
One piece : King Luffy

Luffy encountered a large vortex when he went to sea and drowned in a wooden barrel. A Blue Star Soul, took this luck by chance. Occupying Luffy's body, and becoming the new Luffy. As the Background king of the sea, Luffy originally thought this was the beginning of His plot armour maxed, but he never expected the big adventure system to come! On this day, the sun god awakened in the East Blue! “Savage monkeys from the Kingdom of Goa are rampant in the East Blue!” “The vicious straw hat pirates have entered the great route!” “The despicable straw hats have destroyed the island of justice!” “Admiral of the Straw Hat Fleet, Monkey D. Luffy is approaching the Chambord Islands!” “Your Majesty the Supreme Sun God, arrived at your faithful Marie Gioia today!” When Luffy completed the dominance of the great route, he faced the news interview. “You are the king of the world now, what do you want to say to the world?” “I would like to thank the crew members who accompanied me along the way. They supported me silently under my body.” The reporter looked behind Luffy, and the girls of Ying and Yan snickering at Luffy. He couldn't help imagining what it meant and scolding secretly in his heart. For support you can visit my ko-fi page https://ko-fi.com/red_tomato # think of this as a parallel world where Luffy's soul is replaced by someone with greater plot luck leading to such a tragedy thus occupying his body and becoming one. # Casual read #author -dolly and dot

Red_tomatoes · Anime & Comics
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108 Chs

One punch

"Grab Him!"

As soon as Luffy gave the order, the Soldiers immediately took action.

They now trust Luffy one hundred per cent.


Several barrels immediately locked Klahadore.

As the highest-ranking captain in this operation, he struck past Miss Kaya and pushed the butler behind her to the ground.

"Don't move, be honest!" The captain spoke in a low tone.

The rest of the surrounding people were startled and scattered to the sides.

The girl in the wheelchair, Miss Kaya looked shocked: "Wait a minute, is there some misunderstanding?" How can Klahadore be a bad guy? "

Pressed to the ground by the captain, Klahadore struggled hard, and he said in anger.

"That's how your marine catches pirates!? By what? What evidence do you have that I am a pirate? "

"Evidence? You'll recognize it in a moment. "

Luffy chuckled, got up from the couch, and looked at everyone, "Let me tell you a story first." "

Everyone present was a little terrified.

The officer was too powerful, and although he often had a smile on his face, he acted vigorously.

Then they heard the "story":

"A few days ago, I was in the town of Shells and executed a vicious Navy colonel named Morgan."

"He was promoted to colonel 3 years ago because he made a big achievement!"

"He captured, and executed the captain of the Black Cat Pirates, 'Kuro of a Hundred Plans'."

Speaking of this, Luffy paused, stared condescendingly at Klahadore, and smiled.

"However, I found that Morgan's strength is very average, and the pirate Kuro's original bounty was 16 million Bailey, which is very unreasonable to the outcome."

"So, I investigated the original information and found the problem."

"After interrogating Morgan in secret, I realized that he was 'hypnotized', and he didn't catch Kuro at all, just thought so."

Speaking of which, Luffy pulled out an old wanted warrant from his pocket.

With his words, the wanted order slowly unfolded in front of everyone's eyes:

"Kuro of the Hundred Plans"

Extremely vicious

Life or death

Bounty: 16,000,000 Bailey

"Kuro, after playing a trick, escaped, making the world think he was dead. Is that so, Mr. Kuro? "

The last sentence was said to the butler Klahadore.

Kaya couldn't help but cover her mouth, and her eyes revealed an incredible gaze.

Because the photo on that old wanted warrant is almost the same as her butler Klahadore!

The rest of the crowd also exclaimed, and once again moved away a few steps and hid behind the navy.

"Looks like… The same!! "

"Mr. Klahadore, it turns out that you are a pirate!"

"It's terrible! 3 years ago, this guy fell at the door of the house, and Kuro and his group of black cat pirates also disappeared 3 years ago…"

Listening to these whispered words, Kuro, who was pressed to the ground, was furious in his heart.

Why at this critical time?

Why did the Marines come to make trouble?

Why does this little thief know I'm hiding here?

No, I haven't lost yet!

He shouted angrily: "This must be some misunderstanding!" Indeed, I look a little similar to this pirate on the wanted warrant, but how can you say that I am the pirate kuro? I was just a small crew member, not some pirate…"

On the sofa, Nami held her chin with one hand and said with disdain: "Dead-eyed man, don't admit defeat after all this?" "

Zoro was expressionless but ready for battle.

16 million pirates… After 3 years, it is only right that the strength is stronger, and it will not be easily suppressed on the ground.

"3 times."

Luffy suddenly spoke.

"What?" Kuro's killing intent was hidden in his heart, staring at the other party deadly.

"From the time I came in here and saw you, you held your glasses with the soles of your palms, and this behaviour happened 3 times."

Kuro's complexion changed drastically.

Luffy continued, "And Kuro's weapon is a ten-bladed 'cat's claw', if you wear a cat's claw, you will indeed use such an action. Kuro, a person's habit, is not so easy to change. "

Kuro: "…"

When he heard this, he knew that it was over.

As soon as the Navy takes off the black gloves he is now wearing, the same cat's paw will be found immediately.

This is irrefutable evidence.

Therefore, he lowered his head, and the glasses on his face reflected a white light.

"Klahadorel…" Miss Kaya, who noticed the atmosphere, looked at the strange housekeeper blankly: "Yes… It's you? Why? "

"Hah… Life is always full of surprises. "

kuro removed his disguise, and his voice became muffled.

According to his captain's complexion, he subconsciously stepped back.

And it was this intuition that saved his life.

In Kuro's hand, sharp cat claws appeared, and this pair of cat claws, just in an instant, almost cut his neck!

"Sure enough, it's a pirate! Luffy Sama can't make a mistake! The captain had heart palpitations.


Kuro stood up, pushed his glasses with the bottom of his palm again, looked at Luffy, and asked, "How did you know I was here?" I have erased traces of the past. "

Luffy said with a smile, "The world is full of enthusiastic people, and someone has reported you hiding here." "

Hearing this, Kuro immediately thought of a person.

He suddenly stared at Usopp.

"Is that you? Because I've been preventing you, a Little thief, from approaching my 'prey'? "

Usopp froze completely.

Events unfolded beyond expectations.

"No… It's not me…" he replied subconsciously.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter now, although there is a little accident in the plan, there is no perfect thing in the world." I had to…"

Kuro's figure moved and suddenly appeared behind Kaya, and the blade of the cat's claw pressed against Kaya's neck.

"Kill everyone!" He said grimly.

Keya's face turned even whiter with fright.

"Miss Kaya!" Usopp shouted worriedly.

So fast!

Zoro's pupils shrank, what was the way he moved just now?

"Shaving?" Nami was stunned for a moment and subconsciously looked at Luffy.

Why do pirates have Marine Six? No, it doesn't seem to be the same, not as fast as hers…

"Put the guns down. Marine! Kuro threatened, "Otherwise, what will happen to Miss Kaya's head, I can't guarantee." "

The marines looked at each other.

"Damn it!" Blame me for not suppressing him! The captain thought reproachfully.

Luffy was laughing.

Just wait for you to resist!

If you don't resist, how can Miss Kaya thank me?

If you don't resist, what will happen to my new ship?

Listen to me, thank you, Kuro.

Then, goodbye.

"Do you think you're fast?"

"What?" Kuro frowned: "Do you want Miss Kaya to die?" "

"A word to you, failure will always accompany you throughout your life. Kuro, you don't even have the slightest chance. "

Luffy said lightly.

Between words, he waved one arm and entered the second gear state.

The steam coming out of his body made Kuro stunned for a moment.

And at this moment, Luffy moved.


Faster movement than Kuro, so fast that it is difficult to catch with the naked eye.

Kuro's pupils shrank, and then he found that Luffy had approached him, a black fist, rapidly enlarging in his pupils.

"Jet... Pistol! "


Kuro didn't even have room to react, and the punch hit him in the face, shattering his bones and embedding them in his body.

With a bang, there was no time to even scream, he flew upside down and directly crashed through the entire villa.