
One Piece : Luffy is Exposed

In the year 1520 of the lunar calendar, Luffy embarked on his journey to the sea! Roger had long been executed, and order ruled the seas, with the Navy resting comfortably in their headquarters. But then, a sudden live broadcast sent shockwaves throughout the world! Top Ten Remarkable Battles Revealed! Top 10: Gecko Moria vs. Nightmare Luffy! Top 8: Fierce encounter with the leopard-form Lucci, fighting for Nakama! ... Top 6: A dignified opponent, New World's Doflamingo! ... Top 3: The Paramount War's epic clash! ... With this revelation, everyone witnessed Luffy's remarkable growth and increasing strength. Even the Navy began to realize the looming danger! From their initial disdain and contempt, their sentiments gradually shifted to fear and admiration. Could this be the future Yonko? No, it's the future... king!!! ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/PirateKing24

PirateKing24 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 69 : Golden Bell's Chime!

["Insects from Blue Sea, today I shall allow you to be obliterated completely!" ]

[Enel's voice resounded in the sky, echoing constantly...]

[He had transformed into a new form, enveloped in endless thunder and lightning, taking the form of a colossal thunder and lightning deity.]

[This massive figure, larger than an ark, was akin to the arrival of the God of Thunder.]

[In Enel's hands, he wielded two golden tridents, brimming with power.]

[This spectacle sent shockwaves throughout the entire Skypiea, even reaching Zoro, Nami, and others...]

At this moment, the entirety of Skypiea trembled...

As everyone gazed upon Enel's Thunder God form, their hearts quivered with shock.

Such formidable power!

Such an overwhelming sense of awe...

It sent shivers down their spines!

Marine Headquarters...

"Could this be... Devil Fruit Awakening?" 

A look of astonishment crossed Admiral Aokiji's face.

Even the lethargic Admiral Aokiji, who rarely paid heed to anything, was taken aback.

This was because of the sheer awe-inspiring appearance of Enel in this form...

For you see, Devil Fruit Awakening meant taking one's Devil Fruit ability to its utmost limit.

Mastering it perfectly, thereby unlocking greater power!

Those who could Awaken their Devil Fruits were not to be underestimated.

Especially with a fruit like the Goro Goro no Mi, known as one of the nearly invincible Logia Fruits. In this form, Enel could likely hold his own against even an admiral!

"The electricity coursing through his body has reached at least 200 million volts!"

"If regular folks get too close, they'd be incinerated instantly, and even we couldn't touch it directly!"

"Indeed, it appears only the rubbery powers of that Straw Hat boy would dare to approach."

Both Aokiji and Kizaru were amazed, and they marveled at the fact that indeed one could challenge another Devil Fruit's elemental powers. 

The Gomu Gomu no Mi proved to be the perfect counter to the Goro Goro no Mi.

Unknown Island...

A man with an unsightly face, missing a few teeth, and a somewhat portly physique stood there.

Judging from his appearance, he seemed to have just escaped a perilous situation, appearing somewhat disheveled.

But the aura he exuded marked him as a pirate without a doubt, yet...

He didn't have the air of a big-shot, more akin to an ordinary pirate.

But had Ace or the Whitebeard Pirates seen him, they would've erupted in chaos immediately!

Because, it was none other than Teach, Marshall D. Teach!

At this moment, Teach had just taken down Thatch, the Fourth Division Commander, claimed the Yami Yami no Mi, and commenced his escape...

Despite his bedraggled state, he was ecstatic!

After twenty long years on Whitebeard's ship, he had finally acquired what he desired.

However, looking up at the sky and witnessing Enel's Thor-like form, Teach was momentarily bewildered, his eyes flashing with avarice.

"The Goro Goro no Mi, one of the most nearly invincible Devil Fruits in existence..."

"In this form, it seems worthy of that reputation, and it wields incredible power!"

"This fruit can serve as a substitute for my second fruit, hahaha!"


[Though the world watched in awe as Enel unleashed his Thor form]

[Luffy remained unfazed and, upon hearing his words, grew even more furious!]

"Rubber Pistol!"

Luffy's fist rocketed towards Enel at incredible speed.

And Enel , not one to back down, thrust his golden tridents forward!

In an instant, Luffy's punch collided forcefully with Enel's face, blood trickling from his mouth.

Simultaneously, Enel's tridents pierced towards Luffy...

Fortunately, Luffy closed his fist in the nick of time, catching the tridents and preventing them from plunging too deeply.

Otherwise, with Luffy's sharp weapons, it would've spelled certain doom!

Still, the surging thunder surrounding the tridents made the ordeal painfully scorching. Though Luffy was unharmed by lightning, the tridents' heat still got to him.

"Now, you have two choices: persist or let go."

"Keep holding on, and my tridents will slowly impale you, and the searing heat will torment you."

"But if you release your grip... you'll plummet into the White Sea."

"And I shall summon ten thousand bolts of lightning to lay waste to Skypiea."

"Insects from Blue Sea, what will you choose?"

Enel said, his face bearing a mocking grin...

In his eyes, Luffy seemed like a clown!

The viewers from numerous kingdoms across the seas, staring at their screens, couldn't help but grow tense.

Luffy was in grave danger!

If he let go... it would be all over!

Nami sent desperate pleas for him to hold on.

He was still on the way to reach the crumbling Heaven's Vine, utilizing the vine's tilt to ascend to the sky.

If he fell now, there'd be no opportunity to get near Luffy. But if he clung on...

He'd have to endure the tridents' pain and injuries.

Luffy, what will you choose?

[The persistent high temperature and the piercing tridents inflicted immense pain upon Luffy.]

[Finally, he released his grip, falling into the air...]

Observing this, Enel burst into laughter, his mocking smile growing wider...

"Insects from Blue Sea, you've made the right choice. After all, compared to the lives of others, your own is more precious."

"But in the next moment, Luffy's actions left Enel dumbfounded."

Luffy's arm extended as he descended into the White Sea.

Suddenly, his arm shot forward and caught hold of a sea cloud, using the fall's momentum and his own rubbery elasticity to propel himself upwards several hundred meters!

With this incredible power, he leaped towards the sky!


With a resounding cry, Luffy unleashed a spiraling punch, his arm wrapped in a golden sphere.

The sheer power of the fall, the weight of the golden sphere, and the force of Luffy's rubbery spiral punch...

All of these combined, resulting in a punch of unimaginable destructive force!

Even though Enel tried to react by blocking with his two tridents, he was still knocked away instantly!

The massive golden sphere shattered his tridents and sent him flying across the Ark... and beyond!

The Ark couldn't withstand such destructive power and shattered as well.

Thus, after traversing thousands of meters...

Luffy's punch, together with Enel in his Thor form, crashed into the Golden Bell that had stood tall for over 400 years!


At that moment, after four centuries, the Golden Bell tolled once more!

The bell's chime resounded throughout the White Sea, even reaching Skypiea from a height of ten thousand meters!

The bell's resounding clang was incredibly loud and far-reaching.

It reverberated across the world for a long time...

The images kept playing, yet every spectator was in tears...

For those watching, the live broadcast showed the significance of the Golden Bell's chime.

The return of the Golden Bell not only meant the existence of Skypiea in the world.

It also symbolized the exoneration of Mont Blanc Noland, who had once been branded a notorious liar.

His descendants would no longer endure humiliation and scorn.

Now, they could proudly proclaim to the world that their forebearer wasn't a great deceiver!

Everything he'd spoken of, all his adventures, were genuine truths!

At the same time, the Golden Bell's ringing affirmed Luffy, the Straw Hat kid's, fulfillment of their agreement and the realization of his dream.

With tangible actions, he'd slapped the faces of those who once laughed at his aspirations and dreams in the tavern.

Dreams should never be the subject of mockery!

Instead, dreams should endure indefinitely!


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