
One piece : King Luffy

Luffy encountered a large vortex when he went to sea and drowned in a wooden barrel. A Blue Star Soul, took this luck by chance. Occupying Luffy's body, and becoming the new Luffy. As the Background king of the sea, Luffy originally thought this was the beginning of His plot armour maxed, but he never expected the big adventure system to come! On this day, the sun god awakened in the East Blue! “Savage monkeys from the Kingdom of Goa are rampant in the East Blue!” “The vicious straw hat pirates have entered the great route!” “The despicable straw hats have destroyed the island of justice!” “Admiral of the Straw Hat Fleet, Monkey D. Luffy is approaching the Chambord Islands!” “Your Majesty the Supreme Sun God, arrived at your faithful Marie Gioia today!” When Luffy completed the dominance of the great route, he faced the news interview. “You are the king of the world now, what do you want to say to the world?” “I would like to thank the crew members who accompanied me along the way. They supported me silently under my body.” The reporter looked behind Luffy, and the girls of Ying and Yan snickering at Luffy. He couldn't help imagining what it meant and scolding secretly in his heart. For support you can visit my ko-fi page https://ko-fi.com/red_tomato # think of this as a parallel world where Luffy's soul is replaced by someone with greater plot luck leading to such a tragedy thus occupying his body and becoming one. # Casual read #author -dolly and dot

Red_tomatoes · Anime & Comics
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108 Chs

Kaya gets on board

In the afternoon, on the second floor of the mansion, Kaya's room.

"Really? Mr. Merry? "

Kaya's face was full of surprise, she sat in a wheelchair, looking at the outside world from the window.

After hearing what Merry said, she turned back in surprise.

"In that magnetic drum kingdom, can it cure my disease?" She couldn't believe the confirmation.

"No… It's just that it's possible. According to Mr. Luffy, it is the country with the best doctors in the world! "

Merry did not dare to confirm the result, but said solemnly: "Regarding this country, I checked the information, and in the diaries of your parents, I also confirmed its authenticity!" "

After finishing his conversation with Luffy, he immediately investigates the information related to the Drum Kingdom in the library.

It was unexpectedly discovered that in the diaries of Kaya's parents, there were also records about the country.

Now that I think about it, her parents probably also considered taking Kaya there to seek medical treatment, right?

Only, for security reasons, they had to give up….

"I want to go!"

Kaya replied without hesitation, just finished speaking, and hesitated: "Won't this be too troublesome to Mr Luffy, I owe him a lot of kindness, this life is his…"

"It will indeed trouble Mr Luffy, but this is something that Mr Luffy took the initiative to mention, Miss Kaya, you have to seriously consider it, this trip will be very dangerous, after all, it is a place like the Great Route."

Kaya nodded slightly, her eyes looking out the window with melancholy, birds flying between the branches.

"It's nice to see them flying freely."



Syrup village, among the woods.

Zoro was shirtless, holding a huge stone in his hands, constantly lifting and lowering it.

"Training?" Luffy took a leisurely walk, eating bananas while walking over.


Zoro lowered the boulder heavily and made a bang:

"To defeat Hawkeye!"

Good ambition!

Roll yourself up!

Luffy smiled and said, "Seeing you work so hard, as a captain, I can't teach you a few hands." "

"Do you want to teach me the Armament Haki?" Zoro grinned.

"No, today I will show you the other two Haki." Luffy shook his head.

"The other two?"

"Observation Haki, Conquerors Haki."

As he spoke, Luffy closed his eyes and beckoned to Zoro, "Pick up your sword and attack as much as you want." "

"With your eyes closed?"

Zoro was dumbfounded.

"Come on!"

"You don't care if you are hurt? Luffy!"

Zoro immediately drew a knife and quickly attacked Luffy.

'Lunge front sword stab! And jump up!' 'Horse step flat splitting sword!'

No matter what kind of move he used, from which tricky angle he attacked, without exception, he was easily dodged.

After a series of attacks, Zoro began to fire up.

"Why can't I touch it?!"

One sword will not work, two swords!

Finally, it evolved into a three-sword flow!

However, the results are no different.

"I heard the breath of your muscles and thus predicted your attack, unless your Sword is completely faster than my dodge, you will not be able to cut for the rest of your life."

Between words, Luffy opened his eyes, and in an instant, a conqueror haki pressed towards Zoro.


Mixed with the will of the Haki, it has the power to be subservient.

Zoro's pupils shrank suddenly, and he immediately jumped back for a distance and said in shock

"Just now?"

"Conquerors Haki." Luffy explained: "People with the qualification of a king can awaken the power, and you also have such talent, but you haven't awakened yet. "

I have it too.

Zoro said incredulously: "How? Is it okay to just stare at the eyes? "

"What stupid thing are you talking about?"

Luffy rolled his eyes wordlessly, "It takes strong stimulation, anger, sadness, killing intent, etc., all of which may make you awaken." "

"Even if you say this, I don't understand."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, the Conquerors haki is too early for you for the time being, compared to this, learn to use observation and armament haki first."

Saying that Luffy picked up a stick of resin from the ground and wrapped a weapon around it, causing it to instantly harden into the strength of steel.

"Come on, actual combat is the fastest! Squeeze your potential, push you to the limit, you will always awaken, right? "

This is both the exercise of Zoro and Luffy's training.

The two quickly fought.


Another day passed.

Because they knew the other party's actions in advance, when the people of the Black Cat Pirates landed from the coast, they were immediately sniped by the navy.

As soon as they landed, a large number of pirates were killed by bullets.

And several of the cadres:

Deputy Captain, Hypnotist, Jango, with the bounty of 9 million Bailey.

The Cat Man brothers, Buchi and Sham, each 7 million Bailey.

Zoro solved these three with one fighting three!

In the end, the navy cleared the battlefield, and the pirates who were still alive were escorted into the warships.

When the danger is truly lifted, Luffy plans to leave.


Merry panted and ran over, "Wait a minute, Mr. Luffy. "

"Merry," Luffy said with a smile as he stood on the deck of the Sonny, his hands resting on the edge of the ship, "The pirate matter has been settled, you can rest assured." "

"Yes, thank you very much!"

Merry bowed first, then straightened up and said, "Regarding what you said earlier, Miss Kaya has already made a decision. "

"Do you want to come with us to heal?" Nami's eyes have changed into the shape of Bailey's.

When she learned about this from Luffy, she immediately thought of making a big profit!

"Yes!" Merry nodded, "I'm going to cause you guys some trouble." 

"Miss Kaya, where is she?" Nami looked behind Merry, but there was no figure.

As she spoke, Kaya's voice came from the other side.

"Luffy-san, Nami-san."

The two turned their heads in unison.

I saw a light sailing ship slowly coming from the other side of the port.

The ship was a lap smaller than the Sonny, and for Nami, it didn't feel much.

But for Luffy, there was a long-lost closeness.

Going Merry!

He will never forget the moment when the ship burned down.

All blame the group of second goods in the original work and do not know how to cherish at all, after entering the Grand Line, when they arrived in the capital of waters, the Merry could not hold on.

This time, though, he's the captain.

He must let the Merry reach the Final Island!

"Miss Kaya."

Luffy was on the deck of the Merry and saw Kaya standing alone.

"Yes, Luffy San, I'll be in troubling you again for a while ."

When the ship approached, Kaya said very politely: "This ship was designed by Mr. Merry, I don't know how to repay your kindness, I heard that you want a new ship, so I will give this one to you." "

"Thank you so much."

Luffy smiled and shouted at the warship not far away, "Zoro, this ship will be your ship in the future, don't you want to thank Miss Kaya?" "


Zoro, who was leaning on the railing of the warship, held the wine bottle in one hand, grinned when he heard this: "Thank you." My ship? Good! "

Kaya covered her mouth and chuckled:

"It's great that you guys like it."

Seeing this, Luffy stretched out his hand and took the person from the Merry.

"Nami, Kaya's health is not good, you take care of her more."

Nami smiled and nodded, looking into Kaya's eyes as if looking at a walking Bailey.

"Kaya, I will take care of you until you get better."

"Yes, Miss Nami, sorry to trouble you!"

"Don't worry, when you get to the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, there will be a doctor who can cure you. what Luffy said will come true! "

Nami's gentle reassurance.


Kaya nodded happily.

She also wants to be able to soar freely like a bird, instead of sitting in a wheelchair and looking out the outside world from the window.

"Then let's go."

Luffy nodded in satisfaction and immediately jumped onto the Merry.

"Set sail, set sail!"

As the ship slowly sailed out, a figure carrying a huge package rolled down the slope.

"Wait!" Usopp hurriedly shouted, "Luffy, take me, I…"

Bang bang!

He rolled around and hit the sides of the slope a few times, and by the time he rolled to the shore, the man had already fainted.

"Hahaha, get on board! I thought you wouldn't come, Usopp, that would be a big disappointment. "

Luffy naturally didn't mind taking Usopp with him, and he quickly reached out and caught Usopp who fainted on the shore on the Merry.

[Recruit crew member Usopp, qualified shooting skills, reward 400 adventure coins].

in the system's prompt.

Sonny carries Nami and Kaya.

The Merry carries Luffy and Usopp.

The warship escorted numerous pirates, as well as Zoro, who was drinking alone.

Three ships slowly sailed towards the sea.

On the shore, butler Merry's heartfelt wishes sounded:

"Have a good journey, Mr. Luffy, Miss Kaya will depend on you!"