
One piece: Journey with a system

A Title is nothing but a name without power no title is of any use if you are not able to help yourself and the ones closest to you, So I will become strong, strong enough that no one can stand against me and my might.

Shaikh_Tohaa · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Excuse me


As the man who captured and fought toe to toe against the Pirate King and the famous Marine Hero Garp everyone's respect for him as a fan of Gol-D-Roger the young Marine student he is also no exception although he respects his teacher a lot, however, he still wants to know about Garp and learn a thing or two but the old man doesn't take any students to his disappointment but he still got to learn a little from the time teacher Zephyr brought Garp and introduced him than they fought a little to enlighten them.

A few days ago while training he heard teacher Zephyr laughing with Vice-Admiral Garp and Fleet-Admiral Sengoku "You two are joking right? "

"You have no idea how he will react every time the crakers falls on his head. " Sengoku said with a crazy laugh not caring about his reputation as the Fleet-Admiral.

"Bwahahahaa last time he almost snatched my crakers but how can I let him. " Garp also said laughing making a fool of himself and destroying his image of a mighty Hero among the young Mariners.

"You two were playing tricks on the kid and never invited me, what kind of friends are we? " Zephyr asked with anger.

"But he can only carry the two of us and we will have to use some tricks to balance ourselves on his shoulders or we will fall. " Garp said as they continued to laugh and discuss the mysterious kid and making Smoker more and more curious if the kid.

After a few rounds of laughter and discussion, Sengoku said seriously "We need to teach him how to control his transformation or we might not be able to stop him next time. "

"Yes, he did a number on us last time when we asked him to look at the full moon. " Zephyr agreed with a nod.

"Bwahahaha and you guys said I was getting old that is why he was able to break my hand last time. " Garp said while laughing as Sengoku and Zephyr's face showed a rear trace of anger and annoyance.

"Damn it Garp if it wasn't for you would we be in such a sorry state and after that incident, even Kuzan said I am getting old and let him become the next Fleet-Admiral. " Sengoku said with anger as he punched Garp on the head.

"Damn it Sen who told you not to use your transformation and fight him head-on. " Garp said as he started fighting with Sengoku.

"Enough you two my students are going to learn bad things from the two of you old bastards. " Zephyr said while stopping the two of them from fighting.

"Huh, you are one to talk because among all three of us you were the one who got his butt handed to him by a single punch from the kid and even caugh out blood. " Garp said with a sneer.

"Yes, you were acting like he is noting and the next moment he punched you flying through the big Mountain. " Sengoku said with a laugh.

"Damn it it was you two bastard who planned this all along weren't you? " Zephyr asked in anger as Smoker thought to himself 'So that is the reason why Zephyr sensei had been avoiding class those few days when they said Fleet Admiral got stuck in a hole and broken his leg. '

"I don't know what you are talking about. " 2x

"Dman it was really you guys…."

After that, they argued a few more times as Smoker gets to know Garp has accepted a student who trains by himself at the back beach of Garp's house and decided to find out just what is so special about the kid that the 3 old men are arguing about.


As he has gathered enough information about Ryo he decided to visit him and challenge the kid in a fight to clear his doubt and show everyone he is stronger than the kid Garp is training.

As for the fact they said the kid did s number on them, he never believed it because he knows how bizarre they are and he will not be surprised if they had fought among themselves and injured themselves and saying it was the kid.

While he is leaving Hina who is bored discovered him sneaking away from the training area and quickly running to him asked with a serious face "Smoker where are you going Hina demands an explanation? "

"I have nothing to explain to you. " Smoker said with a cold face before ignoring her and quickly walking away.

"Hina will not let you get away without a proper explanation. " Hina said as she followed behind him as she doesn't have anything to do and from his expression, she is sure he is going to do something wrong and she will be able to enjoy a good show which will remove her boring times.

As Smoker knows whatever he is going to do is not good and he may get punished for his action so when he saw Hina following behind him he let out a laugh secretly not even trying to stop her while thinking 'If I am going to hell and you want to join who am I to stop you. '

As they arrived at the beach they saw a young man at his 13 to 14 pushing a huge Mountain like a retarded as Smoker started wondering if he has some screws loose in his head.

Hina on the other hand looks at his nacked upper body that has perfect muscles with the smooth skin and handsome face that speed up her heartbeat as she started wondering if he has a girlfriend not caring about the difference in their age.

After entering the beach Smoker didn't find anyone other than this retarded kid who is pushing the huge Mountain and said rudely to confirm his curiosity " So this is the famous student of Vice-Admiral Garp? "

Hearing Smoker saying famous student Hina let out a person not understanding what does he mean because this is the first time she is hearing about Garp having a student and she also doesn't like the way Smoker talking to the boy she took a liking so she angrily said "Hina doesn't like the way you are speaking Smoker. "

Looking at the beautiful girl with pink hair and the white-haired guy and their conversation Ryo got a real surprise not understanding why are they here and looking at Hina for a few seconds he estimated she is no less beautiful than Hancock maybe it has something to do with their age and Hancock will become more beautiful when she became older than turning towards Smoker who is looking at him like he is looking to some rival of him which made him a little amazed because this is the first time they meet each other as he asked politely with a surprised face "May I know why are you guys here? "

"First answer if you are the student of Vice-Admiral Garp? " Smoker asked with a very serious face.

Not understanding why he is getting so much agitated Ryo gave a nod saying "That I am indeed his student. "

"Then fight me. " Smoker said with a serious face.

"Smoker… " Hina said with a surprise.

Not knowing what is going on Ryo asked in confusin looking at Smoker if he has heard wrongly "Excuse me? "


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