
One Piece : Journey For Adventure

Follow Axel Black on his journey through the hard work, Through the Blood, Sweat and Tears that he and the Straw Hat's endure, Witness as he follows his Dream and his Promise to someone dear to him, To have the Greatest Adventure known to man kind, No matter what!. *Warning : I will update when i feel like it and Also please do not judge my writing too badly as i sometimes strugle to put ideas into words in general. *Disclaimer : I do not own One Piece or The Characters and Their Stories that belongs to it i only own the Characters i make and their Stories The Owner of One Piece Is Eiichiro Oda.

BlazingImmortal · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 8 : Expanding Adventure Part 2

"Yahahaha I'm still alive after all, I got lucky" Luffy says in laughter at the situation while all the spectators have dumb founder expressions while looking Luffy with their mouths wide open in shock.

"Hahahah looks like I made the best decision to join this crew even the world favours his coming adventure" Axel says quietly to him self in relief and excitement as he went and stood next to Zoro and Sanji (who seemed equally shocked as the crowd).

"Stop talking nonsense already, another trouble seems to be brewing" Zoro state's with a grave look adorned on his face as suddenly marines charge into the square surrounding the everyone there in a large circle trapping them there.

The marines rushed forward clashing with the pirates from Buggy's crew as the sounds of swords clashing and glancing off each other were heard all around them and people were being taken out all over the place some bodies flying at the group of four and luffy was viewing it all with excitement.

"Hey Luffy, this is no time to be excited, we need to get out of here" Zoro informs while clutching the back of Luffy's shirt ready to pull him away to start running.

"We need to head back to the ship, or we'll never be able to leave the island! We won't be able to get to the Grand Line" Sanji states in hopes of informing their captain of the severity of the situation which he seems to understand if the look on his face is to go by.

The group of four taking off down one of the streets as the marines shout to stop them and a group attempts to block them from leaving but are quickly dismantled by them as Sanji slams kicks at anyone who comes close to him, Zoro slashes through everyone in his path, Axel smashing those dumb enough to stand in front of him flying into buildings with his bat and lastly Luffy who unleashes a barrage of punch at any  approaching him leaving the group of marines decimated on the ground taken out of the fight in an instant.

The Staw Hat pirates continue running on their path hoping to reach the ship soon with rapidly growing numbers of persistent marines chasing after them when they come across a blue haired lady with a sword who clearly has a vendetta against Zoro who indulged her need for a fight and told them to go so Axel complied started to take off.

"Dont take to long ya hear" Axel say's to Zoro who merely grins and nods this causing annoyance in Tashigi who lashed out in anger at Axel's words.

"Did you just assume I would lose to him because I'm a girl!" Tashigi asks with growing anger on her face.

"What does you being a girl have to do with anything" Axel asked, genuine confusion visible on his face while staring at the girl for an answer who was stunned at the question with her mouth hung open in shock.

"I just know our Vice-Captain won't lose here to a Marine, he is after all gonna be the future Worlds Strongest Swordsman" Axel states in absolute confidence as he turns around and continues running, failing to notice the grinning face of his Captain and the smirk on Zoro's face at the words he spoke.

"I see the Exit! The harbour is up there!" Axel hears Luffy shout as he catches upto the other two still sprinting forward.

"Hey who is it this time" Sanji yells while the group of three notice a tall man ahead of them standing by a motorbike with white hair and a large Jitte who was smoking two cigars blocking their path ahead.

"You're finally here Straw Hat Luffy, Didn't I tell you, that you can't enter the Grand Line unless you beat me first?" The white haired man known as Smoker stated in a calm tone and a glare towards the small group.

"Oh, Yeah I forgot" Luffy states without a care in the world while holding his hat to his head and staring at the Marine Captain.

"You're such an airhead" (Smoker)

"Hey Luffy..." Sanji starts while Axel prepares to strike while gripping his bat.

Suddenly Axel dashes forward taking his bat out and gripping it with both hands winding up and swinging the bat forward at smoker's stomach full force with all his might, smashing through and past him Axel frowns as the hit felt of for some reason.

"Sorry, But to get to the Captain you've got to go through the crew" Axel states with a bit of pride in his tone and a smirk on his face only for that to fall when he noticed that smoker was standing as if nothing had happened and staring at him from the corner of his eye's.

"You've got some good crew mates with you Straw Hat Luffy" Smoker admits while turning his gaze back to Luffy and Sanji who were a bit shocked as they had seen what actually happened and are aware of how devastating Axel's hit's actually are.

Axel not having seen what happened prepared to strike him again although this time to the ribs, with back up from Sanji who smashed a kick at smoker's face only for both devastating attacks to simply pass straight through the Marine Captain causing smoke to disperse and spread around.

"I don't have time for you no names, WHITE BLOW!" Smoker yells as he launches two fist at both individuals with smoke billowing behind them at high speeds that smashed into them both sending Sanji flying back and crashing into a wall breaking it and Axel to be sent skidding back down the road due to the force of the punch even though he had blocked the hit just in time he winced at the dull ache through his arm but kept up relatively unharmed same as Sanji who quickly stood up slightly reeling due to taking the hit to the head.

"Sanji, Axel go on ahead, I'll be right there" Luffy states with a rare serious look adorned upon his face as Sanji and Axel look at him with a little worry but comply to his orders.

"Well I don't know about that, this is the end for you" Smoker informed in absolute confidence at his words although he didn't try to stop Sanji and Axel when they took off for the ship choosing to trust there Captain.

As Axel and Sanji were running they were joined by Zoro as intense winds were billowing around them as they arrived at the shore they quickly took care of the Marines attacking the ship smashing, kicking and slashing their way through seemingly endless numbers of Marines, quickly joined by Luffy which made it even more of a one sided fight.

"Yosh" Luffy suddenly said as he took off in the opposite direction to the ship as the other three suddenly felt a chill down there back and had the same thought along the lines of something bad coming soon so they took off even faster towards the ship that was being pushed away by the currents only to be slammed into by Luffy who had catapulted himself back towards the ship taking all three along with him causing them all to smash into the deck and crumple to the floor laid out as Nami and Usopp greeted them fondly.


"Look at that light" (Nami)

"Is that the lighthouse of the island" Usopp asked while clinging to the main mast for dear life, not liking the raging storm at all.

"It's a 'Guiding Light' lies ahead of that light" Nami informs the rest of the crew who gain excited grins (Besides Usopp) however none were as excited as Axel and Luffy at the coming adventure.

"So what do you want to do" Nami asks their captain with a grin.

"D..Don't you guys think that entering the Grand Line amidst this storm is a bit....!" Usopp tries to reason only to be ignored by the rest of the crew as Sanji walks out into the middle of the deck carrying a barrel.

"Shall we hold a Launching Ceremony for setting sail onto the Grand Line" Sanji inquires with a large grin spread across his face while having everyone gather around the barrel in a circle around it at their replies.

"In order to find the All Blue!" Sanji declares while lifting his foot and settling his heel on it.

"In order to become the Pirate King!" Luffy declares following Sanji's example understanding what the cook was trying to do as did every else as they followed them.

"In order to become the Greatest Swordsman" Zoro declares with a smirk on his face at all the challenges ahead.

"In order to Draw a Map of the World" Nami declares following up Zoro.

"In order to Have the Greatest Adventure" Axel declares as images of his sister flash through his mind bringing a bright smile to his face at all the exciting times to come.

"T....T..To become a Brave Warrior of the Seas" Usopp quickly follows not wanting to be left behind by the rest now all with a foot on the barrel.

"Were going.... To the Grand Line!" Luffy exclaims prompting everyone to reply "Yeah" as they all raise their foot and bring it down on the barrel crushing it under foot.


"The Entrance to the Grand Line is a Mountain" Nami informs while slamming the map in her hands down on the table, receiving incredulous looks from the entire crew at how weird that sounds.

"A Mountain?" Usopp asked in confusion at the information provided.

"Exactly. I had a hard time believing it myself when I looked at the map, But look! But the Light of Guidance was directly pointing at Reverse Mountain located right here on the Red Line" Nami informs the rest of the crew while Axel zones out while thinking of all the new adventures waiting for him in the Grand Line causing him to shake with excitement.

When Axel finally zoned back in everyone was outside on the deck so he walked out to see what was going on only to feel the ship moving up to the sky at a fast pace and after looking around he notice many giant sea monsters causing him and the rest of the straw hats to pale in freight.

"What the hell happened while I was zoned out!" Axel screamed to the rest of the crew only to be met with frightened silence until Nami chose to answer the red eyed male.

"We've entered the Calm Belt" she informs with tears in her eyes trying to remain quiet to avoid any of the sea monster's attention.

"What the hell is the calm belt" Axel asked while also trying to remain quiet.

"It's a den for Sea King, (Especially the big ones)" Nami stated the last part in a wisper but everyone heard her any way.

"Alright, As soon as this thing dives back down into the sea start rowing your arm's off, Got it!" Zoro order's to which everyone replies "Aye Aye" as Zoro, Luffy, Sanji and Axel grab an ore ready to row with all their might only for the Sea King they are on to sneeze and send the flying back through the air Nearly loosing Usopp until Luffy caught him and the ship crash landing back into the storm.

"Now do you understand why we have to use the Entrance" Nami asked rhetorically only for Axel to zone her out due to mental exhaustion.