
One Piece : Luffy is Exposed

In the year 1520 of the lunar calendar, Luffy embarked on his journey to the sea! Roger had long been executed, and order ruled the seas, with the Navy resting comfortably in their headquarters. But then, a sudden live broadcast sent shockwaves throughout the world! Top Ten Remarkable Battles Revealed! Top 10: Gecko Moria vs. Nightmare Luffy! Top 8: Fierce encounter with the leopard-form Lucci, fighting for Nakama! ... Top 6: A dignified opponent, New World's Doflamingo! ... Top 3: The Paramount War's epic clash! ... With this revelation, everyone witnessed Luffy's remarkable growth and increasing strength. Even the Navy began to realize the looming danger! From their initial disdain and contempt, their sentiments gradually shifted to fear and admiration. Could this be the future Yonko? No, it's the future... king!!! ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/PirateKing24

PirateKing24 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 202 : Shanks Vs Big Mom?

At this pivotal moment, the two Four Emperors stood face to face upon the tumultuous seas!

On one side stood the formidable crew led by the crimson-haired captain, Beckman, Jesus Burgess, and others.

Opposing them was the force under the dominion of Big Mom, with Katakuri, Cracker, and their allies at the forefront...

Ever since news spread that the Big Mom Pirates had leftTotto Land to pursue Luffy and his comrades, tensions escalated.

Upon hearing this, Shanks wasted no time rallying everyone to this very spot!

Fortuitously, their journey brought them into the realm of these tumultuous waters. Shanks foresaw Luffy's potential to ascend as the fifth Emperor of the Sea, perhaps even rivaling the legendary Roger himself!

Yet, Luffy's growth was not yet complete.

Driven by both personal sentiment and a sense of duty, Shanks resolved to aid Luffy and thwart the advances of the Big Mom Pirates. Thus...

"Luffy carries on the will of Captain Roger, and I cannot stand idly by as you seek to kill him!"

In that instant, Shanks declared his stance unequivocally!

He would defend Luffy to the bitter end! Regardless of the consequences he may face, as one of the Four Emperors, he could not allow such injustice to pass unchallenged!

"In that case, Shanks, words are futile."

"Though we both bear the mantle of Four Emperors, our strengths have yet to be tested against one another!"

With the Emperor's Sword drawn, Big Mom wasted no time in idle chatter!

"Ikoku Sovereignty!!!"

With a mighty swing, her sword unleashed a devastating torrent of power!

In an instant, the very sea before them split asunder!

Undeterred, Shanks widened his gaze and unsheathed his own sword!

For him, there was no fear in confronting a fellow wielder of the sword!

With equal ferocity, Shanks unleashed his own formidable force!

In that moment, the clash of titans reverberated across the sea with a resounding boom!!!

Explosive echoes pierced through the depths, painting the skies above with hues of chaos!

As the cascading waves settled, Shanks and Big Mom had already taken flight from their respective vessels, locked in a fierce duel!

In their wake, crewmates and officers surged forth as one!

None held back. In this moment, the clash between the two Four Emperors erupted upon the vast expanse of the sea!

At this moment!

Countless formidable factions, including even the pirate groups and the entire world, came to know that the Big Mom Pirates were sent to eliminate Luffy.

Even the Red-Haired Pirates, one of the Yonko Pirates, were mobilized. It was common knowledge that Shanks stood by Luffy's side.

Therefore, there was no doubt he would intervene to halt Big Mom's advance!

The news spread far and wide, causing ripples even within the Navy Headquarters, the Revolutionary Army, and the Whitebeard Pirates, who initially considered aiding Luffy. However, figures like Garp, Sabo, Ace, and others couldn't help but pause.

They understood that Shanks alone possessed the prowess to thwart Big Mom!

No one questioned the might of the Red-Haired Pirates.

After all, they too were Yonko Pirates, boasting formidable members like Beckman, whose strength rivaled Shanks'.

This was a clash between two Emperors, a spectacle the world yearned to witness but sadly wasn't televised live for all to see.

For this was a battle between two Yonko!

With their crews and numerous formidable commanders, the spectacle promised unparalleled excitement!

Regrettably, Shanks had once sacrificed an arm. Had he not, he might just not have ascended to the rank of the Four Emperors but claimed the title of the strongest on the seas!

Yet, with the passage of time and his reemergence after this grievous injury, his power was sure to have ascended once more!

Indeed, he might prove even more formidable than before. Could the Big Mom Pirates withstand him?

Such speculations left everyone in awe, eagerly awaiting news of the outcome.

The world held its breath, poised to witness the resolution of this battle! After all,

despite the might of the Four Emperors, the question of supremacy among them remained unanswered. This conflict would surely provide clarity...


Just as the world remained entranced by the titanic clash between these two Emperors, the sky live broadcast resumed once more.

[The Whole Cake Island Incident has concluded, and the Q&A rewards are set to commence! ]

These words sparked renewed excitement among the masses!

Was it finally time for the distribution of rewards?

What new and varied rewards awaited them this time! ?

However, with joy came disappointment for some.

At this juncture, almost everyone knew the correct outcome.

Not only had the Straw Hats evaded Big Mom's relentless pursuit, but they emerged unscathed!

In this moment, countless regretted their earlier choice, realizing they had backed the wrong side!

[Congratulations to Sabo, Ace, Garp, Zoro, Sanji, and others for making the correct choice!]

[Rewards will be distributed shortly. Please be patient.]

[Congratulations to Sabo: He has received a bonus of physical enhancement, now three times stronger!]

[Congratulations to Ace: He has been rewarded with... the awakening of the Flame-Flame Fruit!]

[Congratulations to Garp: He has received the reward, elevating his Observation Haki to its peak!]

[Congratulations to Zoro: He has received a reward... enhanced physical prowess and improved swordsmanship!]

[Congratulations to Sanji: He has been rewarded... the Diablo Jambe has been upgraded, significantly increasing its power!]

Boom, boom, as the rewards were distributed, viewers worldwide were once again astonished!

These rewards are even more sought after than the last ones!

Envy and jealousy fill the hearts of countless individuals!

Enhanced physical abilities, heightened Armanent Haki, awakened Devil Fruits—any one of these can amplify a person's strength manifold!

Figures like Kaido and Doflamingo are undoubtedly seething with regret; their insides churn with envy!

They lament why they didn't choose correctly and receive the rewards!

Meanwhile, within the ranks of the Revolutionary Army...

Sabo remained dazed, but suddenly, a golden aura enveloped him!

In an instant, he felt a surge in strength and speed, capable of effortlessly breaking through obstacles that once seemed insurmountable with just a single punch!

The commanders of the five major armies and numerous cadre members of the Revolutionary Army hurried over...

"Sabo, how do you feel?" Sabo, still slightly bewildered, clenched his fist and remarked, "It appears... I've become much stronger than before!"

Among the Whitebeard Pirates...

Ace, too, was bathed in golden light as he accepted his reward. Flames now involuntarily danced around his body, their heat even more intense than ever before!

The sight left his crewmates in awe.

Even Ace himself stood in disbelief, staring at the flames flickering between his palms, momentarily unable to react.

Reflecting on his past self, while proficient in utilizing the Flame-Flame Fruit, he had merely scratched the surface...

But now, he had awakened its full potential!


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