
One Piece : Luffy is Exposed

In the year 1520 of the lunar calendar, Luffy embarked on his journey to the sea! Roger had long been executed, and order ruled the seas, with the Navy resting comfortably in their headquarters. But then, a sudden live broadcast sent shockwaves throughout the world! Top Ten Remarkable Battles Revealed! Top 10: Gecko Moria vs. Nightmare Luffy! Top 8: Fierce encounter with the leopard-form Lucci, fighting for Nakama! ... Top 6: A dignified opponent, New World's Doflamingo! ... Top 3: The Paramount War's epic clash! ... With this revelation, everyone witnessed Luffy's remarkable growth and increasing strength. Even the Navy began to realize the looming danger! From their initial disdain and contempt, their sentiments gradually shifted to fear and admiration. Could this be the future Yonko? No, it's the future... king!!! ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/PirateKing24

PirateKing24 · Anime & Comics
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296 Chs

Chapter 197 : Luffy, Fifth Emperor?

[As soon as these words were spoken, not only Luffy, but also Nami, Sanji, and the rest were left dumbfounded.]

["We've finally gotten away, Jinbei. Why are you turning back?"]

[Jinbei spoke slowly, "My former comrades are still out there, battling the pursuing forces of Big Mom Pirates across the borders of all nations."]

["They risked their lives to ensure our escape."]

["As their former captain and a representative of Fish-Man Island, I cannot simply stand by. I must return."]

[Jinbei's earlier departure without hesitation was driven by his knowledge of the Straw Hats' injuries.]

[Only by leading them could he ensure their escape.]

[And now, with Luffy and the others having successfully eluded the Big Mom Pirates' pursuit, Jinbei felt compelled to fulfill another duty.]

[Whether as the former captain of the Sun Pirates or as a member of Fish-Man Island, he couldn't allow his comrades to fight alone while he escaped.]

[So, no matter what, he had to go back.]

[Understanding Jinbei's concerns for his friends, Luffy, Nami, Sanji, and the rest refrained from dissuading him.]

[They simply watched him with concern.]

[As the captain, Luffy grasped Jinbei's worries about his comrades.]

[He spoke with utmost seriousness, "Jinbei, promise me you'll return."]

["Your life belongs to me now. As your captain, you mustn't sacrifice it in vain."]

[Seeing Luffy's earnest expression, Jinbei smiled and nodded firmly.]

[He then rose, turned, and made his way to the side of the boat.]

[In that moment, Luffy was overcome with excitement and shouted after Jinbei's departing figure.]

["Jinbei, no matter what happens, even if it costs you your life, ensure you return alive!"]

[Jinbei didn't look back or respond, leaving everyone with the image of his resolute and gallant departure.]

[Then, he leaped into the sea, disappearing beneath the waves.]

Jinbei's actions deeply resonated with viewers worldwide.

After all, the sight of Jinbei, who had escaped Big Mom's grasp, standing alongside the Straw Hat Pirates, was a clear betrayal of her.

Though viewers didn't witness the subsequent confrontation between Jinbei and Big Mom, it was evident that her animosity towards him would run deep.

Given Big Moms ruthless nature, she would never abide Jinbei's betrayal, sparing his life!

So now Jinbei ventures once more into the Totto Land, an undeniably perilous gambit!

Yet, he forgoes a backward glance for the sake of his former comrades.

Such bravery and sense of duty are truly commendable!

Jinbei indeed proves himself a steadfast and dependable ally. His incorporation into the Straw Hat Pirates furnishes this band of merry adventurers with a stalwart presence.

For in the Straw Hat Pirates, mischief reigns supreme, even among the slightly more composed figures like Zoro, Sanji, Robin, and others...

Not long after boarding the Straw Hat vessel, they begin to succumb to Luffy's infectious spirit...

They are all so unpredictable!

With the inclusion of a steadfast figure like Jinbei, the stability of the Straw Hat Pirates undoubtedly surges!

Yet, this also prompts concerns regarding Jinbei's safety as he journeys to Totto Land this time.

Will he successfully extricate himself and return to the ship after fulfilling his pact with Luffy to rescue his comrades?

Could it be that having just joined the Straw Hats, he'll be swept into turmoil without even engaging in a single skirmish?

After all, he once stood as one of the former Warlords of the Sea and the mightiest warrior of the fish-men tribe!

Faced with an ordinary adversary, many spectators would naturally harbor no worries.

However, confronting the mightiest sovereign of the seas, one of the Four Emperors, poses a different challenge. At this juncture, many who are acquainted with Jinbei also fret for his safety.

Yet, I also admire his resolve to traverse the expanses of all nations once more for the sake of his comrades!

The Whitebeard Pirates!

As the Yonko crew presently safeguarding the entirety of Fish-Man Island, who better understands Jinbei's prowess across the vast ocean?

Certainly, it is the Whitebeard Pirates, with Whitebeard himself fostering a strong bond with Jinbei.

Even Marco, Vista, and numerous other captains share amicable ties with Jinbei.

Thus, they am cognizant of his power and dependability!

Moreover, Ace had crossed paths with Jinbei prior to joining the Whitebeard Pirates.

In battle, Jinbei could hold his own against Ace, even on solid ground. In the watery domain, Jinbei's supremacy would likely be even more pronounced!

For such a formidable and reliable force, he aligns himself with his brother's crew of pirates.

Ace felt immense relief, yet his apprehensions mirrored those of the others.

Could Jinbe truly return unscathed from these unknown waters?

At that moment, Bartolomeo embarked on the sea with his own crew. Witnessing the spectacle in the sky, he realized Jinbe had joined forces with the Straw Hat Pirates, sealing a pact with Luffy.

In an instant, tears welled up in his eyes...

The idol he revered now gained yet another ally!

"Who would have thought Jinbe, one of the Warlords, would join forces with Luffy-senpai's crew!"

"Why didn't we appreciate him earlier?"

"Jinbe-senpai's strength is remarkable!"

"He will undoubtedly return, reunite with Luffy-senpai's crew, and stand side by side in battle!"

"I yearn for the day when I can witness all of you seniors in action!"

"Don't linger, everyone. Let's strengthen ourselves and set sail for the Grand Line..."

[With Jinbe's departure, Luffy and the crew continued their journey aboard the Thousand Sunny!]

[Nearly everyone harbored deep concerns for Jinbe's expedition.]

[Except for Luffy, who boldly declared in his usual manner that Jinbe had made a promise, ensuring his return.]

[As this chapter came to a close, within just a day!]

[News of the Straw Hats wreaking havoc on Whole Cake Island reverberated throughout the world!]

[Countless were astounded by the revelation!]

[After all, when was the last time someone dared challenge the might of Big Mom?]

[But the Straw Hats not only disrupted Whole Cake Island but also eluded Big Mom's grasp unscathed, instilling fear!]

[With this news spreading, a unified voice echoed across the globe...]

[At long last... the Fifth Emperor of the Sea has emerged!]

[And that is...]

[Luffy of the Straw Hat Pirates!!!]


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