, just when everyone thought that a blood-boiling and exciting war would follow...

The situation took a bizarre turn.

["Ah, what terrifying strength, but this is interesting!"]

[An evil smile appeared on Zoro's face, and he wanted to raise his sword to attack, but...]

[Huh!? ]

[I saw that one of Zoro's hands was cuffed by SeaStone's handcuffs at some point! ] ]

[At this moment, Zoro was stunned...]

[I saw Usopp look embarrassed and said: "I'm sorry, just got excited... The hand slipped."]

[Zoro, at this moment, had murderous intentions. ]

[I am a swordsman; how do I swing a sword when I am held by someone with one hand? ] ]

[What's more, now he is facing two powerful enemies like CP9! ] ]

[F*ck, pig teammate...]

[In desperation, facing the two enemies of Jabra and Kaku, Zoro and Usopp can only run hand in hand. ]

[At this time, Chopper ran over...]

[But it's not a fart either!] ]

[Now the three of them started running together, and the scene was even more bizarre. ]

[A wolf, a deer, and a giraffe...]

[Zoro, who ran up, is about to doubt his life, what kind of evil did he do? ]

[It's not a way to run like this; Chopper runs fast, Zoro directly asked him to go to the others to see if the CP9 they defeated had a key to open the lock in their hands…]

[Only when the lock is opened, there is a chance to resist and defeat the two in front of them. ] ]

[When Chopper heard this, he ran directly and went to other battlefields…]

[In addition to Luffy and Zoro, the most likely to end the battle the fastest is the third strongest, Sanji! ]

[Chopper suddenly transformed into a speed form and began to run through the intricate justice tower. ]

[Actually, according to his thoughts, Sanji's strength is indeed most likely to end the battle as soon as possible. ] ]

[However... That also depends on who his opponent is. ]

[When he met Kalifa, it is estimated that he was indeed the first to end the battle, but...]

[It is estimated that it is by no means a victorious posture...]

Marine headquarters!

Garp and Sengoku looked at the situation speechlessly.

For some reason, they always felt that the direction of this battle became more and more bizarre.

Originally, they thought that on Justice Island, the Straw Hat Pirates and CP9 would have an intense head-on collision.

But now it seems... It's more like a comedy!

Luffy runs around the intricate tower of justice like a headless fly. Zoro, who is second in combat power, appears reliable, but he's in a tight spot thanks to his comrades.

They thought it was 1v2, but now it looks like 1↓3...

At least there is one Sanji left, but they never expected that he would encounter a woman and be reduced to a blushing mess!

Not to mention defeating the enemy and obtaining the key, he just hopes to make it out in one piece.

Well, the three main forces of the Straw Hat Pirates are basically in disarray... The direction of this battle is far beyond everyone's expectations.

Even the few people in the Blue Sea were bewildered as they watched the scene on the screen.

Doflamingo couldn't stop laughing, his stomach hurting.

"These guys are truly in dire straits. How can a pirate crew like this have a future?"

"It seems like their first two victories were just due to sheer luck."

"If they were to face me..."

"In less than an hour, I could put an end to it all!"

When Crocodile heard this, he couldn't help but smirk as he puffed on his cigar.


"I think it's hard to say whether you would win or lose against the Straw Hat Pirates."

"But if they ever cross paths with me, I'll drain them dry in an instant!"

Doflamingo's expression turned cold, and he retorted, "What do you mean... Are you better than me?"

Crocodile toyed with the gravel in his hand and looked down at Doflamingo.

"If you don't believe it..."

"You can try!"

The tension between the two escalated once again.

The atmosphere grew heavy...

Meanwhile, on the live broadcast screen in the sky, a new development caught everyone's attention! It left everyone, including the viewers, in shock.


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