
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs


'Geez! These Vice Admirals are pretty powerful! How the hell did the Straw Hats survive 5 of them and killed 2 as well?!' Bonney thought as she dodged a swipe from Momonga and changed the age of a Marine into an old man before throwing that old Marine towards him as a distraction.

'I got it!' Bonney thought of an idea as she pulled out a pistol she kept hanging on the side of her waist.

She fired a bullet towards Momonga who dodged it easily with Observation Haki. Momonga used Soru to appear in front of Bonney. He swung his katana downwards at her.

Bonney raised both her hands and grabbed the katana just in time right before it could slice her in half. She grinned at Momonga who narrowed his eyes at her.

"Oil Shock." Momonga widened his eyes in disbelief as Bonney applied her aging affects to his katana, corroding it and then breaking it with her bare hands. She smiled at Momonga.



Momonga jumped back and had a hole in his stomach from the bullet Bonney shot from her revolver. She clicked her teeth in annoyance at the fact that Momonga wasn't down yet.

'At least I destroyed his weapon. Now all I have to be worried about is his fists and that disappearing technique he uses.' Bonney thought to herself.

"You bitch!! I'll kill you!!!" Momonga shouted as he used Soru to appear in front of her again. Bonney widened her eyes and fired multiple bullets towards him with her revolver.

Momonga who saw it coming with Observation Haki, dodged them all with relative ease. He hardened his fists with Armament Haki before swinging his right fist at Bonney.

"I'll crush you like the ant that you are!!" He shouted, angry that she destroyed the weapon that he'd been using since he was a Marine recruit.

"Near Death Experience!" Bonney shouted desperately. Suddenly, Momonga gasped as he rapidly aged into a skeleton before immediately reverting to his initial state.

"Gahh!!!" Momonga gasped as he staggered back a few feet with absolute horror written on his face, dealing with the psychological trauma he received from his experience. He was then staring into the barrel of a revolver.


Momonga who was extremely disturbed and distracted by his forceful near death experience, had a bullet shot through his head, killing him.

Bonney looked around her, noticing more and more Marines surrounding her. She narrowed her eyes.

'I can't deal with this much, but that guy probably could.' Bonney thought as she looked up to see Kid flying towards them with two makeshift metal arms attracted around his real arms.

"Punk Gibson!!!"


Kid slammed them into a large group of Marines to Bonney's right, crushing them instantly. He didn't stop as he raised the right metal arm and curled it into a fist.

He slammed it down onto another group of Marines, crushing them. Bonney took the chance to take out a bomb and light up the fuse. She threw it towards a group of Marines, killing them after it exploded.

Kid stopped his rampage and let the metallic objects he gathered drop onto the icy ground before looking at Bonney.

"Are you seriously crying, Pinky?!" Kid shouted at Bonney who quickly wiped her tears away. Bonney glared at him.

"No I'm not! Tell anyone and I'll turn you into a speci of dust in the air!" She threatened Kid who whistled and raised his hands defensively. Bonney then looked at Kuma before she resisted shedding tears again.

'Dad, how could they do this to you?'




"Hey, Smokey. How are ya? Is Tashigi doing well?" Luffy grinned as he clashed with Smoker. Smoker didn't answer and continued his sword fight with Luffy.

"Moody aren't ya? Must be the cigars." Luffy grumbled as Tashigi appeared beside him with her blade hardened with Armament Haki.

"Hya!" Tashigi yelled as she swung towards Luffy who used his left hand to grab the blade. With his raw strength he pushed her back, making Tashigi stumble back.

Luffy looked at Smoker before he kicked him in the face with his Haki imbued leg. Smoker winced as he was sent flying back. He quickly recovered from the attack before he charged back at Luffy with his Seastone jitte in hand.

He transformed himself into smoke before launching himself at Luffy who narrowed his eyes at Smoker's move.

Smoker widened his eyes as he was kicked in the face by someone else. He tumbled violently on the ground before Tashigi helped him up.

"Hancock!! Why aren't you doing your job as a Warlord?!" Smoker shouted while pointing his weapon at Hancock who stood in front of Luffy defensively.

" Shut up!! Nothing you say can break my anger! How dare you try to attack my beloved Luffy!!" Hancock shouted angrily while the pirates and Marines around her gasped in shock and disbelief.

"Why is the Pirate Empress protecting Straw Hat?!"

"Did she just call Straw Hat her beloved?!"

"Are they secretly dating or something?!"

"I won't let you live!! I've never felt this angry all my life!! I'm going to chop you up and feed you to Salome!! " Hancock declared as Smoker froze in place, feeling the full force of Hancock's Conqueror's Haki. Salome licked it's lips while staring hungrily at Smoker.

"This Haki... So powerful..." Tashigi whispered while Smoker narrowed his eyes at Hancock.


"Yes honey~?" Hancock replied sweetly to Luffy who blushed a little at what the Pirate Empress called him.

Meanwhile, Ivankov was panting while staring at the ever stoic Kuma who was holding his bible while smoke came out of his mouth.. He had just been attacked by the Warlord.

"What is the matter with you!? It is me, Ivankov?! Have you forgotten me?! We escaped during the Native Hunting Competition on God Valley, remember?!" Ivankov shouted but to no avail as Kuma just kept walking towards him.

"If you don't stop now, I have no choice but to attack you!!" Ivankov threatened before he heard someone laughing crazily. He looked at Doflamingo who was sitting on a dead pile of Marines.

"I don't know what this God Valley is or what history you two have.. but just give up, talking is useless, Emporio Ivankov!! The man you once knew, the Tyrant Bartholomew Kuma, he is dead!"

" NOO!!! THIS CAN'T BE!!!! " Ivankov widened his eyes as he looked at Bonney who was on the ground wailing loudly. Doflamingo scratched his head.

"Uh, who are you and why are you crying?" Doflamingo asked her but he got no answer, instead Bonney cried louder.

"Must be family or something...." He grumbled before laughing.

" Oh that's makes it even better! Hehahahaha!!!!"



"Here, take this. It's the key to Ace's handcuffs." Hancock whispered while quickly handing Luffy a key. Luffy grinned broadly before he leaped at Hancock and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you, Hancock. I owe you big time." Luffy whispered to her ear while caressing her back. Hancock felt like her face was on fire at the intimacy from Luffy's words and actions.

"I-i-it's fine.... D-don't mention it... B-but y-you gotta.... You gotta move quickly, Luffy!" Hancock reminded him. Luffy grinned before he squeezed her butt, making her squeal loudly.

" Kyaaa!!!~~~"

Luffy laughed as he ran away from her.

"Thanks again Hancock!!!" Luffy shouted as Hancock who was weak in the knees, dropped to the ground and started breathing heavily.

She took a look at Luffy while feeling a type of emotion she never felt before.

It was lust.

Meanwhile, the people around her were shocked that she was defeated while Smoker was traumatized, witnessing Luffy squeeze her butt.

"Smoker-san, we should—"

"Yeah yeah, I hear you." Smoker sighed as he prepared to chase after Luffy again.

"And you!! Stand back, insolent fools!!! You shall not pass!!" Hancock shouted while performing her signature 'looking down on others so much she's looking up' pose.

"Geez, do you have any idea what the Marines are gonna do to you after you've gotten in our way?" An annoyed Smoker asked her.

" Do what you will, by you cannot get in the way of our love! "

" Right. "



"Is that Teddy bear and Pinky?" Luffy mumbled as he was running towards Ivankov who was shouting at Doflamingo while Kuma stood to the side stoically and Bonney was on the ground wailing.

"You are telling lies!! There's no mistaking him!! He's the user of the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi!! He's Kuma, answer me damnit!! " Ivankov shouted in denial.

"Iva-chan! You know this guy?" Luffy asked as he stared at Kuma. Ivankov nodded.

" After a fashion... But there's something wrong with him!"

"Yeah, I can tell. He's like those Pacifistas guys back at Sabaody now." Luffy commented, noticing the emotionless expression Kuma has. Doflamingo laughed.

"You wanna know?! Fine! It was just the other day the Government Scientist Dr Vegapunk did the last of his modifications on him! He's now become the perfect weaponized human! It's better to call him 'former' Bartholomew Kuma!" Doflamingo explicitly before laughing loudly.

" Vegapunk.... " Bonney whispered shakily. She knew who Vegapunk was very well. Vegapunk was the person who cured her Sapphire Scales disease.

"If your feeble minds still couldn't understand, he basically became the Government's test subject. He volunteered himself to become a weaponized human!"

" They started with his hands, then his legs, his body kept his original consciousness piece by piece, little by little, he was being modified!"

" You are lying again flamingo!! Kuma hated the Government! There is no way he would just hand himself over just like that!!" Ivankov shouted angrily. Doflamingo chuckled and shook his head.

" Scream at me all you want, even I don't know what kind of deal he made with them. Even a few days ago he still retained his original personality."

" But now he's a walking corpse with no memory of ever being a human! Now he's the Government's monster, hearing only their command to strike!!"

Kuma opened his mouth and charged up a yellow beam at Ivankov, Bonney and Luffy. Doflamingo grinned as he enjoyed Ivankov's and Bonney's horrified expressions.




Under his curved, thin white sunglasses, Doflamingo widened his eyes as Luffy disappeared and reappeared in front of Kuma before delivering a Haki coated punched mixed in with Rokuogan and Emission.

Kuma flew very far, he crashed into the large multistory Marine Headquarters building and didn't come out.

"DAD!!!" Bonney screamed in horror as Luffy walked past Doflamingo who just stared at him with a crazed grin on his face.

"Oi." Doflamingo called out to Luffy who gently picked Bonney up from the ground.

"Oi!" Doflamingo narrowed his eyes and had an annoyed expression on his face. Luffy looked back at him.

"What do you want? I'm on a time limit here." Luffy asked. Doflamingo gritted his teeth at Luffy's uncaring tone. It was as if Doflamingo wasn't worth his time fighting.

"You guys will lose today by the way." Luffy added before Doflamingo could speak. He pointed at the Marine Headquarters building, specifically at the hole where a malfunctioning Kuma was in.

"This is the World Governmen you work for!! These are the people meant to protect the innocent! Killing a man without a second thought, they are more pirate than we are! Today, I will topple that very force and humiliate the World Government!" Luffy declared. Doflamingo laughed.

"Pirates are evil, Marines are righteous?! These terms have always changed throughout the course of history Straw Hat!! Kids who've never seen peace and kids who've never seen wars have different values!!"

" Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right?! This place is neutral ground! Of course justice will prevail, whoever wins this war becomes justice!!! "

"Then I'll make sure to win this war!!"

To be continued.....