
One Piece : Luffy is Exposed

In the year 1520 of the lunar calendar, Luffy embarked on his journey to the sea! Roger had long been executed, and order ruled the seas, with the Navy resting comfortably in their headquarters. But then, a sudden live broadcast sent shockwaves throughout the world! Top Ten Remarkable Battles Revealed! Top 10: Gecko Moria vs. Nightmare Luffy! Top 8: Fierce encounter with the leopard-form Lucci, fighting for Nakama! ... Top 6: A dignified opponent, New World's Doflamingo! ... Top 3: The Paramount War's epic clash! ... With this revelation, everyone witnessed Luffy's remarkable growth and increasing strength. Even the Navy began to realize the looming danger! From their initial disdain and contempt, their sentiments gradually shifted to fear and admiration. Could this be the future Yonko? No, it's the future... king!!! ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/PirateKing24

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Chapter 194 : Q&A!

What struck Katakuri the most about Luffy wasn't merely his formidable combat skills, but rather, his unwavering spirit. Yet, what truly resonated with Katakuri was Luffy's reaction upon seeing his wide, fanged mouth.

Unlike anyone else, who typically reacted with shock, disbelief, mockery, or fear upon witnessing his mouth, Luffy remained unfazed. In Luffy's eyes, Katakuri was simply an enemy, a powerful foe, and nothing more. This indifference left a profound impression on Katakuri.

It was this purity of heart that led Katakuri to recall the words he had mustered the courage to ask Luffy during their encounter. While others might not comprehend, Katakuri understood it best himself. 

As the most formidable commander of the Big Mom Pirates and the most respected sibling among his brothers and sisters, his greatest desire was to protect his family and everything dear to him.

However, this didn't entail protecting his mother, Big Mom. Despite being his mother, Katakuri couldn't deny her extreme cruelty. 

Whenever her rage consumed her, she spared nothing in her path, not even her own children. To Big Mom, her offspring were mere tools to solidify her dominance and bolster her power.

This fundamental disagreement with his mother's principles left Katakuri feeling utterly helpless. In contrast to Big Mom's ideology, Katakuri harbored a hope that Luffy, the Straw Hat boy, would one day return and challenge Big Mom, liberating his siblings in the process.

Gazing at Luffy's departing figure in the sky, Katakuri echoed his earlier words, expressing his earnest desire:

"Straw Hat, remember your promise. One day, return to the Totto Land and vanquish your supposed foes."

Meanwhile, on Onigashima, Kaido, the Beast Pirates' captain, stood in disbelief as he witnessed the unfolding events. His imposing figure rose abruptly, his dragon-like features betraying his inner turmoil. It was evident from his bewildered expression that he was grappling with a profound sense of confusion and uncertainty.

As the Yonko with the closest ties to the Big Mom Pirates, no one understands better than Kaido the sheer might of the Big Mom Pirates' top fighters.

And none are as fearsome as Katakuri, a man who boasts of never tasting defeat.

Yet now, he's been bested?

For a moment, Kaido entertained suspicions of foul play on Katakuri's part.

How could he, the undefeated, fall to a mere fledgling like Straw Hat?

It's maddening... Could this all be some elaborate hoax?

Despite Kaido's reluctance to accept it, the truth stands before him, irrefutable and unsettling.

Thus, Kaido finds himself ensnared in a web of perplexity, unable to shake off the unsettling truth. Doflamingo, too, shares in his confusion, adrift in the enigmatic sea.

Meanwhile, Doflamingo, almost en route back to Dressrosa, watches the live broadcast, his mind already calculating.

Even if he is absent from Dressrosa this time, those associated with the Straw Hat Kid must pay with their lives!

King Riku, Violet, Rebecca, and the rest... they cannot evade my wrath!

If I can't lay a finger on the Straw Hat boy, does that mean I'm powerless against his associates?

However, amidst his scheming, Doflamingo witnesses Katakuri's defeat at Luffy's hands.

Stunned, he remains rooted to the spot even as his ship docks, his gaze fixed skyward, a grimace contorting his features.

He and Kaido share the same burning question... How could Luffy emerge victorious from this clash?

A titan like Katakuri, vanquished by him?

While not intimately acquainted with the Big Mom Pirates, as one of the Shichibukai and emperor of the underworld, Doflamingo has brushed shoulders with them.

Naturally, he's heard whispers of Katakuri's unmatched prowess.

Thus, he finds himself grappling with disbelief...

Could it be that Katakuri truly fell to Luffy?

Has the Straw Hat boy, having bested Doflamingo himself, ascended to newfound heights of power?

Strength that rivals even the Four Emperors?

This notion eclipses Doflamingo's own capabilities, leaving him unsettled.

Doflamingo harbored no doubt that should Luffy, the one who triumphed over Katakuri in that scene, return to Dressrosa, a confrontation with him would be inevitable.

Inevitably, he would lower himself to the ground, pressing his palms against it, while a foreboding weighed heavily on Doflamingo's heart.

Were he in Luffy's shoes, if he killed Rebecca and those affiliated with him.

And Straw Hat were mature in the years to come, Doflamingo couldn't fathom releasing himself from Straw Hat's grip even if he were to depart Dressrosa.

What if his prowess someday rivaled that of the Four Emperors?

It's a chilling prospect. No matter how far he flees, unless he remains in seclusion for the remainder of his days, his fate is sealed.

Doflamingo's countenance soured at this realization.

Could it be that besides Straw Hat, there's another individual he cannot subdue... or worse, those in his circle?


How exasperating it is. Just when everyone was reeling from the shock of Luffy toppling such a formidable foe as Katakuri.

And just then, the live broadcast resumed!

Yet, it no longer chronicled Luffy and company's exploits post-Totto Land.

Instead, it segued into a long-awaited Q&A session with prizes up for grabs...

[Next, the prize-winning quiz will commence. Correct answers will be rewarded at the end. Selection time: one minute!]

[What fate awaits the Straw Hat crew in the aftermath of this saga?]

[1. Despite Luffy's victory over Katakuri, he is apprehended by the Big Mom Pirates, unable to evade the wrath of Big Mom!]

[2. Luffy escapes unscathed, but his comrades fall victim to the relentless pursuit of the Big Mom Pirates!]

[3. Luffy and his companions perish within the Totto Land, consumed by the berserk fury of Big Mom!]

[4. After dealing a crippling blow to Totto Land, Luffy and his allies evade capture, attaining worldwide renown!]

The appearance of the prize quiz caught many maritime factions and influential figures off guard!

The live broadcast had enraptured them so completely that they nearly forgot about this element altogether.

Is it too late for its inclusion now?

But let me tell you, the timing of this quiz and the nature of its queries are rather absurd!

With all options seemingly plausible, how does one make a choice?


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