
One piece : King Luffy

Luffy encountered a large vortex when he went to sea and drowned in a wooden barrel. A Blue Star Soul, took this luck by chance. Occupying Luffy's body, and becoming the new Luffy. As the Background king of the sea, Luffy originally thought this was the beginning of His plot armour maxed, but he never expected the big adventure system to come! On this day, the sun god awakened in the East Blue! “Savage monkeys from the Kingdom of Goa are rampant in the East Blue!” “The vicious straw hat pirates have entered the great route!” “The despicable straw hats have destroyed the island of justice!” “Admiral of the Straw Hat Fleet, Monkey D. Luffy is approaching the Chambord Islands!” “Your Majesty the Supreme Sun God, arrived at your faithful Marie Gioia today!” When Luffy completed the dominance of the great route, he faced the news interview. “You are the king of the world now, what do you want to say to the world?” “I would like to thank the crew members who accompanied me along the way. They supported me silently under my body.” The reporter looked behind Luffy, and the girls of Ying and Yan snickering at Luffy. He couldn't help imagining what it meant and scolding secretly in his heart. For support you can visit my ko-fi page https://ko-fi.com/red_tomato # think of this as a parallel world where Luffy's soul is replaced by someone with greater plot luck leading to such a tragedy thus occupying his body and becoming one. # Casual read #author -dolly and dot

Red_tomatoes · Anime & Comics
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108 Chs


Noon, Syrup Village.

"Hey, have you heard?"

"I heard that, Usopp kid shouted, and the whole village knew about it!"

"I can't believe it! The housekeeper of that mansion, Klahadore, turned out to be a Pirate with a bounty of 16 million! "

"Thanks to the Marines coming, otherwise it is not known what will happen …"

"It is said that he targeted the property of Miss Kaya and even the parents who died last year were secretly killed by that guy!"

"Abominable pirates, Miss Kaya's parents, such kind people turned out to be…"

"Speaking of pirates, the person who saved Miss Kaya this time seems to be a pirate too, and it was he who led the Marines… What's it called? "

"Monkey D. Luffy! "

In a very small village, something unusual happened, and it spread almost in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the mansion Restaurant in the village.

"Thank you so much this time, Mr. Luffy, Mr. Zoro, Miss Nami, Mr. Usopp, and of course, everyone in the Marine."

Sitting in a wheelchair, Kaya sincerely thanked everyone who was enjoying lunch.

"You're welcome. However, the matter is not over. "

Luffy ate the food slowly, swallowed a piece of meat, and said, "Kuro has been controlled, but his subordinates are not." "

"Huh?" Kaya was stunned.

"He plans to have the Black Cat Pirates attack the village and kill you in the chaos while having his subordinates hypnotize you and make a will to swallow all your possessions. I should have said before that Colonel Morgan was hypnotized and executed another person as 'Kuro' to get great credit. So, he has a subordinate who can hypnotize others…"

Luffy ate and drank, hugged the back of his head, and leisurely evaluated the other party's scheme: "To be honest, very boring plan, if it were me, I would strive to win your heart, Miss, marry you, and everything is done." 

Moreover, Kaya was already weak and sick, and she might die in a few years after marriage.

This saves a lot of effort.

Maybe Kuro originally planned it this way but found that he didn't have so much charm and couldn't get Kaya, so he changed his way.

When Kaya heard this, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle.

Zoro laughed even more presumptuously: "You're such an evil, Luffy!" "

Nami gave him a white look.

Only Usopp was a little frightened.

"Therefore, we will wait here for those pirates to deliver and completely solve the crisis in this village."

This is necessary. Don't do it, Or do it to the end.

If he pats his ass and leaves, after which the people of the Black Cat Pirates come to the village according to the plan and find that Kuro has been arrested.

Maybe they will slaughter the village to vent their anger!

"Thank you very much, Mr Luffy, if you don't mind, there are still many empty rooms in this villa, you can stay here temporarily."

Kaya raised her head slightly, looked at Luffy and said, "No, please feel free to live here, let me be a little landlord and entertain my guest!" "Your life-saving grace, I don't know what to give in return. "

"Then bother you, Miss Kaya." Luffy smiled and waved his hand, got up and said, "I'll go interrogate Kuro, you guys eat." "

Leaving the dining room, under the guidance of the butler Merry, he came to the warehouse.

Kuro was covered in blood and was punched into a coma.

Tied here at this time.

The marines at the door of the warehouse saw Luffy and immediately saluted, "Luffy Sama." "

"Wake him up."


Soon, a basin of cold water poured down, Kuro moved his eyelids, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Luffy.

"You… Finally... Be... What the…kind… Person? He spoke weakly.

"I'm the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Monkey D. Luffy. "

"Pirates?" Kuro was stunned, "Why… Pirate... Command... marine …"

"This is the gap between us, this world, ah, is about the background!" Luffy couldn't help but laugh: "A little pirate like you who escaped from the sea to the land can't understand, right?" "

Kuro: "…"

I really can't understand it.

Why would the Marine follow the orders of a pirate?

Even if the other side has a grandfather of a vice admiral, this kind of thing is incredible.

Even if the Vice Admiral was called Garp, he couldn't understand it.

"Here you go… Do what... To kill… I... Just do it… It…"

"Tell me, when will your subordinates come?"

Luffy put his hands in his pockets and asked casually: "Ouch, don't say anything about the morality of pirates, betrayal is the main theme between pirates." According to your answers, you have two endings, death right away, or, going to jail. "

Hearing this, Kuro was silent for a long time.

The other party could guess his follow-up plan, and he was a little surprised.

"Two… Two days later… Kaya… 's birthday… That. "

"Thank you for your information. Go to sleep! "

Luffy raised his foot and kicked the other in the face, and with a bang, Kuro was kicked unconscious again.

What the?

Human rights of prisoners?

Prisoners have a fart human right!

This is the pirate world, he did not kill the other party on the spot, he was already keeping his promises.

Totally a moral model!

Noble moral praise +1

"Keep it here."

Luffy turned and left the warehouse.

The butler Merry also followed, looking a little worried.

"Mr. Luffy…"

"It's okay, nothing will happen."

Luffy grinned, "There's me!" "

Upon hearing this, Merry immediately let out a long breath.

So reliable!

"Thank you very much, for not only saving Miss Kaya, but also lifting a huge crisis, I don't know what words to praise, and I don't know how to repay you."

Merry's tone was sincere.

Just give me the ship you designed, the Going Merry!

Luffy slander in his heart and asks, "Then again, is there anything wrong with Miss Kaya's legs?" "

"Yes, you also found out, Miss Keya has been weak and sick since she was a child, and she needs to take medicine for a long time." Merry sighed and said, "It's not that her legs are disabled, Miss Kaya can walk, but she is weak… Once the amount of exercise is excessive, various conditions will appear. "

"What disease? Heredity? "

"This… I don't know. When her parents were alive, they went to many doctors, but they couldn't solve it, and even the cause couldn't be found. Your guess is quite reasonable, there is a high probability of some kind of genetic disease. "

"You know what? In the Grand Line, there is a medical country with the world's top medical technology, called the  Drum Kingdom. "

Luffy finally saw the chance and said in a concerned tone, "Many doctors in the world government are from that country. I am planning to sail to the Grand Line soon, and I can escort Miss Keya to see a doctor by the way. "

Merry trembled as if he saw hope in the darkness.

"This… Is this true? Mr. Luffy! "

"Of course, if you hear that even the dead can be brought back to life in the Grand Line, but it is just a little genetic disease, you can expect good results."

Luffy smiled patted Merry's shoulder and comforted, "You can tell Kaya about this and let her decide for herself." In 2 days, when we solve the gang of pirates, tell me your decision. "

After that, he walked out of the villa.

Merry was alone in the place, caught in a tangle.

The Grand Line, the sea area called the graveyard of pirates, is rumoured to be a very dangerous place….

However, if it is with Mr. Luffy, it may be safe and smooth to sail!

"Ha," he sighed, "let Miss Kaya decide for herself, it's not my place to decide for her." "