
One Piece : Journey For Adventure

Follow Axel Black on his journey through the hard work, Through the Blood, Sweat and Tears that he and the Straw Hat's endure, Witness as he follows his Dream and his Promise to someone dear to him, To have the Greatest Adventure known to man kind, No matter what!. *Warning : I will update when i feel like it and Also please do not judge my writing too badly as i sometimes strugle to put ideas into words in general. *Disclaimer : I do not own One Piece or The Characters and Their Stories that belongs to it i only own the Characters i make and their Stories The Owner of One Piece Is Eiichiro Oda.

BlazingImmortal · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 7 : Expanding Adventure Part 1

After an Exciting night of partying non-stop with the village after the defeat of the Arlong pirates and an entire morning of packing and loading the ship Axel was ready to fall asleep for as long as possible but decided to wait until they had departed Incase.

After Zoning back in on the conversations going on around him Axel was in time to catch Johnny and Yosaku's farewell that Axel returned telling them they will meet again someday in the future and to get stronger.

"Well we should get going, to" Usopp says turning to the rest of the crew, causing Sanji to panic and stammer.

"Hey! Hold on! What about Nami-san?!" Sanji quickly spouts out.

"Maybe she's not coming" Zoro states as if there is nothing wrong.

"W.. Why not Bastard you made another pass at Nami-san, didn't you?!" Sanji accused in barely veiled anger and pointy teeth at Zoro.

"Why would I do that" Zoro asked in confusion at the the deranged blonde man.

"Yeah If anyone here did that obviously it would be you, ya blonde Dumbass" Axel states in annoyance towards the perverted cook who looked back at him incredulously.

"So mean Axel you're just jealous of that me and Nami-san are all lovey-Dovey!" Sanji yells with shark teeth at both Axel who looked completely disinterested and Zoro who was laughing at Sanji.

"Nah I'm all good you can enjoy your love with her all you want" Axel states in a bored tone at Sanji who beamed at him.

"Really Axel Your the best! Nami-san where are you!" He yells out while looking around only to stop when Axel smashed his fist down on top Sanji's head leaving a bump on his head that swelled up.

"Just because I don't care doesn't mean she doesn't DUMBASS!" Axel yells with pointy teeth and a raised fist at the downed cook.

"What an idiot" Zoro states while looking at Sanji with a mild trace of disgust.

"Shut Up!" Sanji yells with pointy teeth at Zoro who is standing off to the side the turns to Luffy who had just finished listening to what Usopp was saying.

"If Nami-san isn't coming then 98% of my reason for being on this boat is gone" Sanji yells with shark teeth at Luffy who had not played any attention.

"Does your dream mean so little to you" Axel asked in genuine confusion at Sanji who was stumped on what to say.

"Of course they mean another to me idiot! I just wanted Nami-san here as well" Sanji yells while glaring at Axel.

"Don't worry Sanji she will be here before we leave" Luffy states with absolute confidence.

Axel zoned out until he noticed the ship moving with an orange haired girl rapidly approaching the deck through the air and after landing lifted up her shirt causing all the villagers wallets to fall out and making everyone smile as Axel chose to go to sleep leant back on the main mast.


"Keep Raising it and I'll stop buying the paper" Nami threatened with a finger shoved into the chest of a News Coo who just looked exasperated at the girl.

"Are you really arguing about price to the bird who most likely doesn't choose the fares" Axel asked in confusion towards the girl who snapped at him immediately.

"I KNOW THAT! IT'S JUST GETTING ANNOYING!" Nami yells at Axel with pointy teeth causing Axel to hold his hand up in a placating position to calm her down.

"So what's in the paper" Axel asks just as luffy fell down from above and was arguing with Sanji about the tangerines.

As Nami sat down and opened the news paper a slip of paper fell out and floated to the floor drawing everyone's eyes to it.

"WAAAAAA" Everyone screamed as they noticed what was on the paper as Luffy's official first bounty of 30 million berries causing luffy to laugh with excitement.

" We're officially wanted now" Luffy states with a prideful tone and excitement.

"Hey how come we didn't get one" Axel asked in jealousy while Sanji pouts of to the side after noticing even Usopp was in the paper and he wasn't, which caused Zoro to turn to Axel and address the red eyed male.

"Don't worry Axel soon we'll also have ones" Zoro states with absolute confidence in his tone making Axel smile at the thought.

"Let's rush to the Grand Line, Men!" Luffy exclaims in excitement causing everyone to dance around in glee while ignoring Nami's warnings about the dangers.

"Ahhhhh I can't wait captain this is so exciting!" Axel screams out at the top of his lungs matching Luffy's excitement grin for grin and fists clenched in the air.


While the crew was relaxing on deck waiting for Sanji to finish cooking food a Navy ship belonging to Iron fist Fullbody pulled up next to the Going Merry and after arguing with luffy got ready to fire a Canon at him at which time Zoro got up walked over and told luffy he would take care of it he sliced the Canon ball in half as it sailed past the ship into free waters where it harmlessly exploded the second shot also backfired at the Marines due to faulty canons causing them to instead board the Going Merry.

The subordinates were quickly taken down by Sanji and Axel which at the sight of the two terrifying guy's caused them to turn tail and run from the monsters they have faced.

After the meal Sanji had prepared was finished Axel dozed off again to wait for something exciting.


After arriving at Loguetown Axel decided to look after the ship as he has already been here before he was not as excited as the others because it reminds him of his sister however after a long time of waiting around he got bored and decided to head into town to find the rest of the crew.

After arriving at the towns main attraction the execution platform of which Gold Roger was executed on he noticed Luffy standing up on the platform and smiled to himself about his captains silliness until he noticed some pirates and marines surrounding the platform all intent on getting at Luffy making Axel quickly rush forward to help if he needed it.

Axel saw a Dark green haired man suddenly trap Luffy at the top of the platform which caused him to panic and rush forward with his Bat drawn ready to strike the platform and bring it down when he was blocked by the buggy pirates.

"Hey stop right there bastard!" one of the buggy pirates backed up by a dozen others shouted at Axel who was still rapidly approaching.

"Move" Axel simply uttered with a cold tone as he swung his bat at the pirate screamed at him, the bat striking him across the chest, sending him flying back into the group of pirates behind and crashing brutally into them causing all of the to blast of in different directions taken out of the fight this caused all the others around to star at Axel in fear.

As Axel rushed forward he headed the clown who was now up on the platform with Luffy yelling something downwards until he was suddenly blocked by a female with black hair scarce clothes and a Kanabo (Black bat with spike at the end) not paying much attention he swings his bat at the new enemy in front of him only for his bat to slide off of her causing no damage and making Axel frown at the person blocking him.

"Sorry I can't let you through, you won't be able to get passed me let alone scratch me, All of your attacks will just slip right off my skin" Alvida says smugly as she takes in the sight of the male whose eye's turned cold at the sight of her.

Alvida had no time to react when Axel blasted towards her high speeds swung his bat around into a reverse grip and held his bat low to the ground after he got with in range her, he suddenly placed his other hand on the grip the right way and swung upwards towards her with full strength while shouting "Skyward Heavenrend" and swinging the bat so hard that even though he basically skimmed her making Alvida Smirk at the perceived fairly and was about to comment when she felt a wave of air slam into her full force sending careening through the air to the edge of the square causing all the onlookers to be astonished at the feat displayed.

Axel was starting to have a panic attack when he looked up and saw luffy smiling out at the crowd while the clown pulls out a sword intent on taking Luffy's head.

Axel briefly notes that Zoro and Sanji have arrived as well along side him, having taken out majority of the pirates between the two of them but he briefly noted they wouldn't make it in time either which caused him to panic even more till he snapped at which point all the fighters felt the change in the air as they looked at the man with a Bat who sported a terrifying cold look that promised a brutal death staring at Buggy who paused for a second with a little sweat forming at the intensity of the stare.

"If you kill him!, You will be next" Axel stated in a dangerously cold tone that gave Buggy pause as he weighed his chances of escape against three highly skilled and strong enemies he had just witnessed easily take out his crew but after remembering all his hardships he still raised his sword ready bring it down on luffy.

"Zoro, Usopp, Axel, Sanji and Nami Sorry I'm dead" when Axel heard this he nearly broke as he kept running forward with the bat gripped the tightest he had ever held it with tears forming in his eyes at the thought of losing another person close to him, as Axel was Preparing to smash down the platform even though he would not make it in time he decided he would end buggy immediately only for Buggy to be struck by the mother of all lightning bolts just as he had raised his sword above his head, the lightning bolt being so strong that it instantly collapsed upon contact reveling a perfectly fine luffy and Axel exhales the air he was trapping just glad his captain is okay.