
One piece: Journey with a system

A Title is nothing but a name without power no title is of any use if you are not able to help yourself and the ones closest to you, So I will become strong, strong enough that no one can stand against me and my might.

Shaikh_Tohaa · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs



The Great age of Pirates 12 th year...


It's been half a year I have been training under Garp and learned nothing that can help me in a fight but yesterday he gave me a day saying I am strong enough to start the real thing and it will be good to take a day off and rest but I didn't want to take a day off from training because the time I waste someone will surpass me and I know there are a lot of stronger people than me in the world.

So yesterday I trained with meditation and trying to upgrade my devil fruit mastery and use it in more way than just controlling metallic elements and finally, I succeeded in it.

Ok it wasn't successful in a single day but frim the time I have arrived here I was trying and finally successfully created a new skill called "Exosphere"

Using "Exosphere" I can erode any projectile when it enters my magnet zone at my will due to the immense amount of friction caused by the compacted atmosphere around me.

If the projectile is too large and tough for erosion, I can also make it orbit around the magnet zone instead of actually hitting me.

While the projectile is in orbit, I can slowly erode it from the friction of the "Exosphere" that I can use together with my magnet zone.

This is only for anyone that is nonmagnetic like those rice crackers which Garp and Sengoku used eats on my shoulder but they will not be able to anymore.

(Looks like he has created this skill just because he wanted to stop the two old man from eating rice crackers on his shoulder)

As for anything magnetic I can control then as my own weapon so I don't care about them.

Although the skill is very handy however using it consumes a lot of stamina and energy when I control the object to move around the zone to erode it and the bigger the zone of the Exosphere is the higher the consumption is.

"You have finally arrived smelly brat. " Garp said as I arrived at the beach for today's training and got surprised not finding Sengoku by his side and I think he also understood my thoughts as he said with a laugh "Are you looking for Sen? "

"Yes. " I noded subconsuinsely because that old guy will always be with him in the afternoon making fun of me and angering me to no end.

"Bwahahahah you think you are some hot shit that will need the strongest of the Marine's to teach you every day. " Garp started swearing at me as I also cursed back at him a few times.

After a while, he suddenly became serious then said "Alright enough with this shit and it's time we start the real training. "

Hearing him I asked with a bored tone because in this time he has yet to teach me something decent enough to use "What are we going to do today? "

"As I said before your body ha achieved enough straight to teaching the real stuff and that is why I gave you a break yesterday so you can start the real stuff today.

As you have taken a vacation from now on prepare to go through hell kid. " Garp says with a very serious tone looking at me.

"Who are you scaring do your worst. " after everything happend with me I don't think ther is anything that can make me scared but I was really wrong as he replied with a smile "Remember you have asked for it? "

Looking at his smile I had a really bad feeling as he walked beside me and asked with a serious face "Punch me. "

"Are you sure? " I asked in confusion because even if he is strong I also not a pushover you need to know after 6 months of bodybuilding I have enough strength to break a few hundred tall Mountain with a punch.

"Do I look like I am joking with you? " Garp asked with a sharp eve as I didn't hesitate any more and punched at him just for him to dodge my punch like nothing.

You won't believe what just happened when I punched him it wasn't him who moved but it was his body that moved on its own like paper that doesn't get affected by anything and my punch was like…

Anyway looking at the slow yet extreme fast movement of Garp couldn't help but exclaim "No way. "

Ignoring my surprise he shouted seriously "Again. "

After hundreds of times of trying I am still unable to punch him and started getting tired and feeling true combat training is harder than I thought but back on Earth it wasn't this hard right.

After a few dozens of more punches, I discovered something and asked the system inside my head 'System Active Monkey Mimicry. '

[Ding!!! New skill added Kami-e level 1 mastery 01% ]

Immediately after I actived my mimicry I discovered Garp is using one of the 6 styles no winder he was dodging my attack so easily that even with my magnetic zone I wasn't able to touch him once not to mention punch him once.

As I understood what is going on I knew if I continue like this it is going to be useless and actived Exosphere which slowed Garp's movement and U finally landed a punch on his face as he also punched towards me in an extreme speed but using Exosphere I slowed his movement and Using "Kami-e" although nowhere near a newbie but I was still able to dodge his punch and we continued and finally when I reached 10% I was so exhausted that I wasn't able to move as he left me behind saying "That was your Devil fruit ability back then if I am not wrong. "

"Yes. " I only gave a nod as he said "Alright practice this skill to its limit before I teach you, next techniques. "

Garp left after explaining Kami-e properly as my 6 style training began.

After 3 months I mastered the 1st level of all six of the Marine six style and trying to level up Iron mass to the second level when someone calls out "So this is the famous student of Vice-Admiral Garp? "

Turning around I saw a young man in his 20s walking over me smoking while beside him is an extremely beautiful young girl who is also in her 20s smoking while saying "Hina doesn't like your way of speaking Smoker. "

Usually, no one comes here when I train so I asked the two of them even if with surprise "May I know why are you guys here? "

Why do you think they came to visit?

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